/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "device.h" #include "wear_ui.h" #include "cutils/properties.h" #include "android-base/strings.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" // There's only (at most) one of these objects, and global callbacks // (for pthread_create, and the input event system) need to find it, // so use a global variable. static WearRecoveryUI* self = NULL; // Return the current time as a double (including fractions of a second). static double now() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0; } WearRecoveryUI::WearRecoveryUI() : progress_bar_height(3), progress_bar_width(200), progress_bar_y(259), outer_height(0), outer_width(0), menu_unusable_rows(0), intro_frames(22), loop_frames(60), animation_fps(30), currentIcon(NONE), intro_done(false), current_frame(0), progressBarType(EMPTY), progressScopeStart(0), progressScopeSize(0), progress(0), text_cols(0), text_rows(0), text_col(0), text_row(0), text_top(0), show_text(false), show_text_ever(false), show_menu(false), menu_items(0), menu_sel(0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) backgroundIcon[i] = NULL; self = this; } // Draw background frame on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with updateMutex locked. void WearRecoveryUI::draw_background_locked(Icon icon) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 255); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); if (icon) { GRSurface* surface; if (icon == INSTALLING_UPDATE || icon == ERASING) { if (!intro_done) { surface = introFrames[current_frame]; } else { surface = loopFrames[current_frame]; } } else { surface = backgroundIcon[icon]; } int width = gr_get_width(surface); int height = gr_get_height(surface); int x = (gr_fb_width() - width) / 2; int y = (gr_fb_height() - height) / 2; gr_blit(surface, 0, 0, width, height, x, y); } } // Draw the progress bar (if any) on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with updateMutex locked. void WearRecoveryUI::draw_progress_locked() { if (currentIcon == ERROR) return; if (progressBarType != DETERMINATE) return; int width = progress_bar_width; int height = progress_bar_height; int dx = (gr_fb_width() - width)/2; int dy = progress_bar_y; float p = progressScopeStart + progress * progressScopeSize; int pos = (int) (p * width); gr_color(0x43, 0x43, 0x43, 0xff); gr_fill(dx, dy, dx + width, dy + height); if (pos > 0) { gr_color(0x02, 0xa8, 0xf3, 255); if (rtl_locale) { // Fill the progress bar from right to left. gr_fill(dx + width - pos, dy, dx + width, dy + height); } else { // Fill the progress bar from left to right. gr_fill(dx, dy, dx + pos, dy + height); } } } static const char* HEADERS[] = { "Swipe up/down to move.", "Swipe left/right to select.", "", NULL }; void WearRecoveryUI::draw_screen_locked() { draw_background_locked(currentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); char cur_selection_str[50]; if (show_text) { SetColor(TEXT_FILL); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int y = outer_height; int x = outer_width; if (show_menu) { char recovery_fingerprint[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint", recovery_fingerprint, ""); SetColor(HEADER); DrawTextLine(x + 4, &y, "Android Recovery", true); for (auto& chunk: android::base::Split(recovery_fingerprint, ":")) { DrawTextLine(x +4, &y, chunk.c_str(), false); } // This is actually the help strings. DrawTextLines(x + 4, &y, HEADERS); SetColor(HEADER); DrawTextLines(x + 4, &y, menu_headers_); // Show the current menu item number in relation to total number if // items don't fit on the screen. if (menu_items > menu_end - menu_start) { sprintf(cur_selection_str, "Current item: %d/%d", menu_sel + 1, menu_items); gr_text(gr_sys_font(), x+4, y, cur_selection_str, 1); y += char_height_+4; } // Menu begins here SetColor(MENU); for (int i = menu_start; i < menu_end; ++i) { if (i == menu_sel) { // draw the highlight bar SetColor(MENU_SEL_BG); gr_fill(x, y-2, gr_fb_width()-x, y+char_height_+2); // white text of selected item SetColor(MENU_SEL_FG); if (menu[i][0]) gr_text(gr_sys_font(), x+4, y, menu[i], 1); SetColor(MENU); } else if (menu[i][0]) { gr_text(gr_sys_font(), x+4, y, menu[i], 0); } y += char_height_+4; } SetColor(MENU); y += 4; gr_fill(0, y, gr_fb_width(), y+2); y += 4; } SetColor(LOG); // display from the bottom up, until we hit the top of the // screen, the bottom of the menu, or we've displayed the // entire text buffer. int ty; int row = (text_top+text_rows-1) % text_rows; size_t count = 0; for (int ty = gr_fb_height() - char_height_ - outer_height; ty > y+2 && count < text_rows; ty -= char_height_, ++count) { gr_text(gr_sys_font(), x+4, ty, text[row], 0); --row; if (row < 0) row = text_rows-1; } } } void WearRecoveryUI::update_screen_locked() { draw_screen_locked(); gr_flip(); } // Keeps