/* * GIZMO.C * GizmoBar Version 1.00, Win32 version August 1993 * * Allocate, free, find, and enumerate functions for the GIZMO structure * and a generic subclass procedure to handle tabbing between gizmos. * * Copyright (c)1993 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved * * Kraig Brockschmidt, Software Design Engineer * Microsoft Systems Developer Relations * * Internet : kraigb@microsoft.com * Compuserve: >INTERNET:kraigb@microsoft.com */ #include #include "gizmoint.h" /* * In order to control tabbing in the gizmos, we need to subclass * real pushbuttons, edit controls, listboxes, and comboboxes. So * we keep an array of the four original procs for such controls. */ WNDPROC pfnOrg[CSUBGIZMOS]={NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; TCHAR szStatic[]=TEXT("static"); TCHAR szEdit[]=TEXT("edit"); TCHAR szCombobox[]=TEXT("combobox"); TCHAR szListbox[]=TEXT("listbox"); TCHAR szButton[]=TEXT("button"); //Here so PAINT.C can get at it. TOOLDISPLAYDATA tdd; /* * GizmoPAllocate * * Purpose: * Allocates and initializes a GIZMO data structure. * * Parameters: * pfSuccess LPINT flag indicating success of failure. * ppFirst LPLPGIZMO providing the first gizmo in this list. * hWndParent HWND of the parent of this gizmo. Can be NULL for * iType==GIZMOTYPE_BUTTON* or GIZMOTYPE_SEPARATOR. * iType UINT gizmo control type. * iGizmo UINT index of this gizmo in the GizmoBar. * uID UINT identifier to send with WM_COMMAND for this control. * dx, dy UINT width and height of the gizmo. * pszText LPTSTR to the text for edits, listboxes, combobox, and text. * dwStyle DWORD style for edits, lists, and combos, and texts. * hBmp HBITMAP for button gizmos, is applicable. * iImage UINT index into hBmp for the button image, if applicable. * uState UINT initial state of the control. * * Return Value: * LPGIZMO If NULL returned then GizmoPAllocate could not allocate * memory. If a non-NULL pointer is returned with * *pfSuccess, then call GizmoPFree immediately. If you * get a non-NULL pointer and *pfSuccess==TRUE then the * function succeeded. */ LPGIZMO GizmoPAllocate(LPINT pfSuccess, LPLPGIZMO ppFirst, HWND hWndParent , UINT iType, UINT iGizmo, UINT uID, UINT dx, UINT dy, LPTSTR pszText , HBITMAP hBmp, UINT iImage, UINT uState) { LPGIZMO pGizmo; LPGIZMO pCur, pPrev; LPTSTR pszClass; HINSTANCE hInst; UINT i; DWORD dwStyle; HWND hWndE; if (NULL==pfSuccess) return NULL; //Make sure we know of this gizmo type. if (GIZMOTYPE_MIN > iType || GIZMOTYPE_MAX < iType) return NULL; *pfSuccess=FALSE; //Allocate the structure pGizmo=(LPGIZMO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, CBGIZMO); if (NULL==pGizmo) return NULL; //Store the necessary information for this gizmo. pGizmo->iType =iType; pGizmo->uID =uID; pGizmo->hBmp =hBmp; pGizmo->iBmp =iImage; pGizmo->uState =uState; pGizmo->fNotify =TRUE; /* * Insert this structure into our gizmo list. Each time we scan * we increment the index counter (starting at zero) comparing it * to the desired index of insertion. We then know exactly where * to insert this new gizmo. Note that we insert the new gizmo in * the list appropriately for the given owner, so enumerations will * come out ordered in the same way for that owner. */ i=0; pCur=*ppFirst; pPrev=NULL; while (NULL!=pCur && i++ < iGizmo) { pPrev=pCur; pCur =pCur->pNext; } //Point to our neighbors pGizmo->pPrev=pPrev; pGizmo->pNext=pCur; //Point out neighbors to us. if (NULL==pPrev) *ppFirst=pGizmo; else pPrev->pNext=pGizmo; if (NULL!=pCur) pCur->pPrev=pGizmo; //Our x-coordinate is the x of the previous gizmo plus its width. if (NULL!