/*++ Copyright (c) 1990-1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: compstui.h Abstract: This module contains global header definition for the COMMON DRIVER UI Author: 19-Jun-1995 Mon 11:52:01 created -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) 17-Aug-1995 Thu 14:59:28 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Updated for the first draft. 23-Aug-1995 Wed 15:13:27 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Updated for second draft 29-Aug-1995 Tue 11:33:24 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Adding ExtChkBox for some TVOT_xxx type 31-Aug-1995 Thu 04:04:23 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Making UNICODE type 01-Sep-1995 Fri 17:29:18 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Change the API interface type, so that it can be dynamically called and generate the property pages to be merge with the shell 05-Sep-1995 Tue 11:52:43 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Rename to compspui.h and update the API entry structure 07-Sep-1995 Thu 14:46:55 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) rename to compstui.h and update comments 07-Sep-1995 Thu 16:07:31 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Adding UNION type for pSel/Sel, pOldSel/OldSel 08-Sep-1995 Fri 09:23:38 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Remove TypeIdx from OPTITEM and use pOptType, and remove all pOptType passed in the CPSUICBPARAM and COMPROPSHEETUI structures 25-Sep-1995 Mon 19:39:45 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) add other related stuff. 26-Sep-1995 Tue 11:02:26 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Add error codes for GETLASTERROR 27-Sep-1995 Wed 16:32:37 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Move hWndParent, pTitle, hInst and TitleIconID out from COMPROPSHEETUI to COMPROPSHEETUIHEADER. 28-Sep-1995 Thu 17:06:46 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Add hInstCaller to COMPROPSHEETUI and add _COMPSTUI_ and cplusplus stuff 28-Sep-1995 Thu 23:16:34 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) change tick count for trackbar/scrollbar to multiply factor. and add the push button flag which can overwrite the update permission so it can let user view the current setting from push button's dialog display 07-Feb-1996 Wed 17:45:31 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) Change the API CommonPropSheetUI to CommonPropertySheetUI so that it not using stack but message base, this way any caller can add/delete pages as they want without worry about how many pages been added from its children. [Environment:] NT Windows - Common Property Sheet UI DLL. [Notes:] Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _COMPSTUI_ #define _COMPSTUI_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if (!defined(RC_INVOKED)) // // For compilers that don't support nameless unions // #ifndef DUMMYUNIONNAME #ifdef NONAMELESSUNION #define DUMMYUNIONNAME u #define DUMMYUNIONNAME2 u2 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME3 u3 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME4 u4 #else #define DUMMYUNIONNAME #define DUMMYUNIONNAME2 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME3 #define DUMMYUNIONNAME4 #endif #endif // // Predefined ID for the TreeView Option Type // // #define TVOT_2STATES 0 #define TVOT_3STATES 1 #define TVOT_UDARROW 2 #define TVOT_TRACKBAR 3 #define TVOT_SCROLLBAR 4 #define TVOT_LISTBOX 5 #define TVOT_COMBOBOX 6 #define TVOT_EDITBOX 7 #define TVOT_PUSHBUTTON 8 #define TVOT_CHKBOX 9 #define TVOT_LAST TVOT_CHKBOX #define TVOT_NONE (TVOT_LAST + 1) // // Predefined ID for the TreeView Option Type // // // TVOT_2STATES: // Count = 2 // pOptParam[0]=pointer to the State 1 OPTPARAM // pOptParam[1]=pointer to the State 2 OPTPARAM // // BegCtrlID = 2 States Group Box ID // BegCtrlID+1= 2 States static Text // BegCtrlID+2= state 1 Radio button ID // BegCtrlID+3= state 1 icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= state 2 Radio button ID // BegCtrlID+5= state 2 icon control ID // BegCtrlID+6= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+7= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // * For TVOT_3STATES, TVOT_3STATES, each of OPTPARAM consisted // // Style =Ignored // pData =Pointer to the string to describe the state // IconID=Icons resource ID, or common UI standard icon ID // lParam=Ignored // // * OPTITEM's 'Sel' is the selection index range from 0 to 1 // * On the non-treeview page, this must be a auto radio button // // // TVOT_3STATES: // Count = 3 // pOptParam[0]=pointer to the State 1 OPTPARAM // pOptParam[1]=pointer to the State 2 OPTPARAM // pOptParam[2]=pointer to the State 3 OPTPARAM // // BegCtrlID = 3 States Group Box ID // BegCtrlID+1= 3 States static Text // BegCtrlID+2= state 1 Radio button ID // BegCtrlID+3= state 1 icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= state 2 Radio button ID // BegCtrlID+5= state 2 icon control ID // BegCtrlID+6= state 3 Radio button ID // BegCtrlID+7= state 3 icon control ID // BegCtrlID+8= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+9= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // * For TVOT_2STATES, TVOT_3STATES, each of OPTPARAM consisted // // Style =Ignored // pData =Pointer to the string to describe the state // IconID=Icons resource ID, or common UI standard icon ID // lParam=Ignored // // * OPTITEM's 'Sel' is the selection index range from 0 to 1 // * On the non-treeview page, this must be a auto radio button // // ** For TVOT_2STATES, TVOT_3STSATES the 'Sel' field in the OPTITEM has // following definitions // // State 1, Sel = 0 // State 2, Sel = 1 // State 3, Sel = 2 // // for any selection which based on false/true, no/yes, off/ontrue/false, // none/select then state 1 (sel=0) must always be the NO, FALSE, OFF or // NONE type. // // // TVOT_UDARROW: // Count = 2 // pOptParam[0]=Pointer to the text of postfix and ICONS // pOptParam[1]=Pointer to the help line text above the control and // IconID = (SHORT)Low range of the up-down control // lParam = (SHORT)High range of the up-down control // // * Low/High must in range of a 16-bit sign integer // // if pData pointed to no help text then common UI automatically // set the (# - #) as help line // // BegCtrlID = udarrow Group Box ID // BegCtrlID+1= udarrow title static title ID // BegCtrlID+2= udarrow's editbox ID // BegCtrlID+3= udarrow icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= udarrow postfix static text ID // BegCtrlID+5= udarrow help static text ID // BegCtrlID+6= udarrow arrow ID // BegCtrlID+7= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+8= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // * OPTITEM's 'Sel' is the selection index between Low/High range // * Style field in the OPTPARAM is ignored // // // TVOT_TRACKBAR: // Count = 3 // pOptParam[0]=Pointer to the text for the selection postfix and ICONS // pOptParam[1]=Pointer to the and // IconID = (SHORT)Low range of the trackbar control // lParam = (SHORT)High range of the trackbar control // // * Low/High must in range of a 16-bit sign integer // // pOptParam[2]=Pointer to the and // IconID = 'Sel' multiply factor for display // lParam = Page Size (increment) // // if pData pointed to NULLt then common UI automatically // set the Low/High range. // // BegCtrlID = trackbar Group Box ID // BegCtrlID+1= trackbar static title ID // BegCtrlID+2= trackbar(horizontal) ID (static FRAME to define size) // BegCtrlID+3= trackbar icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= trackbar low range text control ID // BegCtrlID+5= trackbar high range text control ID // BegCtrlID+6= trackbar postfix ID // BegCtrlID+7= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+8= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // * OPTITEM's 'Sel' is the selection index between Low/High range // * The multiply factor is used to multiply the current select with // this factor and display it. typically this is one // * the tick frequency is automatically to set to PageSize increment // * Style field in the OPTPARAM is ignored // // // TVOT_SCROLLBAR: // Count = 3 // pOptParam[0]=Pointer to the text for the selection postfix and ICONS // pOptParam[1]=Pointer to the and // IconID = (SHORT)Low range of the scrollbar control // lParam = (SHORT)High range of the scroll control // // * Low/High must in range of a 16-bit sign integer // // pOptParam[2]=Pointer to the and // IconID = 'Sel' multiply factor for display // lParam = Page Size (increment) // // if pData pointed to NULLt then common UI automatically // set the Low/High range. // // // BegCtrlID = scrollbar(horizontal) group box ID // BegCtrlID+1= scrollbar(horizontal) static text ID // BegCtrlID+2= scrollbar(horizontal) ID // BegCtrlID+3= scrollbar icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= scrollbar low range text control ID // BegCtrlID+5= scrollbar high range text control ID // BegCtrlID+6= scrollbar postfix control ID // BegCtrlID+7= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+8= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // * OPTITEM's 'Sel' is the selection index between Low/High range // * The multiply factor is used to multiply the current select with // this factor and display it. typically this is one // * Style field in the OPTPARAM is ignored // // // // TVOT_LISTBOX: // TVOT_COMBOBOX: // Count = N // pOptParam[0]=pointer to the first OPTPARAM (pData=string pointer) // pOptParam[1]=pointer to the second OPTPARAM (pData=string pointer) // . // . // pOptParam[N-1]=pointer to the N item string // // BegCtrlID = Listbox/ComboBox group box ID // BegCtrlID+1= Listbox/ComboBox static title ID // BegCtrlID+2= Listbox/Combobox ID // BegCtrlID+3= Listbox/Combobox icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+5= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // * for TVOT_LISTBOX, TVOT_COMBOBOX, the field used as // // Style =Ignored by the common UI // pData =Pointer to the name of item // IconID=Icon resource ID for the item // lParam=ignored by the common UI // // * Only SINGLE selection is supported, to do a multiple selction use // multiple OPTITEM and create a header for it // // * an OTLBCBS_SORT style can be specified in the OPTTYPE's LBCBStyle // field, and the listbox or combobox will be sorted according to the // item's string. // // * OPTITEM's 'Sel' is the selection index between Low/High range // // * for TVOT_LISTBOX, TVOT_COMBOBOX, when it get received the keyboard // focus then common UI will call callback function (only if // OPTIF_CALLBACK bit set) with reason of CPSUICB_REASON_LBCB_ACTIVE, // this give caller a chance to modify following structure flags/pdata // which associate with the current OPTITEM. The caller's callback // function can ONLY modify the flags/data specified here. // // OPTTYPE pointed by the pOptType from OPTITEM // // Style: OTS_LBCB_SORT // OTS_LBCB_INCL_ITEM_NONE // // OPTPARAMs pointed by the pOptParam from the OPTTYPE // // Flags: OPTPF_HIDE // OPTPF_DISABLED // // pData: change string name // // // * The TVOT_COMBOBOX typically only used in the tree-view if there is // only one selection available for that item, when there is only one // item then dropdown list will not enabled by the common UI // // // // TVOT_EDITBOX: // Count = 2 // pOptParam[0]=Pointer to the text of postfix and ICONS // pOptParam[1]=Pointer to the help line text above the control and // IconID = Edit buffer sie in character pointed by pSel // this is including the NULL terminator. // lParam = ignored. // // BegCtrlID = editBox group Box ID // BegCtrlID+1= editBox static title ID // BegCtrlID+2= editbox ID // BegCtrlID+3= editbox icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= editbox postfix ID // BegCtrlID+5= editbox help ID // BegCtrlID+6= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+7= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // * Style field is ignored // // * pSel in the OPTITEM is the pointer to the editing string, the pSel // must pointed to a buffer eqaul or larger than the count of the buffer // (pOptParam[1]->IconID) size // // // TVOT_PUSHBUTTON: // Count = 1 // // BegCtrlID = push button group box ID // BegCtrlID+1= push button static text ID (Not used by common UI) // BegCtrlID+2= push button ID // BegCtrlID+3= push button icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+5= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // // PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_xxx specified the action and content of pData in the // pOptParam[0] as describe in the following // // PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_DLGPROC // // This push button is designed to bring up caller's dialog box // // pOptParam[0].pData = Caller's DLGPROC // pOptParam[0].Style = PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_DLGPROC // pOptParam[0].IconID = Icon resource ID // pOptParam[0].lParam = Caller's DIALOG resource template ID // or handle to the DLGTEMPLATE depends // on the OPTPF_USE_HDLGTEMPLATE flag // // // The 'lParam' passed to the DLGPROC's WM_INITDIALOG is the // CPSUICBPARAM structure pointer, and the reason field is set // to CPSUICB_REASON_DLGPROC. // // // PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_CALLBACK // // This push button is designed to have caller process the item // which cannot accomplished with the dialog box along. // // pOptParam[0].pData = CPSUICALLBACK function pointer // pOptParam[0].Style = PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_CALLBACK // pOptParam[0].IconID = Icon resource ID // pOptParam[0].lParam = Not Used; // // Durning the callback the Reason field in CPSUICBPARAM will // set to CPSUICB_REASON_PUSHBUTTON. // // ** If pOptParam[0].pData callback function is NULL then common // UI will call the pfnCallBack pointer set in the // COMPROPSHEETUI structure if it is not NULL // // ** The callback function should put the result of the callback // in the pSel/Sel of OPTITEM associate with the push button // // PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_HTCLRADJ // // This push button is designed to bring up halftone color // adjustment dialog box. // // pOptParam[0].pData = pointer to COLORADJUSTMENT structure // pOptParam[0].Style = PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_HTCLRADJ // pOptParam[0].IconID = Icon resource ID // pOptParam[0].lParam = Not Used; // // // PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_HTSETUP // // This push button is designed to bring up device halftone // setup dialog box. // // pOptParam[0].pData = pointer to DEVHTADJDATA structure // pOptParam[0].Style = PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_HTSETUP // pOptParam[0].IconID = Icon resource ID // pOptParam[0].lParam = Not Used; // // // * 'Sel' field in the OPTITEM for the PUSHBUTTON is the last returned // LONG result from the called dialog box or funcitons. The result // only valid if OPTIF_CHANGEONCE flag is set. The common