TAPI UNICODE BUILD VERIFICATION TEST SPECIFICATION. Test Spec written by Aaron Ridenour a-aaronr Test Scripts written by Ron Rohr a-rrohr July 11, 1996 ******************** Test Description ********************************************* This Test has been implemented with Visual Test 4.0a. There are 4 files associated with this test. Uni_BVT.MST - Main test script. Uni_BVT.INC - Contains all TAPI_BVT procedures called from the main script. Uni_API.INC - Contains all Const and Type definitions used in the test. TAPILOG.INC - Contains all file output procedures. ******************** Prerequisites ************************************************ 1) TAPI Browser 2.0 (tb20.exe) must be in the System32 windows subdirectory. 2) The Test PC must have a modem connected and installed. 3) Unimdm.tsp service provider must be in the System32 windows subdirectory. ******************** Begin Test Discriptions ************************************** *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 4 lineOpen and lineClose with all privileges *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // open line with no privileges 1 - Run TB 2 - In the Function listbox double-click lineInitializeExW 3 - click the [Parms] checkbox on, on the toolbar 4 - In the Function listbox double-click lineOpenW 5 - In the dialog box, select [dwPrivileges] 6 - Choose [NONE] in the [Bit flags] listbox 7 - Press OK RESULTS: 1 - Should get a "lineOpen returned SUCCESS" in the results window. 2 - Line should be listed as DialOut STEPS: // open line as monitor 8 - In the Function listbox double-click lineClose 9 - Press OK on the dialog 10 - In the Function listbox double-click lineShutdown 11 - Press OK on the dialog 12 - In the Function listbox double-click lineInitializeExW 13 - Press OK on the dialog 14 - In the Function listbox double-click lineOpenW 15 - In the dialog box, select [dwPrivileges] 16 - Choose [MONITOR] in the [Bit flags] listbox 17 - Press OK RESULTS: 3 - Should get a "lineOpen returned SUCCESS" in the results window. 4 - Line should be listed as Monitor STEPS: // open line as owner 18 - In the Function listbox double-click lineClose 19 - Press OK on the dialog 20 - In the Function listbox double-click lineShutdown 21 - Press OK on the dialog 22 - In the Function listbox double-click lineInitializeExW 23 - Press OK on the dialog 24 - In the Function listbox double-click lineOpenW 25 - In the dialog box, select [dwPrivileges] 26 - Choose [OWNER] in the [Bit flags] listbox 27 - Press OK RESULTS: 5 - Should get a "lineOpen returned SUCCESS" in the results window. 6 - Line should be listed as DialInOut STEPS: 28 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 29 - In dialog box press [OK] 30 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 31 - In dialog box press [OK] 32- Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 8 lineGetDevCapsW *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Verify lineGetDevCapsW return for valid device ID 1 - Run TB 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - In function listbox double-click on lineGetDevCapsW RESULTS: 1 - "lineGetDevCapsW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed. For further verification, see example below. STEPS: //Verify lineGetDevCapsW return for invalid device ID 4 - On toolbar check Params box 5 - In function listbox double-click on lineGetDevCapsW 6 - On dialog box select dwDeviceID 7 - Set Value to ffffffff 8 - Press [OK] RESULT: "lineGetDevCapsW returned LINEERR_BADDEVICEID" should be displayed STEPS: 9 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 10 - Close TB ********************************* Example of lineGetDevCapsW return: ********************************* lineGetDevCapsW returned SUCCESS LINEDEVCAPS dwTotalSize=x1000 dwNeededSize=x180 dwUsedSize=x180 dwProviderInfoSize=x3e dwProviderInfoOffset=xf0 646e6957 2073776f 656c6554 6e6f6870 Windows Telephon 65532079 63697672 72502065 6469766f y Service Provid 66207265 5520726f 6576696e 6c617372 er for Universal 646f4d20 44206d65 65766972 xxxx0072 Modem Driver. dwPermanentLineID=x18368 dwLineNameSize=x17 dwLineNameOffset=x12e 61726150 6c656c6c 62616320 6f20656c Parallel cable o 504c206e xx003154 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx n LPT1. dwStringFormat=x1, ASCII dwAddressModes=x1, ADDRESSID dwNumAddresses=x1 dwBearerModes=x48, DATA PASSTHROUGH dwMaxRate=x1c200 dwMediaModes=x10, DATAMODEM dwDevCapFlags=x60, CLOSEDROP DIALBILLING dwMaxNumActiveCalls=x1 dwRingModes=x1 dwLineStates=x14406ce, RINGING CONNECTED DISCONNECTED INSERVICE OUTOFSERVICE OPEN CLOSE REINIT TRANSLATECHANGE REMOVED dwDevSpecificSize=x3b dwDevSpecificOffset=x145 00000001 00000008 74737953 435c6d65 ........System\C 65727275 6f43746e 6f72746e 7465536c urrentControlSet 7265535c 65636976 6c435c73 5c737361 \Services\Class\ 65646f4d 30305c6d xx003130 xxxxxxxx Modem\0001. dwLineFeatures=x8, MAKECALL Note: For this example, a Creative