//+----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991 - 1992 // // File: secext.h // // Contents: Security function prototypes for functions not part of // the security support provider interface (secsuppr.h) // // // History: 22 Dec 92 RichardW Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __SECEXT_H__ #define __SECEXT_H__ typedef struct _SecurityUserData { SECURITY_STRING UserName; // User name SECURITY_STRING LogonDomainName; // Domain the user logged on to SECURITY_STRING LogonServer; // Server that logged the user on PSID pSid; // SID of user } SecurityUserData, * PSecurityUserData; #define UNDERSTANDS_LONG_NAMES 1 #define NO_LONG_NAMES 2 HRESULT SEC_ENTRY GetSecurityUserInfo( IN PLUID LogonId, IN ULONG Flags, OUT PSecurityUserData * UserInformation ); SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY IsLogonOkay(unsigned long fBlock); // // Credential Management types and APIs // // // SaveCredentials // SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SaveCredentials ( PCredHandle pCredHandle, unsigned long cbCredentials, unsigned char * pbCredentials ); // // GetCredentials // SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY GetCredentials ( PCredHandle pCredHandle, unsigned long * pcbCredentials, unsigned char * ppbCredentials ); // // DeleteCredentials // SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY DeleteCredentials ( PCredHandle pCredHandle, unsigned long cbKey, unsigned char * pbKey ); // // FormatCredentials // SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY FormatCredentials( LPWSTR pszPackageName, ULONG cbCredentials, PUCHAR pbCredentials, PULONG pcbFormattedCreds, PUCHAR * ppbFormattedCreds); typedef enum _SecStateDelta { SecStateStatic, // The state is not changing SecStateChange, // Req: change state SecStateComplete, // Req: complete state change SecStateAbort, // Req: abort state change (revert) SecStateChanging // The state is changing } SecStateDelta, * PSecStateDelta; typedef enum _SecState { SecStateStandalone, // Not connected to a domain SecStateDisconnected, // Joined, but no active connection SecStateJoined, // Joined, active connection SecStateDC // Domain controller } SecurityState, * PSecurityState; SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SecChangeState( PWSTR pszDomainName, // Domain (for SecStateDelta) SecStateDelta StateChange, // State change type SecurityState State); // State type SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY SecQueryState( PSecurityState pState, PSecStateDelta pStateChange); #define SECURITY_CONTROL_NAME L"SPMgr" #define SECURITY_CONTROL_REFRESH 100 #define SECURITY_CONTROL_UPDATE_MACHINE_JP_PROPS 101 #define SECURITY_CONTROL_RELOAD_LOCAL_POLICY 102 // // BUGBUG: this should map a SECURITY_STATUS to an NTSTATUS, but there is // no guarantee that NTSTATUS is defined. MMS 10/38/94 // SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY MapSecurityError( SECURITY_STATUS hrValue ); #endif // __SECEXT_H__