# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """Driver for FreeStyle Libre devices. Supported features: - get readings (sensor, flash and blood glucose), including comments; - get and set date and time; - get serial number and software version. Expected device path: /dev/hidraw9 or similar HID device. Optional when using HIDAPI. Further information on the device protocol can be found at https://flameeyes.github.io/glucometer-protocols/abbott/freestyle-libre """ import datetime from glucometerutils import common from glucometerutils.support import freestyle # Fields of the records returned by both $history and $arresult? # Tuple of pairs of idx and field name _BASE_ENTRY_MAP = ( (1, 'type'), (2, 'month'), (3, 'day'), (4, 'year'), # 2-digits (5, 'hour'), (6, 'minute'), (7, 'second'), ) # Fields of the records returned by $history? _HISTORY_ENTRY_MAP = _BASE_ENTRY_MAP + ( (13, 'value'), (15, 'errors'), ) # Fields of the results returned by $arresult? where type = 2 _ARRESULT_TYPE2_ENTRY_MAP = ( (9, 'reading-type'), # 0 = glucose blood strip, # 1 = ketone blood strip, # 2 = glucose sensor (12, 'value'), (15, 'sport-flag'), (16, 'medication-flag'), (17, 'rapid-acting-flag'), # see _ARRESULT_RAPID_INSULIN_ENTRY_MAP (18, 'long-acting-flag'), (19, 'custom-comments-bitfield'), (23, 'double-long-acting-insulin'), (25, 'food-flag'), (26, 'food-carbs-grams'), (28, 'errors'), ) # Fields only valid when rapid-acting-flag is "1" _ARRESULT_RAPID_INSULIN_ENTRY_MAP = ( (43, 'double-rapid-acting-insulin'), ) def _parse_record(record, entry_map): """Parses a list of string fields into a dictionary of integers.""" if not record: return {} try: return { key: int(record[idx]) for idx, key in entry_map } except IndexError: return {} def _extract_timestamp(parsed_record): """Extract the timestamp from a parsed record. This leverages the fact that all the records have the same base structure. """ return datetime.datetime( parsed_record['year'] + 2000, parsed_record['month'], parsed_record['day'], parsed_record['hour'], parsed_record['minute'], parsed_record['second']) def _convert_ketone_unit(raw_value): """Convert raw ketone value as read in the device to its value in mmol/L.""" return int((raw_value + 1) / 2.) / 10. def _parse_arresult(record): """Takes an array of string fields as input and parses it into a Reading.""" parsed_record = _parse_record(record, _BASE_ENTRY_MAP) # There are other record types, but we don't currently need to expose these. if not parsed_record or parsed_record['type'] != 2: return None parsed_record.update(_parse_record(record, _ARRESULT_TYPE2_ENTRY_MAP)) # Check right away if we have rapid insulin if parsed_record['rapid-acting-flag']: parsed_record.update( _parse_record(record, _ARRESULT_RAPID_INSULIN_ENTRY_MAP)) if parsed_record['errors']: return None comment_parts = [] measure_method = None cls = None value = None if parsed_record['reading-type'] == 2: comment_parts.append('(Scan)') measure_method = common.MeasurementMethod.CGM cls = common.GlucoseReading value = parsed_record['value'] elif parsed_record['reading-type'] == 0: comment_parts.append('(Blood)') measure_method = common.MeasurementMethod.BLOOD_SAMPLE cls = common.GlucoseReading value = parsed_record['value'] elif parsed_record['reading-type'] == 1: comment_parts.append('(Ketone)') measure_method = common.MeasurementMethod.BLOOD_SAMPLE cls = common.KetoneReading # automatically convert the raw value in mmol/L value = _convert_ketone_unit(parsed_record['value']) else: # unknown reading return None custom_comments = record[29:35] for comment_index in range(6): if parsed_record['custom-comments-bitfield'] & (1 << comment_index): comment_parts.append(custom_comments[comment_index][1:-1]) if parsed_record['sport-flag']: comment_parts.append('Sport') if parsed_record['medication-flag']: comment_parts.append('Medication') if parsed_record['food-flag']: if parsed_record['food-carbs-grams']: comment_parts.append( 'Food (%d g)' % parsed_record['food-carbs-grams']) else: comment_parts.append('Food') if parsed_record['long-acting-flag']: if parsed_record['double-long-acting-insulin']: comment_parts.append( 'Long-acting insulin (%.1f)' % (parsed_record['double-long-acting-insulin']/2.)) else: comment_parts.append('Long-acting insulin') if parsed_record['rapid-acting-flag']: # provide default value, as this record does not always exist # (even if rapid-acting-flag is set) if parsed_record.get('double-rapid-acting-insulin', 0): comment_parts.append( 'Rapid-acting insulin (%.1f)' % (parsed_record['double-rapid-acting-insulin']/2.)) else: comment_parts.append('Rapid-acting insulin') return cls( _extract_timestamp(parsed_record), value, comment='; '.join(comment_parts), measure_method=measure_method) class Device(freestyle.FreeStyleHidDevice): """Glucometer driver for FreeStyle Libre devices.""" USB_PRODUCT_ID = 0x3650 def get_meter_info(self): """Return the device information in structured form.""" return common.MeterInfo( 'FreeStyle Libre', serial_number=self.get_serial_number(), version_info=( 'Software version: ' + self._get_version(),), native_unit=self.get_glucose_unit()) def get_serial_number(self): """Overridden function as the command is not compatible.""" return self._send_text_command(b'$sn?').rstrip('\r\n') def get_glucose_unit(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Returns the glucose unit of the device.""" # TODO(Flameeyes): figure out how to identify the actual unit on the # device. return common.Unit.MG_DL def get_readings(self): # First of all get the usually longer list of sensor readings, and # convert them to Readings objects. for record in self._get_multirecord(b'$history?'): parsed_record = _parse_record(record, _HISTORY_ENTRY_MAP) if not parsed_record or parsed_record['errors'] != 0: # The reading is considered invalid, so ignore it. continue yield common.GlucoseReading( _extract_timestamp(parsed_record), parsed_record['value'], comment='(Sensor)', measure_method=common.MeasurementMethod.CGM) # Then get the results of explicit scans and blood tests (and other # events). for record in self._get_multirecord(b'$arresult?'): reading = _parse_arresult(record) if reading: yield reading