#include "common.h" #include "main.h" #include "General.h" #include "Quaternion.h" #include "ModelInfo.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "TempColModels.h" #include "VisibilityPlugins.h" #include "FileMgr.h" #include "HandlingMgr.h" #include "CarCtrl.h" #include "PedType.h" #include "AnimManager.h" #include "Game.h" #include "RwHelper.h" #include "NodeName.h" #include "TxdStore.h" #include "PathFind.h" #include "ObjectData.h" #include "DummyObject.h" #include "World.h" #include "Zones.h" #include "ZoneCull.h" #include "CdStream.h" #include "FileLoader.h" #include "MemoryHeap.h" char CFileLoader::ms_line[256]; const char* GetFilename(const char *filename) { char *s = strrchr((char*)filename, '\\'); return s ? s+1 : filename; } void LoadingScreenLoadingFile(const char *filename) { sprintf(gString, "Loading %s", GetFilename(filename)); LoadingScreen("Loading the Game", gString, nil); } void CFileLoader::LoadLevel(const char *filename) { int fd; RwTexDictionary *savedTxd; eLevelName savedLevel; bool objectsLoaded; char *line; char txdname[64]; savedTxd = RwTexDictionaryGetCurrent(); objectsLoaded = false; savedLevel = CGame::currLevel; if(savedTxd == nil){ savedTxd = RwTexDictionaryCreate(); RwTexDictionarySetCurrent(savedTxd); } #if GTA_VERSION <= GTA3_PS2_160 CFileMgr::ChangeDir("\\DATA\\"); fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "r"); CFileMgr::ChangeDir("\\"); #else fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "r"); #endif assert(fd > 0); for(line = LoadLine(fd); line; line = LoadLine(fd)){ if(*line == '#') continue; if(strncmp(line, "EXIT", 9) == 0) // BUG: 9? break; if(strncmp(line, "IMAGEPATH", 9) == 0){ RwImageSetPath(line + 10); }else if(strncmp(line, "TEXDICTION", 10) == 0){ PUSH_MEMID(MEMID_TEXTURES); strcpy(txdname, line+11); LoadingScreenLoadingFile(txdname); RwTexDictionary *txd = LoadTexDictionary(txdname); AddTexDictionaries(savedTxd, txd); RwTexDictionaryDestroy(txd); POP_MEMID(); }else if(strncmp(line, "COLFILE", 7) == 0){ int level; sscanf(line+8, "%d", &level); CGame::currLevel = (eLevelName)level; LoadingScreenLoadingFile(line+10); LoadCollisionFile(line+10); CGame::currLevel = savedLevel; }else if(strncmp(line, "MODELFILE", 9) == 0){ LoadingScreenLoadingFile(line + 10); LoadModelFile(line + 10); }else if(strncmp(line, "HIERFILE", 8) == 0){ LoadingScreenLoadingFile(line + 9); LoadClumpFile(line + 9); }else if(strncmp(line, "IDE", 3) == 0){ LoadingScreenLoadingFile(line + 4); LoadObjectTypes(line + 4); }else if(strncmp(line, "IPL", 3) == 0){ if(!objectsLoaded){ PUSH_MEMID(MEMID_DEF_MODELS); CModelInfo::ConstructMloClumps(); POP_MEMID(); CObjectData::Initialise("DATA\\OBJECT.DAT"); objectsLoaded = true; } PUSH_MEMID(MEMID_WORLD); LoadingScreenLoadingFile(line + 4); LoadScene(line + 4); POP_MEMID(); }else if(strncmp(line, "MAPZONE", 7) == 0){ LoadingScreenLoadingFile(line + 8); LoadMapZones(line + 8); }else if(strncmp(line, "SPLASH", 6) == 0){ #ifndef DISABLE_LOADING_SCREEN LoadSplash(GetRandomSplashScreen()); #endif }else if(strncmp(line, "CDIMAGE", 7) == 0){ CdStreamAddImage(line + 8); } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); RwTexDictionarySetCurrent(savedTxd); } void CFileLoader::LoadCollisionFromDatFile(int currlevel) { int fd; char *line; fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(CGame::aDatFile, "r"); assert(fd > 0); for(line = LoadLine(fd); line; line = LoadLine(fd)){ if(*line == '#') continue; if(strncmp(line, "COLFILE", 7) == 0){ int level; sscanf(line+8, "%d", &level); if(currlevel == level) LoadCollisionFile(line+10); } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); } char* CFileLoader::LoadLine(int fd) { int i; char *line; if(CFileMgr::ReadLine(fd, ms_line, 256) == false) return nil; for(i = 0; ms_line[i] != '\0'; i++) if(ms_line[i] < ' ' || ms_line[i] == ',') ms_line[i] = ' '; for(line = ms_line; *line <= ' ' && *line != '\0'; line++); return line; } RwTexDictionary* CFileLoader::LoadTexDictionary(const char *filename) { RwTexDictionary *txd; RwStream *stream; txd = nil; stream = RwStreamOpen(rwSTREAMFILENAME, rwSTREAMREAD, filename); debug("Loading texture dictionary file %s\n", filename); if(stream){ if(RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_TEXDICTIONARY, nil, nil)) txd = RwTexDictionaryGtaStreamRead(stream); RwStreamClose(stream, nil); } if(txd == nil) txd = RwTexDictionaryCreate(); return txd; } struct ColHeader { char ident[4]; uint32 size; }; void CFileLoader::LoadCollisionFile(const char *filename) { int fd; char modelname[24]; CBaseModelInfo *mi; ColHeader header; PUSH_MEMID(MEMID_COLLISION); debug("Loading collision file %s\n", filename); fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "rb"); while(CFileMgr::Read(fd, (char*)&header, sizeof(header))){ assert(strncmp(header.ident, "COLL", 4) == 0); CFileMgr::Read(fd, (char*)work_buff, header.size); memcpy(modelname, work_buff, 24); mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(modelname, nil); if(mi){ if(mi->GetColModel()){ LoadCollisionModel(work_buff+24, *mi->GetColModel(), modelname); }else{ CColModel *model = new