// FastRandom.cpp // Implements the cFastRandom class representing a fast random number generator #include "Globals.h" #include "FastRandom.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cFastRandom: #if 0 && defined(_DEBUG) // Self-test // Both ints and floats are quick-tested to see if the random is calculated correctly, checking the range in ASSERTs, // and if it performs well in terms of distribution (checked by avg, expected to be in the range midpoint class cFastRandomTest { public: cFastRandomTest(void) { TestInts(); TestFloats(); } void TestInts(void) { printf("Testing ints...\n"); cFastRandom rnd; int sum = 0; const int BUCKETS = 8; int Counts[BUCKETS]; memset(Counts, 0, sizeof(Counts)); const int ITER = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < ITER; i++) { int v = rnd.NextInt(1000); ASSERT(v >= 0); ASSERT(v < 1000); Counts[v % BUCKETS]++; sum += v; } double avg = (double)sum / ITER; printf("avg: %f\n", avg); for (int i = 0; i < BUCKETS; i++) { printf(" bucket %d: %d\n", i, Counts[i]); } } void TestFloats(void) { printf("Testing floats...\n"); cFastRandom rnd; float sum = 0; const int BUCKETS = 8; int Counts[BUCKETS]; memset(Counts, 0, sizeof(Counts)); const int ITER = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < ITER; i++) { float v = rnd.NextFloat(1000); ASSERT(v >= 0); ASSERT(v <= 1000); Counts[((int)v) % BUCKETS]++; sum += v; } sum = sum / ITER; printf("avg: %f\n", sum); for (int i = 0; i < BUCKETS; i++) { printf(" bucket %d: %d\n", i, Counts[i]); } } } g_Test; #endif cFastRandom::cFastRandom(void) : m_LinearRand(static_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count())) { } int cFastRandom::NextInt(int a_Range) { m_IntDistribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, a_Range - 1); return m_IntDistribution(m_LinearRand); } int cFastRandom::NextInt(int a_Range, int a_Salt) { m_LinearRand.seed(a_Salt); m_IntDistribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, a_Range - 1); return m_IntDistribution(m_LinearRand); } float cFastRandom::NextFloat(float a_Range) { m_FloatDistribution = std::uniform_real_distribution(0, a_Range - 1); return m_FloatDistribution(m_LinearRand); } float cFastRandom::NextFloat(float a_Range, int a_Salt) { m_LinearRand.seed(a_Salt); m_FloatDistribution = std::uniform_real_distribution(0, a_Range - 1); return m_FloatDistribution(m_LinearRand); } int cFastRandom::GenerateRandomInteger(int a_Begin, int a_End) { m_IntDistribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(a_Begin, a_End - 1); return m_IntDistribution(m_LinearRand); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MTRand: MTRand::MTRand() : m_MersenneRand(static_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count())) { } int MTRand::randInt(int a_Range) { m_IntDistribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, a_Range); return m_IntDistribution(m_MersenneRand); } int MTRand::randInt() { m_IntDistribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(0, std::numeric_limits::max()); return m_IntDistribution(m_MersenneRand); } double MTRand::rand(double a_Range) { m_DoubleDistribution = std::uniform_real_distribution<>(0, a_Range); return m_DoubleDistribution(m_MersenneRand); }