// ForgeHandshake.cpp // Implements Forge protocol handshaking #include "Globals.h" #include "ForgeHandshake.h" #include "json/json.h" #include "../Server.h" #include "../ByteBuffer.h" #include "../Bindings/PluginManager.h" #include "../ClientHandle.h" #include "../Root.h" /** Discriminator byte values prefixing the FML|HS packets to determine their type. */ namespace Discriminator { static const Int8 ServerHello = 0; static const Int8 ClientHello = 1; static const Int8 ModList = 2; static const Int8 RegistryData = 3; // static const Int8 HandshakeReset = -2; static const Int8 HandshakeAck = -1; } /** Client handshake state phases. */ namespace ClientPhase { static const Int8 WAITINGSERVERDATA = 2; static const Int8 WAITINGSERVERCOMPLETE = 3; static const Int8 PENDINGCOMPLETE = 4; static const Int8 COMPLETE = 5; } /** Server handshake state phases. */ namespace ServerPhase { static const Int8 WAITINGCACK = 2; static const Int8 COMPLETE = 3; } cForgeHandshake::cForgeHandshake(cClientHandle *a_Client) : m_IsForgeClient(false), m_Errored(false), m_Client(a_Client) { } void cForgeHandshake::SetError(const AString & message) { LOGD("Forge handshake error: %s", message.c_str()); m_Errored = true; } void cForgeHandshake::AugmentServerListPing(Json::Value & a_ResponseValue) { auto ProtocolVersion = m_Client->GetProtocolVersion(); auto & Mods = cRoot::Get()->GetServer()->GetRegisteredForgeMods(ProtocolVersion); if (Mods.empty()) { return; } LOGD("Received server ping from version: %d", ProtocolVersion); Json::Value Modinfo; Modinfo["type"] = "FML"; Json::Value ModList(Json::arrayValue); for (auto & item: Mods) { Json::Value Mod; Mod["modid"] = item.first; Mod["version"] = item.second; ModList.append(Mod); } Modinfo["modList"] = ModList; a_ResponseValue["modinfo"] = Modinfo; } void cForgeHandshake::BeginForgeHandshake(const AString & a_Name, const cUUID & a_UUID, const Json::Value & a_Properties) { ASSERT(m_IsForgeClient); m_Name = a_Name; m_UUID = a_UUID; m_Properties = a_Properties; static const std::array Channels{{ "FML|HS", "FML", "FML|MP", "FML", "FORGE" }}; AString ChannelsString; for (auto & Channel: Channels) { ChannelsString.append(Channel); ChannelsString.push_back('\0'); } m_Client->SendPluginMessage("REGISTER", ChannelsString); SendServerHello(); } void cForgeHandshake::SendServerHello() { AString Message; cByteBuffer Buf(6); // Discriminator | Byte | Always 0 for ServerHello Buf.WriteBEInt8(Discriminator::ServerHello); // FML protocol Version | Byte | Determined from NetworkRegistery. Currently 2. Buf.WriteBEInt8(2); // Dimension TODO Buf.WriteBEInt32(0); Buf.ReadAll(Message); m_Client->SendPluginMessage("FML|HS", Message); } AStringMap cForgeHandshake::ParseModList(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { AStringMap Mods; if (a_Size < 4) { SetError(Printf("ParseModList invalid packet, missing length (size = " SIZE_T_FMT ")", a_Size)); return Mods; } cByteBuffer Buf(a_Size); Buf.Write(a_Data, a_Size); UInt32 NumMods; if (!Buf.ReadVarInt32(NumMods)) { SetError("ParseModList failed to read mod count"); return Mods; } for (UInt32 i = 0; i < NumMods; ++i) { AString Name, Version; if (!Buf.ReadVarUTF8String(Name)) { SetError(Printf("ParseModList failed to read mod name at i = %d", i)); break; } if (!Buf.ReadVarUTF8String(Version)) { SetError(Printf("ParseModList failed to read mod version at i = %d", i)); break; } Mods.insert({Name, Version}); } return Mods; } void cForgeHandshake::HandleClientHello(cClientHandle * a_Client, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { if (a_Size == 2) { int FmlProtocolVersion = a_Data[1]; LOGD("Received ClientHello with FML protocol version %d", FmlProtocolVersion); if (FmlProtocolVersion != 2) { SetError(Printf("Unsupported FML client protocol version received in ClientHello: %d", FmlProtocolVersion)); } } else { SetError(Printf("Received unexpected length of ClientHello: " SIZE_T_FMT, a_Size)); } } void cForgeHandshake::HandleModList(cClientHandle * a_Client, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { LOGD("Received ModList"); auto ClientMods = ParseModList(a_Data + 1, a_Size - 1); AString ClientModsString; for (auto & item: ClientMods) { AppendPrintf(ClientModsString, "%s@%s, ", item.first.c_str(), item.second.c_str()); } LOG("Client connected with " SIZE_T_FMT " mods: %s", ClientMods.size(), ClientModsString.c_str()); m_Client->m_ForgeMods = ClientMods; // Let the plugins know about this event, they may refuse the player: if (cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookLoginForge(*a_Client, ClientMods)) { SetError("Modded client refused by plugin"); return; } // Send server ModList // Send server-side Forge mods registered by plugins const auto & ServerMods = m_Client->GetForgeMods(); const auto ModCount = ServerMods.size(); cByteBuffer Buf(256 * ModCount); Buf.WriteBEInt8(Discriminator::ModList); Buf.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(ModCount)); for (const auto & item: ServerMods) { Buf.WriteVarUTF8String(item.first); // name Buf.WriteVarUTF8String(item.second); // version } AString ServerModList; Buf.ReadAll(ServerModList); m_Client->SendPluginMessage("FML|HS", ServerModList); } void cForgeHandshake::HandleHandshakeAck(cClientHandle * a_Client, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { if (a_Size != 2) { SetError(Printf("Unexpected HandshakeAck packet length: " SIZE_T_FMT "", a_Size)); return; } auto Phase = a_Data[1]; LOGD("Received client HandshakeAck with phase = %d", Phase); switch (Phase) { case ClientPhase::WAITINGSERVERDATA: { cByteBuffer Buf(1024); Buf.WriteBEInt8(Discriminator::RegistryData); // TODO: send real registry data bool HasMore = false; AString RegistryName = "potions"; UInt32 NumIDs = 0; UInt32 NumSubstitutions = 0; UInt32 NumDummies = 0; Buf.WriteBool(HasMore); Buf.WriteVarUTF8String(RegistryName); Buf.WriteVarInt32(NumIDs); Buf.WriteVarInt32(NumSubstitutions); Buf.WriteVarInt32(NumDummies); AString RegistryData; Buf.ReadAll(RegistryData); m_Client->SendPluginMessage("FML|HS", RegistryData); break; } case ClientPhase::WAITINGSERVERCOMPLETE: { LOGD("Client finished receiving registry data; acknowledging"); AString Ack; Ack.push_back(Discriminator::HandshakeAck); Ack.push_back(ServerPhase::WAITINGCACK); m_Client->SendPluginMessage("FML|HS", Ack); break; } case ClientPhase::PENDINGCOMPLETE: { LOGD("Client is pending completion; sending complete ack"); AString Ack; Ack.push_back(Discriminator::HandshakeAck); Ack.push_back(ServerPhase::COMPLETE); m_Client->SendPluginMessage("FML|HS", Ack); break; } case ClientPhase::COMPLETE: { // Now finish logging in m_Client->FinishAuthenticate(m_Name, m_UUID, m_Properties); break; } default: { SetError(Printf("Received unknown phase in Forge handshake acknowledgement: %d", Phase)); break; } } } void cForgeHandshake::DataReceived(cClientHandle * a_Client, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { if (!m_IsForgeClient) { SetError(Printf("Received unexpected Forge data from non-Forge client (" SIZE_T_FMT " bytes)", a_Size)); return; } if (m_Errored) { LOGD("Received unexpected Forge data when in errored state, ignored"); return; } if (a_Size <= 1) { SetError(Printf("Received unexpectedly short Forge data (" SIZE_T_FMT " bytes)", a_Size)); return; } auto Discriminator = a_Data[0]; switch (Discriminator) { case Discriminator::ClientHello: HandleClientHello(a_Client, a_Data, a_Size); break; case Discriminator::ModList: HandleModList(a_Client, a_Data, a_Size); break; case Discriminator::HandshakeAck: HandleHandshakeAck(a_Client, a_Data, a_Size); break; default: { SetError(Printf("Unexpected Forge packet %d received", Discriminator)); return; } } }