local FireBlocks = {} -- List of blocks that are currently burning! function Initialize( Plugin ) Plugin:SetName( "Fire" ) Plugin:SetVersion( 2 ) PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager() PluginManager:AddHook( Plugin, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_TICK ) PluginManager:AddHook( Plugin, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_PLACE ) PluginManager:AddHook( Plugin, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_DIG ) Log( "Initialized " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion() ) return true end function IsForeverBurnable( BlockID ) if( BlockID == E_BLOCK_BLOODSTONE ) then return true end return false end function IsBurnable( BlockID ) if( BlockID == E_BLOCK_LEAVES or BlockID == E_BLOCK_LOG ) then return true end return false end function FindBurnableAround( X, Y, Z ) World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld() ListBurnables = {} if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X-1, Y, Z) ) ) then table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X-1, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z } ) end if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X+1, Y, Z) ) ) then table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X+1, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z } ) end if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X, Y-1, Z) ) ) then table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y-1, ["z"] = Z } ) end if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X, Y+1, Z) ) ) then table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y+1, ["z"] = Z } ) end if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z-1) ) ) then table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z-1 } ) end if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z+1) ) ) then table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z+1 } ) end return ListBurnables end function OnBlockPlace( PacketData, Player ) if( PacketData.m_ItemType == E_BLOCK_FIRE or PacketData.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FLINT_AND_STEEL ) then if( PacketData.m_Direction > -1 ) then local X = PacketData.m_PosX local Y = PacketData.m_PosY local Z = PacketData.m_PosZ X, Y, Z = AddDirection( X, Y, Z, PacketData.m_Direction ) local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld() --Since flint and steel doesn't do anything on the server side yet if( PacketData.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FLINT_AND_STEEL ) then World:SetBlock( X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_FIRE, 0 ) end if( not IsForeverBurnable( World:GetBlock( X, Y-1, Z ) ) ) then table.insert( FireBlocks, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z } ) end end end return false -- dont forbid placing the fire end -- To put out fires! :D function OnBlockDig( PacketData, Player ) if( PacketData.m_Direction < 0 ) then return false end local X = PacketData.m_PosX local Y = PacketData.m_PosY local Z = PacketData.m_PosZ X, Y, Z = AddDirection( X, Y, Z, PacketData.m_Direction ) local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld() if( World:GetBlock( X, Y, Z ) == E_BLOCK_FIRE ) then World:SetBlock( X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0 ) end return false end local NumTicks = 0 function Tick( DeltaTime ) if( NumTicks < 10 ) then -- Only spread every 10 ticks, to make sure it doesnt happen too fast NumTicks = NumTicks + 1 return end NumTicks = 0 local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld() local NewTable = {} for key,val in pairs(FireBlocks) do X = val["x"] Y = val["y"] Z = val["z"] local Burnables = FindBurnableAround(X, Y, Z) if( math.random(10) > 5 ) then table.insert( NewTable, val ) elseif( #Burnables > 0 ) then local ToBurn = Burnables[ math.random( #Burnables ) ] World:SetBlock( ToBurn["x"], ToBurn["y"], ToBurn["z"], E_BLOCK_FIRE, 0 ) table.insert( NewTable, ToBurn ) table.insert( NewTable, val ) else World:SetBlock( X, Y, Z, 0, 0 ) end end FireBlocks = NewTable end