Labs Phoneblaster and Unimodem service provider were employed. The LINEDEVCAPS return should be compared to installed modem and service provider to verify correctness of lineGetDevCapsW API. *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 9 lineMakeCallW- privileges = none, monitor, owner *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Call with privilege=NONE 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - On toolbar, check Params box 4 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 5 - In lineOpen dialog box, select dwPrivileges 6 - Under bit flags, select NONE 7 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW 8 - On lineMakeCallW Dialog box press [OK] RESULT: 1) The call should PROCEEDING, with the following text returned: lineMakeCallW returned x1 received LINE_REPLY : hDev=x0, cbInst=x0 p1=x1, p2=x0, p3=x0 received LINE_CALLSTATE : hDev=x_______, cbInst=x0 p1=x8, DIALTONE p2=x20, UNAVAIL p3=x0, received LINE_CALLSTATE : hDev=x_______, cbInst=x0 p1=x10, DIALING p2=x0, p3=x0, received LINE_CALLSTATE : hDev=x_______, cbInst=x0 p1=x200 PROCEEDING p2=x0, p3=x0, [Note: x_______ is the Call handle] STEPS: // Call with privilege=MONITOR 9 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineDrop and then lineDeallocateCall 10 - In dialog box, press [OK] 11 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 12 - In dialog box press [OK] 13 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 14 - In lineOpen dialog box, select dwPrivileges 15 - Under bit flags, select MONITOR 16 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW 17 - On lineMakeCallW Dialog box press [OK] RESULT: 2 - The call should PROCEEDING (with similar text as described above). STEPS: // Call with privilege=MONITOR 18 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineDrop and then lineDeallocateCall 19 - In dialog box, press [OK] 20 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 21 - In dialog box press [OK] 22 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 23 - In lineOpen dialog box, select dwPrivileges 24 - Under bit flags, select OWNER 25 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW 26 - On lineMakeCallW Dialog box press [OK] RESULT: 3 - The call should PROCEEDING (with similar text as described above). 27 - On toolbar, uncheck the Params box 28 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineDrop and then lineDeallocateCall 29 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 30 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 31 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 10 lineMakeCallW- line unavalable *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Ensure proper return for call attempted on line already in use 1 - Run TB 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 4 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW Note: Ensure call is active for steps 5 through 7 5 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 6 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 7 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW RESULTS: 1 - "lineMakeCallW returned LINEERR_CALLUNAVAIL" should be returned STEPS: 8 - Click on bottom Line handle 9 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 10 - Click on bottom LineApp handle 11 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 12 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineDrop and then lineDeallocateCall 13 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 14 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 15 - Close TB *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 13 lineDrop - with active call *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Verify successful line drop after initiating call 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 4 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW 5 - Wait for call state to be proceeding or connected 6 - In function listbox double-click on lineDrop RESULTS: 1 - Return should LINE_CALLSTATE as IDLE received LINE_CALLSTATE : hDev=x_______, cbInst=x0 p1=x1, IDLE p2=x0, p3=x0, STEPS: 7 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineDrop and then lineDeallocateCall 8 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 9 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 10 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 14 lineDeallocate - w/ active call *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Verify successful line deallocation 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 4 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW 5 - Wait for call state to be proceeding or connected 6 - In function listbox double-click on lineDrop 7 - In function listbox double-click on lineDeallocateCall RESULTS: 1 - "lineDeallocateCall returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: 8 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 9 