path: root/Tools/BlockTypePaletteGenerator/UpgradeGenerator.lua
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1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/BlockTypePaletteGenerator/UpgradeGenerator.lua b/Tools/BlockTypePaletteGenerator/UpgradeGenerator.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47fa62109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools/BlockTypePaletteGenerator/UpgradeGenerator.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+-- UpgradeGenerator.lua
+--[[ Creates the UpgradeBlockTypePalette out of JSON data of the Minutor project
+Parses the JSON into memory, then walks each block's "id" member and possibly
+the "variants" sub-member to read the block types. The name is either present as "flatname",
+or is synthesized from the internal Minutor "name" by lowercasing and replacing spaces
+with underscores.
+Expects two parameters, the input file and output file; either can be replaced by
+a "-" to use stdin / stdout instead. If not given, the input file defaults to
+"vanilla_ids.json" and the output file defaults to "UpgradeBlockTypePalette.txt"
+The output format is the upgrade TSV BlockTypePalette, described in the
+$/src/BlockTypePalette.h file.
+-- Allow Lua to load libraries in our subfolder:
+package.path = 'lib/lunajson/src/?.lua;' .. package.path;
+--- Splits the full flat name into flat name and properties
+-- "minecraft:carrots:age:0" -> "minecraft:carrots", {age = 0}
+local function splitFlatName(aFullFlatName)
+ local props = {}
+ local numParts = 0
+ local flatName = ""
+ local propKey = ""
+ aFullFlatName:gsub("([^:]+)",
+ function (aPart)
+ if (numParts == 0) then
+ flatName = aPart
+ elseif (numParts == 1) then
+ flatName = flatName .. ":" .. aPart
+ elseif (numParts % 2 == 0) then
+ propKey = aPart
+ else
+ props[propKey] = aPart
+ end
+ numParts = numParts + 1
+ end
+ )
+ return flatName, props
+--- Returns the minecraft block name, created from the flat name if present, or synthesized
+-- from the Minutor name
+-- If the flat name contains encoded block properties, it returns those properties as a dict-table
+-- in the second return value
+local function processBlockName(aFlatName, aMinutorName)
+ if (aFlatName) then
+ assert(type(aFlatName) == "string")
+ return splitFlatName(aFlatName)
+ end
+ if not(type(aMinutorName) == "string") then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return "minecraft:" .. (aMinutorName:lower():gsub(" ", "_")), {}
+--- Serializes the properties from the JSON / array table format into a single output string
+-- Concatenates all properties with \t as the delimiting character
+local function serializeProperties(aProperties)
+ local res = {}
+ local idx = 1
+ for k, v in pairs(aProperties or {}) do
+ res[idx] = k
+ res[idx + 1] = v
+ idx = idx + 2
+ end
+ return table.concat(res, "\t")
+--- Parses the vanilla_ids.json into a common registry format
+-- The returned registry is an array-table of
+-- {blockType = 1, blockMeta = 2, blockTypeName = "name", properties = {key = value, ...}}
+local function parseRegistry(aJsonString)
+ assert(type(aJsonString) == "string")
+ -- Parse the JSON:
+ local lj = require("lunajson")
+ local input = lj.decode(aJsonString)
+ if (not(input) or (input["type"] ~= "block") or not(input["data"])) then
+ error("The input file doesn't contain vanilla IDs.")
+ end
+ -- Create the registry:
+ local registry = {}
+ local idx = 1
+ for _, entry in pairs(input["data"]) do
+ local id = entry["id"]
+ local parentBlockTypeName, props = processBlockName(entry["flatname"], entry["name"])
+ registry[idx] =
+ {
+ blockType = id,
+ blockMeta = 0,
+ blockTypeName = parentBlockTypeName,
+ properties = props,
+ }
+ idx = idx + 1
+ for _, variant in pairs(entry["variants"] or {}) do
+ local blockTypeName, props = processBlockName(variant["flatname"], variant["name"])
+ if not(blockTypeName) then
+ -- Some blocks don't have all their variants named ("brown mushroom block"), use the parent name in such a case
+ blockTypeName = parentBlockTypeName
+ end
+ registry[idx] =
+ {
+ blockType = id,
+ blockMeta = variant["data"],
+ blockTypeName = blockTypeName,
+ properties = props,
+ }
+ idx = idx + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return registry
+--- Returns the prefix that is common for all block type names in the registry
+-- aRegistry is the parsed registry, as returned from parseRegistry()
+local function findCommonPrefix(aRegistryTable)
+ local prefix = aRegistryTable[1].blockTypeName
+ local len = string.len(prefix)
+ local sub = string.sub
+ for _, block in ipairs(aRegistryTable) do
+ while (sub(block.blockTypeName, 1, len) ~= prefix) do
+ len = len - 1
+ if (len == 0) then
+ return ""
+ end
+ prefix = sub(prefix, 1, len)
+ end
+ end
+ return prefix
+-- Test whether the script is run in a path where it can load it's libraries
+if not(pcall(function() require("lunajson") end)) then
+ error(
+ "Could not load required libraries, please run `UpgradeGenerator.lua` " ..
+ "within its directory and make sure to run `git submodule update`."
+ )
+-- Check/Prepare CLI arguments
+local inpath, outpath = ...;
+inpath = inpath or "vanilla_ids.json"
+outpath = outpath or "UpgradeBlockTypePalette.txt"
+if (inpath ~= "-") then
+ local handle, err =, "r")
+ io.input(handle or usage(err))
+if (outpath ~= "-") then
+ local handle, err =, "w")
+ io.output(handle or usage(err))
+-- Parse the registry:
+local registry = parseRegistry(io.input():read("*a"))
+local commonPrefix = findCommonPrefix(registry)
+-- Sort the entries:
+ function (entry1, entry2)
+ if (entry1.blockType < entry2.blockType) then
+ return true
+ elseif (entry1.blockType > entry2.blockType) then
+ return false
+ else
+ return (entry1.blockMeta < entry2.blockMeta)
+ end
+ end
+-- Write out the output format:
+io.write("CommonPrefix\t", commonPrefix, "\n")
+local prefixLen = string.len(commonPrefix) + 1
+for _, entry in ipairs(registry) do
+ local props = serializeProperties(
+ if (props ~= "") then
+ props = "\t" .. props
+ end
+ io.write(
+ entry.blockType, "\t", entry.blockMeta, "\t",
+ string.sub(entry.blockTypeName, prefixLen),
+ props, "\n"
+ )