from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import random from ..typing import CreateResult, Messages from .types import BaseRetryProvider from .. import debug from ..errors import RetryProviderError, RetryNoProviderError class RetryProvider(BaseRetryProvider): """ A provider class to handle retries for creating completions with different providers. Attributes: providers (list): A list of provider instances. shuffle (bool): A flag indicating whether to shuffle providers before use. exceptions (dict): A dictionary to store exceptions encountered during retries. last_provider (BaseProvider): The last provider that was used. """ def create_completion( self, model: str, messages: Messages, stream: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> CreateResult: """ Create a completion using available providers, with an option to stream the response. Args: model (str): The model to be used for completion. messages (Messages): The messages to be used for generating completion. stream (bool, optional): Flag to indicate if the response should be streamed. Defaults to False. Yields: CreateResult: Tokens or results from the completion. Raises: Exception: Any exception encountered during the completion process. """ providers = [p for p in self.providers if stream and p.supports_stream] if stream else self.providers if self.shuffle: random.shuffle(providers) self.exceptions = {} started: bool = False for provider in providers: self.last_provider = provider try: if debug.logging: print(f"Using {provider.__name__} provider") for token in provider.create_completion(model, messages, stream, **kwargs): yield token started = True if started: return except Exception as e: self.exceptions[provider.__name__] = e if debug.logging: print(f"{provider.__name__}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}") if started: raise e self.raise_exceptions() async def create_async( self, model: str, messages: Messages, **kwargs ) -> str: """ Asynchronously create a completion using available providers. Args: model (str): The model to be used for completion. messages (Messages): The messages to be used for generating completion. Returns: str: The result of the asynchronous completion. Raises: Exception: Any exception encountered during the asynchronous completion process. """ providers = self.providers if self.shuffle: random.shuffle(providers) self.exceptions = {} for provider in providers: self.last_provider = provider try: return await asyncio.wait_for( provider.create_async(model, messages, **kwargs), timeout=kwargs.get("timeout", 60) ) except Exception as e: self.exceptions[provider.__name__] = e if debug.logging: print(f"{provider.__name__}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}") self.raise_exceptions() def raise_exceptions(self) -> None: """ Raise a combined exception if any occurred during retries. Raises: RetryProviderError: If any provider encountered an exception. RetryNoProviderError: If no provider is found. """ if self.exceptions: raise RetryProviderError("RetryProvider failed:\n" + "\n".join([ f"{p}: {exception.__class__.__name__}: {exception}" for p, exception in self.exceptions.items() ])) raise RetryNoProviderError("No provider found")