path: root/src/core/re3.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/re3.cpp')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/re3.cpp b/src/core/re3.cpp
index ee747218..62d963ca 100644
--- a/src/core/re3.cpp
+++ b/src/core/re3.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#include <csignal>
#include "common.h"
-#include "crossplatform.h"
#include "Renderer.h"
#include "Credits.h"
#include "Camera.h"
@@ -29,10 +28,14 @@
#include "Script.h"
#include "postfx.h"
#include "custompipes.h"
+#include "MemoryHeap.h"
#include "FileMgr.h"
+#include "Camera.h"
+#include "MBlur.h"
#include "ControllerConfig.h"
+#include "crossplatform.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
@@ -78,6 +81,30 @@ void
// Moved to an array in MenuScreensCustom.cpp, but APIs are still available. see frontendoption.h
+ // These work only if we have neo folder, so they're dynamically added
+ const char *vehPipelineNames[] = { "FED_MFX", "FED_NEO" };
+ const char *off_on[] = { "FEM_OFF", "FEM_ON" };
+ int fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile("neo/neo.txd","r");
+ if (fd) {
+ FrontendOptionSetCursor(MENUPAGE_GRAPHICS_SETTINGS, -3, false);
+ FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_VPL", vehPipelineNames, ARRAY_SIZE(vehPipelineNames), (int8*)&CustomPipes::VehiclePipeSwitch, false, nil, "Graphics", "VehiclePipeline");
+ FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_PRM", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::RimlightEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoRimLight");
+ FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_WLM", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::LightmapEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoLightMaps");
+ FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_RGL", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::GlossEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoRoadGloss");
+ FrontendOptionSetCursor(MENUPAGE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, -3, false);
+ FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_VPL", vehPipelineNames, ARRAY_SIZE(vehPipelineNames), (int8*)&CustomPipes::VehiclePipeSwitch, false, nil, "Graphics", "VehiclePipeline");
+ FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_PRM", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::RimlightEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoRimLight");
+ FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_WLM", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::LightmapEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoLightMaps");
+ FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_RGL", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::GlossEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoRoadGloss");
+ CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd);
+ }
@@ -85,82 +112,307 @@ CustomFrontendOptionsPopulate(void)
#include "ini_parser.hpp"
linb::ini cfg;
-int CheckAndReadIniInt(const char *cat, const char *key, int original)
+bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, uint32 *out)
+ std::string strval = cfg.get(cat, key, "\xBA");
+ const char *value = strval.c_str();
+ char *endPtr;
+ if (value && value[0] != '\xBA') {
+ *out = strtoul(value, &endPtr, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, bool *out)
- std::string strval = cfg.get(cat, key, "");
+ std::string strval = cfg.get(cat, key, "\xBA");
const char *value = strval.c_str();
- if (value && value[0] != '\0')
- return atoi(value);
+ char *endPtr;
+ if (value && value[0] != '\xBA') {
+ *out = strtoul(value, &endPtr, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
- return original;
+bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, int32 *out)
+ std::string strval = cfg.get(cat, key, "\xBA");
+ const char *value = strval.c_str();
+ char *endPtr;
+ if (value && value[0] != '\xBA') {
+ *out = strtol(value, &endPtr, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
-float CheckAndReadIniFloat(const char *cat, const char *key, float original)
+bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, int8 *out)
- std::string strval = cfg.get(cat, key, "");
+ std::string strval = cfg.get(cat, key, "\xBA");
const char *value = strval.c_str();
- if (value && value[0] != '\0')
- return atof(value);
+ char *endPtr;
+ if (value && value[0] != '\xBA') {
+ *out = strtol(value, &endPtr, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
- return original;
+bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, float *out)
+ std::string strval = cfg.get(cat, key, "\xBA");
+ const char *value = strval.c_str();
+ if (value && value[0] != '\xBA') {
+ *out = atof(value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
-void CheckAndSaveIniInt(const char *cat, const char *key, int val, bool &changed)
+bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, char *out, int size)
- char temp[10];
- if (atoi(cfg.get(cat, key, "xxx").c_str()) != val) { // if .ini doesn't have our key, compare with xxx and forcefully add it
- changed = true;
- sprintf(temp, "%u", val);
- cfg.set(cat, key, temp);
+ std::string strval = cfg.get(cat, key, "\xBA");
+ const char *value = strval.c_str();
+ if (value && value[0] != '\xBA') {
+ strncpy(out, value, size);
+ return true;
+ return false;
-void CheckAndSaveIniFloat(const char *cat, const char *key, float val, bool &changed)
+void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, uint32 val)
char temp[10];
- if (atof(cfg.get(cat, key, "xxx").c_str()) != val) { // if .ini doesn't have our key, compare with xxx and forcefully add it
- changed = true;
- sprintf(temp, "%f", val);
- cfg.set(cat, key, temp);
- }
+ sprintf(temp, "%u", val);
+ cfg.set(cat, key, temp);
-void LoadINISettings()
+void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, uint8 val)
- cfg.load_file("re3.ini");
+ char temp[10];
+ sprintf(temp, "%u", (uint32)val);
+ cfg.set(cat, key, temp);
+void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, int32 val)
+ char temp[10];
+ sprintf(temp, "%d", val);
+ cfg.set(cat, key, temp);
+void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, int8 val)
+ char temp[10];
+ sprintf(temp, "%d", (int32)val);
+ cfg.set(cat, key, temp);
+void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, float val)
+ char temp[10];
+ sprintf(temp, "%f", val);
+ cfg.set(cat, key, temp);
+void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, char *val, int size)
+ cfg.set(cat, key, val);
+const char *iniControllerTypes[] = { "kbd:", "2ndKbd:", "mouse:", "joy:" };
+const char *iniMouseButtons[] = {"LEFT","MIDDLE","RIGHT","WHLUP","WHLDOWN","X1","X2"};
+const char *iniKeyboardButtons[] = {"ESC","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12",
+ "RALT", "LWIN", "RWIN", "APPS", "NULL"};
+void LoadINIControllerSettings()
- // Written by assuming the codes below will run after _InputInitialiseJoys().
- strcpy(gSelectedJoystickName, cfg.get("DetectJoystick", "JoystickName", "").c_str());
- if(gSelectedJoystickName[0] != '\0') {
- for (int i = 0; i <= GLFW_JOYSTICK_LAST; i++) {
- if (glfwJoystickPresent(i) && strncmp(gSelectedJoystickName, glfwGetJoystickName(i), strlen(gSelectedJoystickName)) == 0) {
- if (PSGLOBAL(joy1id) != -1) {
- PSGLOBAL(joy2id) = PSGLOBAL(joy1id);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "JoystickName", gSelectedJoystickName, 128);
+ // force to default GTA behaviour (never overwrite bindings on joy change/initialization) if user init'ed/set bindings before we introduced that
+ if (!ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "PadButtonsInited", &ControlsManager.ms_padButtonsInited)) {
+ ControlsManager.ms_padButtonsInited = cfg.category_size("Bindings") != 0 ? 16 : 0;
+ }
+ for (int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CONTROLLERACTIONS; i++) {
+ char value[128];
+ if (ReadIniIfExists("Bindings", iniControllerActions[i], value, 128)) {
+ for (int32 j = 0; j < MAX_CONTROLLERTYPES; j++){
+ ControlsManager.ClearSettingsAssociatedWithAction((e_ControllerAction)i, (eControllerType)j);
+ }
+ for (char *binding = strtok(value,", "); binding != nil; binding = strtok(nil, ", ")) {
+ int contType = -1;
+ for (int32 k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(iniControllerTypes); k++) {
+ int len = strlen(iniControllerTypes[k]);
+ if (strncmp(binding, iniControllerTypes[k], len) == 0) {
+ contType = k;
+ binding += len;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (contType == -1)
+ continue;
+ int contKey;
+ if (contType == JOYSTICK) {
+ char *temp;
+ contKey = strtol(binding, &temp, 0);
+ } else if (contType == KEYBOARD || contType == OPTIONAL_EXTRA) {
+ if (strlen(binding) == 1) {
+ contKey = binding[0];
+ } else if(strcmp(binding, "SPC") == 0) {
+ contKey = ' ';
+ } else {
+ for (int32 k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(iniKeyboardButtons); k++) {
+ if(strcmp(binding, iniKeyboardButtons[k]) == 0) {
+ contKey = 1000 + k;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (contType == MOUSE) {
+ for (int32 k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(iniMouseButtons); k++) {
+ if(strcmp(binding, iniMouseButtons[k]) == 0) {
+ contKey = 1 + k;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- PSGLOBAL(joy1id) = i;
- int count;
- glfwGetJoystickButtons(PSGLOBAL(joy1id), &count);
- // We need to init and reload bindings, because;
- // 1-joypad button number may differ with saved/prvly connected one
- // 2-bindings are not init'ed if there is no joypad at the start
- ControlsManager.InitDefaultControlConfigJoyPad(count);
- CFileMgr::SetDirMyDocuments();
