#define WITHD3D #include "common.h" #include "Timecycle.h" #include "skeleton.h" #include "Debug.h" #ifndef FINAL #include "rtcharse.h" RtCharset *debugCharset; #endif static bool charsetOpen; void OpenCharsetSafe() { if(!charsetOpen) RtCharsetOpen(); charsetOpen = true; } void CreateDebugFont() { #ifndef FINAL RwRGBA color = { 255, 255, 128, 255 }; RwRGBA colorbg = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; OpenCharsetSafe(); debugCharset = RtCharsetCreate(&color, &colorbg); #endif } void DestroyDebugFont() { #ifndef FINAL RtCharsetDestroy(debugCharset); RtCharsetClose(); charsetOpen = false; #endif } void ObrsPrintfString(const char *str, short x, short y) { #ifndef FINAL RtCharsetPrintBuffered(debugCharset, str, x*8, y*16, true); #endif } void FlushObrsPrintfs() { #ifndef FINAL RtCharsetBufferFlush(); #endif } void * RwMallocAlign(RwUInt32 size, RwUInt32 align) { void *mem = (void *)malloc(size + align); ASSERT(mem != nil); void *addr = (void *)((((RwUInt32)mem) + align) & ~(align - 1)); ASSERT(addr != nil); *(((void **)addr) - 1) = mem; return addr; } void RwFreeAlign(void *mem) { ASSERT(mem != nil); void *addr = *(((void **)mem) - 1); ASSERT(addr != nil); free(addr); } void DefinedState(void) { RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTUREADDRESS, (void*)rwTEXTUREADDRESSWRAP); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTUREPERSPECTIVE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZTESTENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEZWRITEENABLE, (void*)TRUE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESHADEMODE, (void*)rwSHADEMODEGOURAUD); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATETEXTUREFILTER, (void*)rwFILTERLINEAR); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEVERTEXALPHAENABLE, (void*)FALSE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATESRCBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEDESTBLEND, (void*)rwBLENDINVSRCALPHA); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEALPHAPRIMITIVEBUFFER, (void*)FALSE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEBORDERCOLOR, (void*)RWRGBALONG(0, 0, 0, 255)); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGENABLE, (void*)FALSE); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGCOLOR, (void*)RWRGBALONG(CTimeCycle::GetFogRed(), CTimeCycle::GetFogGreen(), CTimeCycle::GetFogBlue(), 255)); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATEFOGTYPE, (void*)rwFOGTYPELINEAR); RwRenderStateSet(rwRENDERSTATECULLMODE, (void*)rwCULLMODECULLNONE); #ifdef LIBRW rw::SetRenderState(rw::ALPHATESTFUNC, rw::ALPHAGREATEREQUAL); rw::SetRenderState(rw::ALPHATESTREF, 3); #else // D3D stuff RwD3D8SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHAFUNC, D3DCMP_GREATER); RwD3D8SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHAREF, 2); #endif } RwFrame* GetFirstFrameCallback(RwFrame *child, void *data) { *(RwFrame**)data = child; return nil; } RwFrame* GetFirstChild(RwFrame *frame) { RwFrame *child; child = nil; RwFrameForAllChildren(frame, GetFirstFrameCallback, &child); return child; } RwObject* GetFirstObjectCallback(RwObject *object, void *data) { *(RwObject**)data = object; return nil; } RwObject* GetFirstObject(RwFrame *frame) { RwObject *obj; obj = nil; RwFrameForAllObjects(frame, GetFirstObjectCallback, &obj); return obj; } RpAtomic* GetFirstAtomicCallback(RpAtomic *atm, void *data) { *(RpAtomic**)data = atm; return nil; } RpAtomic* GetFirstAtomic(RpClump *clump) { RpAtomic *atm; atm = nil; RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, GetFirstAtomicCallback, &atm); return atm; } RwTexture* GetFirstTextureCallback(RwTexture *tex, void *data) { *(RwTexture**)data = tex; return nil; } RwTexture* GetFirstTexture(RwTexDictionary *txd) { RwTexture *tex; tex = nil; RwTexDictionaryForAllTextures(txd, GetFirstTextureCallback, &tex); return