CColModel; LoadCollisionModel(work_buff+24, *model, modelname); mi->SetColModel(model, true); } }else{ debug("colmodel %s can't find a modelinfo\n", modelname); } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); POP_MEMID(); } void CFileLoader::LoadCollisionModel(uint8 *buf, CColModel &model, char *modelname) { int i; model.boundingSphere.radius = *(float*)(buf); model.boundingSphere.center.x = *(float*)(buf+4); model.boundingSphere.center.y = *(float*)(buf+8); model.boundingSphere.center.z = *(float*)(buf+12); model.boundingBox.min.x = *(float*)(buf+16); model.boundingBox.min.y = *(float*)(buf+20); model.boundingBox.min.z = *(float*)(buf+24); model.boundingBox.max.x = *(float*)(buf+28); model.boundingBox.max.y = *(float*)(buf+32); model.boundingBox.max.z = *(float*)(buf+36); model.numSpheres = *(int16*)(buf+40); buf += 44; if(model.numSpheres > 0){ model.spheres = (CColSphere*)RwMalloc(model.numSpheres*sizeof(CColSphere)); REGISTER_MEMPTR(&model.spheres); for(i = 0; i < model.numSpheres; i++){ model.spheres[i].Set(*(float*)buf, *(CVector*)(buf+4), buf[16], buf[17]); buf += 20; } }else model.spheres = nil; model.numLines = *(int16*)buf; buf += 4; if(model.numLines > 0){ model.lines = (CColLine*)RwMalloc(model.numLines*sizeof(CColLine)); REGISTER_MEMPTR(&model.lines); for(i = 0; i < model.numLines; i++){ model.lines[i].Set(*(CVector*)buf, *(CVector*)(buf+12)); buf += 24; } }else model.lines = nil; model.numBoxes = *(int16*)buf; buf += 4; if(model.numBoxes > 0){ model.boxes = (CColBox*)RwMalloc(model.numBoxes*sizeof(CColBox)); REGISTER_MEMPTR(&model.boxes); for(i = 0; i < model.numBoxes; i++){ model.boxes[i].Set(*(CVector*)buf, *(CVector*)(buf+12), buf[24], buf[25]); buf += 28; } }else model.boxes = nil; int32 numVertices = *(int16*)buf; buf += 4; if(numVertices > 0){ model.vertices = (CompressedVector*)RwMalloc(numVertices*sizeof(CompressedVector)); REGISTER_MEMPTR(&model.vertices); for(i = 0; i < numVertices; i++){ model.vertices[i].Set(*(float*)buf, *(float*)(buf+4), *(float*)(buf+8)); if(Abs(*(float*)buf) >= 256.0f || Abs(*(float*)(buf+4)) >= 256.0f || Abs(*(float*)(buf+8)) >= 256.0f) printf("%s:Collision volume too big\n", modelname); buf += 12; } }else model.vertices = nil; model.numTriangles = *(int16*)buf; buf += 4; if(model.numTriangles > 0){ model.triangles = (CColTriangle*)RwMalloc(model.numTriangles*sizeof(CColTriangle)); REGISTER_MEMPTR(&model.triangles); for(i = 0; i < model.numTriangles; i++){ model.triangles[i].Set(model.vertices, *(int32*)buf, *(int32*)(buf+4), *(int32*)(buf+8), buf[12], buf[13]); buf += 16; } }else model.triangles = nil; } static void GetNameAndLOD(char *nodename, char *name, int *n) { char *underscore = nil; for(char *s = nodename; *s != '\0'; s++){ if(s[0] == '_' && (s[1] == 'l' || s[1] == 'L')) underscore = s; } if(underscore){ strncpy(name, nodename, underscore - nodename); name[underscore - nodename] = '\0'; *n = atoi(underscore + 2); }else{ strncpy(name, nodename, 24); *n = 0; } } RpAtomic* CFileLoader::FindRelatedModelInfoCB(RpAtomic *atomic, void *data) { CSimpleModelInfo *mi; char *nodename, name[24]; int n; RpClump *clump = (RpClump*)data; nodename = GetFrameNodeName(RpAtomicGetFrame(atomic)); GetNameAndLOD(nodename, name, &n); mi = (CSimpleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(name, nil); if(mi){ assert(mi->IsSimple()); mi->SetAtomic(n, atomic); RpClumpRemoveAtomic(clump, atomic); RpAtomicSetFrame(atomic, RwFrameCreate()); CVisibilityPlugins::SetAtomicModelInfo(atomic, mi); CVisibilityPlugins::SetAtomicRenderCallback(atomic, nil); }else{ debug("Can't find Atomic %s\n", name); } return atomic; } #ifdef LIBRW void InitClump(RpClump *clump) { RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, ConvertPlatformAtomic, nil); } #else #define InitClump(clump) #endif void CFileLoader::LoadModelFile(const char *filename) { RwStream *stream; RpClump *clump; debug("Loading model file %s\n", filename); stream = RwStreamOpen(rwSTREAMFILENAME, rwSTREAMREAD, filename); if(RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_CLUMP, nil, nil)){ clump = RpClumpStreamRead(stream); if(clump){ InitClump(clump); RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, FindRelatedModelInfoCB, clump); RpClumpDestroy(clump); } } RwStreamClose(stream, nil); } void CFileLoader::LoadClumpFile(const char *filename) { RwStream *stream; RpClump *clump; char *nodename, name[24]; int n; CClumpModelInfo *mi; debug("Loading model file %s\n", filename); stream = RwStreamOpen(rwSTREAMFILENAME, rwSTREAMREAD, filename); while(RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_CLUMP, nil, nil)){ clump = RpClumpStreamRead(stream); if(clump){ nodename = GetFrameNodeName(RpClumpGetFrame(clump)); GetNameAndLOD(nodename, name, &n); mi = (CClumpModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(name, nil); if(mi){ InitClump(clump); assert(mi->IsClump()); mi->SetClump(clump); }else RpClumpDestroy(clump); } } RwStreamClose(stream, nil); } bool CFileLoader::LoadClumpFile(RwStream *stream, uint32 id) { RpClump *clump; CClumpModelInfo *mi; if(!RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_CLUMP, nil, nil)) return false; clump = RpClumpStreamRead(stream); if(clump == nil) return false; mi = (CClumpModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); mi->SetClump(clump); if (mi->GetModelType() == MITYPE_PED && id != 0 && RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_CLUMP, nil, nil)) { // Read LOD ped clump = RpClumpStreamRead(stream); InitClump(clump); if(clump){ ((CPedModelInfo*)mi)->SetLowDetailClump(clump); RpClumpDestroy(clump); } } return true; } bool CFileLoader::StartLoadClumpFile(RwStream *stream, uint32 id) { if(RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_CLUMP, nil, nil)){ printf("Start loading %s\n", CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetName()); return RpClumpGtaStreamRead1(stream); }else{ printf("FAILED\n"); return false; } } bool CFileLoader::FinishLoadClumpFile(RwStream *stream, uint32 id) { RpClump *clump; CClumpModelInfo *mi; printf("Finish loading %s\n", CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id)->GetName()); clump = RpClumpGtaStreamRead2(stream); if(clump){ InitClump(clump); mi = (CClumpModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); mi->SetClump(clump); return true; }else{ printf("FAILED\n"); return false; } } CSimpleModelInfo *gpRelatedModelInfo; bool CFileLoader::LoadAtomicFile(RwStream *stream, uint32 id) { RpClump *clump; if(RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_CLUMP, nil, nil)){ clump = RpClumpStreamRead(stream); if(clump == nil) return false; InitClump(clump); gpRelatedModelInfo = (CSimpleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, SetRelatedModelInfoCB, clump); RpClumpDestroy(clump); } return true; } #ifdef HARDCODED_MODEL_FLAGS char *DoubleSidedNames[] = { "chnabankdoor", "Security_Hut", "Hospital_Sub", "phonebooth1", "trafficlight1", "sub_roadbarrier", "redlightbuild09", "doublestreetlght1", "doc_shedbig31", "com_land_128", "garage7", "proj_garage01", "buildingground2", "buildingground3", "ch_roof_kb", "overpassind", "casino", "ind_land100", "fuckedup_skewlbus", "Police_Station_ind", "flagsitaly", "sidebarrier_gaz1", "bar_barrier12", "bar_barrier10b", "sidebarrier_gaz2", "doc_shedbig3", "doc_shedbig4", "verticalift_bridge", "verticalift_bridg2", "usdcrdlrbuild01", "apairporthanger", "apairporthangerA", "porthangerclosed", "redlightbuild13", "doc_rave", "const_woodfence", "const_woodfence2", "const_woodfence3", "subfraightback01", "subfraightback02", "subfraightback03", "subfraightback04", "subind_build03", "chinabanner1", "chinabanner2", "chinabanner3", "chinabanner4", "Pumpfirescape", "Pumphouse", "amcounder", "barrel1", "barrel2", "barrel3", "barrel4", "com_1way50", "com_1way20", "overpasscom01", "overpasscom02", "overpasscom03", "overpasscom04", "overpass_comse", "newdockbuilding", "newdockbuilding2", "newdockbuilding", "policeballhall", "fuzballdoor", "ind_land106", "PoliceBallSigns", "amcoudet", "rustship_structure", "impexpgrgesub", "ind_land128", "fshfctry_dstryd", "railtrax_bentl", "railtrax_lo4b", "railtrax_straight", "railtrax_bentrb", "railtrax_skew", "newtrackaaa", "railtrax_skew5", // these they forgot: "railtrax_skewp", "railtrax_ske2b", "railtrax_strtshort", "railtrax_2b", "railtrax_straightss", "railtrax_bentr", "" }; char *TreeNames[] = { "coast_treepatch", "comparknewtrees", "comtreepatchprk", "condotree01", "condotree1", "indatree03", "indtreepatch5", "indtreepatch06f", "new_carprktrees", "new_carprktrees4", "newcoasttrees1", "newcoasttrees2", "newcoasttrees3", "newtreepatch_sub", "newtrees1_sub", "newunitrepatch", "pinetree_narrow", "pinetree_wide", "treencom2", "treepatch", "treepatch01_sub", "treepatch02_sub", "treepatch2", "treepatch2b", "treepatch03", "treepatch03_sub", "treepatch04_sub", "treepatch05_sub", "treepatch06_sub", "treepatch07_sub", "treepatch08_sub", "treepatch09_sub", "treepatch10_sub", "treepatch11_sub", "treepatch12_sub", "treepatch13_sub", "treepatch14_sub", "treepatch15_sub", "treepatch16_sub", "treepatch17_sub", "treepatch18_sub", "treepatch19_sub", "treepatch20_sub", "treepatch21_sub", "treepatch22_sub", "treepatch23_sub", "treepatch24_sub", "treepatch25_sub", "treepatch26_sub", "treepatch27_sub", "treepatch28_sub", "treepatch29_sub", "treepatch30_sub", "treepatch31_sub", "treepatch32_sub", "treepatch33_sub", "treepatch34_sub", "treepatch35_sub", "treepatch69", "treepatch152_sub", "treepatch153_sub", "treepatch171_sub", "treepatch172_sub", "treepatch173_sub", "treepatch212_sub", "treepatch213_sub", "treepatch214_sub", "treepatcha", "treepatchb", "treepatchcomtop1", "treepatchd", "treepatche", "treepatchh", "treepatchindaa2", "treepatchindnew", "treepatchindnew2", "treepatchk", "treepatchkb4", "treepatchkb5", "treepatchkb6", "treepatchkb7", "treepatchkb9", "treepatchl", "treepatchm", "treepatchnew_sub", "treepatchttwrs", "treesuni1", "trepatchindaa1", "veg_bush2", "veg_bush14", "veg_tree1", "veg_tree3", "veg_treea1", "veg_treea3", "veg_treeb1", "veg_treenew01", "veg_treenew03", "veg_treenew05", "veg_treenew06", "veg_treenew08", "veg_treenew09", "veg_treenew10", "veg_treenew16", "veg_treenew17", "vegclubtree01", "vegclubtree02", "vegclubtree03", "vegpathtree", "" }; char *OptimizedNames[] = { "coast_treepatch", "comparknewtrees", "comtreepatchprk", "indtreepatch5", "indtreepatch06f", "new_carprktrees", "new_carprktrees4", "newcoasttrees1", "newcoasttrees2", "newcoasttrees3", "newtreepatch_sub", "newtrees1_sub", "newunitrepatch", "treepatch", "treepatch01_sub", "treepatch02_sub", "treepatch2", "treepatch2b", "treepatch03", "treepatch03_sub", "treepatch04_sub", "treepatch05_sub", "treepatch06_sub", "treepatch07_sub", "treepatch08_sub", "treepatch09_sub", "treepatch10_sub", "treepatch11_sub", "treepatch12_sub", "treepatch13_sub", "treepatch14_sub", "treepatch15_sub", "treepatch16_sub", "treepatch17_sub", "treepatch18_sub", "treepatch19_sub", "treepatch20_sub", "treepatch21_sub", "treepatch22_sub", "treepatch23_sub", "treepatch24_sub", "treepatch25_sub", "treepatch26_sub", "treepatch27_sub", "treepatch28_sub", "treepatch29_sub", "treepatch30_sub", "treepatch31_sub", "treepatch32_sub", "treepatch33_sub", "treepatch34_sub", "treepatch35_sub", "treepatch69", "treepatch152_sub", "treepatch153_sub", "treepatch171_sub", "treepatch172_sub", "treepatch173_sub", "treepatch212_sub", "treepatch213_sub", "treepatch214_sub", "treepatcha", "treepatchb", "treepatchcomtop1", "treepatchd", "treepatche", "treepatchh", "treepatchindaa2", "treepatchindnew", "treepatchindnew2", "treepatchk", "treepatchkb4", "treepatchkb5", "treepatchkb6", "treepatchkb7", "treepatchkb9", "treepatchl", "treepatchm", "treepatchnew_sub", "treepatchttwrs", "treesuni1", "trepatchindaa1", "combtm_treeshad01", "combtm_treeshad02", "combtm_treeshad03", "combtm_treeshad04", "combtm_treeshad05", "combtm_treeshad06", "comtop_tshad", "comtop_tshad2", "comtop_tshad3", "comtop_tshad4", "comtop_tshad5", "comtop_tshad6", "se_treeshad01", "se_treeshad02", "se_treeshad03", "se_treeshad04", "se_treeshad05", "se_treeshad06", "treeshads01", "treeshads02", "treeshads03", "treeshads04", "treeshads05", "" }; // not from mobile static bool MatchModelName(char *name, char **list) { int i; char *s; for(i = 0; *list[i] != '\0'; i++) if(strncmp(name, "LOD", 3) == 0){ if(!CGeneral::faststricmp(name+3, list[i]+3)) return true; }else{ if(!CGeneral::faststricmp(name, list[i])) return true; } return false; } #endif RpAtomic* CFileLoader::SetRelatedModelInfoCB(RpAtomic *atomic, void *data) { char *nodename, name[24]; int n; RpClump *clump = (RpClump*)data; nodename = GetFrameNodeName(RpAtomicGetFrame(atomic)); GetNameAndLOD(nodename, name, &n); gpRelatedModelInfo->SetAtomic(n, atomic); RpClumpRemoveAtomic(clump, atomic); RpAtomicSetFrame(atomic, RwFrameCreate()); CVisibilityPlugins::SetAtomicModelInfo(atomic, gpRelatedModelInfo); CVisibilityPlugins::SetAtomicRenderCallback(atomic, nil); return atomic; } RpClump* CFileLoader::LoadAtomicFile2Return(const char *filename) { RwStream *stream; RpClump *clump; clump = nil; debug("Loading model file %s\n", filename); stream = RwStreamOpen(rwSTREAMFILENAME, rwSTREAMREAD, filename); if(RwStreamFindChunk(stream, rwID_CLUMP, nil, nil)) clump = RpClumpStreamRead(stream); if(clump) InitClump(clump); RwStreamClose(stream, nil); return clump; } static RwTexture* MoveTexturesCB(RwTexture *texture, void *pData) { RwTexDictionaryAddTexture((RwTexDictionary*)pData, texture); return texture; } void CFileLoader::AddTexDictionaries(RwTexDictionary *dst, RwTexDictionary *src) { RwTexDictionaryForAllTextures(src, MoveTexturesCB, dst); } void CFileLoader::LoadObjectTypes(const char *filename) { enum { NONE, OBJS, MLO, TOBJ, HIER, CARS, PEDS, PATH, TWODFX }; char *line; int fd; int section; int pathIndex; char pathTypeStr[20]; int id, pathType; int mlo; section = NONE; pathIndex = -1; mlo = 0; debug("Loading object types from %s...\n", filename); fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "rb"); for(line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd); line; line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd)){ if(*line == '\0' || *line == '#') continue; if(section == NONE){ if(strncmp(line, "objs", 4) == 0) section = OBJS; else if(strncmp(line, "tobj", 4) == 0) section = TOBJ; else if(strncmp(line, "hier", 4) == 0) section = HIER; else if(strncmp(line, "cars", 4) == 0) section = CARS; else if(strncmp(line, "peds", 4) == 0) section = PEDS; else if(strncmp(line, "path", 4) == 0) section = PATH; else if(strncmp(line, "2dfx", 4) == 0) section = TWODFX; }else if(strncmp(line, "end", 3) == 0){ section = section == MLO ? OBJS : NONE; }else switch(section){ case OBJS: if(strncmp(line, "sta", 3) == 0) mlo = LoadMLO(line); else LoadObject(line); break; case MLO: LoadMLOInstance(mlo, line); break; case TOBJ: LoadTimeObject(line); break; case HIER: LoadClumpObject(line); break; case CARS: LoadVehicleObject(line); break; case PEDS: LoadPedObject(line); break; case PATH: if(pathIndex == -1){ id = LoadPathHeader(line, pathTypeStr); if(strncmp(pathTypeStr, "ped", 4) == 0) pathType = 1; else if(strncmp(pathTypeStr, "car", 4) == 0) pathType = 0; pathIndex = 0; }else{ if(pathType == 1) LoadPedPathNode(line, id, pathIndex); else if(pathType == 0) LoadCarPathNode(line, id, pathIndex); pathIndex++; if(pathIndex == 12) pathIndex = -1; } break; case TWODFX: Load2dEffect(line); break; } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); for(id = 0; id < MODELINFOSIZE; id++){ CSimpleModelInfo *mi = (CSimpleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); if(mi && mi->IsSimple()) mi->SetupBigBuilding(); } } void SetModelInfoFlags(CSimpleModelInfo *mi, uint32 flags) { mi->m_normalCull = !!