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 10 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 15 lineShutDown - with active call *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Verify successful line drop after initiating call 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 4 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW 5 - In function listbox double-click on lineShutdown RESULTS: 1 - "lineShutdown returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: 6 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 16 lineClose - with active call *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Verify successful line close after initiating call 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 4 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW 5 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose RESULTS: 1 - "lineClose returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: 6 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 7 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 21 lineSetCurrentlocationW - with valid and invalid Location IDs *********************************************************************************** Note: For the first segment of this test to be run successfully, a valid location must exist. Specifically for Step 6 (below) a location must be entered into the Dialing Properties on the My Location tab. If this entry is not the first location entered into Dialing Proprties (lineTranslateDialog / telephon.cpl), then the value in Step 6 must be changed accordingly. STEPS: // Verify return for VALID location 1 - Run TB 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - Activate Params box 4 - In function listbox double-click on lineSetCurrentlocationW 5 - In dialog box select [dwLocation] 6 - Set Value to 00000001 7 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 1 - "lineSetCurrentlocationW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed 2 - LINE_LINEDAVSTATE REINIT should be issued STEPS: // Verify return for INVALID location 8 - In function listbox double-click on lineSetCurrentlocationW 9 - In dialog box select [dwLocation] 10 - Set Value to ffffffff 11 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 3 - "lineSetCurrentlocationW returned LINEERR_INVALLOCATION" should be displayed STEPS: 12 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 13 - In dialog box press [OK] 14 - Close TB *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 22 lineGetCountryW *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Verify entire country list can be returned 1 - Run TB 2 - On toolbar check Params box 3 - In function listbox double-click lineGetCountryW 4 - In dialog box select dwCountryID parameter 5 - Set value to 00000000 6 - Press [OK] button RESULT: 1 - "lineGetCountryW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed Note: LINECOUNTRYLIST will not display all countries in the list; this is due to the TAPI Browser buffer size. The dwNeededSize will indicate a large value (i.e., 3e45) which exceeds the dwTotalSize (i.e., the buffer, which is 1000). STEPS: //Verify country list can be accessed 7 - In function listbox double-click lineGetCountryW 8 - In dialog box select dwCountryID parameter 9 - Set value to 00000001 10 - Press [OK] button RESULT: 2 - "lineGetCountryW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed along with to follow return: LINECOUNTRYLIST dwTotalSize=x1000 dwNeededSize=x6b dwUsedSize=x6b dwNumCountries=x1 dwCountryListSize=x2c dwCountryListOffset=x18 LINECOUNTRYENTRY[0] dwCountryID=x1 dwCountryCode=x1 dwNextCountryID=x65 dwCountryNameSize=x19 dwCountryNameOffset=x52 74696e55 53206465 65746174 666f2073 United States of 656d4120 61636972 xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx America. dwSameAreaRuleSize=x2 dwSameAreaRuleOffset=x50 xxxx0047 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx G. dwLongDistanceRuleSize=x5 dwLongDistanceRuleOffset=x4b 47463120 xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 1FG. dwInternationalRuleSize=x7 dwInternationalRuleOffset=x44 45313130 xx004746 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 011EFG. STEPS: //Verify correct return for invalid country ID 11 - In function listbox double-click lineGetCountryW 12 - In dialog box select dwCountryID parameter 13 - Set value to ffffffff 14 - Press [OK] button RESULT: 3 - "lineGetCountryW returned LINEERR_INVALCOUNTRYCODE" should be displayed STEPS: 15 - Close TB *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 26 lineGetTranslateCapsW - determine SUCCESS and validity of *********************************************************************************** Note: For this test to be run successfully, valid locations should exist. Specifically, a location must be entered into the Dialing Properties on the My Location tab; credit card usage should be defined as well. STEPS: // Verify lineGetTranslateCapsW retrieves