/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1990-1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ntcsrmsg.h Abstract: This module defines the public message format shared by the client and server sides of the Client-Server Runtime (Csr) Subsystem. Author: Steve Wood (stevewo) 09-Oct-1990 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _NTCSRMSG_ #define _NTCSRMSG_ #define CSR_API_PORT_NAME L"ApiPort" // // This structure is filled in by the client prior to connecting to the CSR // server. The CSR server will fill in the OUT fields if prior to accepting // the connection. // typedef struct _CSR_API_CONNECTINFO { IN ULONG ExpectedVersion; OUT ULONG CurrentVersion; OUT HANDLE ObjectDirectory; OUT PVOID SharedSectionBase; OUT PVOID SharedStaticServerData; OUT PVOID SharedSectionHeap; OUT ULONG DebugFlags; OUT ULONG SizeOfPebData; OUT ULONG SizeOfTebData; OUT ULONG NumberOfServerDllNames; } CSR_API_CONNECTINFO, *PCSR_API_CONNECTINFO; #define CSR_VERSION 0x10000 // // Message format for messages sent from the client to the server // typedef struct _CSR_NULLAPICALL_MSG { LONG CountArguments; ULONG FastArguments[ 12 ]; PCHAR *Arguments; } CSR_NULLAPICALL_MSG, *PCSR_NULLAPICALL_MSG; typedef struct _CSR_CLIENTCONNECT_MSG { IN ULONG ServerDllIndex; IN OUT PVOID ConnectionInformation; IN OUT ULONG ConnectionInformationLength; } CSR_CLIENTCONNECT_MSG, *PCSR_CLIENTCONNECT_MSG; typedef struct _CSR_THREADCONNECT_MSG { HANDLE SectionHandle; HANDLE EventPairHandle; OUT PCHAR MessageStack; OUT ULONG MessageStackSize; OUT ULONG RemoteViewDelta; } CSR_THREADCONNECT_MSG, *PCSR_THREADCONNECT_MSG; #define CSR_PROFILE_START 0x00000001 #define CSR_PROFILE_STOP 0x00000002 #define CSR_PROFILE_DUMP 0x00000003 #define CSR_PROFILE_STOPDUMP 0x00000004 typedef struct _CSR_PROFILE_CONTROL_MSG { IN ULONG ProfileControlFlag; } CSR_PROFILE_CONTROL_MSG, *PCSR_PROFILE_CONTROL_MSG; typedef struct _CSR_IDENTIFY_ALERTABLE_MSG { IN CLIENT_ID ClientId; } CSR_IDENTIFY_ALERTABLE_MSG, *PCSR_IDENTIFY_ALERTABLE_MSG; #define CSR_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS 0x00000010 #define CSR_IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS 0x00000020 #define CSR_HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS 0x00000040 #define CSR_REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS 0x00000080 typedef struct _CSR_SETPRIORITY_CLASS_MSG { IN HANDLE ProcessHandle; IN ULONG PriorityClass; } CSR_SETPRIORITY_CLASS_MSG, *PCSR_SETPRIORITY_CLASS_MSG; typedef struct _CSR_CAPTURE_HEADER { ULONG Length; struct _CSR_CAPTURE_HEADER *RelatedCaptureBuffer; ULONG CountMessagePointers; ULONG CountCapturePointers; PULONG MessagePointerOffsets; // Offsets within CSR_API_MSG of pointers PULONG CapturePointerOffsets; // Offsets within CaptureBuffer of pointers PCHAR FreeSpace; } CSR_CAPTURE_HEADER, *PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER; typedef ULONG CSR_API_NUMBER; typedef struct _CSR_API_MSG { PORT_MESSAGE h; union { CSR_API_CONNECTINFO ConnectionRequest; struct { PCSR_CAPTURE_HEADER CaptureBuffer; CSR_API_NUMBER ApiNumber; ULONG ReturnValue; ULONG Reserved; union { CSR_NULLAPICALL_MSG NullApiCall; CSR_CLIENTCONNECT_MSG ClientConnect; CSR_THREADCONNECT_MSG ThreadConnect; CSR_PROFILE_CONTROL_MSG ProfileControl; CSR_IDENTIFY_ALERTABLE_MSG IndentifyAlertable; CSR_SETPRIORITY_CLASS_MSG PriorityClass; ULONG ApiMessageData[30]; } u; }; }; } CSR_API_MSG, *PCSR_API_MSG; #define CSRSRV_SERVERDLL_INDEX 0 #define CSRSRV_FIRST_API_NUMBER 0 #define CSR_MAKE_API_NUMBER( DllIndex, ApiIndex ) \ (CSR_API_NUMBER)(((DllIndex) << 16) | (ApiIndex)) #define CSR_APINUMBER_TO_SERVERDLLINDEX( ApiNumber ) \ ((ULONG)((ULONG)(ApiNumber) >> 16)) #define CSR_APINUMBER_TO_APITABLEINDEX( ApiNumber ) \ ((ULONG)((USHORT)(ApiNumber))) #endif // _NTCSRMSG_