(flags & 1); mi->m_noFade = !!(flags & 2); mi->m_drawLast = !!(flags & (4|8)); mi->m_additive = !!(flags & 8); mi->m_isSubway = !!(flags & 0x10); mi->m_ignoreLight = !!(flags & 0x20); mi->m_noZwrite = !!(flags & 0x40); #ifdef EXTRA_MODEL_FLAGS // same flag values as SA mi->m_bIsTree = !!(flags & 0x2000); mi->m_bIsDoubleSided = !!(flags & 0x200000); // new value otherwise unused mi->m_bCanBeIgnored = !!(flags & 0x10000); #ifdef HARDCODED_MODEL_FLAGS // mobile sets these flags in CFileLoader::SetRelatedModelInfoCB, but that's stupid if(MatchModelName(mi->GetName(), DoubleSidedNames)) mi->m_bIsDoubleSided = true; if(MatchModelName(mi->GetName(), TreeNames)) mi->m_bIsTree = true; if(MatchModelName(mi->GetName(), OptimizedNames)) mi->m_bCanBeIgnored = true; #endif #endif } void CFileLoader::LoadObject(const char *line) { int id, numObjs; char model[24], txd[24]; float dist[3]; uint32 flags; int damaged; CSimpleModelInfo *mi; if(sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs) != 4) return; switch(numObjs){ case 1: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &flags); damaged = 0; break; case 2: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %f %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &dist[1], &flags); damaged = dist[0] < dist[1] ? // Are distances increasing? 0 : // Yes, no damage model 1; // No, 1 is damaged break; case 3: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %f %f %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &dist[1], &dist[2], &flags); damaged = dist[0] < dist[1] ? // Are distances increasing? (dist[1] < dist[2] ? 0 : 2) : // Yes, only 2 can still be a damage model 1; // No, 1 and 2 are damaged break; } mi = CModelInfo::AddSimpleModel(id); mi->SetName(model); mi->SetNumAtomics(numObjs); mi->SetLodDistances(dist); SetModelInfoFlags(mi, flags); mi->m_firstDamaged = damaged; mi->SetTexDictionary(txd); MatchModelString(model, id); } int CFileLoader::LoadMLO(const char *line) { char smth[8]; char name[24]; int modelIndex; float someFloat; sscanf(line, "%s %s %d %f", smth, name, &modelIndex, &someFloat); CMloModelInfo *minfo = CModelInfo::AddMloModel(modelIndex); minfo->SetName(name); minfo->field_34 = someFloat; int instId = CModelInfo::GetMloInstanceStore().allocPtr; minfo->firstInstance = instId; minfo->lastInstance = instId; minfo->SetTexDictionary("generic"); return modelIndex; } void CFileLoader::LoadMLOInstance(int id, const char *line) { char name[24]; RwV3d pos, scale, rot; float angle; int modelIndex; CMloModelInfo *minfo = (CMloModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); sscanf(line, "%d %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &modelIndex, name, &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z, &scale.x, &scale.y, &scale.z, &rot.x, &rot.y, &rot.z, &angle); float rad = Acos(angle) * 2.0f; CInstance *inst = CModelInfo::GetMloInstanceStore().alloc(); minfo->lastInstance++; RwMatrix *matrix = RwMatrixCreate(); RwMatrixScale(matrix, &scale, rwCOMBINEREPLACE); RwMatrixRotate(matrix, &rot, -RADTODEG(rad), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); RwMatrixTranslate(matrix, &pos, rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); inst->GetMatrix() = CMatrix(matrix); inst->GetMatrix().UpdateRW(); inst->m_modelIndex = modelIndex; RwMatrixDestroy(matrix); } void CFileLoader::LoadTimeObject(const char *line) { int id, numObjs; char model[24], txd[24]; float dist[3]; uint32 flags; int timeOn, timeOff; int damaged; CTimeModelInfo *mi, *other; if(sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs) != 4) return; switch(numObjs){ case 1: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %d %d %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &flags, &timeOn, &timeOff); damaged = 0; break; case 2: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %f %d %d %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &dist[1], &flags, &timeOn, &timeOff); damaged = dist[0] < dist[1] ? // Are distances increasing? 0 : // Yes, no damage model 1; // No, 1 is damaged break; case 3: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %f %f %d %d %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &dist[1], &dist[2], &flags, &timeOn, &timeOff); damaged = dist[0] < dist[1] ? // Are distances increasing? (dist[1] < dist[2] ? 