- int32 gta3set = CFileMgr::OpenFile("gta3.set", "r");
- if (gta3set) {
- ControlsManager.LoadSettings(gta3set);
- CFileMgr::CloseFile(gta3set);
+ ControlsManager.SetControllerKeyAssociatedWithAction((e_ControllerAction)i, contKey, (eControllerType)contType);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SaveINIControllerSettings()
+ for (int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CONTROLLERACTIONS; i++) {
+ char value[128] = { '\0' };
+ // upper limit should've been GetNumOfSettingsForAction(i), but sadly even R* doesn't use it's own system correctly, and there are gaps between orders.
+ for (int32 j = SETORDER_1; j < MAX_SETORDERS; j++){
+ // We respect the m_ContSetOrder, and join/implode/order the bindings according to that; using comma as seperator.
+ for (int32 k = 0; k < MAX_CONTROLLERTYPES; k++){
+ if (ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_ContSetOrder == j) {
+ char next[32];
+ if (k == JOYSTICK) {
+ snprintf(next, 32, "%s%d,", iniControllerTypes[k], ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key);
+ } else if (k == KEYBOARD || k == OPTIONAL_EXTRA) {
+ if (ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key == ' ')
+ snprintf(next, 32, "%sSPC,", iniControllerTypes[k]);
+ else if (ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key < 256)
+ snprintf(next, 32, "%s%c,", iniControllerTypes[k], ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key);
+ else
+ snprintf(next, 32, "%s%s,", iniControllerTypes[k], iniKeyboardButtons[ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key - 1000]);
+ } else if (k == MOUSE) {
+ snprintf(next, 32, "%s%s,", iniControllerTypes[k], iniMouseButtons[ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key - 1]);
+ }
+ strcat(value, next);
+ break;
- CFileMgr::SetDir("");
- break;
+ int len = strlen(value);
+ if (len > 0)
+ value[len - 1] = '\0'; // to remove comma
+ StoreIni("Bindings", iniControllerActions[i], value, 128);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "JoystickName", gSelectedJoystickName, 128);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "PadButtonsInited", ControlsManager.ms_padButtonsInited);
+ cfg.write_file("re3.ini");
+bool LoadINISettings()
+ if (!cfg.load_file("re3.ini"))
+ return false;
+ ReadIniIfExists("VideoMode", "Width", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsWidth);
+ ReadIniIfExists("VideoMode", "Height", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsHeight);
+ ReadIniIfExists("VideoMode", "Depth", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsDepth);
+ ReadIniIfExists("VideoMode", "Subsystem", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsSubsystem);
+ // Windowed mode is loaded below in CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS section
+ ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "VideoMode", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nDisplayVideoMode);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "HeadBob1stPerson", &TheCamera.m_bHeadBob);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "VerticalMouseSens", &TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelVertical);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "HorizantalMouseSens", &TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelHorzntl);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "InvertMouseVertically", &MousePointerStateHelper.bInvertVertically);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "DisableMouseSteering", &CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "Vibration", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseVibration);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "SfxVolume", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSfxVolume);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "MusicVolume", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsMusicVolume);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "Radio", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsRadioStation);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "SpeakerType", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSpeakers);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "Provider", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsAudio3DProviderIndex);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "DynamicAcoustics", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsDMA);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Display", "Brightness", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsBrightness);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Display", "DrawDistance", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLOD);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Display", "Subtitles", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsShowSubtitles);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "AspectRatio", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseWideScreen);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "VSync", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsVsyncDisp);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "FrameLimiter", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsFrameLimiter);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "Trails", &CMBlur::BlurOn);
