/* Copyright 2013 bigbiff/Dees_Troy TeamWin This file is part of TWRP/TeamWin Recovery Project. TWRP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TWRP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TWRP. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include "../twcommon.h" #include "../minuitwrp/minui.h" } #include "rapidxml.hpp" #include "objects.hpp" #include "../data.hpp" #include "../twrp-functions.hpp" #include "../partitions.hpp" #define SCROLLING_SPEED_DECREMENT 6 #define SCROLLING_FLOOR 10 #define SCROLLING_MULTIPLIER 6 GUIPartitionList::GUIPartitionList(xml_node<>* node) { xml_attribute<>* attr; xml_node<>* child; int header_separator_color_specified = 0, header_separator_height_specified = 0, header_text_color_specified = 0, header_background_color_specified = 0; mStart = mLineSpacing = startY = mFontHeight = mSeparatorH = scrollingY = scrollingSpeed = 0; mIconWidth = mIconHeight = mSelectedIconHeight = mSelectedIconWidth = mUnselectedIconHeight = mUnselectedIconWidth = mHeaderIconHeight = mHeaderIconWidth = 0; mHeaderSeparatorH = mLineHeight = mHeaderIsStatic = mHeaderH = actualLineHeight = 0; mIconSelected = mIconUnselected = mBackground = mFont = mHeaderIcon = NULL; mBackgroundX = mBackgroundY = mBackgroundW = mBackgroundH = 0; mFastScrollW = mFastScrollLineW = mFastScrollRectW = mFastScrollRectH = 0; mFastScrollRectX = mFastScrollRectY = -1; mUpdate = 0; touchDebounce = 6; ConvertStrToColor("black", &mBackgroundColor); ConvertStrToColor("black", &mHeaderBackgroundColor); ConvertStrToColor("black", &mSeparatorColor); ConvertStrToColor("black", &mHeaderSeparatorColor); ConvertStrToColor("white", &mFontColor); ConvertStrToColor("white", &mHeaderFontColor); ConvertStrToColor("white", &mFastScrollLineColor); ConvertStrToColor("white", &mFastScrollRectColor); hasHighlightColor = false; hasFontHighlightColor = false; isHighlighted = false; updateList = false; startSelection = -1; // Load header text child = node->first_node("header"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("icon"); if (attr) mHeaderIcon = PageManager::FindResource(attr->value()); attr = child->first_attribute("background"); if (attr) { std::string color = attr->value(); ConvertStrToColor(color, &mHeaderBackgroundColor); header_background_color_specified = -1; } attr = child->first_attribute("textcolor"); if (attr) { std::string color = attr->value(); ConvertStrToColor(color, &mHeaderFontColor); header_text_color_specified = -1; } attr = child->first_attribute("separatorcolor"); if (attr) { std::string color = attr->value(); ConvertStrToColor(color, &mHeaderSeparatorColor); header_separator_color_specified = -1; } attr = child->first_attribute("separatorheight"); if (attr) { string parsevalue = gui_parse_text(attr->value()); mHeaderSeparatorH = atoi(parsevalue.c_str()); header_separator_height_specified = -1; } } child = node->first_node("text"); if (child) mHeaderText = child->value(); memset(&mHighlightColor, 0, sizeof(COLOR)); child = node->first_node("highlight"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("color"); if (attr) { hasHighlightColor = true; std::string color = attr->value(); ConvertStrToColor(color, &mHighlightColor); } } // Simple way to check for static state mLastValue = gui_parse_text(mHeaderText); if (mLastValue != mHeaderText) mHeaderIsStatic = 0; else mHeaderIsStatic = -1; child = node->first_node("icon"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("selected"); if (attr) mIconSelected = PageManager::FindResource(attr->value()); attr = child->first_attribute("unselected"); if (attr) mIconUnselected = PageManager::FindResource(attr->value()); } child = node->first_node("background"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("resource"); if (attr) mBackground = PageManager::FindResource(attr->value()); attr = child->first_attribute("color"); if (attr) { std::string color = attr->value(); ConvertStrToColor(color, &mBackgroundColor); if (!header_background_color_specified) ConvertStrToColor(color, &mHeaderBackgroundColor); } } // Load the placement LoadPlacement(node->first_node("placement"), &mRenderX, &mRenderY, &mRenderW, &mRenderH); SetActionPos(mRenderX, mRenderY, mRenderW, mRenderH); // Load the font, and possibly override the color child = node->first_node("font"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("resource"); if (attr) mFont = PageManager::FindResource(attr->value()); attr = child->first_attribute("color"); if (attr) { std::string color = attr->value(); ConvertStrToColor(color, &mFontColor); if (!header_text_color_specified) ConvertStrToColor(color, &mHeaderFontColor); } attr = child->first_attribute("spacing"); if (attr) { string parsevalue = gui_parse_text(attr->value()); mLineSpacing = atoi(parsevalue.c_str()); } attr = child->first_attribute("highlightcolor"); memset(&mFontHighlightColor, 0, sizeof(COLOR)); if (attr) { std::string color = attr->value(); ConvertStrToColor(color, &mFontHighlightColor); hasFontHighlightColor = true; } } // Load the separator if it exists child = node->first_node("separator"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("color"); if (attr) { std::string color = attr->value(); ConvertStrToColor(color, &mSeparatorColor); if (!header_separator_color_specified) ConvertStrToColor(color, &mHeaderSeparatorColor); } attr = child->first_attribute("height"); if (attr) { string parsevalue = gui_parse_text(attr->value()); mSeparatorH = atoi(parsevalue.c_str()); if (!header_separator_height_specified) mHeaderSeparatorH = mSeparatorH; } } // Handle the result variable child = node->first_node("data"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("name"); if (attr) mVariable = attr->value(); attr = child->first_attribute("selectedlist"); if (attr) selectedList = attr->value(); } // Fast scroll colors child = node->first_node("fastscroll"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("linecolor"); if(attr) ConvertStrToColor(attr->value(), &mFastScrollLineColor); attr = child->first_attribute("rectcolor"); if(attr) ConvertStrToColor(attr->value(), &mFastScrollRectColor); attr = child->first_attribute("w"); if (attr) { string parsevalue = gui_parse_text(attr->value()); mFastScrollW = atoi(parsevalue.c_str()); } attr = child->first_attribute("linew"); if (attr) { string parsevalue = gui_parse_text(attr->value()); mFastScrollLineW = atoi(parsevalue.c_str()); } attr = child->first_attribute("rectw"); if (attr) { string parsevalue = gui_parse_text(attr->value()); mFastScrollRectW = atoi(parsevalue.c_str()); } attr = child->first_attribute("recth"); if (attr) { string parsevalue = gui_parse_text(attr->value()); mFastScrollRectH = atoi(parsevalue.c_str()); } } // Retrieve the line height gr_getFontDetails(mFont ? mFont->GetResource() : NULL, &mFontHeight, NULL); mLineHeight = mFontHeight; mHeaderH = mFontHeight; if (mIconSelected && mIconSelected->GetResource()) { mSelectedIconWidth = gr_get_width(mIconSelected->GetResource()); mSelectedIconHeight = gr_get_height(mIconSelected->GetResource()); if (mSelectedIconHeight > (int)mLineHeight) mLineHeight = mSelectedIconHeight; mIconWidth = mSelectedIconWidth; } if (mIconUnselected && mIconUnselected->GetResource()) { mUnselectedIconWidth = gr_get_width(mIconUnselected->GetResource()); mUnselectedIconHeight = gr_get_height(mIconUnselected->GetResource()); if (mUnselectedIconHeight > (int)mLineHeight) mLineHeight = mUnselectedIconHeight; if (mUnselectedIconWidth > mIconWidth) mIconWidth = mUnselectedIconWidth; } if (mHeaderIcon && mHeaderIcon->GetResource()) { mHeaderIconWidth = gr_get_width(mHeaderIcon->GetResource()); mHeaderIconHeight = gr_get_height(mHeaderIcon->GetResource()); if (mHeaderIconHeight > mHeaderH) mHeaderH = mHeaderIconHeight; if (mHeaderIconWidth > mIconWidth) mIconWidth = mHeaderIconWidth; } mHeaderH += mLineSpacing + mHeaderSeparatorH; actualLineHeight = mLineHeight + mLineSpacing + mSeparatorH; if (mHeaderH < actualLineHeight) mHeaderH = actualLineHeight; if (actualLineHeight / 3 > 6) touchDebounce = actualLineHeight / 3; if (mBackground && mBackground->GetResource()) { mBackgroundW = gr_get_width(mBackground->GetResource()); mBackgroundH = gr_get_height(mBackground->GetResource()); } child = node->first_node("listtype"); if (child) { attr = child->first_attribute("name"); if (attr) { ListType = attr->value(); PartitionManager.Get_Partition_List(ListType, &mList); } else { mList.clear(); LOGERR("No partition listtype name specified for partitionlist GUI element\n"); return; } } else { mList.clear(); LOGERR("No partition listtype specified for partitionlist GUI element\n"); return; } } GUIPartitionList::~GUIPartitionList() { } int GUIPartitionList::Render(void) { // First step, fill background gr_color(mBackgroundColor.red, mBackgroundColor.green, mBackgroundColor.blue, 255); gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY + mHeaderH, mRenderW, mRenderH - mHeaderH); // Next, render the background resource (if it exists) if (mBackground && mBackground->GetResource()) { mBackgroundX = mRenderX + ((mRenderW - mBackgroundW) / 2); mBackgroundY = mRenderY + ((mRenderH - mBackgroundH) / 2); gr_blit(mBackground->GetResource(), 0, 0, mBackgroundW, mBackgroundH, mBackgroundX, mBackgroundY); } // This tells us how many lines we can actually render int lines = (mRenderH - mHeaderH) / (actualLineHeight); int line; if (updateList) { mList.clear(); PartitionManager.Get_Partition_List(ListType, &mList); updateList = false; if (ListType == "backup") MatchList(); } int listSize = mList.size(); int listW = mRenderW; if (listSize < lines) { lines = listSize; scrollingY = 0; mFastScrollRectX = mFastScrollRectY = -1; } else { lines++; if (lines < listSize) lines++; if (listSize >= lines) listW -= mFastScrollW; // space for fast scrollbar else mFastScrollRectX = mFastScrollRectY = -1; // no fast scrollbar } void* fontResource = NULL; if (mFont) fontResource = mFont->GetResource(); int yPos = mRenderY + mHeaderH + scrollingY; int fontOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mFontHeight) / 2); int currentIconHeight = 0, currentIconWidth = 0; int currentIconOffsetY = 0, currentIconOffsetX = 0; int UnselectedIconOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mUnselectedIconHeight) / 2), SelectedIconOffsetY = (int)((actualLineHeight - mSelectedIconHeight) / 2); int UnselectedIconOffsetX = (mIconWidth - mUnselectedIconWidth) / 2, SelectedIconOffsetX = (mIconWidth - mSelectedIconWidth) / 2; int actualSelection = mStart; if (isHighlighted) { int selectY = scrollingY; // Locate the correct line for highlighting while (selectY + actualLineHeight < startSelection) { selectY += actualLineHeight; actualSelection++; } if (hasHighlightColor) { // Highlight the area gr_color(mHighlightColor.red, mHighlightColor.green, mHighlightColor.blue, 255); int HighlightHeight = actualLineHeight; if (mRenderY + mHeaderH + selectY + actualLineHeight > mRenderH + mRenderY) { HighlightHeight = actualLineHeight - (mRenderY + mHeaderH + selectY + actualLineHeight - mRenderH - mRenderY); } gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY + mHeaderH + selectY, mRenderW, HighlightHeight); } } for (line = 0; line < lines; line++) { Resource* icon; std::string label; if (line + mStart >= listSize) continue; label = mList.at(line + mStart).Display_Name; if (isHighlighted && hasFontHighlightColor && line + mStart == actualSelection) { // Use the highlight color for the font