package net.gcdc.asn1.uper; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.math.BigInteger; import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.Asn1BigInteger; import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.Asn1Default; import net.gcdc.asn1.datatypes.IntRange; class BigIntCoder implements Encoder, Decoder { @Override public boolean canDecode(Class classOfT, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) { return Asn1BigInteger.class.isAssignableFrom(classOfT); } @Override public T decode(BitBuffer bitbuffer, Class classOfT, Field f, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) { AnnotationStore annotations = new AnnotationStore(classOfT.getAnnotations(), extraAnnotations); String pos = String.format("%d.%d", bitbuffer.position()/8 , bitbuffer.position() % 8); UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("Position %s BIG INT",pos)); IntRange intRange = annotations.getAnnotation(IntRange.class); if (intRange != null && intRange.maxValue() > 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Big int with upper range is not supported yet"); } int lengthInOctets = (int) UperEncoder.decodeLengthDeterminant(bitbuffer); BitBuffer valueBits = ByteBitBuffer.allocate(lengthInOctets * 8); for (int i = 0; i < lengthInOctets * 8; i++) { valueBits.put(bitbuffer.get()); } valueBits.flip(); BigInteger resultValue = new BigInteger(+1, valueBits.array()); UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("big int Decoded as %s", resultValue)); //CG support for int range if (intRange != null){ resultValue.add(BigInteger.valueOf(intRange.minValue())); } return UperEncoder.instantiate(classOfT, resultValue); } @Override public boolean canEncode(T obj, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) { return obj instanceof Asn1BigInteger; } @Override public void encode(BitBuffer bitbuffer, T obj, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) throws Asn1EncodingException { Class type = obj.getClass(); AnnotationStore annotations = new AnnotationStore(type.getAnnotations(), extraAnnotations); IntRange range = annotations.getAnnotation(IntRange.class); //CG implementation with lower range limit added BigInteger bint = ((Asn1BigInteger) obj).toBigInteger(); if (range != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Asn1 BigInteger with range is not supported"); } byte[] array = bint.toByteArray(); int lengthInOctets = array.length; int position1 = bitbuffer.position(); try { UperEncoder.encodeLengthDeterminant(bitbuffer, lengthInOctets); } catch (Asn1EncodingException e) { throw new Asn1EncodingException(" length determinant of " + type.getName(), e); } int position2 = bitbuffer.position(); for (byte b : array) { bitbuffer.putByte(b); } UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("Big Int(%s): len %s, val %s", obj, bitbuffer.toBooleanString(position1, position2 - position1), bitbuffer.toBooleanStringFromPosition(position2))); return; } @Override public T getDefault(Class classOfT, Annotation[] extraAnnotations) { AnnotationStore annotations = new AnnotationStore(classOfT.getAnnotations(), extraAnnotations); Asn1Default defaultAnnotation = annotations.getAnnotation(Asn1Default.class); if (defaultAnnotation == null) return null; //check whether the class has a constructor for numeric types String valueString = defaultAnnotation.value(); long value = Long.parseLong(valueString); UperEncoder.logger.debug(String.format("Default INTEGER: %d",value )); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T t = (T) new Asn1BigInteger(value); return t; } }