UI will set // OPTIF_CHANGEONCE if push button ever pushed. // // * Since common UI donot know the meaning of the return value and // content of the called parameter, it is up to the caller to use // callback function to determine the returned result. // // * When returned from the push button except push botton type // PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_CALLBACK common ui will call the callback function // if the OPTIF_CALLBACK flat is set. The callback reason is set to // CPSUICB_REASON_SEL_CHANGED. // // * If the passed in CPSUIF_UPDATE_PERMISSION Flags in the COMPROPSHEETUI // is clear then the callback function must ONLY display the dialog box // and not changed any OPTITEM data if OTS_PUSH_ENABLE_ALWAYS // flag is set in the OPTTYPE // // // TVOT_CHKBOX: // Count = 1 // // pOptparam[0].Style = CHKBOXS_FALSE_TRUE False/True // CHKBOXS_NO_YES, No/YES // CHKBOXS_OFF_ON, Off/ON // CHKBOXS_FALSEPDATA False/pData // CHKBOXS_NO_PDATA No/pData // CHKBOXS_OFF_PDATA Off/pData // CHKBOXS_NONE_PDATA None/pData // pOptParam[0].pData = Only used if Style is CHKBOXS_NONE_PDATA // pOptParam[0].IconID = Icon resource ID // pOptParam[0].lParam = Ignored // // // BegCtrlID = check box group ID // BegCtrlID+1= Check Box static text (not used by common UI) // BegCtrlID+2= check box button ID // BegCtrlID+3= check box icon control ID // BegCtrlID+4= Extended Check Box/Push Button control ID // BegCtrlID+5= Extended Check Box/Push Button Icon control ID // // // * BegCtrlID only used if the OPTITEM/OPTTYPE is belong to the the DLGPAGE // which has non-common UI dialog box template (DlgTemplateID in the DLGPAGE // is not standard DP_STD_xxx common ui dialog box template). The common // UI used this ID to managed caller's dialog boxes item's selections and // initialization. // // * for each item, it has group box ID (BegCtrlID) and static text ctronl ID // (BegCtrlID + 1). The common UI will set the text in one of these two // control ID in followng seauence. // // 1) If group box control ID's window (BegCtrlID) is exist and the // OPTITEM's flag OPTIF_NO_GROUPBOX_NAME is not set then common UI will // set the pName from OPTITEM to the group box. // // 2) If the group box name is not set and static control ID's window // (BegCtrlID + 1) is exist then common UI will set the pName from // OPTITEM to the static text control. // // * for TVOT_TRACKBAR and TVOT_SCROLLBAR, if pName in the OPTITEM is set to // either group box or static text control then common UI will also append // the current selection position of trackbar or scroll bar to the pName. // // * If multiple OPTITEMs using the same POPTPARAM and need different // BegCtrlID for each control then then a separate OPTTYPE structure should // be generated but POPTPARAM pointed to the same OPTPARAM[] // // * If a BegCtrlID+N is not used then skip that ID in your dialog box // template // // #define CHKBOXS_FALSE_TRUE 0 #define CHKBOXS_NO_YES 1 #define CHKBOXS_OFF_ON 2 #define CHKBOXS_FALSE_PDATA 3 #define CHKBOXS_NO_PDATA 4 #define CHKBOXS_OFF_PDATA 5 #define CHKBOXS_NONE_PDATA 6 #define PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_DLGPROC 0 #define PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_CALLBACK 1 #define PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_HTCLRADJ 2 #define PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_HTSETUP 3 #define MAX_RES_STR_CHARS 160 // // Common Printer UI's LPTSTR // // All string pointer in common printer UI structures can be either a real // memory pointer or a string resource ID. These are applied to LPTSTR type. // // The LPTSTR is defined to identify that the pointer can be a real string // pointer or a resource ID (either common printer UI provided ID or caller's // own resource ID). common UI using following logic to get the final string. // // LPTSTR pData; // // if (HIWORD(pData) != 0) then pData is a NULL terminated string pointer // // ELSE // // LOWORD(pData)=Resource ID // // if (Resource ID is within the common UI string resource ID range) // then it load the string from common UI DLL // // ELSE // // it load string from caller's resource // // // * You can use MAKEINTRESOURCE(StrResID) to set this field // // * The MAX characters loaded by the common UI from the resource is defined // as MAX_RES_STR_CHARS // // * You cannot use LPTSTR as resource ID for the TVOT_EDITBOX style's // pSel in the OPTITEM, this pointer must be a real buffer pointer // // // // ICONs // // Common UI using two types of Icons, One is 32x32 and the other is 16x16 // plus if any monochrome icon with 32x32 and 16x16 sizes. // // The 16x16 icon when displayed on the screen is using 16x17 pixel space, // this is ensure that downware adjacent icon is not crowded together. // // In common UI, if you need to passed a ICON ID, it can either passed a // common UI's predefined ID or caller's own ICON resource ID. // // // * You can use to imagedit or any other Window icon editor to create the // icon, each icon file should have one unique icon resource ID which is // not overlay with the standard common UI IDI_CPSUI_xxx identifier. For // each icon file, its should have both 32x32 and 16x16 size icon on // different display. (ie. monochrome). // // Common UI will try to load the correct size of icon from the icon // resource, but it will stretch them if the size is not found. // // // // Flags for the OPTTYPE // // #define OPTPF_HIDE 0x01 #define OPTPF_DISABLED 0x02 #define OPTPF_ICONID_AS_HICON 0x04 #define OPTPF_OVERLAY_WARNING_ICON 0x08 #define OPTPF_OVERLAY_STOP_ICON 0x10 #define OPTPF_OVERLAY_NO_ICON 0x20 #define OPTPF_USE_HDLGTEMPLATE 0x40 typedef struct _OPTPARAM { WORD cbSize; // size of this structure BYTE Flags; // OPTPF_xxxx flags BYTE Style; // style use in this structure LPTSTR pData; // pointer to the data DWORD IconID; // iconID; LONG lParam; // parameter used DWORD dwReserved[2]; // reserved dword, must be 0 } OPTPARAM, *POPTPARAM; // // OPTPARAM // // The OPTPARAM structure is used to describe each slectable item in the // common UI such as 'letter', 'legal' in the form slection list box // // cbSize - size of this structure // // Flags - defined as OPTPF_xxxx // // OPTPF_HIDE // // Specified hide this listed selection item and not // availabe for user to select. This only available to // following TVOT_xxx types // // TVOT_3STATES // TVOT_LISTBOX // TVOT_COMBOBOX // // If all the seclection items are OPTPF_HIDE then the // OPTITEM is automatically hided by the common UI, if // TVOT_3STATES has 2 states hide then an error is // returned // // // OPTPF_DISABLED // // Specified this listed selection item is disabled and // not availabe for user to select. This only available // to following TVOT_xxx types // // TVOT_2STATES // TVOT_3STATES // TVOT_LISTBOX // TVOT_COMBOBOX // // // OPTPF_ICONID_AS_HICON // // If this flag is set then IconID DWORD field is treated // as a handle to the icon rather then the resource ID // // // OPTPF_OVERLAY_WARNING_ICON // // If this bit is set then this OPTPARAM item's icon will // be overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_WARNING icon. // // // OPTPF_OVERLAY_STOP_ICON // // If this bit is set then this OPTPARAM item's icon will // be overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_STOP icon. // // // OPTPF_OVERLAY_NO_ICON // // If this bit is set then this OPTPARAM item's icon will // be overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_NO icon. // // // Style - Style for the OPTPARAM, it depends on the TVOT_xxx type as // describe below // // TVOT_PUSBUTTON // // it can be one of PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_xxxx. // // other TVOT_xxxx // // this fields is not used. // // // pData - Is either a pointer to the item name (string) or it is // used to describe other data. // // * If the pData in the OPTPARAM is supposed to be a static // pointer to a string and the string is a common UI // standard resource ID then common UI will check if pData // is equal to IDS_CPSUI_NOTINSTALLED, if true then // common UI will overaly a not installed icon on top of // the OPTPARAM's Icon. This will not applied to the // TVOT_EDITBOX type since the pData is not a static text // pointer or a string resource ID. // // ** See LPTSTR description above // // IconID - This is the icon identifier, which can be a common strandard // IDI_CPSUI_xxx icon ID, caller's own icon resource ID, or a // handle to the caller defined icon if OPTPF_ICONID_AS_HICON // flag is set, in any case if the IconID is zero then it // indicated no icon. // // lParam - Extra data used by the OPTPARAM, it depends on the TVOT_xxx // type. // // dwReserved[]- Reserved DWORDs, must be 0 // // #define OPTTF_TYPE_DISABLED 0x01 #define OPTTF_NOSPACE_BEFORE_POSTFIX 0x02 #define OTS_LBCB_SORT 0x0001 #define OTS_LBCB_PROPPAGE_LBUSECB 0x0002 #define OTS_LBCB_PROPPAGE_CBUSELB 0x0004 #define OTS_LBCB_INCL_ITEM_NONE 0x0008 #define OTS_LBCB_NO_ICON16_IN_ITEM 0x0010 #define OTS_PUSH_INCL_SETUP_TITLE 0x0020 #define OTS_PUSH_NO_DOT_DOT_DOT 0x0040 #define OTS_PUSH_ENABLE_ALWAYS 0x0080 typedef struct _OPTTYPE { WORD cbSize; BYTE Type; // TVOT_xxxx type of OPTIONS BYTE Flags; // OPTTF_xxx flags WORD Count; // Count of pOptParam passed WORD BegCtrlID; // start of item's group window ID POPTPARAM pOptParam; // pointer to the OPTPARAM WORD Style; // option type style as OTS_xxxx WORD wReserved[3]; // wReserved, must be 0 DWORD dwReserved[3]; // DWORD reserved field (must be 0) } OPTTYPE, *POPTTYPE; // // OPTTYPE // // The OPTTYPE structure is used to describe a set of selection and its // select method, such as Form/Tray assignment. It has a pointer to a set // of selection item (OPTPARAM) // // // cbSize - size of this structure // // Type - Specified the option type using predefined ID as TVOT_xxxx // // Flags - currently only one flag is defined // // // OPTTF_TYPE_DISABLED // // The whole OPTTYPE's OPTPARAMs are disabled, and non of // the selection in the OPTTYPE can be selected // // // OPTTF_NOSPACE_BEFORE_POSTFIX // // This bit only valid if the OPTTYPE's pOptParam item // specified a postfix string as describe in the above // section. If this flag is set then it asked common UI // do not add a space character before the postfix string // when it combine the pName in the OPTITEM and postfix // string. Typeically this bit is not set for the // postfix string, but sometime it may be required not to // add a space character in front of it, such as '%' // postfix string. // // // Count - Count of item pointed by pOptParam. Some predefined number // must be set according to the TVOT_XXX description. // // BegCtrlID - Only used if the OPTITEM/OPTTYPE is belong to the the DLGPAGE // which has non-common UI dialog box template (DlgTemplateID // in the DLGPAGE is not standard DP_STD_xxx common ui dialog // box template). The common UI used this ID to managed // caller's dialog boxes item's selections and initialization. // // Each OPTITEM has predefined number of window ID which // associated with that item, the BegCtrlID specified the start // control window ID. Each control window ID in the OPTITEM // must have the control ID sequence as describe in the TVOT_xxx // above. // // pOptParam - Pointer to array of OPTPARAM to describe each selectable item // // Style - Specified the style of type of control box, certain style // only apply to centain type of TVOT_xxxx. // // OTS_LBCB_xxx only applied to TVOT_LISTBOX, TVOT_COMBOBOX // OTS_PUSH_xxx only applied to TVOT_PUSHBUTTON // // // OTS_LBCB_SORT // // Specified that the listbox or combobox item is sorted // in ascending order based on the pData string // // // OTS_LBCB_PROPAGE_LBUSECB // // Used when Type is TVOT_LISTBOX, if it specified and // this OPTTYPE also on the non-treeview user defined // property sheet page dialog then common UI assume // control is comobobox instead of listbox on the non- // treeview page // // // OTS_LBCB_PROPAGE_CBUSELB // // Used when Type is TVOT_COMBOBOX, if it specified and // this OPTTYPE also on the non-treeview user defined // property sheet page dialog then common UI assume // control is listbox instead of combobox on the non- // treeview page // // // OTS_LBCB_INCL_ITEM_NONE // // when this flag is specified, the common ui will // automatically add a 'None' selection to the listbox or // combobox. The 'Sel' will set to -1 if 'none' is // selection is selected by the user. It will also // validate the 'Sel' durning the initialization, any // out of range value will be set to -1 (None). // // // OTS_LBCB_NO_ICON16_IN_ITEM // // By default, each listbox, combox will have a small // icon (16x16) in front of item text. by specified this // bit, the listbox/combobox will not includes icons // in the listbox/combobox. // // If clear then it specified that in the listbox/combobox // to have 16x16 Icon added to the front of each item // // // OTS_PUSH_INCL_SETUP_TITLE // // If specified for the push button then it automatically // add the 'Setup' to the end of push botton text. // // // OTS_PUSH_NO_DOT_DOT_DOT // // If specified then common UI will not add '...' to the // end of the pName in the OPTITEM and push button name // // // OTS_PUSH_ENABLE_ALWAYS // // This flag specified that even update permissio is not // allowed, it still let user push the push button, if // this flag is set then callback function or dialog box // proc must disable all the control which let user // modified the content, but just let user view the // current setting. // // // wReserved[] - Reserved fields, must be 0 // // dwReserved[]- Reserved fields, must be 0 // // // // Following are flags for the EXTPUSH // #define EPF_PUSH_TYPE_DLGPROC 0x0001 #define EPF_INCL_SETUP_TITLE 0x0002 #define EPF_NO_DOT_DOT_DOT 0x0004 #define EPF_ICONID_AS_HICON 0x0008 #define EPF_OVERLAY_WARNING_ICON 0x0010 #define EPF_OVERLAY_STOP_ICON 0x0020 #define EPF_OVERLAY_NO_ICON 0x0040 #define EPF_USE_HDLGTEMPLATE 0x0080 typedef struct _EXTPUSH { WORD cbSize; // size of the structure WORD Flags; // EPCBF_xxx flags LPTSTR pTitle; // extended push botton title union { DLGPROC DlgProc; // pointer to the dialog box proc FARPROC pfnCallBack; // callback function pointer } DUMMYUNIONNAME; DWORD IconID; // icon to be used union { WORD DlgTemplateID; // dialog box template ID HANDLE hDlgTemplate; // handle to the dialog template } DUMMYUNIONNAME; DWORD dwReserved[3]; // reserved field, must be 0 } EXTPUSH, *PEXTPUSH; // // EXTPUSH structure is used to describe the extened push button available // on OPTITEM/OPTITEM, each OPTTYPE can optional have either one extended check // box or one extended push button callback. // // // cbSize - size of this structure // // Flags - flags for the EXTPUSH as EPF_xxxx // // EPF_PUSH_TYPE_DLGPROC // // If this bit is set then it specified the extended // push button is type of DLGPROC and DlgProc and // DlgTemplateID is valid for common UI to call. // // If this bit is clear then it specfied the extended // push button is the callback