# Uses the ADS-B Exchange RapidAPI service to get live data from ADS-B exchange # Note RapidAPI requires a subscription at $10 a month, and you only get 10,000 requests per month. # You may wish to limit your RAPID_API_KEY: "MY_RAPID_API_KEY" KRAKEN_PRO_USER_EMAIL: "your@email.com" KRAKEN_PRO_PASSWORD: "password" # You may wish to limit your request rate more to avoid going over the limit of your account REQUEST_RATE = 10 KRAKEN_RPO_API_SERVER = 'https://kraken.tynet.eu:8842' import requests import time # Enter your RapidAPI URL here url = "https://adsbexchange-com1.p.rapidapi.com/v2/lat/-36.2/lon/174.3/dist/250/" headers = { "X-RapidAPI-Key": RAPID_API_KEY, "X-RapidAPI-Host": "adsbexchange-com1.p.rapidapi.com" } #response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) #print(response.text) # Your Kraken Pro Cloud username and password login = {'email': KRAKEN_PRO_USER_EMAIL, 'password': KRAKEN_PRO_PASSWORD} x = requests.post(KRAKEN_RPO_API_SERVER + '/login', json = login) token = x.text print(x.text) run = True while run: response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) data = response.json() beaconData = [] for aircraft in data['ac']: try: beaconData.append({'id': str(aircraft['flight']), 'lat': aircraft['lat'], 'lon': aircraft['lon'], 'speed': int(aircraft['gs']), 'height': aircraft['alt_geom'], 'heading': aircraft['track']}) #print (aircraft['flight']) #print (aircraft['lat']) #print (aircraft['lon']) #print (aircraft['gs']) #print (aircraft['alt_geom']) except: #print('excepted') pass # probably lat/lon missing x = requests.post(API_SERVER + '/beacons', json = beaconData, headers = {'Authorization': token}) #print(x) time.sleep(REQUEST_RATE)