+ ReadIniIfExists("General", "SkinFile", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSkinFile, 256);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "Method", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_ControlMethod);
+ ReadIniIfExists("General", "Language", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLanguage);
+ ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "PostFXIntensity", &CPostFX::Intensity);
+ ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleShininess", &CustomPipes::VehicleShininess);
+ ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleSpecularity", &CustomPipes::VehicleSpecularity);
+ ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "RimlightMult", &CustomPipes::RimlightMult);
+ ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "LightmapMult", &CustomPipes::LightmapMult);
+ ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "GlossMult", &CustomPipes::GlossMult);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Rendering", "NewRenderer", &gbNewRenderer);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Draw", "ProperScaling", &CDraw::ms_bProperScaling);
+#ifdef FIX_RADAR
+ ReadIniIfExists("Draw", "FixRadar", &CDraw::ms_bFixRadar);
+ ReadIniIfExists("Draw", "FixSprites", &CDraw::ms_bFixSprites);
+ bool migrate = cfg.category_size("FrontendOptions") != 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MENUPAGES; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MENUROWS; j++) {
CMenuScreenCustom::CMenuEntry &option = aScreens[i].m_aEntries[j];
@@ -170,7 +422,13 @@ void LoadINISettings()
// CFO check
if (option.m_Action < MENUACTION_NOTHING && option.m_CFO->save) {
// CFO only supports saving uint8 right now
- *option.m_CFO->value = CheckAndReadIniInt("FrontendOptions", option.m_CFO->save, *option.m_CFO->value);
+ // Migrate from old .ini to new .ini
+ if (migrate && ReadIniIfExists("FrontendOptions", option.m_CFO->save, option.m_CFO->value))
+ cfg.remove("FrontendOptions", option.m_CFO->save);
+ else
+ ReadIniIfExists(option.m_CFO->saveCat, option.m_CFO->save, option.m_CFO->value);
if (option.m_Action == MENUACTION_CFO_SELECT) {
option.m_CFOSelect->lastSavedValue = option.m_CFOSelect->displayedValue = *option.m_CFO->value;
@@ -179,28 +437,65 @@ void LoadINISettings()
- CPostFX::Intensity = CheckAndReadIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "PostFXIntensity", CPostFX::Intensity);
- CustomPipes::VehicleShininess = CheckAndReadIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleShininess", CustomPipes::VehicleShininess);
- CustomPipes::VehicleSpecularity = CheckAndReadIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleSpecularity", CustomPipes::VehicleSpecularity);
- CustomPipes::RimlightMult = CheckAndReadIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "RimlightMult", CustomPipes::RimlightMult);
- CustomPipes::LightmapMult = CheckAndReadIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "LightmapMult", CustomPipes::LightmapMult);
- CustomPipes::GlossMult = CheckAndReadIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "GlossMult", CustomPipes::GlossMult);
+ return true;
void SaveINISettings()
- bool changed = false;
- char temp[4];
+ StoreIni("VideoMode", "Width", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsWidth);
+ StoreIni("VideoMode", "Height", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsHeight);
+ StoreIni("VideoMode", "Depth", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsDepth);
+ StoreIni("VideoMode", "Subsystem", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsSubsystem);
+ // Windowed mode is loaded below in CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS section
+ StoreIni("Graphics", "VideoMode", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nDisplayVideoMode);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "HeadBob1stPerson", TheCamera.m_bHeadBob);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "VerticalMouseSens", TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelVertical);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "HorizantalMouseSens", TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelHorzntl);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "InvertMouseVertically", MousePointerStateHelper.bInvertVertically);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "DisableMouseSteering", CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "Vibration", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseVibration);
