// ChunkData.cpp // Implements the cChunkData class that represents the block's type, meta, blocklight and skylight storage for a chunk #include "Globals.h" #include "ChunkData.h" #include "BlockType.h" namespace { struct SectionIndices { size_t Section = 0; // Index into m_Sections size_t Index = 0; // Index into a single sChunkSection }; inline SectionIndices IndicesFromRelPos(const Vector3i a_RelPos) { ASSERT(cChunkDef::IsValidRelPos(a_RelPos)); return { static_cast(a_RelPos.y / cChunkDef::SectionHeight), static_cast(cChunkDef::MakeIndexNoCheck(a_RelPos.x, a_RelPos.y % cChunkDef::SectionHeight, a_RelPos.z)) }; } bool IsCompressed(const size_t ElementCount) { return ElementCount != ChunkBlockData::SectionBlockCount; } template ValueType UnpackDefaultValue(const ValueType DefaultValue) { if (IsCompressed(ElementCount)) { return DefaultValue & 0xF; } return DefaultValue; } } // namespace (anonymous) template void ChunkDataStore::Assign(const ChunkDataStore & a_Other) { for (size_t Y = 0; Y != cChunkDef::NumSections; Y++) { Store[Y].reset(); if (const auto & Other = a_Other.Store[Y]; Other != nullptr) { Store[Y] = std::make_unique(*Other); } } } template ElementType ChunkDataStore::Get(const Vector3i a_Position) const { const auto Indices = IndicesFromRelPos(a_Position); const auto & Section = Store[Indices.Section]; if (Section != nullptr) { if (IsCompressed(ElementCount)) { return cChunkDef::ExpandNibble(Section->data(), Indices.Index); } else { return (*Section)[Indices.Index]; } } return UnpackDefaultValue(DefaultValue); } template typename ChunkDataStore::Type * ChunkDataStore::GetSection(const size_t a_Y) const { return Store[a_Y].get(); } template void ChunkDataStore::Set(const Vector3i a_Position, const ElementType a_Value) { const auto Indices = IndicesFromRelPos(a_Position); auto & Section = Store[Indices.Section]; if (Section == nullptr) { if (a_Value == UnpackDefaultValue(DefaultValue)) { return; } Section = cpp20::make_unique_for_overwrite(); std::fill(Section->begin(), Section->end(), DefaultValue); } if (IsCompressed(ElementCount)) { cChunkDef::PackNibble(Section->data(), Indices.Index, a_Value); } else { (*Section)[Indices.Index] = a_Value; } } template void ChunkDataStore::SetSection(const ElementType (& a_Source)[ElementCount], const size_t a_Y) { auto & Section = Store[a_Y]; const auto SourceEnd = std::end(a_Source); if (Section != nullptr) { std::copy(a_Source, SourceEnd, Section->begin()); } else if (std::any_of(a_Source, SourceEnd, [](const auto Value) { return Value != DefaultValue; })) { Section = cpp20::make_unique_for_overwrite(); std::copy(a_Source, SourceEnd, Section->begin()); } } template void ChunkDataStore::SetAll(const ElementType (& a_Source)[cChunkDef::NumSections * ElementCount]) { for (size_t Y = 0; Y != cChunkDef::NumSections; Y++) { SetSection(*reinterpret_cast(a_Source + Y * ElementCount), Y); } } void ChunkBlockData::Assign(const ChunkBlockData & a_Other) { m_Blocks.Assign(a_Other.m_Blocks); m_Metas.Assign(a_Other.m_Metas); } void ChunkBlockData::SetAll(const cChunkDef::BlockTypes & a_BlockSource, const cChunkDef::BlockNibbles & a_MetaSource) { m_Blocks.SetAll(a_BlockSource); m_Metas.SetAll(a_MetaSource); } void ChunkBlockData::SetSection(const SectionType & a_BlockSource, const SectionMetaType & a_MetaSource, const size_t a_Y) { m_Blocks.SetSection(a_BlockSource, a_Y); m_Metas.SetSection(a_MetaSource, a_Y); } void ChunkLightData::Assign(const ChunkLightData & a_Other) { m_BlockLights.Assign(a_Other.m_BlockLights); m_SkyLights.Assign(a_Other.m_SkyLights); } void ChunkLightData::SetAll(const cChunkDef::BlockNibbles & a_BlockLightSource, const cChunkDef::BlockNibbles & a_SkyLightSource) { m_BlockLights.SetAll(a_BlockLightSource); m_SkyLights.SetAll(a_SkyLightSource); } void ChunkLightData::SetSection(const SectionType & a_BlockLightSource, const SectionType & a_SkyLightSource, const size_t a_Y) { m_BlockLights.SetSection(a_BlockLightSource, a_Y); m_SkyLights.SetSection(a_SkyLightSource, a_Y); } template struct ChunkDataStore; template struct ChunkDataStore; template struct ChunkDataStore;