gr_color(mFontHighlightColor.red, mFontHighlightColor.green, mFontHighlightColor.blue, 255); } else { // Set the color for the font gr_color(mFontColor.red, mFontColor.green, mFontColor.blue, 255); } if (mList.at(line + mStart).selected != 0) { icon = mIconSelected; currentIconHeight = mSelectedIconHeight; currentIconWidth = mSelectedIconWidth; currentIconOffsetY = SelectedIconOffsetY; currentIconOffsetX = SelectedIconOffsetX; } else { icon = mIconUnselected; currentIconHeight = mSelectedIconHeight; currentIconWidth = mSelectedIconWidth; currentIconOffsetY = SelectedIconOffsetY; currentIconOffsetX = SelectedIconOffsetX; } if (icon && icon->GetResource()) { int rect_y = 0, image_y = (yPos + currentIconOffsetY); if (image_y + currentIconHeight > mRenderY + mRenderH) rect_y = mRenderY + mRenderH - image_y; else rect_y = currentIconHeight; gr_blit(icon->GetResource(), 0, 0, currentIconWidth, rect_y, mRenderX + currentIconOffsetX, image_y); } gr_textExWH(mRenderX + mIconWidth + 5, yPos + fontOffsetY, label.c_str(), fontResource, mRenderX + listW, mRenderY + mRenderH); // Add the separator if (yPos + actualLineHeight < mRenderH + mRenderY) { gr_color(mSeparatorColor.red, mSeparatorColor.green, mSeparatorColor.blue, 255); gr_fill(mRenderX, yPos + actualLineHeight - mSeparatorH, listW, mSeparatorH); } // Move the yPos yPos += actualLineHeight; } // Render the Header (last so that it overwrites the top most row for per pixel scrolling) // First step, fill background gr_color(mHeaderBackgroundColor.red, mHeaderBackgroundColor.green, mHeaderBackgroundColor.blue, 255); gr_fill(mRenderX, mRenderY, mRenderW, mHeaderH); // Now, we need the header (icon + text) yPos = mRenderY; { Resource* headerIcon; int mIconOffsetX = 0; // render the icon if it exists headerIcon = mHeaderIcon; if (headerIcon && headerIcon->GetResource()) { gr_blit(headerIcon->GetResource(), 0, 0, mHeaderIconWidth, mHeaderIconHeight, mRenderX + ((mHeaderIconWidth - mIconWidth) / 2), (yPos + (int)((mHeaderH - mHeaderIconHeight) / 2))); mIconOffsetX = mIconWidth; } // render the text gr_color(mHeaderFontColor.red, mHeaderFontColor.green, mHeaderFontColor.blue, 255); gr_textExWH(mRenderX + mIconOffsetX + 5, yPos + (int)((mHeaderH - mFontHeight) / 2), mLastValue.c_str(), fontResource, mRenderX + mRenderW, mRenderY + mRenderH); // Add the separator gr_color(mHeaderSeparatorColor.red, mHeaderSeparatorColor.green, mHeaderSeparatorColor.blue, 255); gr_fill(mRenderX, yPos + mHeaderH - mHeaderSeparatorH, mRenderW, mHeaderSeparatorH); } // render fast scroll lines = (mRenderH - mHeaderH) / (actualLineHeight); if(mFastScrollW > 0 && listSize > lines) { int startX = listW + mRenderX; int fWidth = mRenderW - listW; int fHeight = mRenderH - mHeaderH; // line gr_color(mFastScrollLineColor.red, mFastScrollLineColor.green, mFastScrollLineColor.blue, 255); gr_fill(startX + fWidth/2, mRenderY + mHeaderH, mFastScrollLineW, mRenderH - mHeaderH); // rect int pct = ((mStart*actualLineHeight - scrollingY)*100)/((listSize)*actualLineHeight-lines*actualLineHeight); mFastScrollRectX = startX + (fWidth - mFastScrollRectW)/2; mFastScrollRectY = mRenderY+mHeaderH + ((fHeight - mFastScrollRectH)*pct)/100; gr_color(mFastScrollRectColor.red, mFastScrollRectColor.green, mFastScrollRectColor.blue, 255); gr_fill(mFastScrollRectX, mFastScrollRectY, mFastScrollRectW, mFastScrollRectH); } mUpdate = 0; return 0; } int GUIPartitionList::Update(void) { if (!mHeaderIsStatic) { std::string newValue = gui_parse_text(mHeaderText); if (mLastValue != newValue) { mLastValue = newValue; mUpdate = 1; } } // Check for changes in mount points if the list type is mount and update the list and render if needed if (ListType == "mount") { int listSize = mList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { if (PartitionManager.Is_Mounted_By_Path(mList.at(i).Mount_Point) && !mList.at(i).selected) { mList.at(i).selected = 1; mUpdate = 1; } else if (!PartitionManager.Is_Mounted_By_Path(mList.at(i).Mount_Point) && mList.at(i).selected) { mList.at(i).selected = 0; mUpdate = 1; } } } if (mUpdate) { mUpdate = 0; if (Render() == 0) return 2; } // Handle kinetic scrolling if (scrollingSpeed == 0) { // Do nothing } else if (scrollingSpeed > 0) { if (scrollingSpeed < ((int) (actualLineHeight * 2.5))) { scrollingY += scrollingSpeed; scrollingSpeed -= SCROLLING_SPEED_DECREMENT; } else { scrollingY += ((int) (actualLineHeight * 2.5)); scrollingSpeed -= SCROLLING_SPEED_DECREMENT; } while (mStart && scrollingY > 0) { mStart--; scrollingY -= actualLineHeight; } if (mStart == 0 && scrollingY > 0) { scrollingY = 0; scrollingSpeed = 0; } else if (scrollingSpeed < SCROLLING_FLOOR) scrollingSpeed = 0; mUpdate = 1; } else if (scrollingSpeed < 0) { int totalSize = mList.size(); int lines = (mRenderH - mHeaderH) / (actualLineHeight); if (totalSize > lines) { int bottom_offset = ((int)(mRenderH) - mHeaderH) - (lines * actualLineHeight); bottom_offset -= actualLineHeight; if (abs(scrollingSpeed) < ((int) (actualLineHeight * 2.5))) { scrollingY += scrollingSpeed; scrollingSpeed += SCROLLING_SPEED_DECREMENT; } else { scrollingY -= ((int) (actualLineHeight * 2.5)); scrollingSpeed += SCROLLING_SPEED_DECREMENT; } while (mStart + lines + (bottom_offset ? 1 : 0) < totalSize && abs(scrollingY) > actualLineHeight) { mStart++; scrollingY += actualLineHeight; } if (bottom_offset != 0 && mStart + lines + 1 >= totalSize && scrollingY <= bottom_offset) { mStart = totalSize - lines - 1; scrollingY = bottom_offset; } else if (mStart + lines >= totalSize && scrollingY < 0) { mStart = totalSize - lines; scrollingY = 0; } else if (scrollingSpeed * -1 < SCROLLING_FLOOR) scrollingSpeed = 0; mUpdate = 1; } } return 0; } int GUIPartitionList::GetSelection(int x, int y) { // We only care about y position if (y < mRenderY || y - mRenderY <= mHeaderH || y - mRenderY > mRenderH) return -1; return (y - mRenderY - mHeaderH); } int GUIPartitionList::NotifyTouch(TOUCH_STATE state, int x, int y) { static int lastY = 0, last2Y = 0; int selection = 0; switch (state) { case TOUCH_START: if (scrollingSpeed != 0) startSelection = -1; else startSelection = GetSelection(x,y); isHighlighted = (startSelection > -1); if (isHighlighted) mUpdate = 1; startY = lastY = last2Y = y; scrollingSpeed = 0; break; case TOUCH_DRAG: // Check if we dragged out of the selection window if (GetSelection(x, y) == -1) { last2Y = lastY = 0; if (isHighlighted) { isHighlighted = false; mUpdate = 1; } break; } // Fast scroll if(mFastScrollRectX != -1 && x >= mRenderX + mRenderW - mFastScrollW) { int pct = ((y-mRenderY-mHeaderH)*100)/(mRenderH-mHeaderH); int totalSize = mList.size(); int lines = (mRenderH - mHeaderH) / (actualLineHeight); float l = float((totalSize-lines)*pct)/100; if(l + lines >= totalSize) { mStart = totalSize - lines; scrollingY = 0; } else { mStart = l; scrollingY = -(l - int(l))*actualLineHeight; } startSelection = -1; mUpdate = 1; scrollingSpeed = 0; isHighlighted = false; break; } // Provide some debounce on initial touches if (startSelection != -1 && abs(y - startY) < touchDebounce) { isHighlighted = true; mUpdate = 1; break; } isHighlighted = false; last2Y = lastY; lastY = y; startSelection = -1; // Handle scrolling scrollingY += y - startY; startY = y; while(mStart && scrollingY > 0) { mStart--; scrollingY -= actualLineHeight; } if (mStart == 0 && scrollingY > 0) scrollingY = 0; { int totalSize = mList.size(); int lines = (mRenderH - mHeaderH) / (actualLineHeight); if (totalSize > lines) { int bottom_offset = ((int)(mRenderH) - mHeaderH) - (lines * actualLineHeight); bottom_offset -= actualLineHeight; while (mStart + lines + (bottom_offset ? 