tex; } #ifdef PED_SKIN static RpAtomic* isSkinnedCb(RpAtomic *atomic, void *data) { RpAtomic **pAtomic = (RpAtomic**)data; if(*pAtomic) return nil; // already found one if(RpSkinGeometryGetSkin(atomic->geometry)) *pAtomic = atomic; // we could just return nil here directly... return atomic; } RpAtomic* IsClumpSkinned(RpClump *clump) { RpAtomic *atomic = nil; RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, isSkinnedCb, &atomic); return atomic; } static RpAtomic* GetAnimHierarchyCallback(RpAtomic *atomic, void *data) { *(RpHAnimHierarchy**)data = RpSkinAtomicGetHAnimHierarchy(atomic); return nil; } RpHAnimHierarchy* GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump(RpClump *clump) { RpHAnimHierarchy *hier = nil; RpClumpForAllAtomics(clump, GetAnimHierarchyCallback, &hier); return hier; } static RwFrame* GetAnimHierarchyFromClumpCB(RwFrame *frame, void *data) { RpHAnimHierarchy *hier = RpHAnimFrameGetHierarchy(frame); if(hier){ *(RpHAnimHierarchy**)data = hier; return nil; } RwFrameForAllChildren(frame, GetAnimHierarchyFromClumpCB, data); return frame; } RpHAnimHierarchy* GetAnimHierarchyFromClump(RpClump *clump) { RpHAnimHierarchy *hier = nil; RwFrameForAllChildren(RpClumpGetFrame(clump), GetAnimHierarchyFromClumpCB, &hier); return hier; } RwFrame* GetHierarchyFromChildNodesCB(RwFrame *frame, void *data) { RpHAnimHierarchy **pHier = (RpHAnimHierarchy**)data; RpHAnimHierarchy *hier = RpHAnimFrameGetHierarchy(frame); if(hier == nil) RwFrameForAllChildren(frame, GetHierarchyFromChildNodesCB, &hier); *pHier = hier; return nil; } void SkinGetBonePositionsToTable(RpClump *clump, RwV3d *boneTable) { int i, parent; RpAtomic *atomic; RpSkin *skin; RpHAnimHierarchy *hier; int numBones; RwMatrix m, invmat; int stack[32]; int sp; if(boneTable == nil) return; // atomic = GetFirstAtomic(clump); // mobile, also VC atomic = IsClumpSkinned(clump); // xbox, seems safer assert(atomic); skin = RpSkinGeometryGetSkin(RpAtomicGetGeometry(atomic)); assert(skin); hier = GetAnimHierarchyFromSkinClump(clump); assert(hier); boneTable[0].x = 0.0f; boneTable[0].y = 0.0f; boneTable[0].z = 0.0f; numBones = RpSkinGetNumBones(skin); parent = 0; sp = 0; #ifdef FIX_BUGS stack[0] = 0; // i think this is ok #endif for(i = 1; i < numBones; i++){ RwMatrixCopy(&m, &RpSkinGetSkinToBoneMatrices(skin)[i]); RwMatrixInvert(&invmat, &m); const RwMatrix *x = RpSkinGetSkinToBoneMatrices(skin); RwV3dTransformPoints(&boneTable[i], &invmat.pos, 1, &x[parent]); if(HIERNODEINFO(hier)[i].flags & rpHANIMPUSHPARENTMATRIX) stack[++sp] = parent; if(HIERNODEINFO(hier)[i].flags & rpHANIMPOPPARENTMATRIX) parent = stack[sp--]; else parent = i; assert(parent >= 0 && parent < numBones); } } RpHAnimAnimation* HAnimAnimationCreateForHierarchy(RpHAnimHierarchy *hier) { int i; #ifdef FIX_BUGS int numNodes = hier->numNodes*2; // you're supposed to have at least two KFs per node #else int numNodes = hier->numNodes; #endif RpHAnimAnimation *anim = RpHAnimAnimationCreate(rpHANIMSTDKEYFRAMETYPEID, numNodes, 0, 0.0f); if(anim == nil) return nil; RpHAnimStdKeyFrame *frame = (RpHAnimStdKeyFrame*)HANIMFRAMES(anim); for(i = 0; i < numNodes; i++){ frame->q.real = 1.0f; frame->q.imag.x = frame->q.imag.y = frame->q.imag.z = 0.0f; frame->t.x = frame->t.y = frame->t.z = 0.0f; frame->time = 0.0f; frame->prevFrame = nil; frame++; } return anim; } void RenderSkeleton(RpHAnimHierarchy *hier) { int i; int sp; int stack[32]; int par; CVector p1, p2; int numNodes = hier->numNodes; RwMatrix *mats = RpHAnimHierarchyGetMatrixArray(hier); p1 = mats[0].pos; par = 0; sp = 0; stack[sp++] = par; for(i = 1; i < numNodes; i++){ p1 = mats[par].pos; p2 = mats[i].pos; CDebug::AddLine(p1, p2, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); if(HIERNODEINFO(hier)[i].flags & rpHANIMPUSHPARENTMATRIX) stack[sp++] = par; par = i; if(HIERNODEINFO(hier)[i].flags & rpHANIMPOPPARENTMATRIX) par = stack[--sp]; } } #endif void CameraSize(RwCamera * camera, RwRect * rect, RwReal viewWindow, RwReal aspectRatio) { if (camera) { RwVideoMode videoMode; RwRect r; RwRect origSize = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // FIX just to make the compier happy RwV2d vw; RwEngineGetVideoModeInfo(&videoMode, RwEngineGetCurrentVideoMode()); origSize.w = RwRasterGetWidth(RwCameraGetRaster(camera)); origSize.h = RwRasterGetHeight(RwCameraGetRaster(camera)); if (!rect) { if (videoMode.flags & rwVIDEOMODEEXCLUSIVE) { /* For full screen applications, resizing the camera just doesn't * make sense, use the video mode size. */ r.x = r.y = 0; r.w = videoMode.width; r.h = videoMode.height; rect = &r; } else { /* rect not specified - reuse current values */ r.w = RwRasterGetWidth(RwCameraGetRaster(camera)); r.h = RwRasterGetHeight(RwCameraGetRaster(camera)); r.x = r.y = 0; rect = &r; } } if (( origSize.w != rect->w ) && ( origSize.h != rect->h )) { RwRaster *raster; RwRaster *zRaster; /* * Destroy rasters... */ raster = RwCameraGetRaster(camera); if( raster ) { RwRasterDestroy(raster); } zRaster = RwCameraGetZRaster(camera); if( zRaster ) { RwRasterDestroy(zRaster); } /* * Create new rasters... */ raster = RwRasterCreate(rect->w, rect->h, 0, rwRASTERTYPECAMERA); zRaster = RwRasterCreate(rect->w, rect->h, 0, rwRASTERTYPEZBUFFER); if( raster && zRaster ) { RwCameraSetRaster(camera, raster); RwCameraSetZRaster(camera, zRaster); } else { if( raster ) { RwRasterDestroy(raster); } if( zRaster ) { RwRasterDestroy(zRaster); } rect->x = origSize.x; rect->y = origSize.y; rect->w = origSize.w; rect->h = origSize.h; /* * Use default values... */ raster = RwRasterCreate(rect->w, rect->h, 0, rwRASTERTYPECAMERA); zRaster = RwRasterCreate(rect->w, rect->h, 0, rwRASTERTYPEZBUFFER); RwCameraSetRaster(camera, raster); RwCameraSetZRaster(camera, zRaster); } } /* Figure out the view window */ if (videoMode.flags & rwVIDEOMODEEXCLUSIVE) { /* derive ratio from aspect ratio */ vw.x = viewWindow; vw.y = viewWindow / aspectRatio; } else { /* derive from pixel ratios */ if (rect->w > rect->h) { vw.x = viewWindow; vw.y = (rect->h * viewWindow) / rect->w; } else { vw.x = (rect->w * viewWindow) / rect->h; vw.y = viewWindow; } } RwCameraSetViewWindow(camera, &vw); RsGlobal.width = rect->w; RsGlobal.height = rect->h; } return; } void CameraDestroy(RwCamera *camera) { RwRaster *raster, *tmpRaster; RwFrame *frame; if (camera) { frame = RwCameraGetFrame(camera); if (frame) { RwFrameDestroy(frame); } raster = RwCameraGetRaster(camera); if (raster) { tmpRaster = RwRasterGetParent(raster); RwRasterDestroy(raster); if ((tmpRaster != nil) && (tmpRaster != raster)) { RwRasterDestroy(tmpRaster); } } raster = RwCameraGetZRaster(camera); if (raster) { tmpRaster = RwRasterGetParent(raster); RwRasterDestroy(raster); if ((tmpRaster != nil) && (tmpRaster != raster)) { RwRasterDestroy(tmpRaster); } } RwCameraDestroy(camera); } return; } RwCamera * CameraCreate(RwInt32 width, RwInt32 height, RwBool zBuffer) { RwCamera *camera; camera = RwCameraCreate(); if (camera) { RwCameraSetFrame(camera, RwFrameCreate()); RwCameraSetRaster(camera, RwRasterCreate(0, 0, 0, rwRASTERTYPECAMERA)); if (zBuffer) { RwCameraSetZRaster(camera, RwRasterCreate(0, 0, 0, rwRASTERTYPEZBUFFER)); } /* now check that everything is valid */ if (RwCameraGetFrame(camera) && RwCameraGetRaster(camera) && RwRasterGetParent(RwCameraGetRaster(camera)) && (!zBuffer || (RwCameraGetZRaster(camera) && RwRasterGetParent(RwCameraGetZRaster (camera))))) { /* everything OK */ return (camera); } } /* if we're here then an error must have occurred so clean up */ CameraDestroy(camera); return (nil); } #ifdef USE_TEXTURE_POOL WRAPPER void _TexturePoolsInitialise() { EAXJMP(0x598B10); } WRAPPER void _TexturePoolsShutdown() { EAXJMP(0x598B30); } #endif