package org.uic.barcode.dynamicFrame.v2; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.Asn1Optional; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.CharacterRestriction; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.FieldOrder; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.IntRange; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.RestrictedString; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypes.Sequence; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.datatypesimpl.OctetString; import org.uic.barcode.asn1.uper.UperEncoder; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.EncodingFormatException; import org.uic.barcode.ticket.api.utils.UicEncoderUtils; /** * The Class SignedDataType. */ @Sequence public class Level1DataType { /** * The security provider * numeric codes 1 ...32000 * * */ @FieldOrder(order = 0) @IntRange(minValue=1,maxValue=32000) @Asn1Optional public Long securityProviderNum; /** The security provider alphanumeric codes. */ @FieldOrder(order = 1) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.IA5String) @Asn1Optional public String securityProviderIA5; /** The key id. */ @FieldOrder(order = 2) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=99999) @Asn1Optional public Long keyId; /** The data. */ @FieldOrder(order = 3) public SequenceOfDataType data; /** * The key generator algorithms * Object Identifier of the Algorithm * Number notation: * * e.g.: * -- DSA SHA224 2.16.840. * -- DSA SHA256 2.16.840. * -- ECC 256 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 * * */ @FieldOrder(order = 4) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.ObjectIdentifier) @Asn1Optional public String level1KeyAlg; /** The level 2 key alg. */ @FieldOrder(order = 5) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.ObjectIdentifier) @Asn1Optional public String level2KeyAlg; /** * The signing algorithm * Object Identifier of the Algorithms * Number notation: * * e.g.: * -- DSA SHA224 2.16.840. * -- DSA SHA256 2.16.840. * -- ECC 256 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 * * */ @FieldOrder(order = 6) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.ObjectIdentifier) @Asn1Optional public String level1SigningAlg; /** The level 2 signing alg. */ @FieldOrder(order = 7) @RestrictedString(CharacterRestriction.ObjectIdentifier) @Asn1Optional public String level2SigningAlg; /** The level 2 public key. */ @FieldOrder(order = 8) @Asn1Optional public OctetString level2publicKey; /** The End of validity year. */ @FieldOrder(order = 9) @IntRange(minValue=2016,maxValue=2269) @Asn1Optional public Long endOfValidityYear; /** The End of validity day. */ @FieldOrder(order = 10) @IntRange(minValue=1,maxValue=366) @Asn1Optional public Long endOfValidityDay; /** The End of validity time. */ @FieldOrder(order = 11) @IntRange(minValue=0,maxValue=1439) @Asn1Optional public Long endOfValidityTime; /** The validity duration in seconds. */ @FieldOrder(order = 12) @IntRange(minValue=1,maxValue=3600) @Asn1Optional public Long validityDuration; /** * Gets the security provider num. * * @return the security provider num */ public Long getSecurityProviderNum() { return securityProviderNum; } /** * Sets the security provider num. * * in case the security provider code is encoded in IA5 this will return null * * @param securityProviderNum the new security provider num */ public void setSecurityProviderNum(Long securityProviderNum) { this.securityProviderNum = securityProviderNum; } /** * Gets the security provider IA5. * * in case the security provider code is encoded numerically this will return null * * @return the security provider IA5 */ public String getSecurityProviderIA5() { return securityProviderIA5; } /** * Sets the security provider * * The security provider code must use the IA5 Alphabet . * * @param securityProvider the new security provider * @throws EncodingFormatException the encoding format exception */ public void setSecurityProvider(String securityProvider) throws EncodingFormatException { this.securityProviderNum = UicEncoderUtils.getNum(securityProvider); this.securityProviderIA5 = UicEncoderUtils.getIA5NonNum(securityProvider); } /** * Gets the security provider. * * @return the security provider */ public String getSecurityProvider() { return UicEncoderUtils.mapToString(this.securityProviderNum, this.securityProviderIA5); } /** * Sets the security provider IA 5. * * @param securityProviderIA5 the new security provider IA 5 */ public void setSecurityProviderIA5(String securityProviderIA5) { this.securityProviderIA5 = securityProviderIA5; } /** * Gets the key id. * * @return the key id */ public Long getKeyId() { return keyId; } /** * Sets the key id. * * @param keyId the new key id */ public void setKeyId(Long keyId) { this.keyId = keyId; } /** * Gets the data. * * @return the data */ public SequenceOfDataType getData() { return data; } /** * Sets the data. * * @param data the new data */ public void setData(SequenceOfDataType data) { = data; } /** * Gets the level 2 key alg. * * @return the level 2 key alg */ public String getLevel2KeyAlg() { return level2KeyAlg; } /** * Sets the level 2 key alg. * * @param level2KeyAlg the new level 2 key alg */ public void setLevel2KeyAlg(String level2KeyAlg) { this.level2KeyAlg = level2KeyAlg; } /** * Gets the level 1 signing alg. * * @return the level 1 signing alg */ public String getLevel1SigningAlg() { return level1SigningAlg; } /** * Sets the level 1 signing alg. * * @param level1SigningAlg the new level 1 signing alg */ public void setLevel1SigningAlg(String level1SigningAlg) { this.level1SigningAlg = level1SigningAlg; } /** * Gets the level 2 signing alg. * * @return the level 2 signing alg */ public String getLevel2SigningAlg() { return level2SigningAlg; } /** * Sets the level 2 signing alg. * * @param level2SigningAlg the new level 2 signing alg */ public void setLevel2SigningAlg(String level2SigningAlg) { this.level2SigningAlg = level2SigningAlg; } /** * Gets the level 2 public key. * * @return the level 2 public key */ public OctetString getLevel2publicKey() { return level2publicKey; } /** * Sets the level 2 public key. * * @param level2publicKey the new level 2 public key */ public void setLevel2publicKey(OctetString level2publicKey) { this.level2publicKey = level2publicKey; } /** * Gets the level 1 key alg. * * @return the level 1 key alg */ public String getLevel1KeyAlg() { return level1KeyAlg; } /** * Sets the level 1 key alg. * * @param level1KeyAlg the new level 1 key alg */ public void setLevel1KeyAlg(String level1KeyAlg) { this.level1KeyAlg = level1KeyAlg; } /** * Sets the end of validity date. * @param date the new end of validity date */ public void setEndOfValidityDate(Date date){ if (date == null) return; TimeZone local = TimeZone.getDefault(); TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date); this.endOfValidityYear = Long.valueOf( cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); this.endOfValidityDay = Long.valueOf (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)); int time = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 60 + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); if (time >= 0) { this.endOfValidityTime = Long.valueOf (time ); } TimeZone.setDefault(local); } /** * Gets the end of validity date. * * @return the end of validity date */ public Date getEndOfValidityDate() { if (this.endOfValidityYear == null || this.endOfValidityDay == null) return null; TimeZone local = TimeZone.getDefault(); TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.clear(); cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, this.endOfValidityYear.intValue()); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, this.endOfValidityDay.intValue()); if (this.endOfValidityTime != null) { int hours = this.endOfValidityTime.intValue() / 60; int minutes = this.endOfValidityTime.intValue() % 60; cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hours); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE,minutes); } Date d = cal.getTime(); TimeZone.setDefault(local); return d; } public Long getValidityDuration() { return validityDuration; } public void setValidityDuration(Long validityDuration) { this.validityDuration = validityDuration; } /** * Gets the data for signature. * * The byte array containing the ASN.1 PER UNALIGNED encoded data of the DataBlock * * * @return the data for signature */ public byte[] encode() { return UperEncoder.encode(this); } }