style and pfnCallBack // should be called by the common UI // // // EPF_INCL_SETUP_TITLE // // If specified for the extended push button then it // automatically add the 'Setup' to the end of // extended push button's title // // // EPF_NO_DOT_DOT_DOT // // If specified then common UI will not add '...' to // the end of the pTitle in the EXTPUSH. // // // EPF_ICONID_AS_HICON // // If this flag is set then IconID DWORD field is // treated as a handle to the icon rather then the // resource ID. // // // EPF_OVERLAY_WARNING_ICON // // If this bit is set then this EXTPUSH's icon will be // overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_WARNING icon. // // // EPF_OVERLAY_STOP_ICON // // If this bit is set then this EXTPUSH's icon will be // overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_STOP icon. // // // EPF_OVERLAY_NO_ICON // // If this bit is set then this EXTPUSH's icon will be // overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_NO icon. // // // pTitle - Pointed to extended push botton title // // ** See LPTSTR description above // // DlgProc - Pointer to the DLGPROC function supplied by the caller. // When user push the button the common UI will call // DialogBoxParam() with this fucction pointer and passed // CPSUICBPARAM structure pointer to the WM_INITDIALOG with // the Reason set to CPSUICB_REASON_EXTPUSH. If this // filed is NULL then common UI assumed that EXTPUSH is // disabled (OPTIF_EXT_DISABLED | OPTIF_EXT_HIDE), this // fields only used if EPF_PUSH_TYPE_DLGPROC flag is set // // pfnCallBack - Pointer to CPSUICALLBACK function, this only used if // EPF_PUSH_TYPE_DLGPROC bit is clear, duringing callback // it passed the CPSUICBPARAM pointer as parameter // // IconID - This is the icon identifier, which can be a common // strandard IDI_CPSUI_xxx icon ID, caller's own icon // resource ID, or a handle to the caller defined icon if // EPF_ICONID_AS_HICON flag is set, in any case if the // IconID is zero then it indicated no icon. // // DlgTemplateID - Specified the ressource ID for the dilaog box. If the // DlgTemplateID = 0 then common UI will call the DlgProc // with following parameter. // // DlgProc(hDlg, WM_USER, NULL, (LPARAM)pCPSUICBPaam); // // hDlgTemplate - Handle to the DLGTEMPLATE which will be use for pop up // dialog box // // wReserved[] - WORD reserved field, must be 0 // // dwReserved[] - DWORD reserved field, must be 0 // // // // // Following are flags for the EXTCHKBOX // #define ECBF_CHECKNAME_AT_FRONT 0x0001 #define ECBF_CHECKNAME_ONLY_ENABLED 0x0002 #define ECBF_ICONID_AS_HICON 0x0004 #define ECBF_OVERLAY_WARNING_ICON 0x0008 #define ECBF_OVERLAY_ECBICON_IF_CHECKED 0x0010 #define ECBF_OVERLAY_STOP_ICON 0x0020 #define ECBF_OVERLAY_NO_ICON 0x0040 typedef struct _EXTCHKBOX { WORD cbSize; // size of the structure WORD Flags; // ECBF_xxx flags LPTSTR pTitle; // extended checkbox title LPTSTR pSeparator; // pointer to separator string for treeview LPTSTR pCheckedName; // string to be displayed when checked DWORD IconID; // icon to be used WORD wReserved[4]; // reserved word, must be 0 DWORD dwReserved[2]; // reserved field, must be 0 } EXTCHKBOX, *PEXTCHKBOX; // // EXTCHKBOX structure is used to describe the extened check box available on // OPTITEM/OPTITEM, each OPTTYPE can optional have one extended check box. // When using EXTCHKBOX the selection item can be checked or not checked // based on user input. // // // cbSize - size of this structure // // Flags - flags for the EXTCHKBOX as ECBF_xxxx // // ECBF_CHECKNAME_AT_FRONT // // This flag specified how to display item's name and its // checked name in the treeview display. If this flag is // set then the checked name is display in front of // separator name, otherwise the checked name is displayed // after the separator. For Example. // // Flag Set: pCheckedName pSeparator SelectName // Flag Clear: SelectName pSeparator pCheckedName // // // ECBF_CHECKNAME_ONLY_ENABLED // // If set then it specified that in the treeview display, // it will only show the pCheckedName if this extended // check box is visible and enabled. Some items may not // desired to display the pCheckedName if the extended // check box is disabled, such as Copy/Collate checkbox. // // // ECBF_ICONID_AS_HICON // // If this flag is set then IconID DWORD field is treated // as a handle to the icon rather then the resource ID // // // ECBF_OVERLAY_WARNING_ICON // // If this bit is set then this EXTCHKBOX's icon will // be overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_WARNING icon. // // // ECBF_OVERLAY_ECBICON_IF_CHECKED // // This bit specified to overlay the ExtChkBox's Icon to // the OPTITEM's icon (or OPTPARAM) if the the extended // checked box is checked // // // ECBF_OVERLAY_STOP_ICON // // If this bit is set then this EXTCHKBOX's icon will // be overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_STOP icon. // // // ECBF_OVERLAY_NO_ICON // // If this bit is set then this EXTCHKBOX's icon will // be overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_NO icon. // // // pTitle - Pointed to extended check box title // // ** See LPTSTR description above // // pSeparator - Pointer to the separator to be used in the treeview // display or the static title control in the non-treeview // page, // // pCheckedName- Pointed to the name to be displayed in the treeview if item // is checked. pCheckedName is added according to the // pSeparator and the ECBF_CHECKNAME_AT_FRONT flags. // // * If the pCheckedName is equal to IDS_CPSUI_NOTINSTALLED // then common UI will automatically overaly a not installed // icon on top of the extended check box Icon. // // ** See LPTSTR description above // // IconID - This is the icon identifier, which can be a common strandard // IDI_CPSUI_xxx icon ID, caller's own icon resource ID, or a // handle to the caller defined icon if ECBF_ICONID_AS_HICON // flag is set, in any case if the IconID is zero then it // indicated no icon. // // wReserved[] - WORD reserved field, must be 0 // // dwReserved[]- DWORD reserved field, must be 0 // // // Following the the Flags for the OPTITEM // #define OPTIF_COLLAPSE 0x00000001L #define OPTIF_HIDE 0x00000002L #define OPTIF_CALLBACK 0x00000004L #define OPTIF_CHANGED 0x00000008L #define OPTIF_CHANGEONCE 0x00000010L #define OPTIF_DISABLED 0x00000020L #define OPTIF_ECB_CHECKED 0x00000040L #define OPTIF_EXT_HIDE 0x00000080L #define OPTIF_EXT_DISABLED 0x00000100L #define OPTIF_SEL_AS_HICON 0x00000200L #define OPTIF_EXT_IS_EXTPUSH 0x00000400L #define OPTIF_NO_GROUPBOX_NAME 0x00000800L #define OPTIF_OVERLAY_WARNING_ICON 0x00001000L #define OPTIF_OVERLAY_STOP_ICON 0x00002000L #define OPTIF_OVERLAY_NO_ICON 0x00004000L #define OPTIF_INITIAL_TVITEM 0x00008000L #define OPTIF_HAS_POIEXT 0x00010000L #define OPTIF_MASK 0x0001ffffL #define DMPUB_NONE 0 #define DMPUB_FIRST 1 #define DMPUB_ORIENTATION 1 #define DMPUB_SCALE 2 #define DMPUB_COPIES_COLLATE 3 #define DMPUB_DEFSOURCE 4 #define DMPUB_PRINTQUALITY 5 #define DMPUB_COLOR 6 #define DMPUB_DUPLEX 7 #define DMPUB_TTOPTION 8 #define DMPUB_FORMNAME 9 #define DMPUB_ICMMETHOD 10 #define DMPUB_ICMINTENT 11 #define DMPUB_MEDIATYPE 12 #define DMPUB_DITHERTYPE 13 #define DMPUB_LAST 13 #define DMPUB_USER 100 // // DMPUB_xxxx is used in OPTITEM to identify if the item is a DEVMODE public // field. Following it identify which field correspond to the DMPUB_xxxx // // // DMPUB_ORIENTATION - dmOrientation // // DMPUB_SCALE - dmScale // // DMPUB_COPIES_COLLATE- dmCopies/dmCollate // // DMPUB_DEFSOURCE - dmDefSource (Should only used form by caller) // // DMPUB_PRINTQUALITY - dmPrintQuality // // DMPUB_COLOR - dmColor // // DMPUB_DUPLEX - dmDuplex // // DMPUB_TTOPTION - dmTTOption // // DMPUB_FORMNAME - dmFormName // // DMPUB_ICMMETHOD - dmICMMethod // // DMPUB_ICMINTENT - dmICMIntent // // DMPUB_MEDIATYPE - dmMediaType // // DMPUB_DITHERTYPE - dmDitherType // // DMPUB_USER - Anything greater than or equal to DMPUB_USER can be // used by the caller. // // // When common UI is called for the 'Document Properties' (DEVMODE), it will // group some of public items together simillar to the following in the // treeview. How it group is common UI version dependent and caller should not // concern its placement // // Paper/Output (Add in by the common UI) // Document Form (DMPUB_FORMNAME) // Orientation (DMPUB_ORIENTATION) // Source (DMPUB_DEFSOURCE) // Media (DMPUB_MEDIATYPE) // Number of Copies (DMPUB_COPIES_COLLATE) // Duplex (DMPUB_DUPLEX) // // Graphic (Add in by the common UI) // Print Quality (DMPUB_PRINTQUALITY) // Color (DMPUB_COLOR) // Image Color Matching (Add in by the common UI) // ICM Method (DMPUB_ICMMETHOD) // ICM Intent (DMPUB_ICMINTENT) // Scaling (DMPUB_SCALE) // Dithering (DMPUB_DITHERTYPE) // TrueType Option (DMPUB_TTOPTION) // // Options // Halftone Color Adjustment... // ALL Other Caller's Document sticky options // // // For 'Document Properties' the standard page 1 (user friendly page) will // consist following items if it appear in the OPTITEM array passed by the // caller. These items must have following predefined TVOT_xxx type // defined here and specified in the OPTTYPE's Type field. // // All DMPUB_xxx (except >= DMPUB_USER) public ID must have following // TVOT_xxxx type specified, else a CPDU_INVALID_DMPUB_TVOT error is returned // // DMPUB_ORIENTATION - TVOT_2STATES/TVOT_3STATES // DMPUB_SCALE - TVOT_UDARROW // DMPUB_COPIES_COLLATE - TVOT_UDARROW + EXTCHKBOX (Collate) // DMPUB_DEFSOURCE - TVOT_LISTBOX // DMPUB_PRINTQUALITY - TVOT_LISTBOX // DMPUB_COLOR - TVOT_2STATES // DMPUB_DUPLEX - TVOT_2STATES/TVOT_3STATES // DMPUB_TTOPTION - TVOT_LISTBOX // DMPUB_FORMNAME - TVOT_LISTBOX // DMPUB_ICMMETHOD - TVOT_2STATES/TVOT_3STATES // DMPUB_ICMINTENT - TVOT_2STATES/TVOT_3STATES // DMPUB_MEDIATYPE - TVOT_LISTBOX // DMPUB_DITHERTYPE - TVOT_LISTBOX // // #define OIEXTF_ANSI_STRING 0x0001 typedef struct _OIEXT { WORD cbSize; WORD Flags; HINSTANCE hInstCaller; LPTSTR pHelpFile; DWORD dwReserved[4]; } OIEXT, *POIEXT; // // OIEXT is a data structure used as extension to the OPTITEM data structure // // // cbSize - sizeof this structure // // Flags - One or more of OIEXTF_xxxx may be specified. // // OIEXTF_ANSI_STRING // // Specified that LPTSTR in this data structure is a ansi // string (not UNICODE). This bit only checked if the // LPTSTR is not the resource string ID // // hInstCaller - DLL instance handle, when this hInst is not NULL then all // resource string and icon loading for this OPTITEM and its // OPTTYPE, OPTPARAM are loaded from this hInstCaller Handle. // If this filed is NULL then it will use the hInstCaller handle // specified in the COMPROPSHEETUI data structure // // pHelpFile - Resource string ID or pointer to the help file for this // OPTITEM. If this pointer is NULL then help file for the // help index is assume specified in the pHelpFile field in the // COMPROPSHEETUI data structure. // // dwReserved - These fields are not used now, and must 0 // typedef struct _OPTITEM { WORD cbSize; // size of this structure BYTE Level; // level in the tree view BYTE DlgPageIdx; // Index to the pDlgPage DWORD Flags; // OPTIF_xxxx flags DWORD UserData; // caller's own data LPTSTR pName; // name of the item union { LONG Sel; // current selection (index) LPTSTR pSel; // current selection (pStr) } DUMMYUNIONNAME; union { PEXTCHKBOX pExtChkBox; // Pointer to EXTCHKBOX structure PEXTPUSH pExtPush; // Pointer to EXTPUSH } DUMMYUNIONNAME2; POPTTYPE pOptType; // pointer to OPTTYPE structure DWORD HelpIndex; // Help file index BYTE DMPubID; // Devmode public filed ID BYTE UserItemID; // caller's own item ID WORD wReserved; // reserved WORD field, must be 0 POIEXT pOIExt; // Optitem extension pointer DWORD dwReserved[3]; // reserved DWORD fields (must be 0) } OPTITEM, *POPTITEM; // // OPTITEM is to describe each treeview item's name, selection type and // possible selection // // cbSize - sizeof this structure // // Level - The level in the treeview, the root should have lowest // number and number should start with level 0. the maximum // number of levels are 256. // // DlgPageIdx - Zero-based index to the DLGPAGE araay pointee by // pDlgPage. The Maximum index is MAX_DLGPPAGE_COUNT, if // pDlgPage is a standard CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_xxxx then this // field is automatically set the common UI // // Flags - OPTIF_xxxx flags as describe above // // OPTIF_COLLAPSE // // Collaspe treeview item and its children so it is // not expanded initially. // // // OPTIF_HIDE // // Hide this item from the treeview // // // OPTIF_CALLBACK // // Callback to the caller when user making some // changes a pointer (pfnCallBack) must provided and // process as defined by the common UI. // // // OPTIF_CHANGED // // This item was changed and need to re-display. this // flag only used when caller returned from callback // funciton. // // // OPTIF_CHANGEONCE // // This item has been changed at least once. // // // OPTIF_DISABLED // // Disable this item so it become not selectable. // // // OPTIF_ECB_CHECKED // // Specified the associated extended check box is // in checked state. // // // OPTIF_EXT_HIDE // // Hide the extended check box/extended push botton. // // // OPTIF_EXT_DISABLED // // The Extended check box/push botton is disabled and // not selectable // // // OPTIF_SEL_AS_HICON // // This flag only used if this item has no type, // pOptType=NULL that is, when pOptType is NULL then // 'Sel' filed is the IconID. if flag is set then it // indicate IconID (Sel) is the Icon handle rather // than the icon resource ID. // // // OPTIF_EXT_IS_EXTPUSH // // Specified that pExtPush should be used when this // pointer is not NULL, if this pointer is not NULL // and this flag is clear then pExtChkBox is assumed. // // // OPTIF_NO_GROUPBOX_NAME // // Specified that do not overwrite the group box title // text, if group box ID is defined. See the TVOT_xx // description above. // // // OPTIF_OVERLAY_WARNING_ICON // // If this bit is set then this header OPTITEM's icon // will be overlaied by a common UI's // IDI_CPSUI_WARNING icon. This bit only used if this // item has no type, pOptType is NULL that is. // // // OPTIF_OVERLAY_STOP_ICON // // If this bit is set then this header OPTITEM's icon // will be overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_STOP // icon. This bit only used if this item has no type, // pOptType is NULL that is. // // // OPTIF_OVERLAY_NO_ICON // // If this bit is set then this header OPTITEM's icon // will be overlaied by a common UI's IDI_CPSUI_NO // icon. This bit only used if this item has no type, // pOptType is NULL that is. // // // OPTIF_INITIAL_TVITEM // // Specified that this item will be the initial item // to be selected and display on the treeview page. // If the selected item is currently a child or // collapse then common UI will expand the selection // then scroll it into view. // // If this flag is clear or the set item is in hide // status common UI will pick the initial item to // display. // // OPTIF_HAS_POIEXT // // Specified that pOIExt field is a valid pointer that // points to OIEXT data structure. The pOIExt only // used by the common UI if this bit is set. // // // UserData - a 32-bit number used by the caller and common UI will not // modify it. // // pName - Pointer to the item's name, such as 'Upper Tray', // 'Memory' or it is used as data as describe in // OPTPARAM/OPTTYPE structure // // ** See LPTSTR description above // // pSel // Sel - Current selection for this item. This is a union field // which can be a pointer to a string or a LONG index // selection. // // ** If pOptType field is NULL then 'Sel' is the icon ID // to be used for the header. // // pExtPush // pExtChkBox - Pointer to either EXTPUSH or EXTCHKBOX data structure, // if this pointer is NULL then this item does not have // ectended check box/push botton associate with it. // // When an extended check box is associate with the // OPTTYPE, the OPTIF_EXT_IS_EXTPUSH must not set, the // OPTIF_ECB_CHECKED flag specified if the extended check // box is checked or not checked. // // When an Extended push botton is associated with the // OPTTYPE, the OPTIF_EXT_IS_EXTPUSH flag must set. // // The following flags are used in both EXTCHKBOX or // EXTPUSH // // OPTIF_EXT_HIDE, // OPTIF_EXT_DISABLED // OPTIF_EXT_CHANGEONCE // // // pOptType - Pointer to the OPTTYPE structure to describe the display // and selections of the item. If this pointer is NULL // then this this item does not have any selection. and it // is used as sub-items' header. // // * When pOptType is NULL then the 'Sel' is the Icon ID. // // // HelpIndex - a index to the help file for context sensitive help // if HelpInex=0 then there is no help for this item // // DMPubID - specified if this item is one of the public fields in the // DEVMODE structure and supported by the common UI. // // DMPUB_NONE - Not DEVMODE public fields // DMPUB_ORIENTATION - dmOrientation // DMPUB_SCALE - dmScale // DMPUB_COPIES_COLLATE - dmCopies/dmCollate // DMPUB_DEFSOURCE - dmDefSource // DMPUB_PRINTQUALITY - dmPrintQuality // DMPUB_COLOR - dmColor // DMPUB_DUPLEX - dmDuplex // DMPUB_TTOPTION - dmTTOption // DMPUB_FORMNAME - dmFormName // DMPUB_ICMMETHOD - dmICMMethod // DMPUB_ICMINTENT - dmICMIntent // DMPUB_MEDIATYPE - dmMediaType // DMPUB_DITHERTYPE - dmDitherType // // ** for most of DMPUB_FIRST to DMPUB_LAST each OPTITEM's // pName is automatically set to the standard // IDS_CPSUI_xxx for the consistancy reason, the // standard pName is set according to following table. // // DMPUB_ORIENTATION - IDS_CPSUI_ORIENTATION // DMPUB_SCALE - IDS_CPSUI_SCALING // DMPUB_COPIES_COLLATE - IDS_CPSUI_COPIES // DMPUB_DEFSOURCE - IDS_CPSUI_SOURCE // DMPUB_PRINTQUALITY - IDS_CPSUI_PRINTQUALITY // IDS_CPSUI_RESOLUTION // DMPUB_COLOR - IDS_CPSUI_COLOR_APPERANCE // DMPUB_DUPLEX - IDS_CPSUI_DUPLEX // DMPUB_TTOPTION - IDS_CPSUI_TTOPTION // DMPUB_FORMNAME - IDS_CPSUI_FORMNAME // DMPUB_ICMMETHOD - IDS_CPSUI_ICMMETHOD // DMPUB_ICMINTENT - IDS_CPSUI_ICMINTENT // DMPUB_MEDIATYPE - IDS_CPSUI_MEDIA // DMPUB_DITHERTYPE - IDS_CPSUI_DITHERING // // for DMPUB_PRINTQUALITY, if the pName is not one of // IDS_CPSUI_PRINTQUALITY or IDS_CPSUI_RESOLUTION then // common UI will automatically default the pName to // IDS_CPSUI_RESOLUTION. // // Each pData (OPTPARAM) selection in OPTPARAM which // OPTITEM's pOptType pointed to should use as much // as IDS_CPSUI_xxx standard name as possible. // // // ** for DMPUB_COPIES_COLLATE the common UI automatically // doing the following before the callback // // 1) Enable/Disable the collate extended check box if // OPTIF_EXT_HIDE is not specified and pExtChkBox // is not NULL in the OPTITEM. // // 2) Automatically change the postfix for this item // to be 'Copy' if selection is one, and 'Copies' // if selection is greater than one in the treeview // page, and it will also set the postfix in // standard document property page if the postfix // ID is provided (BegCtrlID + 4) // // // ** for DMPUB_COLOR the common UI automatically doing // the following before the callback, the gray // selection must be Sel=0 and Color slection must be // Sel=1 // // 1) Calling halftone color adjustment with current // color/mono selection // // 2) Disable ICM when color is not selected // // // ** Please see above DMPUB_xx description for details. // // UserItemID - This is a byte ID intented to be used by the caller to // identify the item // // wReserved - WORD reserved. Must be zero // // pOIExt - Pointer to the OIEXT data structure to specified that // it has a OPTITEM extenstion structure. // // dwReserved[] - DWORD reserved and must be 0 // // // // predefined ID for call back reason // #define CPSUICB_REASON_SEL_CHANGED 0 #define CPSUICB_REASON_PUSHBUTTON 1 #define CPSUICB_REASON_ECB_CHANGED 2 #define CPSUICB_REASON_DLGPROC 3 #define CPSUICB_REASON_UNDO_CHANGES 4 #define CPSUICB_REASON_EXTPUSH 5 #define CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW 6 #define CPSUICB_REASON_OPTITEM_SETFOCUS 7 #define CPSUICB_REASON_ITEMS_REVERTED 8 #define CPSUICB_REASON_ABOUT 9 // // predefined ID for call back action // #define CPSUICB_ACTION_NONE 0 #define CPSUICB_ACTION_OPTIF_CHANGED 1 #define CPSUICB_ACTION_REINIT_ITEMS 2 #define CPSUICB_ACTION_NO_APPLY_EXIT 3 #define CPSUICB_ACTION_ITEMS_APPLIED 4 typedef struct _CPSUICBPARAM { WORD cbSize; // size of this structure WORD Reason; // CPSUICB_REASON_XXXXX callback reason HWND hDlg; // handle of the dialog box POPTITEM pOptItem; // pOptItem field from COMPROPSHEETUI WORD cOptItem; // cOptItem field from COMPROPSHEETUI WORD Flags; // flags field from COMPROPSHEETUI POPTITEM pCurItem; // current selected item of callback union { LONG OldSel; // Last selection (index) LPTSTR pOldSel; // Last selection (pStr) } DUMMYUNIONNAME; DWORD UserData; // UserData in the COMPROPSHEETUI struct. DWORD Result; // OUT parameter for the APPLYNOW } CPSUICBPARAM, *PCPSUICBPARAM; typedef LONG (APIENTRY *_CPSUICALLBACK)(PCPSUICBPARAM pComPropSheetUICBParam); #define CPSUICALLBACK LONG APIENTRY // // CPSUICBPARAM is used when commom UI callback to the caller, this structure // describe the nature of callback and passed all necessary parameter for the // caller to make changes in the pOptItem and passed an action back to the // commom UI to redisplay the tree or page 1 data // // // cbSize - must be CPSUICBPARAM // // Reason - defined the nature of the callback // // CPSUICB_REASON_SEL_CHANGED // // User make change to the pCurItem. if the item is // DMPUB_COPIES_COLLATE then common UI automatically // change the collate extended check box without callback // to the caller of the extended check box changes // // // CPSUICB_REASON_PUSHBUTTON // // User push the push button and push button item is set // to PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_CALLBACK. // // // CPSUICB_REASON_ECB_CHANGED // // User make change to the extended checked box (i.e. it // eiterh checked or not checked) EXTCHKBOX in the // pCurItem passed in the call back parameter. // // // CPSUICB_REASON_DLGPROC // // The callback reason is PUSHBUTTON_TYPE_DLGPROC // // // CPSUICB_REASON_UNDO_CHANGES // // This callback currently is not implmented. // // // CPSUICB_REASON_EXTPUSH // // The callback is result of user push the extend push // button. // // // CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW // // The user press the apply now button. Durning callback // the pCurItem is set to equal to pOptItem in this // structure and 'OldSel' is set to the active DlgPageIdx // (compare to the OPTITEM's DlgPageIdx) which the page // user hitting the apply now button if the page is // non-treeview page, otherwise the 'OldSel' is set to -1 // (for treeview page) to indicate all valid item should // be apply now, if the callback return // CPSUICB_ACTION_NONE then the common UI will exit the // property sheet and returned CPSUI_OK back to the // caller, and if the callback function returned // CPSUICB_ACTION_NO_APPLY_EXIT then common UI will not // exit the property sheet and callback function must // pop-up messages dialog box to tell user why it cannot // exist the property sheet until certain action is take // by the user. // // // CPSUICB_REASON_OPTITEM_SETFOCUS // // This callback reason is used when an OPTITEM is getting // the keyboard focus. and give the callback function a // chance to examine the item. // // // CPSUICB_REASON_ITEMS_REVERTED // // This callback reason is used when user changed items // and decided to revert changes from the parent item in // the treeview. The callback funciton is called after // all revertable items are reverted to its original. // // The CPSUICBPARAM's pCurItem is same as pOptItem and // 'OldSel' field is same as cOptItem field. for each of // reverted item, the OPTIF_CHANGED bit will be set in the // OPTITEM by the common UI to indicate the item is revert // by the common UI. The callback function MUST NOT // reset this bit if it is set. // // // CPSUICB_REASON_ABOUT // // This callback reason is used when user hit 'About...' // push button in the treeview page, and the flag // CPSUIF_ABOUT_CALLBACK is set. The pCurItem is set to // same as pOptItem and 'pOldSel' is a pointer pointed to // original copy of COMPROPSHEETUI data structure which // passed to the common UI. // // // hDlg - The handle to the dialog box (Properties page TAB) current // active for the callback. // // Durning the callback the caller must not change the // DWL_USERDATA on hDlg, otherwise the common UI will be crash. // If callback function need to get/set DWL_USERDATA it should // call common UI's SetCPSUIUserData() and GetCPSUIUserData() // functions instead. // // pCurItem - Pointed to POPTITEM which the callback is generated for. // // pOldSel // OldSel - The last OPTITEM's pSel/Sel field before the change was made // by the user. The pOldSel/OldSel only valid if the callback // reason is CPSUICB_REASON_SEL_CHANGED, this give the callback // function a chance to check against the previous item // selection. This is a union field which can be a pointer to // a string or a LONG index selection. // // UserData - a 32-bit user defined data in the COMPROPSHEETUI structure, // commom UI will not changed it. // // Result - When the reason is CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW, the callback // function MUST set the requested result for the caller into // 'Result' field when it returned a value other than the // CPSUICB_ACTION_NO_APPLY_EXIT and common UI will send the // 'Result' field value to this page's parent. // // The called function should save the current result of // pOptItem. The default 'Result' is set to CPSUI_OK (1) from // common UI. This function can alter this result before it // return back to to the common UI. // // // Return Values: // // CPSUICB_ACTION_NONE - No action need to be take by the // common UI. // // CPSUICB_ACTION_OPTIF_CHANGED - Ask the common UI to examine the // OPTIF_CHANGED flag in the OPTITEM // data structure. if the flag is set // then that item is assume need to be // re-display because of OPTITEM's Flags // field changed or item's selection // changed. This is different from // CPSUICB_ACTION_REINIT_ITEMS which // it assume OPTTYPE or OPTPARAM data // also changed. // // // CPSUICB_ACTION_REINIT_ITEMS - Ask the common UI to examine the // OPTIF_CHANGED flag in the OPTITEM // data structure. if the flag is set // then that item is assume need to be // re-initialized in the dilaog box // control. This happened if item's // OPTTYPE or OPTPARAMs flag/pdata // changed. // // // CPSUICB_ACTION_NO_APPLY_EXIT - This return value only valid durning // CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW callback // reason, it tell common UI it has // some constraints in its OPTITEM which // must correct or confirm by the user // before exit. The callback function // must display and/or have user taking // some actions before return this // action to the common UI // // CPSUICB_ACTION_ITEMS_APPLIED - When responsed to the // CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW, if the // returned action is // CPSUICB_ACTION_ITEMS_APPLIED then // common UI will reset OPTIF_CHANGEONCE // bit and save the new default for the // future undo operations. // // #define DP_STD_TREEVIEWPAGE 0xFFFF #define DP_STD_DOCPROPPAGE 0xFFFE #define MAX_DLGPAGE_COUNT 64 #define DPF_ICONID_AS_HICON 0x0001 #define DPF_USE_HDLGTEMPLATE 0x0002 typedef struct _DLGPAGE { WORD cbSize; // size of this structure WORD Flags; // DPF_xxxx flags DLGPROC DlgProc; // caller's dialog box subclass procedue LPTSTR pTabName; // pointer to the tab name DWORD IconID; // icon to be used union { WORD DlgTemplateID; // dialog box template ID HANDLE hDlgTemplate; // handle to the dialog template } DUMMYUNIONNAME; } DLGPAGE, *PDLGPAGE; // // DLGPAGE structure describe non-treeview page characteristics // // // cbSize - size of this structure // // Flags - DPF_xxxx flags // // DPF_ICONID_AS_HICON // // If this flag is set then IconID DWORD field is // treated as a handle to the icon rather then the // resource ID // // // DlgProc - caller's supplied DLGPROC for sub-class the page // dialog box processing, // // if DlgProc is not NULL then common UI do the following // according the the message received except for the // DP_STD_xxx pages // // // WM_INITDIALOG // // Common UI initialize the dialog box and then call // DlgProc(WM_INITDIALOG) the DlgProc should return // exactly the behavior for the WM_INITDIALOG // // The lParam in the WM_INITDIALOG data structure is // a pointer to the PROPSHEETPAGE data structure. // // the lParam field in the PROPSHEETPAGE (lParam // passed to the WM_INITDIALOG) is the UserData // defined in COMPROPSHEETUI data structure // // To access to the PSPINFO data structure which // associate with this page, use the common UI macro // PPSPINFO_FROM_WM_INITDIALOG_LPARAM(lParam) where // lParam is the parameter passed to the // WM_INITDIALOG message. // // The subclass function should save these pointers // for its later use, but it MUST NOT modified the // content of the PSPINFO data structure or system // may crashed. // // // OTHER DIALOG MESSAGES // // Iit call DlgProc() and if it returned the value is // non-zero then common UI assume DlgProc() processed // the message and will not process this message. // // If the returned vlaue from DlgProc() is zero then // common UI will process this message. // // // * Durning the DlgProc the caller must not change the // DWL_USERDATA on hDlg, otherwise the common UI will be // crash. If caller need to get/set DWL_USERDATA it // should call common UI's SetCPSUIUserData() and // GetCPSUIUserData() instead. // // pTabName - Pointer to a string to describe the TAB title // // IconID - This is the icon identifier, which can be a common // strandard IDI_CPSUI_xxx icon ID, caller's own icon // resource ID, or a handle to the caller defined icon if // DPF_ICONID_AS_HICON flag is set, in any case if the // IconID is zero then it indicated