/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ntddrdr.h Abstract: This is the include file that defines all constants and types for accessing a network redirector device. Author: Manny Weiser (mannyw) 27-Jun-1993 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _NTDDRDR_ #define _NTDDRDR_ #define RDR_SERVER_LENGTH 80 #define RDR_QUEUE_LENGTH 80 // // NtDeviceIoControlFile/NtFsControlFile IoControlCode values for this device. // // Warning: Remember that the low two bits of the code specify how the // buffers are passed to the driver! // // // Method = 00 - Buffer both input and output buffers for the request // Method = 01 - Buffer input, map output buffer to an MDL as an IN buff // Method = 10 - Buffer input, map output buffer to an MDL as an OUT buff // Method = 11 - Do not buffer either the input or output // #define IOCTL_REDIR_BASE FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_REDIRECTOR #define _REDIR_CONTROL_CODE(request, method, access) \ CTL_CODE(IOCTL_REDIR_BASE, request, method, access) #define FSCTL_GET_PRINT_ID _REDIR_CONTROL_CODE(1, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_ANY_ACCESS) typedef struct _QUERY_PRINT_JOB_INFO { ULONG JobId; // Print job ID WCHAR ServerName[RDR_SERVER_LENGTH+1]; // Server name WCHAR QueueName[RDR_QUEUE_LENGTH+1]; // Queue name. } QUERY_PRINT_JOB_INFO, *PQUERY_PRINT_JOB_INFO; #endif // ifndef _NTDDRDR_