//+------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: idataobj.cxx // // Contents: IDataObject methods of CTestEmbed class. // // Classes: CTestEmbed - IDataObject implementation // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma optimize("",off) #include #include #include "testsrv.hxx" //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Member: CDataObject::CDataObject() // // Synopsis: The constructor for CDataObject. // // Arguments: None // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- CDataObject::CDataObject(CTestEmbed *pteObject) { _cRef = 1; _pDAHolder = NULL; _pteObject = pteObject; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Member: CDataObject::~CDataObject() // // Synopsis: The destructor for CDataObject. // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- CDataObject::~CDataObject() { // _cRef count should be 1 if (1 != _cRef) { // BUGBUG - Log error // Someone hasn't released one of these - Log error } return; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::QueryInterface // // Synopsis: Forward this to the object we're associated with // // Parameters: [iid] - Interface ID to return. // [ppv] - Pointer to pointer to object. // // Returns: S_OK if iid is supported, or E_NOINTERFACE if not. // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void FAR * FAR *ppv) { return(_pteObject->QueryInterface(iid, ppv)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::AddRef // // Synopsis: Forward this to the object we're associated with // // Returns: New reference count. // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDataObject::AddRef(void) { ++_cRef; return(_pteObject->AddRef()); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::Release // // Synopsis: Forward this to the object we're associated with // // Returns: New reference count. // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDataObject::Release(void) { --_cRef; return(_pteObject->Release()); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::GetData // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p129. Retrieve data for this object // using the FORMATETC passed. // // Parameters: [pformatetcIn] - The format caller wants returned data // [pmedium] - Returned data // // Returns: S_OK, or E_FORMAT if we don't support the format requested // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetData( LPFORMATETC pformatetcIn, LPSTGMEDIUM pmedium) { // BUGBUG - NYI return(E_FAIL); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::GetDataHere // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p130. Like GetData, but the pmedium is // allocated and ready for us to use. // // Parameters: [pformatetc] - The format caller wants returned data // [pmedium] - STGMEDIUM object ready for our use // // Returns: S_OK, E_FORMAT // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetDataHere( LPFORMATETC pformatetc, LPSTGMEDIUM pmedium) { // BUGBUG - NYI return(E_FAIL); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::QueryGetData // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p130. Answer if the format requested // would be honored by GetData. // // Parameters: [pformatetc] - The format being queried about // // Returns: S_OK or S_FALSE // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::QueryGetData(LPFORMATETC pformatetc) { // BUGBUG - NYI return(E_FAIL); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p131 // // Parameters: [pformatetc] - // [pformatetcOut] - // // Returns: S_OK // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc( LPFORMATETC pformatetc, LPFORMATETC pformatetcOut) { // BUGBUG - NYI return(E_FAIL); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::SetData // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p131. // // Parameters: [pformatetc] - // [pmedium] - // [fRelease] - // // Returns: S_OK // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::SetData( LPFORMATETC pformatetc, STGMEDIUM FAR *pmedium, BOOL fRelease) { // BUGBUG - NYI return(DV_E_CLIPFORMAT); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::EnumFormatEtc // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p131. // // Parameters: [dwDirection] - // [ppenmFormatEtc] - // // Returns: S_OK // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::EnumFormatEtc( DWORD dwDirection, LPENUMFORMATETC FAR *ppenmFormatEtc) { // BUGBUG - NYI *ppenmFormatEtc = NULL; return(E_FAIL); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::DAdvise // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p132 // // Parameters: [pFormatetc] - // [advf] - // [pAdvSink] - // [pdwConnection] - // // Returns: S_OK // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::DAdvise( FORMATETC FAR *pFormatetc, DWORD advf, LPADVISESINK pAdvSink, DWORD FAR *pdwConnection) { if (NULL == _pDAHolder) { if (S_OK != CreateDataAdviseHolder(&_pDAHolder)) { return(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } } return(_pDAHolder->Advise(this, pFormatetc, advf, pAdvSink, pdwConnection)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::DUnadvise // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p133 // // Parameters: [dwConnection] - // // Returns: S_OK // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::DUnadvise(DWORD dwConnection) { if (NULL == _pDAHolder) { // Nobody is registered return(E_INVALIDARG); } return(_pDAHolder->Unadvise(dwConnection)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method: CDataObject::EnumDAdvise // // Synopsis: See spec 2.00.09 p133 // // Parameters: [ppenmAdvise] - // // Returns: S_OK // // History: 7-Dec-92 DeanE Created //-------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::EnumDAdvise(LPENUMSTATDATA FAR *ppenmAdvise) { if (NULL == _pDAHolder) { return(E_FAIL); } return(_pDAHolder->EnumAdvise(ppenmAdvise)); }