path: root/quora/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/quora/ b/quora/
index 79de68b1..0a11bb23 100644
--- a/quora/
+++ b/quora/
@@ -8,9 +8,25 @@ from pathlib import Path
from random import choice, choices, randint
from string import ascii_letters, digits
from urllib import parse
-from os import urandom
-from hashlib import md5
-from json import dumps
+from os import urandom
+from hashlib import md5
+from json import dumps
+def extract_formkey(html):
+ script_regex = r'<script>if\(.+\)throw new Error;(.+)</script>'
+ script_text = search(script_regex, html).group(1)
+ key_regex = r'var .="([0-9a-f]+)",'
+ key_text = search(key_regex, script_text).group(1)
+ cipher_regex = r'.\[(\d+)\]=.\[(\d+)\]'
+ cipher_pairs = findall(cipher_regex, script_text)
+ formkey_list = [""] * len(cipher_pairs)
+ for pair in cipher_pairs:
+ formkey_index, key_index = map(int, pair)
+ formkey_list[formkey_index] = key_text[key_index]
+ formkey = "".join(formkey_list)
+ return formkey
class PoeResponse:
@@ -79,7 +95,8 @@ class Model:
client = Session()
client.cookies['p-b'] = token
+ formkey = extract_formkey(client.get('').text)
settings = client.get('').json()
client.headers = {
@@ -87,7 +104,7 @@ class Model:
"origin" : "",
"referer" : "",
"content-type" : "application/json",
- "poe-formkey" : settings['formkey'],
+ "poe-formkey" : formkey,
"poe-tchannel" : settings['tchannelData']['channel'],
"user-agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"connection" : "keep-alive",
@@ -102,8 +119,8 @@ class Model:
"accept-encoding" : "gzip, deflate, br",
"accept-language" : "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8",
- response ="", json = {
+ payload = dumps(separators=(',', ':'), obj = {
'queryName': 'CreateBotMain_poeBotCreate_Mutation',
'variables': {
'model' : models[model],
@@ -124,6 +141,11 @@ class Model:
'query': 'mutation CreateBotMain_poeBotCreate_Mutation(\n $model: String!\n $handle: String!\n $prompt: String!\n $isPromptPublic: Boolean!\n $introduction: String!\n $description: String!\n $profilePictureUrl: String\n $apiUrl: String\n $apiKey: String\n $isApiBot: Boolean\n $hasLinkification: Boolean\n $hasMarkdownRendering: Boolean\n $hasSuggestedReplies: Boolean\n $isPrivateBot: Boolean\n) {\n poeBotCreate(model: $model, handle: $handle, promptPlaintext: $prompt, isPromptPublic: $isPromptPublic, introduction: $introduction, description: $description, profilePicture: $profilePictureUrl, apiUrl: $apiUrl, apiKey: $apiKey, isApiBot: $isApiBot, hasLinkification: $hasLinkification, hasMarkdownRendering: $hasMarkdownRendering, hasSuggestedReplies: $hasSuggestedReplies, isPrivateBot: $isPrivateBot) {\n status\n bot {\n id\n ...BotHeader_bot\n }\n }\n}\n\nfragment BotHeader_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n messageLimit {\n dailyLimit\n }\n ...BotImage_bot\n ...BotLink_bot\n ...IdAnnotation_node\n ...botHelpers_useViewerCanAccessPrivateBot\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotImage_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n ...BotImage_useProfileImage_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotImage_useProfileImage_bot on Bot {\n image {\n __typename\n ... on LocalBotImage {\n localName\n }\n ... on UrlBotImage {\n url\n }\n }\n ...botHelpers_useDeletion_bot\n}\n\nfragment BotLink_bot on Bot {\n displayName\n}\n\nfragment IdAnnotation_node on Node {\n __isNode: __typename\n id\n}\n\nfragment botHelpers_useDeletion_bot on Bot {\n deletionState\n}\n\nfragment botHelpers_useViewerCanAccessPrivateBot on Bot {\n isPrivateBot\n viewerIsCreator\n}\n',