the progress bar updated, even when the process is otherwise busy. void* WearRecoveryUI::progress_thread(void *cookie) { self->progress_loop(); return NULL; } void WearRecoveryUI::progress_loop() { double interval = 1.0 / animation_fps; for (;;) { double start = now(); pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); int redraw = 0; if ((currentIcon == INSTALLING_UPDATE || currentIcon == ERASING) && !show_text) { if (!intro_done) { if (current_frame >= intro_frames - 1) { intro_done = true; current_frame = 0; } else { current_frame++; } } else { current_frame = (current_frame + 1) % loop_frames; } redraw = 1; } // move the progress bar forward on timed intervals, if configured int duration = progressScopeDuration; if (progressBarType == DETERMINATE && duration > 0) { double elapsed = now() - progressScopeTime; float p = 1.0 * elapsed / duration; if (p > 1.0) p = 1.0; if (p > progress) { progress = p; redraw = 1; } } if (redraw) update_screen_locked(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); double end = now(); // minimum of 20ms delay between frames double delay = interval - (end-start); if (delay < 0.02) delay = 0.02; usleep((long)(delay * 1000000)); } } void WearRecoveryUI::Init() { gr_init(); gr_font_size(gr_sys_font(), &char_width_, &char_height_); text_col = text_row = 0; text_rows = (gr_fb_height()) / char_height_; visible_text_rows = (gr_fb_height() - (outer_height * 2)) / char_height_; if (text_rows > kMaxRows) text_rows = kMaxRows; text_top = 1; text_cols = (gr_fb_width() - (outer_width * 2)) / char_width_; if (text_cols > kMaxCols - 1) text_cols = kMaxCols - 1; LoadBitmap("icon_installing", &backgroundIcon[INSTALLING_UPDATE]); backgroundIcon[ERASING] = backgroundIcon[INSTALLING_UPDATE]; LoadBitmap("icon_error", &backgroundIcon[ERROR]); backgroundIcon[NO_COMMAND] = backgroundIcon[ERROR]; introFrames = (GRSurface**)malloc(intro_frames * sizeof(GRSurface*)); for (int i = 0; i < intro_frames; ++i) { char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "intro%02d", i); LoadBitmap(filename, introFrames + i); } loopFrames = (GRSurface**)malloc(loop_frames * sizeof(GRSurface*)); for (int i = 0; i < loop_frames; ++i) { char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "loop%02d", i); LoadBitmap(filename, loopFrames + i); } pthread_create(&progress_t, NULL, progress_thread, NULL); RecoveryUI::Init(); } void WearRecoveryUI::SetBackground(Icon icon) { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); currentIcon = icon; update_screen_locked(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::SetProgressType(ProgressType type) { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (progressBarType != type) { progressBarType = type; } progressScopeStart = 0; progressScopeSize = 0; progress = 0; update_screen_locked(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::ShowProgress(float portion, float seconds) { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); progressBarType = DETERMINATE; progressScopeStart += progressScopeSize; progressScopeSize = portion; progressScopeTime = now(); progressScopeDuration = seconds; progress = 0; update_screen_locked(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::SetProgress(float fraction) { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (fraction < 0.0) fraction = 0.0; if (fraction > 1.0) fraction = 1.0; if (progressBarType == DETERMINATE && fraction > progress) { // Skip updates that aren't visibly different. int width = progress_bar_width; float scale = width * progressScopeSize; if ((int) (progress * scale) != (int) (fraction * scale)) { progress = fraction; update_screen_locked(); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::SetStage(int current, int max) { } void WearRecoveryUI::Print(const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, 256, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); fputs(buf, stdout); // This can get called before ui_init(), so be careful. pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (text_rows > 0 && text_cols > 0) { char *ptr; for (ptr = buf; *ptr != '\0'; ++ptr) { if (*ptr == '\n' || text_col >= text_cols) { text[text_row][text_col] = '\0'; text_col = 0; text_row = (text_row + 1) % text_rows; if (text_row == text_top) text_top = (text_top + 1) % text_rows; } if (*ptr != '\n') text[text_row][text_col++] = *ptr; } text[text_row][text_col] = '\0'; update_screen_locked(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::StartMenu(const char* const * headers, const char* const * items, int initial_selection) { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (text_rows > 0 && text_cols > 0) { menu_headers_ = headers; size_t i = 0; // "i < text_rows" is removed from the loop termination condition, // which is different from the one in