/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increent this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1990-1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ntddmup.h Abstract: This is the include file that defines all constants and types for accessing the Multiple UNC prodiver system device. Author: Manny Weiser (mannyw) 27-Dec-1991 Revision History: --*/ // // Device Name - this string is the name of the device. It is the name // that should be passed to NtOpenFile when accessing the device. // // #define DD_MUP_DEVICE_NAME L"\\Device\\Mup" // // NtFsControlFile FsControlCode values for this device. // #define FSCTL_MUP_REGISTER_UNC_PROVIDER CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_MULTI_UNC_PROVIDER, 1, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) // // Fs control parameter blocks. // typedef struct _REDIRECTOR_REGISTRATION { ULONG DeviceNameOffset; ULONG DeviceNameLength; ULONG ShortNameOffset; ULONG ShortNameLength; BOOLEAN MailslotsSupported; // PWCH DeviceName[]; // PWCH ShortName[]; } REDIRECTOR_REGISTRATION, *PREDIRECTOR_REGISTRATION; //!!! Move to redir // // NtDeviceIoControlFile calls to the redirector // #define IOCTL_REDIR_QUERY_PATH CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM, 99, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) typedef struct _QUERY_PATH_REQUEST { ULONG PathNameLength; PIO_SECURITY_CONTEXT SecurityContext; WCHAR FilePathName[1]; } QUERY_PATH_REQUEST, *PQUERY_PATH_REQUEST; typedef struct _QUERY_PATH_RESPONSE { ULONG LengthAccepted; } QUERY_PATH_RESPONSE, *PQUERY_PATH_RESPONSE;