all locations & cards data 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In function listbox double-click on lineGetTranslateCapsW RESULT: 1 - "lineGetTranslateCapsW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed. For further detail, see example below. STEPS: 3 - Close TAPI Browser *************************************** Example of lineGetTranslateCapsW return: *************************************** lineGetTranslateCapsW returned SUCCESS LINETRANSLATECAPS dwTotalSize=x1000 dwNeededSize=x35d dwUsedSize=xa5d dwNumLocations=x2 dwLocationListSize=x88 dwLocationListOffset=x2c dwNumCards=x4 dwCardListSize=xd0 dwCardListOffset=xb4 dwCurrentPreferredCardID=x4 LINELOCATIONENTRY[0] dwLocationNameSize=xa dwLocationNameOffset=x4d4 4f20794d 63696666 xxxx0065 xxxxxxxx My Office. dwCountryCode=x1 dwCityCodeSize=x4 dwCityCodeOffset=x4e4 00363032 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 206. dwPreferredCardID=x4 dwLocalAccessCodeSize=x3 dwLocalAccessCodeOffset=x4de xx002c39 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 9,. dwLongDistanceAccessCodeSize=x3 dwLongDistanceAccessCodeOffset=x4e1 xx002c39 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 9,. dwTollPrefixListSize=x1 dwTollPrefixListOffset=x4e8 xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx . dwCountryID=x1 dwCancelCallWaitingSize=x5 dwCancelCallWaitingOffset=x4e9 2c30372a xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx *70,. LINELOCATIONENTRY[1] dwPermanentLocationID=x1 dwLocationNameSize=xe dwLocationNameOffset=x4ee 646e6f4c 4f206e6f 63696666 xxxx0065 London Office. dwCountryCode=x2c dwCityCodeSize=x4 dwCityCodeOffset=x500 00313730 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 071. dwLocalAccessCodeSize=x2 dwLocalAccessCodeOffset=x4fc xxxx0038 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 8. dwLongDistanceAccessCodeSize=x2 dwLongDistanceAccessCodeOffset=x4fe xxxx0038 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 8. dwTollPrefixListSize=x1 dwTollPrefixListOffset=x504 xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx . dwCountryID=x2c dwCancelCallWaitingSize=x5 dwCancelCallWaitingOffset=x505 2c233037 xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 70#,. LINECARDENTRY[0] dwCardNameSize=x13 dwCardNameOffset=x50a 656e6f4e 69442820 74636572 61694420 None (Direct Dia xx00296c xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx l). dwSameAreaRuleSize=x1 dwSameAreaRuleOffset=x51d xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx . dwLongDistanceRuleSize=x1 dwLongDistanceRuleOffset=x51e xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx . dwInternationalRuleSize=x1 dwInternationalRuleOffset=x51f xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx . dwOptions=x1, PREDEFINED LINECARDENTRY[1] dwPermanentCardID=x1 dwCardNameSize=x1c dwCardNameOffset=x520 54265441 72694420 20746365 6c616944 AT&T Direct Dial 61697620 41303120 00315454 xxxxxxxx via 10ATT1. dwSameAreaRuleSize=x2 dwSameAreaRuleOffset=x53c xxxx0047 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx G. dwLongDistanceRuleSize=x9 dwLongDistanceRuleOffset=x53e 38323031 47463138 xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx 102881FG. dwInternationalRuleSize=xc dwInternationalRuleOffset=x547 38323031 31313038 00474645 xxxxxxxx 10288011EFG. dwOptions=x1, PREDEFINED LINECARDENTRY[2] dwPermanentCardID=x2 dwCardNameSize=x10 dwCardNameOffset=x553 54265441 61697620 41303120 00305454 AT&T via 10ATT0. dwSameAreaRuleSize=x2 dwSameAreaRuleOffset=x563 xxxx0047 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx G. dwLongDistanceRuleSize=xc dwLongDistanceRuleOffset=x565 38323031 47463038 00485424 xxxxxxxx 102880FG$TH. dwInternationalRuleSize=xe dwInternationalRuleOffset=x571 38323031 45313038 54244746 xxxx0048 1028801EFG$TH. dwOptions=x1, PREDEFINED LINECARDENTRY[3] dwPermanentCardID=x4 dwCardNameSize=x1b dwCardNameOffset=x57f 2049434d 65726944 44207463 206c6169 MCI Direct Dial 20616976 32323031 xx003132 xxxxxxxx via 102221. dwSameAreaRuleSize=x2 dwSameAreaRuleOffset=x59a xxxx0047 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx G. dwLongDistanceRuleSize=x9 dwLongDistanceRuleOffset=x59c 32323031 47463132 xxxxxx00 xxxxxxxx 102221FG. dwInternationalRuleSize=xc dwInternationalRuleOffset=x5a5 32323031 31313032 00474645 xxxxxxxx 10222011EFG. dwOptions=x1, PREDEFINED This return should be checked against the data entered into Dialing Properties. In this example, there were two locations and four credit cards entered in Dialing Properties. > dwNumLocations=x2, so LINELOCATIONENTRY is given for values 0 and 1 > dwNumCards=x4, so LINECARDENTRY is given for values 0 through 3 > dwCurrentPreferredCardID=x4 which correctly references the MCI card under LINECARDENTRY[3] *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 27 lineTranslateAddressW - valid and invalid addresses *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Test for valid address 