+ StoreIni("Audio", "SfxVolume", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSfxVolume);
+ StoreIni("Audio", "MusicVolume", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsMusicVolume);
+ StoreIni("Audio", "Radio", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsRadioStation);
+ StoreIni("Audio", "SpeakerType", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSpeakers);
+ StoreIni("Audio", "Provider", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsAudio3DProviderIndex);
+ StoreIni("Audio", "DynamicAcoustics", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsDMA);
+ StoreIni("Display", "Brightness", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsBrightness);
+ StoreIni("Display", "DrawDistance", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLOD);
+ StoreIni("Display", "Subtitles", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsShowSubtitles);
+ StoreIni("Graphics", "AspectRatio", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseWideScreen);
+ StoreIni("Graphics", "VSync", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsVsyncDisp);
+ StoreIni("Graphics", "FrameLimiter", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsFrameLimiter);
+ StoreIni("Graphics", "Trails", CMBlur::BlurOn);
+ StoreIni("General", "SkinFile", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSkinFile, 256);
+ StoreIni("Controller", "Method", FrontEndMenuManager.m_ControlMethod);
+ StoreIni("General", "Language", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLanguage);
- if (strncmp(cfg.get("DetectJoystick", "JoystickName", "").c_str(), gSelectedJoystickName, strlen(gSelectedJoystickName)) != 0) {
- changed = true;
- cfg.set("DetectJoystick", "JoystickName", gSelectedJoystickName);
- }
+ StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "PostFXIntensity", CPostFX::Intensity);
+ StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleShininess", CustomPipes::VehicleShininess);
+ StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleSpecularity", CustomPipes::VehicleSpecularity);
+ StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "RimlightMult", CustomPipes::RimlightMult);
+ StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "LightmapMult", CustomPipes::LightmapMult);
+ StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "GlossMult", CustomPipes::GlossMult);
+ StoreIni("Rendering", "NewRenderer", gbNewRenderer);
+ StoreIni("Draw", "ProperScaling", CDraw::ms_bProperScaling);
+#ifdef FIX_RADAR
+ StoreIni("Draw", "FixRadar", CDraw::ms_bFixRadar);
+ StoreIni("Draw", "FixSprites", CDraw::ms_bFixSprites);
for (int i = 0; i < MENUPAGES; i++) {
@@ -211,25 +506,13 @@ void SaveINISettings()
if (option.m_Action < MENUACTION_NOTHING && option.m_CFO->save) {
// Beware: CFO only supports saving uint8 right now
- CheckAndSaveIniInt("FrontendOptions", option.m_CFO->save, *option.m_CFO->value, changed);
+ StoreIni(option.m_CFO->saveCat, option.m_CFO->save, *option.m_CFO->value);
- CheckAndSaveIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "PostFXIntensity", CPostFX::Intensity, changed);
- CheckAndSaveIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleShininess", CustomPipes::VehicleShininess, changed);
- CheckAndSaveIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleSpecularity", CustomPipes::VehicleSpecularity, changed);
- CheckAndSaveIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "RimlightMult", CustomPipes::RimlightMult, changed);
- CheckAndSaveIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "LightmapMult", CustomPipes::LightmapMult, changed);
- CheckAndSaveIniFloat("CustomPipesValues", "GlossMult", CustomPipes::GlossMult, changed);
- if (changed)
- cfg.write_file("re3.ini");
+ cfg.write_file("re3.ini");
@@ -383,6 +666,10 @@ SwitchToMission(void)
+static void ParseHeap(void) { gMainHeap.ParseHeap(); }
static const char *carnames[] = {
"landstal", "idaho", "stinger", "linerun", "peren", "sentinel", "patriot", "firetruk", "trash", "stretch", "manana", "infernus", "blista", "pony",
"mule", "cheetah", "ambulan", "fbicar", "moonbeam", "esperant", "taxi", "kuruma", "bobcat", "mrwhoop", "bfinject", "corpse", "police", "enforcer",
@@ -405,7 +692,7 @@ void CTweakVars::Add(CTweakVar *var)
TweakVarsListSize = 0;
if(TweakVarsListSize > 63)
- TweakVarsList = (CTweakVar**) realloc(TweakVarsList, (TweakVarsListSize + 1) * sizeof(var));
+ TweakVarsList = (CTweakVar**) realloc(TweakVarsList, (TweakVarsListSize + 1) * sizeof(CTweakVar*));
TweakVarsList[TweakVarsListSize++] = var;
// TweakVarsList.push_back(var);
@@ -530,6 +817,30 @@ DebugMenuPopulate(void)