0 : 2) : // Yes, only 2 can still be a damage model 1; // No, 1 and 2 are damaged break; } mi = CModelInfo::AddTimeModel(id); mi->SetName(model); mi->SetNumAtomics(numObjs); mi->SetLodDistances(dist); SetModelInfoFlags(mi, flags); mi->m_firstDamaged = damaged; mi->SetTimes(timeOn, timeOff); mi->SetTexDictionary(txd); other = mi->FindOtherTimeModel(); if(other) other->SetOtherTimeModel(id); MatchModelString(model, id); } void CFileLoader::LoadClumpObject(const char *line) { int id; char model[24], txd[24]; CClumpModelInfo *mi; if(sscanf(line, "%d %s %s", &id, model, txd) == 3){ mi = CModelInfo::AddClumpModel(id); mi->SetName(model); mi->SetTexDictionary(txd); mi->SetColModel(&CTempColModels::ms_colModelBBox); } } void CFileLoader::LoadVehicleObject(const char *line) { int id; char model[24], txd[24]; char type[8], handlingId[16], gamename[32], vehclass[12]; uint32 frequency, comprules; int32 level, misc; float wheelScale; CVehicleModelInfo *mi; char *p; sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %s %s %s %s %d %d %x %d %f", &id, model, txd, type, handlingId, gamename, vehclass, &frequency, &level, &comprules, &misc, &wheelScale); mi = CModelInfo::AddVehicleModel(id); mi->SetName(model); mi->SetTexDictionary(txd); for(p = gamename; *p; p++) if(*p == '_') *p = ' '; strcpy(mi->m_gameName, gamename); mi->m_level = level; mi->m_compRules = comprules; if(strncmp(type, "car", 4) == 0){ mi->m_wheelId = misc; mi->m_wheelScale = wheelScale; mi->m_vehicleType = VEHICLE_TYPE_CAR; }else if(strncmp(type, "boat", 5) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleType = VEHICLE_TYPE_BOAT; }else if(strncmp(type, "train", 6) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleType = VEHICLE_TYPE_TRAIN; }else if(strncmp(type, "heli", 5) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleType = VEHICLE_TYPE_HELI; }else if(strncmp(type, "plane", 6) == 0){ mi->m_planeLodId = misc; mi->m_wheelScale = 1.0f; mi->m_vehicleType = VEHICLE_TYPE_PLANE; }else if(strncmp(type, "bike", 5) == 0){ mi->m_bikeSteerAngle = misc; mi->m_wheelScale = wheelScale; mi->m_vehicleType = VEHICLE_TYPE_BIKE; }else assert(0); mi->m_handlingId = mod_HandlingManager.GetHandlingId(handlingId); // Well this is kinda dumb.... if(strncmp(vehclass, "poorfamily", 11) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleClass = CCarCtrl::POOR; while(frequency-- > 0) CCarCtrl::AddToCarArray(id, CCarCtrl::POOR); }else if(strncmp(vehclass, "richfamily", 11) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleClass = CCarCtrl::RICH; while(frequency-- > 0) CCarCtrl::AddToCarArray(id, CCarCtrl::RICH); }else if(strncmp(vehclass, "executive", 10) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleClass = CCarCtrl::EXEC; while(frequency-- > 0) CCarCtrl::AddToCarArray(id, CCarCtrl::EXEC); }else if(strncmp(vehclass, "worker", 7) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleClass = CCarCtrl::WORKER; while(frequency-- > 0) CCarCtrl::AddToCarArray(id, CCarCtrl::WORKER); }else if(strncmp(vehclass, "special", 8) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleClass = CCarCtrl::SPECIAL; while(frequency-- > 0) CCarCtrl::AddToCarArray(id, CCarCtrl::SPECIAL); }else if(strncmp(vehclass, "big", 4) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleClass = CCarCtrl::BIG; while(frequency-- > 0) CCarCtrl::AddToCarArray(id, CCarCtrl::BIG); }else if(strncmp(vehclass, "taxi", 5) == 0){ mi->m_vehicleClass = CCarCtrl::TAXI; while(frequency-- > 0) CCarCtrl::AddToCarArray(id, CCarCtrl::TAXI); } } void CFileLoader::LoadPedObject(const char *line) { int id; char model[24], txd[24]; char pedType[24], pedStats[24], animGroup[24]; int carsCanDrive; CPedModelInfo *mi; int animGroupId; if(sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %s %s %s %x", &id, model, txd, pedType, pedStats, animGroup, &carsCanDrive) != 7) return; mi = CModelInfo::AddPedModel(id); mi->SetName(model); mi->SetTexDictionary(txd); mi->SetColModel(&CTempColModels::ms_colModelPed1); mi->m_pedType = CPedType::FindPedType(pedType); mi->m_pedStatType = CPedStats::GetPedStatType(pedStats); for(animGroupId = 0; animGroupId < NUM_ANIM_ASSOC_GROUPS; animGroupId++) if(strcmp(animGroup, CAnimManager::GetAnimGroupName((AssocGroupId)animGroupId)) == 0) break; mi->m_animGroup = animGroupId; mi->m_carsCanDrive = carsCanDrive; // ??? CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(MI_LOPOLYGUY)->SetColModel(&CTempColModels::ms_colModelPed1); } int CFileLoader::LoadPathHeader(const char *line, char *type) { int id; char modelname[32]; sscanf(line, "%s %d %s", type, &id, modelname); return id; } void CFileLoader::LoadPedPathNode(const char *line, int id, int node) { int type, next, cross; float x, y, z, width; sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %f %f %f %f", &type, &next, &cross, &x, &y, &z, &width); ThePaths.StoreNodeInfoPed(id, node, type, next, x, y, z, 0, !!cross); } void CFileLoader::LoadCarPathNode(const char *line, int id, int node) { int type, next, cross, numLeft, numRight; float x, y, z, width; sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %f %f %f %f %d %d", &type, &next, &cross, &x, &y, &z, &width, &numLeft, &numRight); ThePaths.StoreNodeInfoCar(id, node, type, next, x, y, z, 0, numLeft, numRight); } void CFileLoader::Load2dEffect(const char *line) { int id, r, g, b, a, type; float x, y, z; char corona[32], shadow[32]; int shadowIntens, lightType, roadReflection, flare, flags, probability; CBaseModelInfo *mi; C2dEffect *effect; char *p; sscanf(line, "%d %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d", &id, &x, &y, &z, &r, &g, &b, &a, &type); CTxdStore::PushCurrentTxd(); CTxdStore::SetCurrentTxd(CTxdStore::FindTxdSlot("particle")); mi = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); effect = CModelInfo::Get2dEffectStore().alloc(); mi->Add2dEffect(effect); effect->pos = CVector(x, y, z); effect->col = CRGBA(r, g, b, a); effect->type = type; switch(effect->type){ case EFFECT_LIGHT: while(*line++ != '"'); p = corona; while(*line != '"') *p++ = *line++; *p = '\0'; line++; while(*line++ != '"'); p = shadow; while(*line != '"') *p++ = *line++; *p = '\0'; line++; sscanf(line, "%f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d", &effect->light.dist, &effect->light.range, &effect->light.size, &effect->light.shadowSize, &shadowIntens, &lightType, &roadReflection, &flare, &flags); effect->light.corona = RwTextureRead(corona, nil); effect->light.shadow = RwTextureRead(shadow, nil); effect->light.shadowIntensity = shadowIntens; effect->light.lightType = lightType; effect->light.roadReflection = roadReflection; effect->light.flareType = flare; if(flags & LIGHTFLAG_FOG_ALWAYS) flags &= ~LIGHTFLAG_FOG_NORMAL; effect->light.flags = flags; break; case EFFECT_PARTICLE: sscanf(line, "%d %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %f", &id, &x, &y, &z, &r, &g, &b, &a, &type, &effect->particle.particleType, &effect->particle.dir.x, &effect->particle.dir.y, &effect->particle.dir.z, &effect->particle.scale); break; case EFFECT_ATTRACTOR: sscanf(line, "%d %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %f %d", &id, &x, &y, &z, &r, &g, &b, &a, &type, &flags, &effect->attractor.dir.x, &effect->attractor.dir.y, &effect->attractor.dir.z, &probability); effect->attractor.type = flags; #ifdef FIX_BUGS effect->attractor.probability = clamp(probability, 0, 255); #else effect->attractor.probability = probability; #endif break; } CTxdStore::PopCurrentTxd(); } void CFileLoader::LoadScene(const char *filename) { enum { NONE, INST, ZONE, CULL, PICK, PATH, }; char *line; int fd; int section; int pathIndex; char pathTypeStr[20]; section = NONE; pathIndex = -1; debug("Creating objects from %s...\n", filename); fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "rb"); for(line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd); line; line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd)){ if(*line == '\0' || *line == '#') continue; if(section == NONE){ if(strncmp(line, "inst", 4) == 0) section = INST; else if(strncmp(line, "zone", 4) == 0) section = ZONE; else if(strncmp(line, "cull", 4) == 0) section = CULL; else if(strncmp(line, "pick", 4) == 0) section = PICK; else if(strncmp(line, "path", 4) == 0) section = PATH; }else if(strncmp(line, "end", 3) == 0){ section = NONE; }else switch(section){ case INST: LoadObjectInstance(line); break; case ZONE: LoadZone(line); break; case CULL: LoadCullZone(line); break; case PICK: // unused LoadPickup(line); break; case PATH: // unfinished in the game if(pathIndex == -1){ LoadPathHeader(line, pathTypeStr); // type not set pathIndex = 0; }else{ // nodes not loaded pathIndex++; if(pathIndex == 12) pathIndex = -1; } break; } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); debug("Finished loading IPL\n"); } void CFileLoader::LoadObjectInstance(const char *line) { int id; char name[24]; RwV3d trans, scale, axis; float angle; CSimpleModelInfo *mi; RwMatrix *xform; CEntity *entity; if(sscanf(line, "%d %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &id, name, &trans.x, &trans.y, &trans.z, &scale.x, &scale.y, &scale.z, &axis.x, &axis.y, &axis.z, &angle) != 12) return; mi = (CSimpleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); if(mi == nil) return; assert(mi->IsSimple()); angle = -RADTODEG(2.0f * acosf(angle)); xform = RwMatrixCreate(); RwMatrixRotate(xform, &axis, angle, rwCOMBINEREPLACE); RwMatrixTranslate(xform, &trans, rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); if(mi->GetObjectID() == -1){ if(ThePaths.IsPathObject(id)){ entity = new CTreadable; ThePaths.RegisterMapObject((CTreadable*)entity); }else entity = new CBuilding; entity->SetModelIndexNoCreate(id); entity->GetMatrix() = CMatrix(xform); entity->m_level = CTheZones::GetLevelFromPosition(&entity->GetPosition()); if(mi->IsSimple()){ if(mi->m_isBigBuilding) entity->SetupBigBuilding(); if(mi->m_isSubway) entity->bIsSubway = true; } if(mi->GetLargestLodDistance() < 2.0f) entity->bIsVisible = false; CWorld::Add(entity); }else{ entity = new CDummyObject; entity->SetModelIndexNoCreate(id); entity->GetMatrix() = CMatrix(xform); CWorld::Add(entity); if(IsGlass(entity->GetModelIndex())) entity->bIsVisible = false; entity->m_level = CTheZones::GetLevelFromPosition(&entity->GetPosition()); } RwMatrixDestroy(xform); } void CFileLoader::LoadZone(const char *line) { char name[24]; int type, level; float minx, miny, minz; float maxx, maxy, maxz; if(sscanf(line, "%s %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %d", name, &type, &minx, &miny, &minz, &maxx, &maxy, &maxz, &level) == 9) CTheZones::CreateZone(name, (eZoneType)type, minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz, (eLevelName)level); } void CFileLoader::LoadCullZone(const char *line) { CVector pos; float minx, miny, minz; float maxx, maxy, maxz; int flags; int wantedLevelDrop = 0; sscanf(line, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d", &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z, &minx, &miny, &minz, &maxx, &maxy, &maxz, &flags, &wantedLevelDrop); CCullZones::AddCullZone(pos, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, flags, wantedLevelDrop); } // unused void CFileLoader::LoadPickup(const char *line) { int id; float x, y, z; sscanf(line, "%d %f %f %f", &id, &x, &y, &z); } void CFileLoader::LoadMapZones(const char *filename) { enum { NONE, INST, ZONE, CULL, PICK, PATH, }; char *line; int fd; int section; section = NONE; debug("Creating zones from %s...