/*++ BUILD Version: 0003 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: lmconfig.h Abstract: This module defines the API function prototypes and data structures for the following groups of NT API functions: NetConfig Environment: User Mode - Win32 Notes: You must include NETCONS.H before this file, since this file depends on values defined in NETCONS.H. --*/ #ifndef _LMCONFIG_ #define _LMCONFIG_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define REVISED_CONFIG_APIS // // Function Prototypes - Config // NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION NetConfigGet ( IN LPCWSTR server OPTIONAL, IN LPCWSTR component, IN LPCWSTR parameter, #ifdef REVISED_CONFIG_APIS OUT LPBYTE *bufptr #else OUT LPBYTE *bufptr, OUT LPDWORD totalavailable #endif ); NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION NetConfigGetAll ( IN LPCWSTR server OPTIONAL, IN LPCWSTR component, #ifdef REVISED_CONFIG_APIS OUT LPBYTE *bufptr #else OUT LPBYTE *bufptr, OUT LPDWORD totalavailable #endif ); NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION NetConfigSet ( IN LPCWSTR server OPTIONAL, IN LPCWSTR reserved1 OPTIONAL, IN LPCWSTR component, IN DWORD level, IN DWORD reserved2, IN LPBYTE buf, IN DWORD reserved3 ); // // Data Structures - Config // typedef struct _CONFIG_INFO_0 { LPWSTR cfgi0_key; LPWSTR cfgi0_data; } CONFIG_INFO_0, *PCONFIG_INFO_0, *LPCONFIG_INFO_0; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _LMCONFIG_