=pPrev) pGizmo->x=pGizmo->pPrev->x+pGizmo->pPrev->dx; else pGizmo->x=4; //First gizmo is at x=4 //If we're a separator or image button, force standards on dx. UIToolConfigureForDisplay(&tdd); pGizmo->cxImage=tdd.cxImage; pGizmo->cyImage=tdd.cyImage; if ((GIZMOTYPE_DRAWN & iType) && NULL==hBmp) dx=tdd.cxButton; if (GIZMOTYPE_SEPARATOR==iType) dx=6; /* * Now create windows for edits, texts, lists, and comboboxes. * First calculate the most often defaults used in the switch. */ pGizmo->dx=dx+6; pGizmo->dy=min(dy, tdd.cyButton); pGizmo->y=2; pszClass=NULL; //If this is new gizmo is a window, create it. switch (iType) { case GIZMOTYPE_TEXT: pGizmo->dx=dx; pGizmo->y=(tdd.cyBar-1-pGizmo->dy) >> 1; //Center vertically. pszClass=szStatic; dwStyle=SS_LEFT; break; case GIZMOTYPE_EDIT: pGizmo->y=(tdd.cyBar-1-pGizmo->dy) >> 1; //Center vertically. pszClass=szEdit; dwStyle=ES_LEFT | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP; break; case GIZMOTYPE_LISTBOX: pGizmo->dy=dy; pszClass=szCombobox; dwStyle=CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_TABSTOP; break; case GIZMOTYPE_COMBOBOX: pGizmo->dy=dy; pszClass=szCombobox; dwStyle=CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_TABSTOP; break; case GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONNORMAL: pGizmo->dy=dy; pszClass=szButton; dwStyle=BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP; break; case GIZMOTYPE_SEPARATOR: pGizmo->dx=dx; pGizmo->y=3; break; case GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONATTRIBUTEIN: case GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONATTRIBUTEEX: case GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONCOMMAND: pGizmo->dx=dx; pGizmo->y=3; break; } //If we matched a classname, create a window. if (GIZMOTYPE_WINDOWS & iType) { if (!IsWindow(hWndParent)) return pGizmo; hInst=(HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong(hWndParent, GWL_HINSTANCE); pGizmo->hWnd=CreateWindow(pszClass, pszText , dwStyle | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, pGizmo->x, pGizmo->y , dx, pGizmo->dy, hWndParent, (HMENU)uID, hInst, NULL); if (NULL==pGizmo->hWnd) return pGizmo; /* * Subclass comboboxes, listboxes, edits, and windowed buttons. * We use iType to index the original proc array so we can use * a single subclass procedure for all controls. If you mess * with the gizmo type definitions, this is going to break. */ if (GIZMOTYPE_WINDOWS & iType && GIZMOTYPE_TEXT!=iType) { //Give the window its type. BITPOSITION(iType, i); SetProp(pGizmo->hWnd, SZTYPEPROP, (HANDLE)i); if (NULL==pfnOrg[i]) pfnOrg[i]=(WNDPROC)GetWindowLong(pGizmo->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC); SetWindowLong(pGizmo->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)GenericSubProc); //If we're a combobox, get the edit control and subclass it. if (GIZMOTYPE_COMBOBOX==iType) { hWndE=GetDlgItem(pGizmo->hWnd, ID_COMBOEDIT); SetProp(hWndE, SZTYPEPROP, (HANDLE)-1); //Special flag. if (NULL==pfnOrg[0]) pfnOrg[0]=(WNDPROC)GetWindowLong(pGizmo->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC); SetWindowLong(hWndE, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)GenericSubProc); } } } //Finally, move all our neighbors to the right over to accomodate us. GizmosExpand(pGizmo); *pfSuccess=TRUE; return pGizmo; } /* * GizmoPFree * * Purpose: * Reverses all initialization done by GizmoPAllocate, cleaning up * any allocations including the application structure itself. * * Parameters: * ppFirst LPLPGIZMO providing the first gizmo in this list. * pGizmo LPGIZMO to the structure * * Return Value: * LPGIZMO NULL if successful, pGizmo if not, meaning we couldn't * free something. */ LPGIZMO GizmoPFree(LPLPGIZMO ppFirst, LPGIZMO pGizmo) { int i; if (NULL==pGizmo) return NULL; //Move other gizmos to fill in this gap. GizmosCompact(pGizmo); //Unsubclass if (GIZMOTYPE_WINDOWS & pGizmo->iType && GIZMOTYPE_TEXT!=pGizmo->iType) { i=(int)GetProp(pGizmo->hWnd, SZTYPEPROP); RemoveProp(pGizmo->hWnd, SZTYPEPROP); SetWindowLong(pGizmo->hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)pfnOrg[i]); } //If this was a window gizmo, destroy the window. if (NULL!=pGizmo->hWnd && IsWindow(pGizmo->hWnd)) DestroyWindow(pGizmo->hWnd); //Unlink ourselves. if (NULL!=pGizmo->pNext) pGizmo->pNext->pPrev=pGizmo->pPrev; if (NULL!=pGizmo->pPrev) pGizmo->pPrev->pNext=pGizmo->pNext; else *ppFirst=pGizmo->pNext; return (LPGIZMO)LocalFree((HLOCAL)(UINT)(LONG)pGizmo); } /* * GizmosExpand * * Purpose: * Given a starting gizmo and a width, moves it and all gizmos to its * right to the right by the width to make space for showing or creating * a new gizmo. * * Parameters: * pGizmo LPGIZMO specifying the gizmo that was inserted. * * Return Value: * None */ void GizmosExpand(LPGIZMO pGizmo) { int cx; cx=(int)pGizmo->dx; /* * If we and the next control are buttons, use our width-1 to * expand so we overlap borders with our neighboring button. */ if (NULL!