/* see copyright notice in squirrel.h */ #ifndef _SQARRAY_H_ #define _SQARRAY_H_ struct SQArray : public CHAINABLE_OBJ { private: SQArray(SQSharedState *ss,SQInteger nsize){_values.resize(nsize); INIT_CHAIN();ADD_TO_CHAIN(&_ss(this)->_gc_chain,this);} ~SQArray() { REMOVE_FROM_CHAIN(&_ss(this)->_gc_chain,this); } public: static SQArray* Create(SQSharedState *ss,SQInteger nInitialSize){ SQArray *newarray=(SQArray*)SQ_MALLOC(sizeof(SQArray)); new (newarray) SQArray(ss,nInitialSize); return newarray; } #ifndef NO_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR void Mark(SQCollectable **chain); SQObjectType GetType() {return OT_ARRAY;} #endif void Finalize(){ _values.resize(0); } bool Get(const SQInteger nidx,SQObjectPtr &val) { if(nidx>=0 && nidx<(SQInteger)_values.size()){ SQObjectPtr &o = _values[nidx]; val = _realval(o); return true; } else return false; } bool Set(const SQInteger nidx,const SQObjectPtr &val) { if(nidx>=0 && nidx<(SQInteger)_values.size()){ _values[nidx]=val; return true; } else return false; } SQInteger Next(const SQObjectPtr &refpos,SQObjectPtr &outkey,SQObjectPtr &outval) { SQUnsignedInteger idx=TranslateIndex(refpos); while(idx<_values.size()){ //first found outkey=(SQInteger)idx; SQObjectPtr &o = _values[idx]; outval = _realval(o); //return idx for the next iteration return ++idx; } //nothing to iterate anymore return -1; } SQArray *Clone(){SQArray *anew=Create(_opt_ss(this),0); anew->_values.copy(_values); return anew; } SQInteger Size() const {return _values.size();} void Resize(SQInteger size) { SQObjectPtr _null; Resize(size,_null); } void Resize(SQInteger size,SQObjectPtr &fill) { _values.resize(size,fill); ShrinkIfNeeded(); } void Reserve(SQInteger size) { _values.reserve(size); } void Append(const SQObject &o){_values.push_back(o);} void Extend(const SQArray *a); SQObjectPtr &Top(){return _values.top();} void Pop(){_values.pop_back(); ShrinkIfNeeded(); } bool Insert(SQInteger idx,const SQObject &val){ if(idx < 0 || idx > (SQInteger)_values.size()) return false; _values.insert(idx,val); return true; } void ShrinkIfNeeded() { if(_values.size() <= _values.capacity()>>2) //shrink the array _values.shrinktofit(); } bool Remove(SQInteger idx){ if(idx < 0 || idx >= (SQInteger)_values.size()) return false; _values.remove(idx); ShrinkIfNeeded(); return true; } void Release() { sq_delete(this,SQArray); } SQObjectPtrVec _values; }; #endif //_SQARRAY_H_