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Frame limiter", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsFrameLimiter, nil);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "VSynch", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsVsync, nil);
DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Max FPS", &RsGlobal.maxFPS, nil, 1, 1, 1000, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "new renderer", &gbNewRenderer, nil);
+extern bool gbRenderRoads;
+extern bool gbRenderEverythingBarRoads;
+//extern bool gbRenderFadingInUnderwaterEntities;
+extern bool gbRenderFadingInEntities;
+extern bool gbRenderWater;
+extern bool gbRenderBoats;
+extern bool gbRenderVehicles;
+extern bool gbRenderWorld0;
+extern bool gbRenderWorld1;
+extern bool gbRenderWorld2;
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderRoads", &gbRenderRoads, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderEverythingBarRoads", &gbRenderEverythingBarRoads, nil);
+// DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderFadingInUnderwaterEntities", &gbRenderFadingInUnderwaterEntities, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderFadingInEntities", &gbRenderFadingInEntities, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderWater", &gbRenderWater, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderBoats", &gbRenderBoats, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderVehicles", &gbRenderVehicles, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderWorld0", &gbRenderWorld0, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderWorld1", &gbRenderWorld1, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "gbRenderWorld2", &gbRenderWorld2, nil);
static const char *filternames[] = { "None", "Simple", "Normal", "Mobile" };
e = DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Colourfilter", &CPostFX::EffectSwitch, nil, 1, CPostFX::POSTFX_OFF, CPostFX::POSTFX_MOBILE, filternames);
@@ -564,12 +875,32 @@ DebugMenuPopulate(void)
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Don't render Vehicles", &gbDontRenderVehicles, nil);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Don't render Objects", &gbDontRenderObjects, nil);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Don't Render Water", &gbDontRenderWater, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Draw", "Proper Scaling", &CDraw::ms_bProperScaling, nil);
+#ifdef FIX_RADAR
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Draw", "Fix Radar", &CDraw::ms_bFixRadar, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Draw", "Fix Sprites", &CDraw::ms_bFixSprites, nil);
+#ifndef FINAL
+ DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Print Memory Usage", &gbPrintMemoryUsage, nil);
+ DebugMenuAddCmd("Debug", "Parse Heap", ParseHeap);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Show cullzone debug stuff", &gbShowCullZoneDebugStuff, nil);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Disable zone cull", &gbDisableZoneCull, nil);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "pad 1 -> pad 2", &CPad::m_bMapPadOneToPadTwo, nil);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Edit on", &CSceneEdit::m_bEditOn, nil);
#ifdef MENU_MAP
DebugMenuAddCmd("Debug", "Teleport to map waypoint", TeleportToWaypoint);
@@ -613,7 +944,7 @@ DebugMenuPopulate(void)
"Uzi Money", "Toyminator", "Rigged To Blow", "Bullion Run", "Rumble", "The Exchange"
- missionEntry = DebugMenuAddVar("Debug", "Select mission", &nextMissionToSwitch, nil, 1, 0, 79, missions);
+ missionEntry = DebugMenuAddVar("Debug", "Select mission", &nextMissionToSwitch, nil, 1, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(missions) - 1, missions);
DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(missionEntry, true);
DebugMenuAddCmd("Debug", "Start selected mission ", SwitchToMission);
@@ -637,9 +968,13 @@ DebugMenuPopulate(void)
+#ifndef __MWERKS__
+#ifndef MASTER
const int re3_buffsize = 1024;
static char re3_buff[re3_buffsize];
+#ifndef MASTER
void re3_assert(const char *expr, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func)
#ifdef _WIN32
@@ -693,9 +1028,11 @@ void re3_assert(const char *expr, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, con
void re3_debug(const char *format, ...)
+#ifndef MASTER
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
#ifdef _WIN32
@@ -707,8 +1044,10 @@ void re3_debug(const char *format, ...)
printf("%s", re3_buff);
+#ifndef MASTER
void re3_trace(const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func, const char *format, ...)
char buff[re3_buffsize *2];
@@ -728,7 +1067,9 @@ void re3_trace(const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func, cons
+#ifndef MASTER
void re3_usererror(const char *format, ...)
va_list va;
@@ -748,6 +1089,8 @@ void re3_usererror(const char *format, ...)
int32 _saveBufCount;