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - Click Param box 4 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 5 - In dialog box select dwTranslateOptions 6 - Under Value click on "select none" 7 - In dialog box select lpszAddressln 8 - Set value to a valid canonical number [i.e., "+1 (555) 555-5555"] 9 - Press [OK] button Results: 1 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: // Test for invalid address 11 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 12 - In dialog box select dwTranslateOptions 13 - Under Value click on "select none" 14 - In dialog box select lpszAddressln 15 - Set value to a valid dialable format number [i.e., "206 555-5555"] 16 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 2 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: // Test for invalid address 17 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 18 - In dialog box select dwTranslateOptions 19 - Under Value click on "select none" 20 - In dialog box select lpszAddressln 21 - Set value to "Invalid string pointer" 22 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 3 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned LINEERR_INVALPOINTER" should be displayed STEPS: 23 - On toolsbar press lineShutdown 24 - In dialog box press [OK] 25 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 28 lineTranslateAddressW - valid and invalid credit cards *********************************************************************************** Note: To test the return for a valid credit card, at least one credit card must be defined in Dialing Properties. STEPS: // Check return for valid credit card ID 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - Check Param box 4 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 5 - In dialog box select dwCard 6 - Set value to a valid dwLocationID (generally 00000001 should be valid) 7 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 1 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: // Check return for invalid credit card ID 8 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 9 - In dialog box select dwCard 10 - Set value to ffffffff 11 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 2 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned LINEERR_INVALCARD" should be displayed STEPS: 12 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 13 - In dialog box press [OK] button 14 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 29 lineTranslateAddressW - valid and invalid translate options *********************************************************************************** Note: Card override translation option is tested under TCM case ID 28. STEPS: // No translate options 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - Check Params box 4 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 5 - In dialog box click on dwTranslateOptions 6 - Change value to "select none" 7 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 1 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: // Cancel call waiting 8 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 9 - In dialog box click on dwTranslateOptions 10 - Click on CARDOVERRIDE (to turn off the default) 11 - Click on CANCELCALLWAITING 12 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 2 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: // Force local call 13 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 14 - In dialog box click on dwTranslateOptions 15 - Click on CARDOVERRIDE (to turn off the default) 16 - Click on FORCELOCAL 17 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 3 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: // Force long distance call 18 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 19 - In dialog box click on dwTranslateOptions 20 - Click on CARDOVERRIDE (to turn off the default) 21 - Click on FORCELD 22 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 4 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: // Invalid paramters-- conflict local and long distance 23 - In function listbox double-click on lineTranslateAddressW 24 - In dialog box click on dwTranslateOptions 25 - Click on CARDOVERRIDE (to turn off the default) 26 - Click on FORCELOCAL 27 - Click on FORCELD 28 - Press [OK] button RESULTS: 5 - "lineTranslateAddressW returned LINEERR_INVALPARAM" should be displayed STEPS: 29 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 30 - In dialog box press [OK] 31 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 31 lineConfigDialogW *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Verify dialog pop-up 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - In function listbox double-click on lineConfigDialogW RESULTS: 1 - Pop-up dialog box for configuring installed modem STEPS: // Close dialog box 4 - On dialog box press [OK] button RESULTS: 2 - "lineConfigDialogW returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: 