if string.find(_VERSION, "5%.0") then return end -- "loadfile" local function pp_dofile(path) local loaded = false local getfile = function() if loaded then return else local file,err = io.open(path) if not file then error("error loading file "..path..": "..err) end local ret = file:read("*a") file:close() ret = string.gsub(ret, "%.%.%.%s*%)$", "...) local arg = {n=select('#', ...), ...};") loaded = true return ret end end local f, err = load(getfile, path) if not f then error("error loading file " .. path .. ": " .. err) end return f() end old_dofile = dofile dofile = pp_dofile -- string.gsub --[[ local ogsub = string.gsub local function compgsub(a,b,c,d) if type(c) == "function" then local oc = c c = function (...) return oc(...) or '' end end return ogsub(a,b,c,d) end string.repl = ogsub --]] --string.gsub = compgsub -- Lua 5.2+ and LuaJit don't have string.gfind(). Use string.gmatch() instead: if not(string.gfind) then string.gfind = string.gmatch end