# # This is the MIDL compile phase of the build process. # # The following symbols should be defined in your environment: # BASEDIR - Used to indicate where the start of the nt tree is. # ie. this could be set to d:\nt or c:\ntrel # # The following is where you put the name of your .idl file without # the .idl extension: IDL_NAME = ntrpc IMPORT = ntimp # # !IFNDEF BASEDIR BASEDIR=\nt !ENDIF SDKBIN = $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\bin SDKINC = $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc SDKCRTINC = $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc\crt PRIVATEINC = $(BASEDIR)\private\inc FLAGS = -Di386 INCS = -I$(SDKINC) -I$(SDKCRTINC) -I$(PRIVATEINC) !IF "$(NTVERSION)" == "" TARGETS = .\$(IDL_NAME).h !ENDIF # # Define Products and Dependencies # all: $(TARGETS) $(EXTRN_DEPENDS) !IF "$(BUILDMSG)" != "" @ech ; $(BUILDMSG) ; !ENDIF clean: delete_source all delete_source: erase $(TARGETS) # # MIDL COMPILE # !IF "$(NTVERSION)" == "" $(TARGETS) : $(IDL_NAME).idl $(EXTRN_DEPENDS) $(SDKBIN)\midl $(FLAGS) $(IDL_NAME).idl $(INCS) IF EXIST $(IDL_NAME)_x.c del $(IDL_NAME)_x.c IF EXIST $(IDL_NAME)_c.c del $(IDL_NAME)_c.c IF EXIST $(IDL_NAME)_y.c del $(IDL_NAME)_y.c IF EXIST $(IDL_NAME)_s.c del $(IDL_NAME)_s.c !ENDIF