ScreenRecoveryUI::StartMenu(). // Because WearRecoveryUI supports scrollable menu, it's fine to have // more entries than text_rows. The menu may be truncated otherwise. // Bug: 23752519 for (; items[i] != nullptr; i++) { strncpy(menu[i], items[i], text_cols - 1); menu[i][text_cols - 1] = '\0'; } menu_items = i; show_menu = 1; menu_sel = initial_selection; menu_start = 0; menu_end = visible_text_rows - 1 - menu_unusable_rows; if (menu_items <= menu_end) menu_end = menu_items; update_screen_locked(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } int WearRecoveryUI::SelectMenu(int sel) { int old_sel; pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (show_menu > 0) { old_sel = menu_sel; menu_sel = sel; if (menu_sel < 0) menu_sel = 0; if (menu_sel >= menu_items) menu_sel = menu_items-1; if (menu_sel < menu_start) { menu_start--; menu_end--; } else if (menu_sel >= menu_end && menu_sel < menu_items) { menu_end++; menu_start++; } sel = menu_sel; if (menu_sel != old_sel) update_screen_locked(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); return sel; } void WearRecoveryUI::EndMenu() { int i; pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (show_menu > 0 && text_rows > 0 && text_cols > 0) { show_menu = 0; update_screen_locked(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } bool WearRecoveryUI::IsTextVisible() { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); int visible = show_text; pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); return visible; } bool WearRecoveryUI::WasTextEverVisible() { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); int ever_visible = show_text_ever; pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); return ever_visible; } void WearRecoveryUI::ShowText(bool visible) { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); // Don't show text during ota install or factory reset if (currentIcon == INSTALLING_UPDATE || currentIcon == ERASING) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); return; } show_text = visible; if (show_text) show_text_ever = 1; update_screen_locked(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::Redraw() { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); update_screen_locked(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::ShowFile(FILE* fp) { std::vector offsets; offsets.push_back(ftell(fp)); ClearText(); struct stat sb; fstat(fileno(fp), &sb); bool show_prompt = false; while (true) { if (show_prompt) { Print("--(%d%% of %d bytes)--", static_cast(100 * (double(ftell(fp)) / double(sb.st_size))), static_cast(sb.st_size)); Redraw(); while (show_prompt) { show_prompt = false; int key = WaitKey(); if (key == KEY_POWER || key == KEY_ENTER) { return; } else if (key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_VOLUMEUP) { if (offsets.size() <= 1) { show_prompt = true; } else { offsets.pop_back(); fseek(fp, offsets.back(), SEEK_SET); } } else { if (feof(fp)) { return; } offsets.push_back(ftell(fp)); } } ClearText(); } int ch = getc(fp); if (ch == EOF) { text_row = text_top = text_rows - 2; show_prompt = true; } else { PutChar(ch); if (text_col == 0 && text_row >= text_rows - 2) { text_top = text_row; show_prompt = true; } } } } void WearRecoveryUI::PutChar(char ch) { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (ch != '\n') text[text_row][text_col++] = ch; if (ch == '\n' || text_col >= text_cols) { text_col = 0; ++text_row; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::ShowFile(const char* filename) { FILE* fp = fopen_path(filename, "re"); if (fp == nullptr) { Print(" Unable to open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return; } ShowFile(fp); fclose(fp); } void WearRecoveryUI::ClearText() { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); text_col = 0; text_row = 0; text_top = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < text_rows; ++i) { memset(text[i], 0, text_cols + 1); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); } void WearRecoveryUI::PrintOnScreenOnly(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); PrintV(fmt, false, ap); va_end(ap); } void WearRecoveryUI::PrintV(const char* fmt, bool copy_to_stdout, va_list ap) { std::string str; android::base::StringAppendV(&str, fmt, ap); if (copy_to_stdout) { fputs(str.c_str(), stdout); } pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (text_rows > 0 && text_cols > 0) { for (const char* ptr = str.c_str(); *ptr != '\0'; ++ptr) { if (*ptr == '\n' || text_col >= text_cols) { text[text_row][text_col] = '\0'; text_col = 0; text_row = (text_row + 1) % text_rows; if (text_row == text_top) text_top = (text_top + 1) % text_rows; } if (*ptr != '\n') text[text_row][text_col++] = *ptr; } text[text_row][text_col] = '\0'; update_screen_locked(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); }