6 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 7 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 32 lineTranslateDialog *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Verify dialog pop-up 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In function listbox double-click on lineConfigDialogW RESULTS: 1 - Pop-up dialog box labeled Dialing Properties STEPS: // Close dialog box 3 - On dialog box press [OK] button RESULTS: 2 - "lineTranslateDialog returned SUCCESS" should be displayed STEPS: 5 - In function listbox double-click on lineConfigDialogW 6 - On Dialing Properties dialog box, check (or uncheck) Dial as Long Distance box 7 - On Dialing Properties press [OK] button RESULTS: 3 - "lineTranslateDialog returned SUCCESS" should be displayed, as well as "received LINE_LINEDEVSTATE" with param1 returning "REINIT" STEPS: 8 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 80 lineDialW *********************************************************************************** lineInitializeW lineOpenW lineMakeCallW with lpszDestAddr set to NULL lineDialW with lpszDestAddr set to a phone number to call. Result: Talk/Drop dialog should appear, and call should ring through to the number you entered. lineDrop lineClose lineShutdown *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 81 lineGetIDW - comm & comm/datamodem *********************************************************************************** lineInitializeExW lineOpenW as Owner lineGetIDW with lpszDeviceClass set to 'comm' Result: The data after dwStringOffset should be the name of the modem lineGetIDW with lpszDeviceClass set to 'ndis' Result: The data after dwStringOffset should be set to com. lineGetIDW with lpszDeviceClass set to 'comm/datamodem' Result: The data after dwStringOffset should be a numeric value (8 digits) followed by the name of the modem. The numeric value is a handle to the comm port. It's usually 00000000 or a low number. At the bottom of the TB API list, CloseHandle is listed. Call CloseHandle with hObject set to the numeric value returned in lineGetIDW with 'comm/datamodem'. Result: Handle is closed. The handle should be identified as the same numeric value entered into hObject. lineClose lineShutdown *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 83 lineReply & lineCallState *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // Check LINE_REPLY is correct for instance of multiple apps running 1 - Run TAPI Browser 2 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 3 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineInitializeExW 4 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 5 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineOpenW 6 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineMakeCallW RESULTS: 1 - TB20 should display the following: lineMakeCallW returned x1 received LINE_REPLY : hDev=x0, cbInst=x0 p1=x1, p2=x0, p3=x0 received LINE_CALLSTATE : hDev=x_______, cbInst=x0 p1=x8, DIALTONE p2=x20, UNAVAIL p3=x0, received LINE_CALLSTATE : hDev=x_______, cbInst=x0 p1=x10, DIALING p2=x0, p3=x0, received LINE_CALLSTATE : hDev=x_______, cbInst=x0 p1=x200 PROCEEDING p2=x0, p3=x0, [Note: The absence of the LINE_REPLY or LINE_CALLSTATE indicates failure of the test case even if the call otherwise succeeds.] STEPS: 7 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineDrop and then lineDeallocateCall 8 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineClose 9 - In the Function listbox double-click on lineShutdown 10 - Close TAPI Browser *********************************************************************************** **** Test Case - 175 lineNegotiateAPIVersion / 2.0 *********************************************************************************** STEPS: // default call should get 2.0 version # returned 1 - Run TB 2 - turn off the [Parms] checkbox 3 - Double Click lineInitializeEx 4 - dblclick [lineNegotiateAPIVersion] RESULTS: 1 - should get the following in the results window lineNegotiateAPIVersion returned SUCCESS APIVersion=x20000 extID.ID0=x0, .ID1=x0, .ID2=x0, .ID3=x0, STEPS: //ensure if LOW is > high ver #, this fails. 5 - turn on the [Parms] checkbox 6 - dblclick [lineNegotiateAPIVersion] 7 - click [dwAPILowVersion] 8 - enter 00030000 9 - Press OK RESULTS: 2 - should get the following in the results window lineNegotiateAPIVersion returned LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION STEPS: //ensure if HIGH is both < high ver # and > low ver# we get a match 10 - dblclick [lineNegotiateAPIVersion] 11 - click [dwAPIHighVersion] 12 - enter 00010003 13 - Press OK RESULTS: 3 - should get the following in the results window lineNegotiateAPIVersion returned SUCCESS APIVersion=x10003 extID.ID0=x0, .ID1=x0, .ID2=x0, .ID3=x0, STEPS: 14 - In the Function listbox double-click lineShutdown 15 - Close TB ************************* End Of Uni_BVT Test ************************************