=pGizmo->pNext) { if ((GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONS & pGizmo->pNext->iType) && (GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONS & pGizmo->iType)) cx-=1; } //Walk the gizmo list moving them right by our width. pGizmo=pGizmo->pNext; while (NULL!=pGizmo) { pGizmo->x+=cx; //hWnd is NULL for buttons and separators. if (NULL!=pGizmo->hWnd) SetWindowPos(pGizmo->hWnd, NULL, pGizmo->x, pGizmo->y, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); pGizmo=pGizmo->pNext; } return; } /* * GizmosCompact * * Purpose: * Given a gizmo, moves all other gizmos to the right of it to the * left by its width on the GizmoBar. Used when removing or hiding * the gizmo. * * Parameters: * pGizmo LPGIZMO that is going away, visibly or physically. * * Return Value: * None */ void GizmosCompact(LPGIZMO pGizmo) { UINT cx; LPGIZMO pCur; //Move all the gizmos beyond us on the GizmoBar back by our width. if (NULL!=pGizmo->pNext) { cx=pGizmo->pNext->x - pGizmo->x; pCur=pGizmo->pNext; while (NULL!=pCur) { pCur->x-=cx; if (NULL!=pCur->hWnd) { SetWindowPos(pCur->hWnd, NULL, pCur->x, pCur->y , 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); } pCur=pCur->pNext; } } return; } /* * GizmoPFind * * Purpose: * Given a GIZMO identifier, locates and returns a pointer to the structure * for that position. * * Parameters: * ppFirst LPLPGIZMO providing the first gizmo in this list. * uID UINT identifier to find. * * Return Value: * LPGIZMO A pointer to a GIZMO structure allocated through * GizmoPAllocate, NULL if iGizmo is out of range. */ LPGIZMO GizmoPFind(LPLPGIZMO ppFirst, UINT uID) { LPGIZMO pGizmo; pGizmo=*ppFirst; /* * Yep, linear search, but a better search algorithm won't improve * things appreciably. The better thing to optimize is what the * caller passes as ppFirst. */ while (NULL!=pGizmo && uID!=pGizmo->uID) pGizmo=pGizmo->pNext; return pGizmo; } /* * GizmoFEnum * * Purpose: * Enumerates the list of GIZMO structures, passing each one to * an application-defined callback. * * Parameters: * ppFirst LPLPGIZMO providing the first gizmo in this list. * pfnEnum LPFNGIZMOENUM to call for each enumerated structure. * dw DWORD extra data to pass to the enumeration function. * * Return Value: * LPGIZMO NULL if the enumeration completed. Otherwise a pointer * to the gizmo that enumeration stopped on. */ LPGIZMO GizmoPEnum(LPLPGIZMO ppFirst, LPFNGIZMOENUM pfnEnum, DWORD dw) { LPGIZMO pGizmo; UINT i=0; pGizmo=*ppFirst; while (NULL!=pGizmo) { if (!(*pfnEnum)(pGizmo, i++, dw)) break; pGizmo=pGizmo->pNext; } return pGizmo; } /* * GizmoPStateSet * * Purpose: * State maniuplation functions. Set and Clear also invalidate * this gizmo's rectangle on the given window and forces a repaint. * * Parameters: * hWnd HWND of the window to repaint. * pGizmo LPGIZMO affected. * dwNew DWORD new state flags. * * Return Value: * UINT Previous state. */ UINT GizmoPStateSet(HWND hWnd, LPGIZMO pGizmo, UINT uNew) { UINT uRet; RECT rc; if (GIZMOTYPE_SEPARATOR==pGizmo->iType) return pGizmo->uState; //Preserve the color conversion flags across this state change. uRet=pGizmo->uState; pGizmo->uState=(uNew & 0x00FF) | (uRet & 0xFF00); //Adjust the rectangle by one to avoid repainting borders. SetRect(&rc, pGizmo->x+1, pGizmo->y+1, pGizmo->x+pGizmo->dx-1, pGizmo->y+pGizmo->dy-1); InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rc, FALSE); UpdateWindow(hWnd); return uRet; } /* * GizmoPCheck * * Purpose: * Handles checking a single button in a group of attribute buttons. * If the gizmo belongs to a group of mutually exclusive buttons then * the others surrounding it are unchecked appropriately. * * Parameters: * hWnd HWND of the GizmoBar. * pGizmo LPGIZMO of the gizmo affected. * fCheck BOOL TRUE to check the button, FALSE to uncheck. * * Return Value: * BOOL TRUE if the gizmo was previously checked, FALSE * otherwise. */ BOOL GizmoPCheck(HWND hWnd, LPGIZMO pGizmo, BOOL fCheck) { BOOL fPrevCheck; LPGIZMO pCur; //Ignore command buttons. if (GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONCOMMAND==pGizmo->iType) return FALSE; //Get the previous state fPrevCheck=(BOOL)(BUTTONGROUP_DOWN & pGizmo->uState); //Simply set the state for inclusive attribute buttons. if (GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONATTRIBUTEIN==pGizmo->iType) { if (pGizmo->fDisabled) { GizmoPStateSet(hWnd, pGizmo , fCheck ? ATTRIBUTEBUTTON_DOWNDISABLED : ATTRIBUTEBUTTON_DISABLED); } else { GizmoPStateSet(hWnd, pGizmo , fCheck ? ATTRIBUTEBUTTON_DOWN : ATTRIBUTEBUTTON_UP); } } if (GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONATTRIBUTEEX==pGizmo->iType) { //We cannot uncheck an exclusive attribute if (!fCheck) return fPrevCheck; /* * For exclusive buttons we have to do more work. First, if we're * already checked (incliding DOWN and MOUSEDOWN) then we set DOWN * and exit. If we're not already checked, then we look for the * gizmo around us, backwards and forwards, that is checked and * uncheck him. */ //Search backwards. pCur=pGizmo->pPrev; while (NULL!=pCur) { //Stop at any non-exclusive attribute. if (GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONATTRIBUTEEX!=pCur->iType) { pCur=NULL; break; } //If it's down, set it up and we've finished. if (BUTTONGROUP_DOWN & pCur->uState) break; pCur=pCur->pPrev; } //If we didn't find a previous one, pCur is NULL, so look ahead. if (NULL==pCur) { pCur=pGizmo->pNext; while (NULL!=pCur) { //Stop at any non-exclusive attribute. if (GIZMOTYPE_BUTTONATTRIBUTEEX!=pCur->iType) { pCur=NULL; break; } //If it's down, set it up and we've finished. if (BUTTONGROUP_DOWN & pCur->uState) break; pCur=pCur->pNext; } } //If pCur is non-NULL, the we found a neighbor, so uncheck him if (NULL!=pCur) { GizmoPStateSet(hWnd, pCur , (pGizmo->fDisabled) ? ATTRIBUTEBUTTON_DISABLED : ATTRIBUTEBUTTON_UP); } //Always set ourselves down GizmoPStateSet(hWnd, pGizmo , (pGizmo->fDisabled) ? ATTRIBUTEBUTTON_DOWNDISABLED : ATTRIBUTEBUTTON_DOWN); } return fPrevCheck; } /* * GenericSubProc * * Purpose: * Subclasses window controls in Gizmos so we can trap the tab key and * tab to the next control. We can have one shared generic subclass * procedure because we save the type index for this control in the * property "iType." This allows us to look up the original procedure * in the pfnOrg array. * * Parameters: * Standard * * Return Value: * Standard */ //LRESULT FAR PASCAL EXPORT GenericSubProc(HWND hWnd, UINT iMsg LRESULT FAR PASCAL GenericSubProc(HWND hWnd, UINT iMsg , WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LONG lRet; RECT rc; RECT rcE; HWND hWndE; HBRUSH hBr; HDC hDC; UINT dx; UINT iType, i; i=(int)GetProp(hWnd, SZTYPEPROP); iType=POSITIONBIT(i); //Special: paint the gap in drop-down comboboxes. if (GIZMOTYPE_COMBOBOX==iType && WM_PAINT==iMsg) { //Do default painting. lRet=(*pfnOrg[i])(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam); hWndE=GetDlgItem(hWnd, ID_COMBOEDIT); GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc); GetClientRect(hWndE, &rcE); //The width of the button is the scroll bar width. dx=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); //Calculate the rectangle rc.right -=dx; rc.left =rcE.right; rc.bottom+=1; //Paint the gap hDC=GetDC(hWnd); //Already did BeginPaint and EndPaint hBr=CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); FillRect(hDC, &rc, hBr); DeleteObject(hBr); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); return lRet; } //Control tabbing to the next or previous control in the GizmoBar. if (WM_KEYDOWN==iMsg && VK_TAB==wParam) { hWndE=hWnd; if (-1==i) hWndE=GetParent(hWnd); hWndE=GetNextDlgTabItem(GetParent(hWndE), hWnd, (BOOL)(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))); SetFocus(hWndE); return 0L; } if (-1==i) i=0; //Eat tab chars in edit controls to prevent beeping. if (0==i && WM_CHAR==iMsg && VK_TAB==wParam) return 0L; //Do this or edit controls bomb big-time. return CallWindowProc(pfnOrg[i], hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam); }