############################################################################ # # Microsoft Windows # Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1992. # All rights reserved. # ############################################################################ # # Name of target. Include an extension (.dll, .lib, .exe) # If the target is part of the release, set RELEASE to 1. # TARGET = simpdnd.exe RELEASE = 0 TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "$(PLATFORM) $(BUILDTYPE) Simple DragAndDrop" # # Source files. Remember to prefix each name with .\ # CFILES = CPPFILES = .\app.cpp \ .\doc.cpp \ .\dxferobj.cpp \ .\ias.cpp \ .\ids.cpp \ .\idt.cpp \ .\iocs.cpp \ .\pre.cpp \ .\simpdnd.cpp \ .\site.cpp RCFILES = .\simpdnd.rc # # Libraries and other object files to link. # OBJFILES = LIBS = $(CAIROLE)\ilib\$(OBJDIR)\ole232.lib \ $(CAIROLE)\ilib\$(OBJDIR)\storag32.lib \ $(CAIROLE)\ilib\$(OBJDIR)\compob32.lib \ ..\ole2ui\$(OBJDIR)\ole2uixd.lib !if "$(OPSYS)"=="DOS" LIBS = $(LIBS) \ $(IMPORT)\CHICAGO\lib\comdlg32.lib \ $(IMPORT)\CHICAGO\lib\shell32.lib !else LIBS = $(LIBS) \ $(IMPORT)\$(OPSYS)\lib\$(OBJDIR)\comdlg32.lib \ $(IMPORT)\$(OPSYS)\lib\$(OBJDIR)\shell32.lib !endif DEFFILE = .\simpdnd.def # # Precompiled headers. # PXXFILE = PFILE = CINC = -I..\ole2ui -I..\ole2ui\resource\usa \ -I..\ole2ui\resource\static !if "$(EXPORT)"=="0" CINC = $(CINC) -I$(CAIROLE)\h -I$(CAIROLE)\common !else CINC = $(CINC) -I$(CAIROLE)\h\export !endif CFLAGS=/D_DEBUG !if "$(INTERNAL)"=="0" CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /DNOTREADY RCFLAGS = /DNOTREADY !endif # For Chicago Build !if "$(OPSYS)"=="DOS" CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /D_INC_OLE !endif