no icon. // // DlgTemplateID - The template id to be use for the ProPage, it can be // one of DP_STD_xxxx, the DP_STD_xxx has 240 x 240 dialog // box units. // // // DP_STD_TREEVIEWPAGE // // Specified that this page is a standard treeview // page provided by the common ui. The treeview page // is a page using treeview display all valid OPTITEM // passed to the common UI. User can modify every // valid selectable OPTITEM from the treeview page. // // // DP_STD_DOCPROPPAGE // // Specified that this page is a standard document // property page provided by the common UI // // hDlgTemplate - Handle to the DLGTEMPLATE which will be use for pop up // dialog box // // // wReserved[] // dwReserved[] - Reserved fields, must be 0 // // // ** Tips of designing the dialog box controls // // When designing the dialog box controls, each OPTITEM is correspoonds // to one input control plus one extended check box or extended push // button. Since common UI will automatically disable and remove // OPTIF_HIDE items item from the property sheet and dynamically move // other controls, the following tips of designing the dialog box controls // should follow. // // * Each item should have one input control plus optional of extended // check box/push botton, one icon control and other static controls // // * Each item should occupied whole horizontal spaces of the property // sheet, items must not overlay in vertical direction. // // * for TVOT_2STATES, TVOT_3STATES, if it araange radio buttons from // left to right in state order (ie. from first state's OPTPARAM to // last state's OPTPARAM) then the radio buttons and icons should // aligned in the Y coordinate. If it arrange radio buttons from top // to bottom (ie. from first state's OPTPARAM to last state's OPTPARAM) // then the radio buttons and icons should aligned in the X coordinate. // // common UI will automatically hide/move the radio buttons to compact // the dialog box controls. If radio buttons/icons are arranged in // top/down order and there is other controls obscure in Y direction // then radio buttons will only be re-arranged but not remove any white // spaces in Y direction. // // * If multiple items shared one group box, then the group box must // belongs to the first item (topmost in the dialog box group) in the // group, the group box must large enough to cover all the items in // side the group box. // // #define CPSUIF_UPDATE_PERMISSION 0x0001 #define CPSUIF_ICONID_AS_HICON 0x0002 #define CPSUIF_ABOUT_CALLBACK 0x0004 #define CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_DOCPROP (PDLGPAGE)1 #define CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_ADVDOCPROP (PDLGPAGE)2 #define CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_PRINTERPROP (PDLGPAGE)3 #define CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_TREEVIWONLY (PDLGPAGE)4 typedef struct _COMPROPSHEETUI { WORD cbSize; // size of this structure WORD Flags; // CPSUIF_xxxx flags HINSTANCE hInstCaller; // caller's hInstance LPTSTR pCallerName; // pointer to the caller's name DWORD UserData; // caller's own data LPTSTR pHelpFile; // pointer to the help file _CPSUICALLBACK pfnCallBack; // callback function pointer POPTITEM pOptItem; // pointer to POPTITEM array PDLGPAGE pDlgPage; // pointer to the DLGPAGE array WORD cOptItem; // count of pOptItem array WORD cDlgPage; // count of pDlgPage array DWORD IconID; // icon to be used LPTSTR pOptItemName; // pointer to the optitem's data name WORD CallerVersion; // version for the caller apps WORD OptItemVersion; // version for the optitem name DWORD dwReserved[4]; // reserved, must be 0 } COMPROPSHEETUI, *PCOMPROPSHEETUI; // // COMPROPSHEETUI data structure is used when calling common UI to display dialog // box of properties pages. // // // Size - Must be sizeof (COMPROPSHEETUI) // // Flags - can be one or more of following // // CPSUIF_UPDATE_PERMISSION // // Specified the any valid pOptItem items are // changeable by the user. // // // CPSUIF_ICONID_AS_HICON // // If this flag is set then IconID DWORD field is // treated as a handle to the icon rather then the // resource ID // // // CPSUIF_ABOUT_CALLBACK // // If this flag bit is set, then when user hit // 'About...' button in the treeview tab, it will // call the callback function with a reason of // CPSUICB_REASON_ABOUT, and callback MUST handle // the about which pop-up dialog box to show user // the information about the caller and OPTITEMs. // // If this bit is not set then common UI will call // the ShellAbout() with formatted caller Name and // pOptItemName with version numbers. // // // hInstCaller - the caller's handle to its instance. Commom UI use // this handle to load caller's icon and other resources. // // pCallerName - Pointer to the caller's NULL terminated caller's // name, most time this is driver's name, // such as 'Postscript Driver' // // UserData - a 32-bit number used by the caller and common UI will // not modify it. this 32-bit number is passed back to // the caller durning the callback function // // pHelpFile - specified a standard microsoft help file (path/file) // for using in the common UI. in OPTITEM specified // HelpIndex for help in each item. // // pfnCallBack - Pointer to _CPSUICALLBACK callback function. Common // UI only callback to the caller if an OPTIF_CALLBACK // is set OPTITEM data structure's flag fields and the // item selection is changed by the user. // // pOptItem - Pointer to array of OPTITEM structure to be displayed // by the common UI // // pDlgPage - Pointer to array of DLGPAGE structure to describe // each property sheet page infomation, the following // are the standard common ui DLGPAGEs. When specified // CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_xxxx, the common UI will automatically // modify DlgPageIdx field in the OPTITEM, caller must // set the iStartPage correctly. // // CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_DOCPROP // // specified this a common ui standard document // property sheets. This includes two property // sheets, 1) Page Setup 2) Advance (TreeView) // // // CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_ADVDOCPROP // // Specified this is a treeview page only UI // provided by the common UI, this only has one // treeview page with tab of 'Advance' // // // CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_PRINTERPROP // // Specified this is a common UI standard printer // property sheet. This only has one treeview // page with tab of 'Device Options' // // // CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_TREEVIWONLY // // Specified this is a treeview page only UI // provided by the common UI, this only has one // treeview page // // // // cOptItem - Count of OPTITEM pointed by the pOptItem above // // cDlgPage - Count of DLGPAGE pointed by the pDlgPage. If // pDlgPage is one of the CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_xxxx then this // field is ignored by the common UI. // // IconID - This is the icon identifier, which can be a common // strandard IDI_CPSUI_xxx icon ID, caller's own icon // resource ID, or a handle to the caller defined icon // if CPSUIF_ICONID_AS_HICON flag is set, in any case // if the IconID is zero then it indicated no icon. // // pOptItemName - Pointer to the pOptItem data NULL terminated name, // most time this is device name, such as 'HP 4si' // // CallerVersion - Version for the caller, the HIBYTE(CallerVersion) is // the major version, and LOBYTE(CallerVersion) is the // minor version, such as 0x310 display as 3.16, 0x3ff // display as 3.255 and 0x30a display as 3.10 // // OptItemVersion - Version for the OPTITEM's data, the // HIBYTE(OptItemVersion) is the major version, and // LOBYTE(OptItemVersion) is the minor version, such as // 0x310 display as 3.16, 0x3ff display as 3.255 and // 0x30a display as 3.10. // // dwReserved[4] - reserved fields, must be 0 // // // ** pTitlee and TitleBarIcon only used if CommonPrinterPropSheetUI() // is the last one the Property sheet UI chain and call the PropertySheet() // // #define CPSFUNC_ADD_HPROPSHEETPAGE 0 #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGEW 1 #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUIA 2 #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUIW 3 #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUIA 4 #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUIW 5 #define CPSFUNC_DELETE_HCOMPROPSHEET 6 #define CPSFUNC_SET_HSTARTPAGE 7 #define CPSFUNC_GET_PAGECOUNT 8 #define CPSFUNC_SET_RESULT 9 #define CPSFUNC_GET_HPSUIPAGES 10 #define CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRINGA 11 #define CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRINGW 12 #define CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_ICON 13 #define CPSFUNC_GET_PFNPROPSHEETUI_ICON 14 #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGEA 15 #define CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGEA 16 #define CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGEW 17 #define CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLEA 18 #define CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLEW 19 #define CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_ICON 20 #define MAX_CPSFUNC_INDEX 20 #ifdef UNICODE #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUIW #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUIW #define CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRING CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRINGW #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGEW #define CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGEW #define CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLE CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLEW #else #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUIA #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUIA #define CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRING CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRINGA #define CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGEA #define CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGEA #define CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLE CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLEA #endif // // for the CPSFUNC_SET_RESULT // #define SR_OWNER 0 #define SR_OWNER_PARENT 1 typedef struct _SETRESULT_INFO { WORD cbSize; WORD wReserved; HANDLE hSetResult; DWORD Result; } SETRESULT_INFO, *PSETRESULT_INFO; // // This is for CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE // #define HINSPSUIPAGE_FIRST (HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFE #define HINSPSUIPAGE_LAST (HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF #define HINSPSUIPAGE_INDEX(i) (HANDLE)MAKELONG(i, 0); #define PSUIPAGEINSERT_GROUP_PARENT 0 #define PSUIPAGEINSERT_PCOMPROPSHEETUI 1 #define PSUIPAGEINSERT_PFNPROPSHEETUI 2 #define PSUIPAGEINSERT_PROPSHEETPAGE 3 #define PSUIPAGEINSERT_HPROPSHEETPAGE 4 #define PSUIPAGEINSERT_DLL 5 #define MAX_PSUIPAGEINSERT_INDEX 5 #define IDX_2_HINSPSUIPAGE(i) ((HANDLE)MAKELONG(i, 0)) #define HINSPSUIPAGE_2_IDX(h) ((UINT)LOWORD(h)) #define INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_BEFORE 0 #define INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_AFTER 1 #define INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_FIRST_CHILD 2 #define INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_LAST_CHILD 3 #define INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_INDEX 4 typedef struct _INSERTPSUIPAGE_INFO { WORD cbSize; BYTE Type; BYTE Mode; DWORD dwData1; DWORD dwData2; DWORD dwData3; } INSERTPSUIPAGE_INFO, *PINSERTPSUIPAGE_INFO; // // for the CPSFUNC_SET_HSTARTPAGE // #define SSP_TVPAGE 10000 #define SSP_STDPAGE 10001 typedef DWORD (CALLBACK *PFNCOMPROPSHEET)(HANDLE hComPropSheet, UINT Function, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2); typedef struct _PSPINFO { WORD cbSize; WORD wReserved; HANDLE hComPropSheet; HANDLE hCPSUIPage; PFNCOMPROPSHEET pfnComPropSheet; } PSPINFO, *PPSPINFO; // // PPSPINFO_FROM_WM_INITDIALOG_LPARAM(lParam) macro retrieve a pointer to the // PSPINFO data structure. the lParam must be the lParam passed to the // WM_INITDIALOG, otherwise the system can failed // #define PPSPINFO_FROM_WM_INITDIALOG_LPARAM(lParam) \ (PPSPINFO)((LPBYTE)lParam + ((LPPROPSHEETPAGE)lParam)->dwSize) // // PSPINFO // // This structure is used durning property sheet page's WM_INITDIALOG message. // At WM_INITDIALOG, the lParam is a pointer to the PROPSHEETPAGE, and // lParam field in the PROPSHEETPAGE is a pointer to the PSPINFO. the // original lParam in the PROPSHEETPAGE is saved in the lParam field in the // PSPINFO data structure. // // When process WM_INITDIALOG message, it should save the lParam (PSPINFO // structure pointer) for later to call common UI callback functions. // // // cbSize - Size of this structure in bytes // // wReserved - Reserved, must be set to zero // // hComPropSheet - Handle to the parent page which is the hComPropSheet // passed to the CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE // // hCPSUIPage - Handle to the this added common UI property sheet page. // // pfnComPropSheet - Pointer to the common UI callback function, using this // function pointer to do CPSFUNC_xxxx // // // // PFNCOMPROPSHEET function descriptions // // For each function index, it passed a handle, a Function Index and two (2) // long parameters, the 'hComPropSheet' handle passed must be the handle passed // from common UI when common UI called the caller supplied function // // pfnPropSheetUI(pPropSheetUIData); // // Following are the description of each function index // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_ADD_HPROPSHEETPAGE // // This function add a page to the hComPropSheet using handle to the // PROPSHEETPAGE // // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - is a handle to the PROPSHEETPAGE that created by the caller // using CreatePropertySheetPage() // // lParam2 - Not used, must be 0 // // // Return Value: // // The return value is the handle of newly added common property sheet // page, if return value is NULL then function failed. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE // // This function add a page to the hComPropSheet using PROPSHEETPAGE // data structure. // // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - is a pointer to PROPSHEETPAGE data structure // // lParam2 - Not used. // // // Return Value: // // The return value is the handle of newly added common property sheet // page, if return value is NULL then function failed. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI // // This function add propety page(s) to the hComPropSheet handle using // COMPROPSHEETUI data structure. // // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - is a pointer to COMPROPSHEETUI data structure // // lParam2 - pointer to a 32-bit location that received the total pages // added by the COMPROPSHEETUI data structure if sucessful else // it contains the ERR_CPSUI_xxx error codes. // // // Return Value: // // The return value is the handle of newly added common property sheet // page(s), if return value is NULL then function failed. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI // // This function add property page(s) to the hChild handle using // lParam1 as PFNPROPSHEETUI function pointer and lParam2 as the function // parameter. The common UI call supplied function as following // // PROPSHEETUI_INFO PSUIInfo; // // PSUIInfo.cbSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETUI_INFO); // PSUIInfo.Version = PROPSHEETUI_INFO_VERSION; // PSUIInfo.Flags = (Ansi) ? 0: PSUIINFO_UNICODE; // PSUIInfo.Reason = PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT; // PSUIInfo.hComPropSheet = hComPropSheet; // PSUIInfo.pfnComPropSheet = ComPropSheetUICallBack; // PSUIInfo.lParamInit = lParam2; // PSUIInfo.UserData = 0; // PSUIInfo.Result = 0; // // ((PFNPROPSHEETUI)lParam1)(&PSUIInfo, lParam2); // // // If the pfnPropSheetUI() need to add/delete any common UI pages then // it must use hComPropSheet as its handle when calling the // ComPropSheetUICallBack(). // // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - a PFNPROPSHEETUI function pointer. // // lParam2 - a 32-bit data that will be used as lParam when calling // PFNPROPSHEETUI function pointer. // // // Return Value: // // The return value is the newly added property pages function handle, if // return value is NULL then function failed or no page is added. // // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_DELETE_HCOMPROPSHEET // // This function delete child property page(s) from hComPropSheet parent // using the child handle passed. // // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - the handle of common property sheet pages that to be deleted. // This handle must be the handle returned from CPSFUNC_ADD_xxx // functions. // // lParam2 - not used, must be 0 // // Return Value: // // The return value is greater than zero if function sucessful, and less // or equal to zero if the function failed. // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_GET_PAGECOUNT // // This function return total property sheet pages belongs to a common // UI property sheet page handle hComPropSheet // // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - not used, must be 0 // // lParam2 - not used, must be 0. // // // Return Value: // // The return value is total page count if function sucessful or zero if // function failed. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_SET_RESULT // // This function set the result of property sheet page to its owner that // added this page by CPSFUNC_ADD_xxx function indices // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - Handle to the common UI property sheet page that setting the // result. If this handle is NULL then it is treated as // equal to the hComPropSheet. // // lParam2 - a 32-bit DWORD result to be set. // // // Return Value: // // > 0: Successful, return value is total count of parents set the result // = 0: There is no owner or parent for the lParam1 handle. // < 0: function failed because of invalid lParam1 handle. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_SET_HSTARTPAGE // // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - the handle of common property sheet pages that to be set // as initial page that appear when the property sheet dialog // boxes is created. This handle must be the handle returned // from CPSFUNC_ADD_xxx functions. // // lParam2 - a LONG number to specified the children index. if lParam1 // handle is a parent then lParam2 specified zero base children // index for using as start page. // // It also can be one of following special index // // SSP_TVPAGE // // set to the treeview page, this only valid if lParam1 // handle was added by the CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI. // // SSP_STDPAGE // // Set to the standard document property sheet page // (Page 1 user friendly page). this only valid if // lParam1 handle was added by the // CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI. // // // Return Value: // // The return value is greater than zero if function sucessful, and less // or equal to zero if the function failed. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_GET_HPSUIPAGES // // This function return array of children HPROPSHEETPAGE belongs to // the parent hComPropSheet UI property sheet page handle hComPropSheet // // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - Pointer to an array of HPROPSHEETPAGE that to be stored // the handle upon return. // // lParam2 - Count of HPROPSHEETPAGE array pointed by the lParam1 // // // Return Value: // // The return value is total HPROPSHEETPAGE stored in the array pointed // by the lParam1. To get all hPropSheetPage for any common property // sheet handle's (hCPSUIPage) children, it can use following sequence. // // if ((cPage = pfnComPropSheet(hComPropSheet, // CPSFUNC_GET_PAGECOUNT, // (LPARAM)hCPSUIPage, // 0L)) && // (phPage = ALLOCMEM(cPage * sizeof(HANDLE)))) { // // pfnComPropSheet(hCPSUIPage, // CPSFUNC_GET_HPSUIPAGES, // (LPARAM)phPage, // (LPARAM)cPage); // } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRING // // This function load the common property sheet UI resource string // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - Pointer to LPTSTR string which will stored the loaded // resource string from the common property sheet UI DLL. // // lParam2 - LOWORD(lParam2) = Count of characters (includes null // terminator) which pointed by the lParam1 // // HIWORD(lParam2) = Common property sheet UI predefined string // resource ID as IDS_CPSUI_xxxx // // // Return Value: // // > 0: Total characters stored in the string pointed by the lParam1, this // is not includes the null terminator // = 0: Invalid IDS_CPSUI_xxx passed from HIWORD(lParam) // < 0: Either lParam1 is NULL or count of character is 0 from // LOWORD(lParam2) // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_ICON // // This function load the common property sheet UI resource icon. // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - Common property sheet UI predefined icon resource ID as // IDI_CPSUI_xxxx. // // lParam2 - LOWORD(lParam2) = cx icon size in pixel. If zero then // SM_CXICON is used // HIWORD(lParam2) = cy icon size in pixel. If zero then // SM_CYICON is used // // // Return Value: // // Return value is the handle to the hIcon if function succeed, a NULL // if function failed. The caller must call DestroyIcon() when it no // longer need to use the hIcon returned // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_GET_PFNPROPSHEETUI_ICON // // This function let the caller return hIcon of its children pages that // was added by CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - Handle of common property sheet pages that the hIcon will be // queried. This handle must be the handle returned from // CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI function. // // lParam2 - LOWORD(lParam2) = cx icon size in pixel. If zero then // SM_CXICON is used // HIWORD(lParam2) = cy icon size in pixel. If zero then // SM_CYICON is used // // // Return Value: // // Return value is the handle to the hIcon if function succeed, a NULL // if function failed. The caller must call DestroyIcon() when it no // longer need to use the hIcon returned // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE // // This function let the caller insert common property sheet pages at // set position. The hComPropSheet must be the parent handle. // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - Handle of common property sheet pages that the page position // will be inserted. This handle must be the handle returned // from previous CPSFUNC_ADD_xxx or CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE that // added or inserted using the hComPropSheet if the Mode field // in INSPSUIPAGE_INFO data structure is one of the follwing // // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_BEFORE // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_AFTER - Common UI page handle // // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_INDEX - the lParam1 is an zero based // child index. // // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_FIRST_CHILD // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_LAST_CHILD - The lParam1 is ignonred. // // // If lParam1 is a valid common property sheet page handle then // it is the child page handle of hComPropSheet that added by // CPSFUNC_ADD_xxx or inserted by CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE. // // lParam2 - A pointer that points to INSERTPSUIPAGE_INFO data structure. // Fields must set according to the following. // // cbSize - size of this structure // // Type - Type of page(s) to be inserted. It can be one // of the following // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_GROUP_PARENT // // Insert a group parent that can be used to insert // new pages under it. This is typically used when // a set of common UI pages must be group together and // can be deleted later using a single group parent // handle without individual deleting each page. // // This handle can be nested. After this function // returned the group parent handle, it can be used // as hComPropSheet handle (first parameter in the // common UI callback) as parent handle so insertion // will be inserted at level below returned group // parent handle. // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_PCOMPROPSHEETUI // // Insert pages using COMPROPSHEETUI data structure, // dwData1 is a pointer to the COMPROPSHEETUI data // structure. // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_PFNPROPSHEETUI // // Insert pages using PFNPROPSHEETUI function pointer. // The dwData1 is a PFNPROPSHEETUI function pointer. // The common UI will call this pfnPropSheetUI() // function pointer with PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT to // have it add pages. // // When common UI call pfnPropSheetUI() (dwData1) it // also passed a 32-bit parameter from the dwData2 // field in INSERTPSUIPAGE_INFO data structure. // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_PROPSHEETPAGE // // Insert pages using PROPSHEETPAGE data structure. // The dwData1 is a pointer to the PROPSHEETPAGE // data structure. // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_HPROPSHEETPAGE // // Insert pages using HPROPSHEETPAGE handle. The // dwData1 is a PROPSHEETPAGE handle which was // created by CreatePropertySheetPage(). // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_DLL // // Insert pages from a dynnmaic link library. The // dwData1 is a pointer to a null terminated string // that specified the dynamic link library file name. // // The dwData2 is a pointer to a null terminated ASCII // string that specified the pfnPropSheetUI function // name. (MUST BE ASCII STRING) // // Common UI will do a LoadLibrary((LPTSTR)dwData1), // pfnPropSheetUI = GetProcAddress((LPTSTR)dwData2) // then call the pfnPropSheetUI with a lParam from // dwData3. The called reason from common UI is // set to PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT. // // Using this method insert pages will guaranteed that // library will be unload correctly. // // // Mode - Insert Mode, it can be one of the following // // // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_BEFORE // // Insert pages before the common property sheet page // handle specified by lParam1 // // // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_AFTER // // Insert pages after the common property sheet page // handle specified by lParam1 // // // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_FIRST_CHILD // // Insert pages as the first child of hComPropSheet // parent handle, the lParam1 is ignored // // // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_LAST_CHILD // // Insert pages as the last child of hComPropSheet // parent handle, the lParam1 is ignored // // // INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_INDEX // // Insert pages as a zero base child index of its // parent handle specified by hComPropSheet. // // The lParam1 is the zero based index special handle // that must generated by HINSPSUIPAGE_INDEX(Index) // macro. If the index is greater than or equal to // the total count of children then it will treat the // mode same as INSPSUIPAGE_MODE_LAST_CHILD // // // dwData1 // dwData2 // dwData3 - 32-bit data associate with the 'Type' field // as following // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_GROUP_PARENT // // dwData1 = Not used, must be 0 // dwData2 = Not used, must be 0 // dwData3 = Not used, must be 0 // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_PCOMPROPSHEETUI // // dwData1 = pointer to COMPORPSHEETUI data structure. // dwData2 = at return if sucessful, it contains total // page added. If failed, it contains the // ERR_CPSUI_xxx codes // dwData3 = Not used, must be 0 // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_PFNPROPSHEETUI // // dwData1 = PFNPROPSHEETUI function pointer // dwData2 = 32-bit parameter passed to pfnPropSheetUI // dwData3 = Not used, must be 0 // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_PROPSHEETPAGE // // dwData1 = Pointer to PROPSHEETPAGE data structure. // dwData2 = not used, must be 0 // dwData3 = not used, must be 0 // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_HPROPSHEETPAGE // // dwData1 = Is the HPROPSHEETPAGE handle that created // by a call to CreatePropertySheetPage(). // dwData2 = not used, must be 0 // dwData3 = not used, must be 0 // // // PSUIPAGEINSERT_DLL // // dwData1 = Pointer to a null terminated dynamic link // library filename. // dwData2 = Pointer to a null terminated function // name (PFNPROPSHEETUI) in the dynamin link // library. // dwData3 = 32-bit parameter passed to pfnPropSheetUI // (PFNPROPSHEETUI) function from dwData2 // // // Return Value: // // The return value is the handle of newly added common property sheet // page(s), if return value is NULL then function failed. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLE // // This function let the caller set a new title for a particular common // UI page title (on the property sheet page tab) // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - the handle of common property sheet pages that title to be // set. This handle must be the handle returned from following // // CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE // CPSFUNC_ADD_HPROPSHEETPAGE // CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE with type of // PSUIPAGEINSERT_PROPSHEETPAGE or // PSUIPAGEINSERT_HPROPSHEETPAGE // // lParam2 - Pointer to a null terminated string for the new title // // // Return Value: // // The return value is greater than zero if function sucessful, and less // or equal to zero if the function failed. // // This function will returned 0 if the property sheet pages is not // currently displayed. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function = CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_ICON // // This function let the caller set a new icon for a particular common // UI page icon (on the property sheet page tab) // // Parameters: // // lParam1 - the handle of common property sheet pages that icon to be // set. This handle must be the handle returned from following // // CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE // CPSFUNC_ADD_HPROPSHEETPAGE // CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE with type of // PSUIPAGEINSERT_PROPSHEETPAGE or // PSUIPAGEINSERT_HPROPSHEETPAGE // // lParam2 - Handle to Icon, this icon is best as 16x16 icon otherwise it // will be stretch to 16x16 (pixel). // // // Return Value: // // The return value is greater than zero if function sucessful, and less // or equal to zero if the function failed. // // This function will returned 0 if the property sheet pages is not // currently displayed. // // After this function is successful set the icon, the caller can destroy // the hIcon using DestroyIcon() if the hIcon is created by CreateIcon(). // If the hIcon (lParam2) passed is using LoadIcon() then it does not need // to destroy the icon. // // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #define PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT 0 #define PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_INFO_HEADER 1 #define PROPSHEETUI_REASON_DESTROY 2 #define PROPSHEETUI_REASON_SET_RESULT 3 #define PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_ICON 4 #define MAX_PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INDEX 4 #define PROPSHEETUI_INFO_VERSION 0x0100 #define PSUIINFO_UNICODE 0x0001 typedef struct _PROPSHEETUI_INFO { WORD cbSize; WORD Version; WORD Flags; WORD Reason; HANDLE hComPropSheet; PFNCOMPROPSHEET pfnComPropSheet; LPARAM lParamInit; DWORD UserData; DWORD Result; } PROPSHEETUI_INFO, *PPROPSHEETUI_INFO; // // For the PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_ICON call which lParam is a pointer to // PROPSHEETUI_GETICON_INFO // typedef struct _PROPSHEETUI_GETICON_INFO { WORD cbSize; WORD Flags; WORD cxIcon; WORD cyIcon; HICON hIcon; } PROPSHEETUI_GETICON_INFO, *PPROPSHEETUI_GETICON_INFO; typedef LONG (FAR *PFNPROPSHEETUI)(PPROPSHEETUI_INFO pPSUIInfo, LPARAM lParam); // // PFNPROPSHEETUI // // This function is user defined function which will be called by the common // UI when a caller wish to include the executable property sheets. // // pPSUIInfo - Pointer to PROPSHEETUI_INFO below for description of // PROPSHEETUI_INFO. // // If this pointer is NULL then this function is not called from // common UI, and lParam should be used to determined the // action and outcome of this funciton. // // lParam - A LPARAM intented for this funciton depends on the reason. // If pPSUIInfo is NULL then this function is not called from // common UI, the lParam is the parameter which agreed with // the caller. // // if pPSUIInfo is not NULL then this function assume the call // is from the common UI. lParam has following meanion depends // on the reason field. // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT // // The lParam is either passed from CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI // callback function's second parameter (lParam2) or it is // from CommonPropertySheetUI()'s lParam (seccond parameter) // without any modification. // // The lParam MUST NOT be a variable or a pointer to memory // block which resides on the caller function's stack, since // after this function exit, the lParam will become invalid // and can cause fatal system error. // // The lParam parameter is copied to the lParamInit field in // PROPSHEETUI_INFO data structure. The lParamInit field // will be passed to all subsequent pfnPropSheetUI() calls // without any modification. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_INFO_HEADER: // // lParam is a pointer to the PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER data // structure. this function must correctly fill this structure // fields before it returned. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_DESTROY // // lParam is zero to indicate the destroy is cause either by a // caller calling CPSFUNC_DELETE_HCOMPROPSHEET or failed // in caller's CPSFUNC_ADD_xxxx. // // lParam is non zero to indicate the destroy is cause by // exiting from the property sheet user interface. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_SET_RESULT // // lParam is a pointer to SETRESULT_INFO data structure. // Fields in SETRESULT_INFO data structure is set to following // // hSetResult: Handle to the common UI property sheet // pages which added by the CPSFUNC_ADD_xxx // callback function indices. // // Result: The result from the hSetResult to be set. // When return greater than zero then Result // in this field is set to its parent. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_ICON // // lParam is a pointer to PROPSHEETUI_GETICON_INFO data // structure. Fields in PROPSHEETUI_GETICON_INFO data // structure are set to following // // cxIcon = cx Icon size in pixel // cyIcon = cy Icon size in pixel // hIcon = Initial to NULL, and this function must put // the created icon handle in this field before // returned. // // // PROPSHEETUI_INFO // // This structure is used when common UI calling the caller passed function // entry point PFNPROPSHEETUI, the pfnPropSheetUI() return a LONG to // indicate result of this function. // // When the pfnPropSheetUI() returned, it must also put the required result // in the Result field, each PROPSHEETUI_REASON_xxx has different required // result as describe below. // // // // cbSize - sizeof this structure (PROPSHEETUI_INFO) // // Version - the PROPSHEETUI_INFO data structure version. Current // version is set to PROPSHEETUI_INFO_VERSION // // Flags - One or more following is may be defined // // PSUIINFO_UNICODE // // The caller's executable was original compiled was // intented using unicode. // // // Reason - Following reasons are defined. // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT // // When first time the pfnPropSheetUI() called, this // reason is used to have the function initialize // itself and use the pfnComPropSheet() function // pointer provided to add new pages to the // hComPropSheet handle passed. The UserData in this // data structure is initially set equal to zero (0). // // * Return > 0 to indicate sucesful and <= 0 to // indicate error. // // *NOTE* // // The lParam MUST NOT be a variable or a pointer to // memory block which resides on the caller function's // stack, since after this function exit, the lParam // will become invalid and can cause fatal system // error. // // If this function reason returned failed ( <= 0), // this function (pfnPropSheetUI) will received a // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_DESTROY function reason right // after this function reason returned. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_INFO_HEADER // // It is called after the PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT is // successful returned. This reason is used to asked // the function fill in the PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER // for pop-up the property sheet dialog boxes. // // lParam in this reason is a pointer to the // PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER data structure, following // fields are requrested to be filled in. // // Flags - PSUIHDRF_xxx flags // pTitle - The property sheet title // hWndParent - handle to the parent of property // sheet pages. // hInst - Instance data handle for this // function. // hIcon // IconID - Icon used on the title bar. // // * Return > 0 to indicate sucesful and pop-up the // property sheet dialog boxes or returned <= 0 to // indicate error (not property sheet UI appeared) // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_DESTROY // // When the property sheet ready to dismissed or the // caller is delete the common UI pages added by the // pfnPropSheetUI(), the common UI will call this // entry point to have it de-initialized itself and // free up all the memory used for this function // instance. The UserData field passed is the // 'UserData' field which returned from previous // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_xxxx. // // When this function called, all hComPropSheet's // children are desotroyed and children's common UI // handles are not longer valid. // // * Return > 0 to indicate sucesful and <= 0 to // indicate error. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_SET_RESULT // // The reason is used when an added handle from // CPSFUNC_ADD_xxxx whant to return the result to // this pfnPropSheetUI() caller. // // The lParam in second parameter is a pointer to a // SETRESULT_INFO data structure. // // hSetResult: specified the common UI property // sheet page handle which added by // this function using // CPSFUNC_ADD_xxx indicies. // // Result: Specified the Result to be set to // this pfnPropSheetUI() form the // hSetResult property sheet page // handle. If return value is greater // than zero then the value in this // Result field will be set to its // parent if one exist, at this case // this function can alter the Result // field value for its parent. // // * Returned greater than zero to continue send to // its parent, else it stop sending the Result filed // value to its parent. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_ICON // // The reason is used to retrived the Icon which // represent this pfnPropSheetUI(). // // lParam is a pointer to PROPSHEETUI_GETICON_INFO ' // data structure. Fields in PROPSHEETUI_GETICON_INFO // data structure are set to following // // cxIcon = cx Icon size in pixel // cyIcon = cy Icon size in pixel // hIcon = Initial to NULL, and this function // must put the created icon handle in // this field before return. // // // * Return > 0 to indicate sucesful (hIcon is the // requested icon handle). Return = 0 to indicate // no icon available, or return < 0 to indicate an // error. // // *NOTE* // // * For all PROPSHEETUI_REASON_xxx, the function can set new // user defined DWORD data in the PROPSHEETUI_INFO data // structure's UserData field. // // * For all PROPSHEETUI_REASON_xxx, the function can set new // pfnPropSheetUI() DWORD result in PROPSHEETUI_INFO data // structure's Result field. // // // hComPropSheet - Handle to the COMPROPSHEETPAGE which this function should // used as hComPropSheet parameter when calling // pfnComPropSheet() to add or delete common UI property // sheet pages. The hComPropSheet is the instance handle to // pfnPropSheetUI() function. // // pfnComPropSheet - Pointer to the common UI callback function which for the // pfnPropSheetUI() to add, delete, set user data, for a // completed set of callback, see CPSFUNC_xxx descriptions // above. // // lParamInit - The lParam originally passed duning the the first call // reason PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT. The lParamInit will be // passed to each PROPSHEETUI_REASON_xxx calls. // // UserData - the UserData field is an IN and OUT parameter for each // of the Reason, // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT // // IN: Initial set to zero (0). // // OUT: Specified new callee's own user data which // will be passed back to other reason calls. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_DESTROY // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_SET_RESULT // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_INFO_HEADER // // IN: The UserData specified at time when returned // from the previous PROPSHEETUI_REASON_xxx // // OUT: Specified new callee's own user data which // will be passed back to other reason calls. // // // Result - The Result field is an IN and OUT parameter for each of // the reason. // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_INIT // // IN: Set to zero (0). // // OUT: Set to default result of this PropSheetUI() // function. // // // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_DESTROY // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_INFO_HEADER // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_SET_RESULT // // IN: The current 'Result' returned from previous // PROPSHEETUI_REASON_xxx function. // // OUT: Set the new result of this PropSheetUI() // function. // // #define PSUIHDRF_OBSOLETE 0x0001 #define PSUIHDRF_NOAPPLYNOW 0x0002 #define PSUIHDRF_PROPTITLE 0x0004 #define PSUIHDRF_USEHICON 0x0008 #define PSUIHDRF_DEFTITLE 0x0010 typedef struct _PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER { WORD cbSize; WORD Flags; LPTSTR pTitle; HWND hWndParent; HINSTANCE hInst; union { HICON hIcon; DWORD IconID; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; } PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER, *PPROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER; // // PROPSHEETUI_INFO_HEADER // // This data structure is used when common UI ready to pop-up the property // sheet page dialog boxes and it asked caller to provide more information. // // Common property sheet UI passed this data structure as lParam when it call // provided pfnPropSheetUI() with PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_INFO_HEADER reason. // // // cbSize - size of this structure // // Flags - PSUIHDRF_xxxx flags // // PSUIHDRF_OBSOLETE // // Not used, must not set this bit // // // PSUIHDRF_NOAPPLYNOW // // Remove 'Apply Now' button. // // // PSUIHDRF_PROPTITLE // // Automatically include 'Properties' in the title bar // // // PSUIHDRF_USEHICON // // If this bit is specified then hIcon union field is // a valid handle to the icon otherwise the IconID is // the either caller's resource ID or common UI standard // icon ID. // // PSUIHDRF_DEFTITLE // // Automatically include 'Default' in the title bar, the // 'Default' always added right after pTitle and before // 'Properties' if PSUIHDRF_PROPTITLE flag is set. // // pTitle - Pointer to the NULL terminated caption name for the // property sheets. // // ** See LPTSTR typedef description above // // hWndParent - The handle of the window which will be parent of the common // UI property sheets, if NULL then current active window for // the calling thread is used. // // hInst - the caller's handle to its instance. Commom UI use this // handle to load caller's icon and other resources. // // hIcon // IconID - Specified the icon which put on the title bar, it either a // handle to the icon or a icon resource ID depends on the // PSUIHDRF_USEHICON flag. // // // LONG // CommonPropertySheetUI( // HWND hWndOwner, // PFNPROPSHEETUI pfnPropSheetUI, // LPARAM lParam, // LPDWORD pResult // ); // // // The CommonPropSheetUI is the main entry point for the common property sheet // user interface. The original caller that wish to using common UI to pop-up // property sheet will call this function and passed its own PFNPROPSHEETUI // function address and a long parameter. // // If