path: root/src/net/gcdc/asn1/uper/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/net/gcdc/asn1/uper/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/src/net/gcdc/asn1/uper/ b/src/net/gcdc/asn1/uper/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97f427d..0000000
--- a/src/net/gcdc/asn1/uper/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-package net.gcdc.asn1.uper;
-import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.Asn1BigInteger;
-import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.Asn1Default;
-import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.Asn1Integer;
-import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.IntMinValue;
-import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.IntRange;
-class IntCoder implements Encoder, Decoder {
- @Override public <T> boolean canDecode(Class<T> classOfT, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) {
- return classOfT == Asn1Integer.class ||
- classOfT == Asn1BigInteger.class||
- classOfT == BigInteger.class ||
- classOfT == Long.class ||
- classOfT == Integer.class ||
- classOfT == Short.class ;
- }
- @Override public <T> T decode(BitBuffer bitbuffer,
- Class<T> classOfT, Field field,
- Annotation[] extraAnnotations) {
- AnnotationStore annotations = new AnnotationStore(classOfT.getAnnotations(),extraAnnotations);
- String pos = String.format("Position: %d.%d", bitbuffer.position()/8 , bitbuffer.position() % 8);
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("%s: INTEGER",pos));
- IntRange intRange = annotations.getAnnotation(IntRange.class);
- IntMinValue minValue = annotations.getAnnotation(IntMinValue.class);
- if (intRange == null) {
- return decodeUnconstrainedInteger(bitbuffer, classOfT, extraAnnotations, minValue);
- }
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("Integer, range %d..%d", intRange.minValue(), intRange.maxValue()));
- return decodeConstrainedInteger(bitbuffer, classOfT, intRange, extraAnnotations);
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private <T> T decodeConstrainedInteger(BitBuffer bitbuffer, Class<T> classOfT, IntRange intRange, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) {
- long value = UperEncoder.decodeConstrainedInt(bitbuffer, intRange);
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("decoded as %d", value));
- try {
- if (classOfT == Asn1BigInteger.class) {
- return ((T) new Asn1BigInteger(value));
- } else if (classOfT == Asn1Integer.class) {
- return (T) new Asn1Integer(value);
- } else if (classOfT == BigInteger.class) {
- return (T) BigInteger.valueOf(value);
- } else if (classOfT == Long.class) {
- return (T) Long.valueOf(value);
- } else if (classOfT == Integer.class) {
- return (T) Integer.valueOf(Long.valueOf(value).intValue());
- } else if (classOfT == Short.class) {
- return (T) Short.valueOf(Long.valueOf(value).shortValue());
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("size too small " + classOfT.getName() + ": " + e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override public <T> boolean canEncode(T obj, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) {
- return obj instanceof Asn1Integer ||
- obj instanceof Asn1BigInteger ||
- obj instanceof BigInteger ||
- obj instanceof Long ||
- obj instanceof Integer ||
- obj instanceof Short;
- }
- @Override public <T> void encode(BitBuffer bitbuffer, T obj, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) throws Asn1EncodingException {
- Class<?> type = obj.getClass();
- AnnotationStore annotations = new AnnotationStore(type.getAnnotations(), extraAnnotations);
- IntRange range = annotations.getAnnotation(IntRange.class);
- IntMinValue minValue = annotations.getAnnotation(IntMinValue.class);
- int position = bitbuffer.position();
- //get value
- if (range == null) {
- try {
- encodeUnconstrainedInteger(bitbuffer, obj, extraAnnotations,minValue);
- } catch (Asn1EncodingException e) {
- throw new Asn1EncodingException(" " + type.getSimpleName(), e);
- } catch (Exception e1){
- throw new Asn1EncodingException(" " + type.getSimpleName() + " - " + e1.getLocalizedMessage());
- }
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("INT(%s): %s", obj, bitbuffer.toBooleanStringFromPosition(position)));
- } else {
- try {
- long value = 0;
- if (obj instanceof BigInteger) {
- try {
- value = ((BigInteger) obj).longValue();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- UperEncoder.logger.debug("constrained BigInteger is too big for constrained int");
- throw new Asn1EncodingException("constrained BigInteger is too big for constrained int" + type.getSimpleName());
- }
- } if (obj instanceof Asn1BigInteger) {
- try {
- value = ((Asn1BigInteger) obj).longValue();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- UperEncoder.logger.debug("constrained Asn1BigInteger is too big for constrained int");
- throw new Asn1EncodingException("constrained Asn1BigInteger is too big for constrained int" + type.getSimpleName());
- }
- } if (obj instanceof Asn1Integer) {
- try {
- value = Asn1Integer.toLong((Asn1Integer) obj);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- UperEncoder.logger.debug("constrained BigInteger is too big for constrained int");
- throw new Asn1EncodingException("constrained BigInteger is too big for constrained int" + type.getSimpleName());
- }
- } else if (obj instanceof Long) {