+ base_string = payload + client.headers["poe-formkey"] + 'WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k'
+ client.headers["poe-tag-id"] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
+ response ="", data = payload)
if not 'success' in response.text:
raise Exception('''
Bot creation Failed
@@ -136,15 +158,14 @@ class Model:
class Account:
def create(proxy: None or str = None, logging: bool = False, enable_bot_creation: bool = False):
client = Session()
client.proxies = {
'http': f'http://{proxy}',
'https': f'http://{proxy}'} if proxy else None
mail = Mail(client.proxies)
mail_token = None
- mail_address = mail.get_mail()
+ _, mail_address = mail.get_mail()
if logging: print('email', mail_address)
@@ -167,12 +188,9 @@ class Account:
"upgrade-insecure-requests": "1",
- init = client.get('')
- next_data = loads(search(r'json">(.+?)</script>', init.text).group(1))
+ client.headers["poe-formkey"] = extract_formkey(client.get('').text)
+ client.headers["poe-tchannel"] = client.get('').json()['tchannelData']['channel']
- client.headers["poe-formkey"] = next_data['props']['formkey']
- client.headers["poe-tchannel"] = client.get('').json()['tchannelData']['channel']
payload = dumps(separators = (',', ':'), obj = {
'queryName': 'MainSignupLoginSection_sendVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation',
'variables': {
@@ -189,18 +207,18 @@ class Account:
response ='', data=payload)
if 'Bad Request' in response.text:
if logging: print('bad request, retrying...' , response.json())
- Account.create(proxy = proxy, logging = logging)
+ quit()
if logging: print('send_code' ,response.json())
while True:
- inbox = mail.fetch_inbox()
- for _ in inbox:
- content = mail.get_message(_["id"])
- mail_token = findall(r';">(\d{6,7})</div>', content['html'][0])[0]
+ messages = mail.fetch_inbox()
+ if len(messages["messages"]) > 0:
+ email_content = mail.get_message_content(messages["messages"][0]["_id"])
+ mail_token = findall(r';">(\d{6,7})</div>', email_content)[0]
if mail_token:
@@ -215,7 +233,7 @@ class Account:
"query": "mutation SignupOrLoginWithCodeSection_signupWithVerificationCodeMutation_Mutation(\n $verificationCode: String!\n $emailAddress: String\n $phoneNumber: String\n) {\n signupWithVerificationCode(verificationCode: $verificationCode, emailAddress: $emailAddress, phoneNumber: $phoneNumber) {\n status\n errorMessage\n }\n}\n"
base_string = payload + client.headers["poe-formkey"] + 'WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k'
client.headers["poe-tag-id"] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
@@ -223,23 +241,24 @@ class Account:
if logging: print('verify_code', response.json())
token = parse.unquote(client.cookies.get_dict()['p-b'])
with open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'cookies.txt', 'a') as f:
if enable_bot_creation:
- payload = {
+ payload = dumps(separators = (',', ':'), obj={
"queryName": "UserProfileConfigurePreviewModal_markMultiplayerNuxCompleted_Mutation",
"variables": {},
"query": "mutation UserProfileConfigurePreviewModal_markMultiplayerNuxCompleted_Mutation {\n markMultiplayerNuxCompleted {\n viewer {\n hasCompletedMultiplayerNux\n id\n }\n }\n}\n"
- }
+ })
- base_string = dumps(payload, separators = (',', ':')) + client.headers["poe-formkey"] + 'WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k'
+ base_string = payload + client.headers["poe-formkey"] + 'WpuLMiXEKKE98j56k'
client.headers["poe-tag-id"] = md5(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()
-"", json = payload)
+ resp ="", data = payload)
+ if logging: print(resp.json())
return token
def get():