pfnPropSheetUI function return a LONG number greater than zero (0) then // common UI will pop-up the property sheet page dialog boxes, when Property // sheet pages is finished. (either hit Ok or Cancel) it will return the // result of CPSUI_xxxx back to the caller. // // If pfnPropSheetUI function return a LONG number equal or less than zero (0) // then it will return the CPSUI_CANCEL back to caller without pop-up the // property sheet page dialog boxes. // // // Parameters: // // hWndOwner - Window handle for the owner of this proerty sheet // pages dialog boxes. // // pfnPropSheetUI - a PFNPROPSHEETUI function pointer which is used by // the caller to add its property sheet pages. // // lParam - a long parameter will be passed to the pfnPropSheetUI // funciton. The common UI called the pfnPropSheetUI as // // PROPSHEETUI_INFO PSUIInfo; // // pfnPropSheetUI(&PSUIInfo, lParam); // // The caller must use pfnComPropSheet() to add/delete // pages. When it is done adding pages, it retuned // greater than zero to indicate successful, and return // less or equal to zero to indicate failure. // // pResult - a pointer to DWORD which received the final result // of pfnPropSheetUI() funciton, this result is a copy // from Result field of PROPSHEETUI_INFO data structure // which passed to the pfnPropSheetUI() as the first // parameter. The pResult only will be set if the // returned value from CommonPropertySheetUI() is not // ERR_CPSUI_xxx. // // if pResult is NULL then common UI will not return // pfnPropSheetUI()'s result back. // // // Return Value: // // LONG - < 0 - property page does not displayed and // ERR_CPSUI_xxx is the error code // CPSUI_OK - property page displayed. // CPSUI_RESTARTWINDOWS - property page displayed and need to // restart window to take effect // CPSUI_REBOOTSYSTEM - property page dispalyed and need // to reboot system to take effect // // LONG APIENTRY CommonPropertySheetUIA( HWND hWndOwner, PFNPROPSHEETUI pfnPropSheetUI, LPARAM lParam, LPDWORD pResult ); LONG APIENTRY CommonPropertySheetUIW( HWND hWndOwner, PFNPROPSHEETUI pfnPropSheetUI, LPARAM lParam, LPDWORD pResult ); #ifdef UNICODE #define CommonPropertySheetUI CommonPropertySheetUIW #else #define CommonPropertySheetUI CommonPropertySheetUIA #endif // // GetCPSUIUserData() and SetCPSUIUserData() is used for the pages added // by the CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI. The caller add this function and has // sub class dialog procedure should not set DWL_USERDATA but calling these // function instead, otherwise the system can failed. // DWORD APIENTRY GetCPSUIUserData( HWND hDlg ); BOOL APIENTRY SetCPSUIUserData( HWND hDlg, DWORD CPSUIUserData ); #define CPSUI_CANCEL 0 #define CPSUI_OK 1 #define CPSUI_RESTARTWINDOWS 2 #define CPSUI_REBOOTSYSTEM 3 #define ERR_CPSUI_GETLASTERROR -1 #define ERR_CPSUI_ALLOCMEM_FAILED -2 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_PDATA -3 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_LPARAM -4 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_HINST -5 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_CALLERNAME -6 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_OPTITEMNAME -7 #define ERR_CPSUI_NO_PROPSHEETPAGE -8 #define ERR_CPSUI_TOO_MANY_PROPSHEETPAGES -9 #define ERR_CPSUI_CREATEPROPPAGE_FAILED -10 #define ERR_CPSUI_MORE_THAN_ONE_TVPAGE -11 #define ERR_CPSUI_MORE_THAN_ONE_STDPAGE -12 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_PDLGPAGE -13 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_DLGPAGE_CBSIZE -14 #define ERR_CPSUI_TOO_MANY_DLGPAGES -15 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_DLGPAGEIDX -16 #define ERR_CPSUI_SUBITEM_DIFF_DLGPAGEIDX -17 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_POPTITEM -18 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_OPTITEM_CBSIZE -19 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_OPTTYPE_CBSIZE -20 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_OPTTYPE_COUNT -21 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_POPTPARAM -22 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_OPTPARAM_CBSIZE -23 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_EDITBOX_PSEL -24 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_EDITBOX_BUF_SIZE -25 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_ECB_CBSIZE -26 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_ECB_PTITLE -27 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_ECB_PCHECKEDNAME -28 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_DMPUBID -29 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_DMPUB_TVOT -30 #define ERR_CPSUI_CREATE_TRACKBAR_FAILED -31 #define ERR_CPSUI_CREATE_UDARROW_FAILED -32 #define ERR_CPSUI_CREATE_IMAGELIST_FAILED -33 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_TVOT_TYPE -34 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_LBCB_TYPE -35 #define ERR_CPSUI_SUBITEM_DIFF_OPTIF_HIDE -36 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_PUSHBUTTON_TYPE -38 #define ERR_CPSUI_INVALID_EXTPUSH_CBSIZE -39 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_EXTPUSH_DLGPROC -40 #define ERR_CPSUI_NO_EXTPUSH_DLGTEMPLATEID -41 #define ERR_CPSUI_NULL_EXTPUSH_CALLBACK -42 #define ERR_CPSUI_DMCOPIES_USE_EXTPUSH -43 #define ERR_CPSUI_ZERO_OPTITEM -44 #define ERR_CPSUI_FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -9999 #define ERR_CPSUI_INTERNAL_ERROR -10000 #endif // (!defined(RC_INVOKED)) // //**************************************************************************** //* * //* Common Property Sheet UI resource ID for the ICONs and STRINGs * //* * //* The Resource ID from 64000 to 65535 are reserved for common UI and must * //* not used as caller resource ID else the string, icon loading will not be * //* correct. * //* * //**************************************************************************** // // // Common UI standard 32x32, 16x16 color and monochrome Icon IDs // #define IDI_CPSUI_ICONID_FIRST 64000 #define IDI_CPSUI_EMPTY 64000 #define IDI_CPSUI_SEL_NONE 64001 #define IDI_CPSUI_WARNING 64002 #define IDI_CPSUI_NO 64003 #define IDI_CPSUI_YES 64004 #define IDI_CPSUI_FALSE 64005 #define IDI_CPSUI_TRUE 64006 #define IDI_CPSUI_OFF 64007 #define IDI_CPSUI_ON 64008 #define IDI_CPSUI_PAPER_OUTPUT 64009 #define IDI_CPSUI_ENVELOPE 64010 #define IDI_CPSUI_MEM 64011 #define IDI_CPSUI_FONTCARTHDR 64012 #define IDI_CPSUI_FONTCART 64013 #define IDI_CPSUI_STAPLER_ON 64014 #define IDI_CPSUI_STAPLER_OFF 64015 #define IDI_CPSUI_HT_HOST 64016 #define IDI_CPSUI_HT_DEVICE 64017 #define IDI_CPSUI_TT_PRINTASGRAPHIC 64018 #define IDI_CPSUI_TT_DOWNLOADSOFT 64019 #define IDI_CPSUI_TT_DOWNLOADVECT 64020 #define IDI_CPSUI_TT_SUBDEV 64021 #define IDI_CPSUI_PORTRAIT 64022 #define IDI_CPSUI_LANDSCAPE 64023 #define IDI_CPSUI_ROT_LAND 64024 #define IDI_CPSUI_AUTOSEL 64025 #define IDI_CPSUI_PAPER_TRAY 64026 #define IDI_CPSUI_PAPER_TRAY2 64027 #define IDI_CPSUI_PAPER_TRAY3 64028 #define IDI_CPSUI_TRANSPARENT 64029 #define IDI_CPSUI_COLLATE 64030 #define IDI_CPSUI_DUPLEX_NONE 64031 #define IDI_CPSUI_DUPLEX_HORZ 64032 #define IDI_CPSUI_DUPLEX_VERT 64033 #define IDI_CPSUI_RES_DRAFT 64034 #define IDI_CPSUI_RES_LOW 64035 #define IDI_CPSUI_RES_MEDIUM 64036 #define IDI_CPSUI_RES_HIGH 64037 #define IDI_CPSUI_RES_PRESENTATION 64038 #define IDI_CPSUI_MONO 64039 #define IDI_CPSUI_COLOR 64040 #define IDI_CPSUI_DITHER_NONE 64041 #define IDI_CPSUI_DITHER_COARSE 64042 #define IDI_CPSUI_DITHER_FINE 64043 #define IDI_CPSUI_DITHER_LINEART 64044 #define IDI_CPSUI_SCALING 64045 #define IDI_CPSUI_COPY 64046 #define IDI_CPSUI_HTCLRADJ 64047 #define IDI_CPSUI_HALFTONE_SETUP 64048 #define IDI_CPSUI_WATERMARK 64049 #define IDI_CPSUI_ERROR 64050 #define IDI_CPSUI_ICM_OPTION 64051 #define IDI_CPSUI_ICM_METHOD 64052 #define IDI_CPSUI_ICM_INTENT 64053 #define IDI_CPSUI_STD_FORM 64054 #define IDI_CPSUI_OUTBIN 64055 #define IDI_CPSUI_OUTPUT 64056 #define IDI_CPSUI_GRAPHIC 64057 #define IDI_CPSUI_ADVANCE 64058 #define IDI_CPSUI_DOCUMENT 64059 #define IDI_CPSUI_DEVICE 64060 #define IDI_CPSUI_DEVICE2 64061 #define IDI_CPSUI_PRINTER 64062 #define IDI_CPSUI_PRINTER2 64063 #define IDI_CPSUI_PRINTER3 64064 #define IDI_CPSUI_PRINTER4 64065 #define IDI_CPSUI_OPTION 64066 #define IDI_CPSUI_OPTION2 64067 #define IDI_CPSUI_STOP 64068 #define IDI_CPSUI_NOTINSTALLED 64069 #define IDI_CPSUI_WARNING_OVERLAY 64070 #define IDI_CPSUI_STOP_WARNING_OVERLAY 64071 #define IDI_CPSUI_GENERIC_OPTION 64072 #define IDI_CPSUI_GENERIC_ITEM 64073 #define IDI_CPSUI_RUN_DIALOG 64074 #define IDI_CPSUI_QUESTION 64075 #define IDI_CPSUI_FORMTRAYASSIGN 64076 #define IDI_CPSUI_PRINTER_FOLDER 64077 #define IDI_CPSUI_INSTALLABLE_OPTION 64078 #define IDI_CPSUI_PRINTER_FEATURE 64079 #define IDI_CPSUI_DEVICE_FEATURE 64080 #define IDI_CPSUI_FONTSUB 64081 #define IDI_CPSUI_POSTSCRIPT 64082 #define IDI_CPSUI_TELEPHONE 64083 #define IDI_CPSUI_DUPLEX_NONE_L 64084 #define IDI_CPSUI_DUPLEX_HORZ_L 64085 #define IDI_CPSUI_DUPLEX_VERT_L 64086 #define IDI_CPSUI_LF_PEN_PLOTTER 64087 #define IDI_CPSUI_SF_PEN_PLOTTER 64088 #define IDI_CPSUI_LF_RASTER_PLOTTER 64089 #define IDI_CPSUI_SF_RASTER_PLOTTER 64090 #define IDI_CPSUI_ROLL_PAPER 64091 #define IDI_CPSUI_PEN_CARROUSEL 64092 #define IDI_CPSUI_PLOTTER_PEN 64093 #define IDI_CPSUI_MANUAL_FEED 64094 #define IDI_CPSUI_FAX 64095 #define IDI_CPSUI_PAGE_PROTECT 64096 #define IDI_CPSUI_ENVELOPE_FEED 64097 #define IDI_CPSUI_FONTCART_SLOT 64098 #define IDI_CPSUI_ICONID_LAST 64098 // // Common UI standard String IDs // #define IDS_CPSUI_STRID_FIRST 64700 #define IDS_CPSUI_SETUP 64700 #define IDS_CPSUI_MORE 64701 #define IDS_CPSUI_CHANGE 64702 #define IDS_CPSUI_OPTION 64703 #define IDS_CPSUI_OF 64704 #define IDS_CPSUI_RANGE_FROM 64705 #define IDS_CPSUI_TO 64706 #define IDS_CPSUI_COLON_SEP 64707 #define IDS_CPSUI_LEFT_ANGLE 64708 #define IDS_CPSUI_RIGHT_ANGLE 64709 #define IDS_CPSUI_SLASH_SEP 64710 #define IDS_CPSUI_PERCENT 64711 #define IDS_CPSUI_LBCB_NOSEL 64712 #define IDS_CPSUI_PROPERTIES 64713 #define IDS_CPSUI_DEFAULTDOCUMENT 64714 #define IDS_CPSUI_DOCUMENT 64715 #define IDS_CPSUI_ADVANCEDOCUMENT 64716 #define IDS_CPSUI_PRINTER 64717 #define IDS_CPSUI_AUTOSELECT 64718 #define IDS_CPSUI_PAPER_OUTPUT 64719 #define IDS_CPSUI_GRAPHIC 64720 #define IDS_CPSUI_OPTIONS 64721 #define IDS_CPSUI_ADVANCED 64722 #define IDS_CPSUI_STDDOCPROPTAB 64723 #define IDS_CPSUI_STDDOCPROPTVTAB 64724 #define IDS_CPSUI_DEVICEOPTIONS 64725 #define IDS_CPSUI_FALSE 64726 #define IDS_CPSUI_TRUE 64727 #define IDS_CPSUI_NO 64728 #define IDS_CPSUI_YES 64729 #define IDS_CPSUI_OFF 64730 #define IDS_CPSUI_ON 64731 #define IDS_CPSUI_DEFAULT 64732 #define IDS_CPSUI_ERROR 64733 #define IDS_CPSUI_NONE 64734 #define IDS_CPSUI_NOT 64735 #define IDS_CPSUI_EXIST 64736 #define IDS_CPSUI_NOTINSTALLED 64737 #define IDS_CPSUI_ORIENTATION 64738 #define IDS_CPSUI_SCALING 64739 #define IDS_CPSUI_NUM_OF_COPIES 64740 #define IDS_CPSUI_SOURCE 64741 #define IDS_CPSUI_PRINTQUALITY 64742 #define IDS_CPSUI_RESOLUTION 64743 #define IDS_CPSUI_COLOR_APPERANCE 64744 #define IDS_CPSUI_DUPLEX 64745 #define IDS_CPSUI_TTOPTION 64746 #define IDS_CPSUI_FORMNAME 64747 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICM 64748 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICMMETHOD 64749 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICMINTENT 64750 #define IDS_CPSUI_MEDIA 64751 #define IDS_CPSUI_DITHERING 64752 #define IDS_CPSUI_PORTRAIT 64753 #define IDS_CPSUI_LANDSCAPE 64754 #define IDS_CPSUI_ROT_LAND 64755 #define IDS_CPSUI_COLLATE 64756 #define IDS_CPSUI_COLLATED 64757 #define IDS_CPSUI_PRINTFLDSETTING 64758 #define IDS_CPSUI_DRAFT 64759 #define IDS_CPSUI_LOW 64760 #define IDS_CPSUI_MEDIUM 64761 #define IDS_CPSUI_HIGH 64762 #define IDS_CPSUI_PRESENTATION 64763 #define IDS_CPSUI_COLOR 64764 #define IDS_CPSUI_GRAYSCALE 64765 #define IDS_CPSUI_MONOCHROME 64766 #define IDS_CPSUI_SIMPLEX 64767 #define IDS_CPSUI_HORIZONTAL 64768 #define IDS_CPSUI_VERTICAL 64769 #define IDS_CPSUI_LONG_SIDE 64770 #define IDS_CPSUI_SHORT_SIDE 64771 #define IDS_CPSUI_TT_PRINTASGRAPHIC 64772 #define IDS_CPSUI_TT_DOWNLOADSOFT 64773 #define IDS_CPSUI_TT_DOWNLOADVECT 64774 #define IDS_CPSUI_TT_SUBDEV 64775 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICM_BLACKWHITE 64776 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICM_NO 64777 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICM_YES 64778 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICM_SATURATION 64779 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICM_CONTRAST 64780 #define IDS_CPSUI_ICM_COLORMETRIC 64781 #define IDS_CPSUI_STANDARD 64782 #define IDS_CPSUI_GLOSSY 64783 #define IDS_CPSUI_TRANSPARENCY 64784 #define IDS_CPSUI_REGULAR 64785 #define IDS_CPSUI_BOND 64786 #define IDS_CPSUI_COARSE 64787 #define IDS_CPSUI_FINE 64788 #define IDS_CPSUI_LINEART 64789 #define IDS_CPSUI_ERRDIFFUSE 64790 #define IDS_CPSUI_HALFTONE 64791 #define IDS_CPSUI_HTCLRADJ 64792 #define IDS_CPSUI_USE_HOST_HT 64793 #define IDS_CPSUI_USE_DEVICE_HT 64794 #define IDS_CPSUI_USE_PRINTER_HT 64795 #define IDS_CPSUI_OUTBINASSIGN 64796 #define IDS_CPSUI_WATERMARK 64797 #define IDS_CPSUI_FORMTRAYASSIGN 64798 #define IDS_CPSUI_UPPER_TRAY 64799 #define IDS_CPSUI_ONLYONE 64800 #define IDS_CPSUI_LOWER_TRAY 64801 #define IDS_CPSUI_MIDDLE_TRAY 64802 #define IDS_CPSUI_MANUAL_TRAY 64803 #define IDS_CPSUI_ENVELOPE_TRAY 64804 #define IDS_CPSUI_ENVMANUAL_TRAY 64805 #define IDS_CPSUI_TRACTOR_TRAY 64806 #define IDS_CPSUI_SMALLFMT_TRAY 64807 #define IDS_CPSUI_LARGEFMT_TRAY 64808 #define IDS_CPSUI_LARGECAP_TRAY 64809 #define IDS_CPSUI_CASSETTE_TRAY 64810 #define IDS_CPSUI_DEFAULT_TRAY 64811 #define IDS_CPSUI_FORMSOURCE 64812 #define IDS_CPSUI_MANUALFEED 64813 #define IDS_CPSUI_PRINTERMEM_KB 64814 #define IDS_CPSUI_PRINTERMEM_MB 64815 #define IDS_CPSUI_PAGEPROTECT 64816 #define IDS_CPSUI_HALFTONE_SETUP 64817 #define IDS_CPSUI_INSTFONTCART 64818 #define IDS_CPSUI_SLOT1 64819 #define IDS_CPSUI_SLOT2 64820 #define IDS_CPSUI_SLOT3 64821 #define IDS_CPSUI_SLOT4 64822 #define IDS_CPSUI_LEFT_SLOT 64823 #define IDS_CPSUI_RIGHT_SLOT 64824 #define IDS_CPSUI_STAPLER 64825 #define IDS_CPSUI_STAPLER_ON 64826 #define IDS_CPSUI_STAPLER_OFF 64827 #define IDS_CPSUI_STACKER 64828 #define IDS_CPSUI_MAILBOX 64829 #define IDS_CPSUI_COPY 64830 #define IDS_CPSUI_COPIES 64831 #define IDS_CPSUI_TOTAL 64832 #define IDS_CPSUI_MAKE 64833 #define IDS_CPSUI_PRINT 64834 #define IDS_CPSUI_FAX 64835 #define IDS_CPSUI_PLOT 64836 #define IDS_CPSUI_SLOW 64837 #define IDS_CPSUI_FAST 64838 #define IDS_CPSUI_ROTATED 64839 #define IDS_CPSUI_RESET 64840 #define IDS_CPSUI_ALL 64841 #define IDS_CPSUI_DEVICE 64842 #define IDS_CPSUI_SETTINGS 64843 #define IDS_CPSUI_REVERT 64844 #define IDS_CPSUI_CHANGES 64845 #define IDS_CPSUI_CHANGED 64846 #define IDS_CPSUI_WARNING 64847 #define IDS_CPSUI_ABOUT 64848 #define IDS_CPSUI_VERSION 64849 #define IDS_CPSUI_NO_NAME 64850 #define IDS_CPSUI_SETTING 64851 #define IDS_CPSUI_DEVICE_SETTINGS 64852 #define IDS_CPSUI_STRID_LAST 64852 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _COMPSTUI