- value = ((Long) obj).longValue();
- } else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
- value = ((Integer) obj).longValue();
- } else if (obj instanceof Short) {
- value = ((Short) obj).longValue();
- }
- UperEncoder.encodeConstrainedInt(bitbuffer, value, range.minValue(), range.maxValue(), range.hasExtensionMarker());
- } catch (Asn1EncodingException e) {
- throw new Asn1EncodingException(" " + type.getSimpleName(), e);
- } catch (Exception e1){
- throw new Asn1EncodingException(" " + type.getSimpleName() + " - " + e1.getLocalizedMessage());
- }
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("INT(%s): %s", obj, bitbuffer.toBooleanStringFromPosition(position)));
- }
- return;
- }
- private <T> void encodeUnconstrainedInteger(BitBuffer bitbuffer, Object obj, Annotation[] annotations, IntMinValue minValue) throws Asn1EncodingException {
- BigInteger bint = null;
- try {
- if (obj instanceof BigInteger) {
- bint = (BigInteger) obj;
- } else if (obj instanceof Asn1BigInteger) {
- bint = BigInteger.valueOf(((Asn1BigInteger) obj).longValue());
- } else if (obj instanceof Asn1Integer) {
- bint = BigInteger.valueOf(((Asn1Integer) obj).value());
- } else if (obj instanceof Long) {
- bint = BigInteger.valueOf(((Long) obj).longValue());
- } else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
- bint = BigInteger.valueOf(((Integer) obj).longValue());
- } else if (obj instanceof Short) {
- bint = BigInteger.valueOf(((Short) obj).longValue());
- }
- } catch (Exception e1){
- throw new Asn1EncodingException(" " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + e1.getLocalizedMessage());
- }
- if (minValue != null) {
- bint.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(minValue.minValue()));
- }
- byte[] array = bint.toByteArray();
- int lengthInOctets = array.length;
- int position1 = bitbuffer.position();
- try {
- UperEncoder.encodeLengthDeterminant(bitbuffer, lengthInOctets);
- } catch (Asn1EncodingException e) {
- throw new Asn1EncodingException(" length determinant of INTEGER", e);
- }
- int position2 = bitbuffer.position();
- for (byte b : array) {
- bitbuffer.putByte(b);
- }
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("INTEGER Int(%s): len %s, val %s", bint.toString(),
- bitbuffer.toBooleanString(position1, position2 - position1),
- bitbuffer.toBooleanStringFromPosition(position2)));
- return;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public <T> T decodeUnconstrainedInteger(BitBuffer bitbuffer, Class<T> classOfT, Annotation[] extraAnnotations,IntMinValue minValue) {
- AnnotationStore annotations = new AnnotationStore(classOfT.getAnnotations(), extraAnnotations);
- String pos = String.format("%d.%d", bitbuffer.position()/8 , bitbuffer.position() % 8);
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("Position %s BIG INT",pos));
- IntRange intRange = annotations.getAnnotation(IntRange.class);
- if (intRange != null && intRange.maxValue() > 0) {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Big int with upper range is not supported yet");
- }
- int lengthInOctets = (int) UperEncoder.decodeLengthDeterminant(bitbuffer);
- BitBuffer valueBits = ByteBitBuffer.allocate(lengthInOctets * 8);
- for (int i = 0; i < lengthInOctets * 8; i++) {
- valueBits.put(bitbuffer.get());
- }
- valueBits.flip();
- BigInteger resultValue = new BigInteger(+1, valueBits.array());
- if (minValue != null) {
- resultValue.add(BigInteger.valueOf(minValue.minValue()));
- }
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("INTEGER Decoded as %s", resultValue));
- try {
- if (classOfT == Asn1BigInteger.class) {
- return (T) new Asn1BigInteger(resultValue);
- } else if (classOfT == BigInteger.class) {
- return (T) resultValue;
- } else if (classOfT == Long.class) {
- return (T) Long.valueOf(resultValue.longValueExact());
- } else if (classOfT == Integer.class) {
- return (T) Integer.valueOf(resultValue.intValueExact());
- } else if (classOfT == Short.class) {
- return (T) Short.valueOf(resultValue.shortValueExact());
- }
- } catch (Exception e){
- UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("INTEGER Decoded as %s is too big for data type", resultValue));
- }
- return null;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public <T> T getDefault(Class<T> classOfT, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) {
- AnnotationStore annotations = new AnnotationStore(classOfT.getAnnotations(), extraAnnotations);
- Asn1Default defaultAnnotation = annotations.getAnnotation(Asn1Default.class);
- if (defaultAnnotation == null) return null;
- //check whether the class has a constructor for numeric types
- String valueString = defaultAnnotation.value();
- long value = Long.parseLong(valueString);
- try {
- if (classOfT == Asn1BigInteger.class) {
- return ((T) new Asn1BigInteger(value));
- } else if (classOfT == BigInteger.class) {
- return (T) BigInteger.valueOf(value);
- } else if (classOfT == Long.class) {
- return (T) Long.valueOf(value);
- } else if (classOfT == Integer.class) {
- return (T) Integer.valueOf(Long.valueOf(value).intValue());
- } else if (classOfT == Short.class) {
- return (T) Short.valueOf(Long.valueOf(value).shortValue());
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("size too small " + classOfT.getName() + ": " + e);
- }
- return null;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file