from __future__ import annotations import re from aiohttp import ClientSession from ..typing import Messages from .base_provider import AsyncProvider from .helper import format_prompt class Chatgpt4Online(AsyncProvider): url = "" supports_message_history = True supports_gpt_35_turbo = True working = True _wpnonce = None @classmethod async def create_async( cls, model: str, messages: Messages, proxy: str = None, **kwargs ) -> str: async with ClientSession() as session: if not cls._wpnonce: async with session.get(f"{cls.url}/", proxy=proxy) as response: response.raise_for_status() response = await response.text() result ='data-nonce="(.*?)"', response) if result: cls._wpnonce = else: raise RuntimeError("No nonce found") data = { "_wpnonce": cls._wpnonce, "post_id": 58, "url": "", "action": "wpaicg_chat_shortcode_message", "message": format_prompt(messages), "bot_id": 3405 } async with"{cls.url}/rizq", data=data, proxy=proxy) as response: response.raise_for_status() return (await response.json())["data"]