1 : 0) < totalSize && abs(scrollingY) > actualLineHeight) { mStart++; scrollingY += actualLineHeight; } if (bottom_offset != 0 && mStart + lines + 1 >= totalSize && scrollingY <= bottom_offset) { mStart = totalSize - lines - 1; scrollingY = bottom_offset; } else if (mStart + lines >= totalSize && scrollingY < 0) { mStart = totalSize - lines; scrollingY = 0; } } else scrollingY = 0; } mUpdate = 1; break; case TOUCH_RELEASE: isHighlighted = false; if (startSelection >= 0) { // We've selected an item! int listSize = mList.size(); int selectY = scrollingY, actualSelection = mStart; // Move the selection to the proper place in the array while (selectY + actualLineHeight < startSelection) { selectY += actualLineHeight; actualSelection++; } if (actualSelection < listSize && ListType == "mount") { DataManager::Vibrate("tw_button_vibrate"); if (!mList.at(actualSelection).selected) { if (PartitionManager.Mount_By_Path(mList.at(actualSelection).Mount_Point, true)) { mList.at(actualSelection).selected = 1; mUpdate = 1; } } else { if (PartitionManager.UnMount_By_Path(mList.at(actualSelection).Mount_Point, true)) { mList.at(actualSelection).selected = 0; mUpdate = 1; } } } else if (actualSelection < listSize && !mVariable.empty()) { DataManager::Vibrate("tw_button_vibrate"); if (ListType == "storage") { int i; std::string str = mList.at(actualSelection).Mount_Point; bool update_size = false; TWPartition* Part = PartitionManager.Find_Partition_By_Path(str); if (Part == NULL) { LOGERR("Unable to locate partition for '%s'\n", str.c_str()); return 0; } if (!Part->Is_Mounted() && Part->Removable) update_size = true; if (!Part->Mount(true)) { // Do Nothing } else if (update_size && !Part->Update_Size(true)) { // Do Nothing } else { for (i=0; iFree / 1024 / 1024); mList.at(actualSelection).Display_Name = Part->Storage_Name + " ("; mList.at(actualSelection).Display_Name += free_space; mList.at(actualSelection).Display_Name += "MB)"; } mList.at(actualSelection).selected = 1; mUpdate = 1; DataManager::SetValue(mVariable, str); } } else { if (mList.at(actualSelection).selected) mList.at(actualSelection).selected = 0; else mList.at(actualSelection).selected = 1; int i; string variablelist; for (i=0; i SCROLLING_FLOOR) scrollingSpeed *= SCROLLING_MULTIPLIER; else scrollingSpeed = 0; } case TOUCH_REPEAT: case TOUCH_HOLD: break; } return 0; } int GUIPartitionList::NotifyVarChange(std::string varName, std::string value) { if (!mHeaderIsStatic) { std::string newValue = gui_parse_text(mHeaderText); if (mLastValue != newValue) { mLastValue = newValue; mStart = 0; scrollingY = 0; scrollingSpeed = 0; mUpdate = 1; } } if (varName == mVariable && !mUpdate) { if (ListType == "storage") { int i, listSize = mList.size(), selected_index = 0; currentValue = value; for (i=0; i mStart + lines - 1) { mStart = selected_index; } else if (selected_index < mStart) { mStart = selected_index; } } else if (ListType == "backup") { MatchList(); } else if (ListType == "restore") { updateList = true; } mUpdate = 1; return 0; } return 0; } int GUIPartitionList::SetRenderPos(int x, int y, int w /* = 0 */, int h /* = 0 */) { mRenderX = x; mRenderY = y; if (w || h) { mRenderW = w; mRenderH = h; } SetActionPos(mRenderX, mRenderY, mRenderW, mRenderH); mUpdate = 1; return 0; } void GUIPartitionList::SetPageFocus(int inFocus) { if (inFocus) { if (ListType == "storage") { int i, listSize = mList.size(), selected_index = 0; DataManager::GetValue(mVariable, currentValue); for (i=0; i mStart + lines - 1) { mStart = selected_index; } else if (selected_index < mStart) { mStart = selected_index; } } updateList = true; mUpdate = 1; } } void GUIPartitionList::MatchList(void) { int i, listSize = mList.size(); string variablelist, searchvalue; size_t pos; DataManager::GetValue(mVariable, variablelist); for (i=0; i