It seems like you're not currently logged in to eRestavracija, so this form has been presented to you. You have a different username and password combination used for applying and opting out from menus. In order to use this feature, you have to log in with your Lopolis account.
Click on a date to open the collapsible menu with choices and click on a specific meal to select it. Reload the meals when you're done and check the entries.
App was not tested with lunches in mind. Meals probably won't work with lunches and having a lunch subscription may even break its functionality.
If a meal is not present in the Meals collapsible field, this does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Meals that haven't been altered by you or are unchangable
(read-only) are not shown for clarity.
You are welcome to contribute to the LopolisAPI project source (py) and add features, such as checkouts.