# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Driver for LifeScan OneTouch Verio (2015) and Select Plus devices. Verio 2015 devices can be recognized by microUSB connectors. Supported features: - get readings, including pre-/post-meal notes †; - use the glucose unit preset on the device by default; - get and set date and time; - get serial number and software version; - memory reset (caution!) Expected device path: /dev/sdb or similar USB block device. † Pre-/post-meal notes are only supported on Select Plus devices. Further information on the device protocol can be found at https://flameeyes.github.io/glucometer-protocols/lifescan/onetouch-verio-2015 """ __author__ = 'Diego Elio Pettenò' __email__ = 'flameeyes@flameeyes.com' __copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2016-2018, Diego Elio Pettenò' __license__ = 'MIT' import binascii import datetime import logging import construct from pyscsi.pyscsi.scsi import SCSI from pyscsi.pyscsi.scsi_device import SCSIDevice from glucometerutils import common from glucometerutils import exceptions from glucometerutils.support import lifescan from glucometerutils.support import lifescan_binary_protocol # This device uses SCSI blocks as registers. _REGISTER_SIZE = 512 _PACKET = construct.Padded( _REGISTER_SIZE, lifescan_binary_protocol.LifeScanPacket(False)) _COMMAND_SUCCESS = construct.Const(b'\x03\x06') _QUERY_REQUEST = construct.Struct( construct.Const(b'\x03\xe6\x02'), 'selector' / construct.Enum( construct.Byte, serial=0x00, model=0x01, software=0x02), ) _QUERY_RESPONSE = construct.Struct( construct.Const(b'\x03\x06'), 'value' / construct.CString(encoding='utf-16-le'), ) _READ_PARAMETER_REQUEST = construct.Struct( construct.Const(b'\x03'), 'selector' / construct.Enum( construct.Byte, unit=0x04), ) _READ_UNIT_RESPONSE = construct.Struct( _COMMAND_SUCCESS, 'unit' / lifescan_binary_protocol.GLUCOSE_UNIT, construct.Padding(3), ) _READ_RTC_REQUEST = construct.Const(b'\x03\x20\x02') _READ_RTC_RESPONSE = construct.Struct( _COMMAND_SUCCESS, 'timestamp' / lifescan_binary_protocol.VERIO_TIMESTAMP, ) _WRITE_RTC_REQUEST = construct.Struct( construct.Const(b'\x03\x20\x01'), 'timestamp' / lifescan_binary_protocol.VERIO_TIMESTAMP, ) _MEMORY_ERASE_REQUEST = construct.Const(b'\x03\x1a') _READ_RECORD_COUNT_REQUEST = construct.Const(b'\x03\x27\x00') _READ_RECORD_COUNT_RESPONSE = construct.Struct( _COMMAND_SUCCESS, 'count' / construct.Int16ul, ) _READ_RECORD_REQUEST = construct.Struct( construct.Const(b'\x03\x31\x02'), 'record_id' / construct.Int16ul, construct.Const(b'\x00'), ) _MEAL_FLAG = { common.Meal.NONE: 0x00, common.Meal.BEFORE: 0x01, common.Meal.AFTER: 0x02, } _READ_RECORD_RESPONSE = construct.Struct( _COMMAND_SUCCESS, 'inverse_counter' / construct.Int16ul, construct.Padding(1), 'lifetime_counter' / construct.Int16ul, 'timestamp' / lifescan_binary_protocol.VERIO_TIMESTAMP, 'value' / construct.Int16ul, 'meal' / construct.Mapping( construct.Byte, _MEAL_FLAG), construct.Padding(4), ) class Device: def __init__(self, device): if not device: raise exceptions.CommandLineError( '--device parameter is required, should point to the disk ' 'device representing the meter.') self.device_name_ = device self.scsi_device_ = SCSIDevice(device, readwrite=True) self.scsi_ = SCSI(self.scsi_device_) self.scsi_.blocksize = _REGISTER_SIZE def connect(self): inq = self.scsi_.inquiry() logging.debug('Device connected: %r', inq.result) vendor = inq.result['t10_vendor_identification'][:32] if vendor != b'LifeScan': raise exceptions.ConnectionFailed( 'Device %s is not a LifeScan glucometer.' % self.device_name_) def disconnect(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use return def _send_request(self, lba, request_format, request_obj, response_format): """Send a request to the meter, and read its response. Args: lba: (int) the address of the block register to use, known valid addresses are 3, 4 and 5. request_format: a construct format identifier of the request to send request_obj: the object to format with the provided identifier response_format: a construct format identifier to parse the returned message with. Returns: The Container object parsed from the response received by the meter. Raises: lifescan.MalformedCommand if Construct fails to build the request or parse the response. """ try: request = request_format.build(request_obj) request_raw = _PACKET.build({'data': {'value': { 'message': request, }}}) logging.debug( 'Request sent: %s', binascii.hexlify(request_raw)) self.scsi_.write10(lba, 1, request_raw) response_raw = self.scsi_.read10(lba, 1) logging.debug( 'Response received: %s', binascii.hexlify(response_raw.datain)) response_pkt = _PACKET.parse(response_raw.datain).data logging.debug('Response packet: %r', response_pkt) response = response_format.parse(response_pkt.value.message) logging.debug('Response parsed: %r', response) return response except construct.ConstructError as e: raise lifescan.MalformedCommand(str(e)) def _query_string(self, selector): response = self._send_request( 3, _QUERY_REQUEST, {'selector': selector}, _QUERY_RESPONSE) return response.value def get_meter_info(self): return common.MeterInfo( 'OneTouch %s glucometer' % self._query_string('model'), serial_number=self.get_serial_number(), version_info=( 'Software version: ' + self.get_version(),), native_unit=self.get_glucose_unit()) def get_serial_number(self): return self._query_string('serial') def get_version(self): return self._query_string('software') def get_datetime(self): response = self._send_request( 3, _READ_RTC_REQUEST, None, _READ_RTC_RESPONSE) return response.timestamp def set_datetime(self, date=datetime.datetime.now()): self._send_request( 3, _WRITE_RTC_REQUEST, {'timestamp': date}, _COMMAND_SUCCESS) # The device does not return the new datetime, so confirm by calling # READ RTC again. return self.get_datetime() def zero_log(self): self._send_request( 3, _MEMORY_ERASE_REQUEST, None, _COMMAND_SUCCESS) def get_glucose_unit(self): response = self._send_request( 4, _READ_PARAMETER_REQUEST, {'selector': 'unit'}, _READ_UNIT_RESPONSE) return response.unit def _get_reading_count(self): response = self._send_request( 3, _READ_RECORD_COUNT_REQUEST, None, _READ_RECORD_COUNT_RESPONSE) return response.count def _get_reading(self, record_id): response = self._send_request( 3, _READ_RECORD_REQUEST, {'record_id': record_id}, _READ_RECORD_RESPONSE) return common.GlucoseReading( response.timestamp, float(response.value), meal=response.meal) def get_readings(self): record_count = self._get_reading_count() for record_id in range(record_count): yield self._get_reading(record_id)