\n", filename); fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "rb"); for(line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd); line; line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd)){ if(*line == '\0' || *line == '#') continue; if(section == NONE){ if(strncmp(line, "zone", 4) == 0) section = ZONE; }else if(strncmp(line, "end", 3) == 0){ section = NONE; }else switch(section){ case ZONE: { char name[24]; int type, level; float minx, miny, minz; float maxx, maxy, maxz; if(sscanf(line, "%s %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %d", name, &type, &minx, &miny, &minz, &maxx, &maxy, &maxz, &level) == 9) CTheZones::CreateMapZone(name, (eZoneType)type, minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz, (eLevelName)level); } break; } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); debug("Finished loading IPL\n"); } void CFileLoader::ReloadPaths(const char *filename) { enum { NONE, PATH, }; char *line; int section = NONE; int id, pathType, pathIndex = -1; char pathTypeStr[20]; debug("Reloading paths from %s...\n", filename); int fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "r"); for (line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd); line; line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd)) { if (*line == '\0' || *line == '#') continue; if (section == NONE) { if (strncmp(line, "path", 4) == 0) { section = PATH; ThePaths.AllocatePathFindInfoMem(4500); } } else if (strncmp(line, "end", 3) == 0) { section = NONE; } else { switch (section) { case PATH: if (pathIndex == -1) { id = LoadPathHeader(line, pathTypeStr); if (strncmp(pathTypeStr, "ped", 4) == 0) pathType = 1; else if (strncmp(pathTypeStr, "car", 4) == 0) pathType = 0; pathIndex = 0; } else { if (pathType == 1) LoadPedPathNode(line, id, pathIndex); else if (pathType == 0) LoadCarPathNode(line, id, pathIndex); pathIndex++; if (pathIndex == 12) pathIndex = -1; } break; default: break; } } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); } void CFileLoader::ReloadObjectTypes(const char *filename) { enum { NONE, OBJS, TOBJ, TWODFX }; char *line; int section = NONE; CModelInfo::ReInit2dEffects(); debug("Reloading object types from %s...\n", filename); CFileMgr::ChangeDir("\\DATA\\MAPS\\"); int fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "r"); CFileMgr::ChangeDir("\\"); for (line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd); line; line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd)) { if (*line == '\0' || *line == '#') continue; if (section == NONE) { if (strncmp(line, "objs", 4) == 0) section = OBJS; else if (strncmp(line, "tobj", 4) == 0) section = TOBJ; else if (strncmp(line, "2dfx", 4) == 0) section = TWODFX; } else if (strncmp(line, "end", 3) == 0) { section = NONE; } else { switch (section) { case OBJS: case TOBJ: ReloadObject(line); break; case TWODFX: Load2dEffect(line); break; default: break; } } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); } void CFileLoader::ReloadObject(const char *line) { int id, numObjs; char model[24], txd[24]; float dist[3]; uint32 flags; CSimpleModelInfo *mi; if(sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs) != 4) return; switch(numObjs){ case 1: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &flags); break; case 2: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %f %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &dist[1], &flags); break; case 3: sscanf(line, "%d %s %s %d %f %f %f %d", &id, model, txd, &numObjs, &dist[0], &dist[1], &dist[2], &flags); break; } mi = (CSimpleModelInfo*) CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(id); if ( #ifdef FIX_BUGS mi && #endif mi->GetModelType() == MITYPE_SIMPLE && !strcmp(mi->GetName(), model) && mi->m_numAtomics == numObjs) { mi->SetLodDistances(dist); SetModelInfoFlags(mi, flags); } else { printf("Can't reload %s\n", model); } } // unused mobile function - crashes void CFileLoader::ReLoadScene(const char *filename) { char *line; CFileMgr::ChangeDir("\\DATA\\"); int fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile(filename, "r"); CFileMgr::ChangeDir("\\"); for (line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd); line; line = CFileLoader::LoadLine(fd)) { if (*line == '#') continue; if (strncmp(line, "EXIT", 9) == 0) // BUG: 9? break; if (strncmp(line, "IDE", 3) == 0) { LoadObjectTypes(line + 4); } } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); }