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+# The Chinese probe returned to Earth with lunar rocks
+## Anton Luka Šijanec, 2. a :: 18th of January 2021
+China became the third country after the United States and Russia to bring samples from the lunar surface to Earth. Two to four kilograms of rocks and earth from the Moon is the first material in the last 44 years to return to Earth.
+The unmanned Chang'e 5 spacecraft landed in the steppes of Inner Mongolia in northern China on Wednesday. As it is difficult to access terrain covered with snow and a temperature of less than -20 degrees Celsius, the probe was searched by helicopters with infrared cameras. The landing area was as large as 21,000 square kilometers. Chinese scientists have already announced that they will share samples with other countries in accordance with international cooperation agreements.
+The mission to the moon was considered one of the most difficult in space history of Chinese spaceflight. China is the first space power to maneuver robots in a controlled, unmanned landing in Earth orbit. The take-off module also reconnected to the probe after landing and loaded rocks and earth from the Moon.
+The rocks from the Moon brought by the Chinese probe are significantly younger than all the specimens of the United States and the former Soviet Union, so investigations could yield new insights into volcanic activities and the history of the Moon. The first material from the Moon was brought more than 40 years ago by the American Apollo mission, which collected a total of about 380 kilograms of rocks, and Soviet unmanned robots Luna, which brought about 300 grams.
+Chang'e 5 landed on the moon in a volcanic area named after the German astronomer Karl Rümker (1788-1862), which lies in the "ocean of storms." This area in the upper left part of the Moon, facing the Earth, is 1.2 billion years old. The lunar rocks collected by the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s are estimated to be between 3.1 and 4.4 billion years old.
+With the return of the probe to Earth, China has reached an important milestone and joined the great space powers. China has set itself an ambitious space program, which envisages a manned landing on the moon by the end of the decade.
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- \snovdn --- \stevilkadn. domača naloga
- \\
- \large Matematika, Gimnazija Bežigrad}
- \textbf{Profesor:} & prof. Vilko Domajnko \\
- \textbf{Avtor:} & Anton Luka Šijanec, 2. a
-% \textbf{Avtor:} & Anton Luka Šijanec \\ & Member 2 \\ & Member 3
-% \everymath{\displaystyle} %
-Ta dokument vsebuje navodila in rešitve domačih nalog snovi \textit{\snovdn}pri matematiki, ki sem jih spisal sam. Kjer je bilo potrebno izbirati neke poljubne naloge, sem jih vselej izbral naključno.
-\paragraph{Navodilo naloge} vaje2: 65/424, ... 460 (izberi 2 sodi in 2 lihi nalogi)
-\begin{enumerate}[label=\textbf{\arabic*.}] % 453, 428, 442, 441
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- \item Na sliki je $\measuredangle DEA=\measuredangle ACB$, $|BC|=\cm{18}$, $|AD|=\cm{6}$, $|ED|=\cm{9}$, $|AE|=\cm{5}$, $|BE|=x$, $|DC|=y$. Koliko je $x+y$? % 428
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- \item Pravokotni trikotnik $ABC$, katerega kateti sta dolgi \cm{24} in \cm{10}, je podoben trikotniku $MNK$ s hipotenuzo, dolgo \cm{130}. Izračunaj obseg trikotnika $MNK$. % 441
- $$
- h_{ABC}=\sqrt{\cm{24}^2+\cm{10}^2}=\cm{26} \rightarrow \cm{130}=k\cdot\cm{26}=5\cdot\cm{26} \rightarrow k=5
- $$$$
- O_{MNK}=O_{ABC}\cdot k=(\cm{24}+\cm{26}+\cm{10})\cdot k=\cm{60}\cdot5=\cm{300}
- $$
- \item Dani sta istosrediščni krožnici. Polmer manjše krožnice je enak četrtini polmera večje krožnice. Naj bo $AB$ premer večje krožnice. Iz točke $B$ narišemo tangento na manjšo krožnico. Ta tangenta seka večjo krožnico v točki $C$. Dolžina daljice $AC$ je enaka \cm{100}. Kolikšen je polmer večje krožnice? % 442
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-Ta dokument je informativne narave in se lahko še spreminja. Najnovejša različica, torej PDFji in
-\hologo{LaTeX}\footnote{Za izdelavo dokumenta potrebujete \texttt{TeXLive 2020}.}
-izvorna koda, zgodovina sprememb in prejšnje različice, je na voljo v mojem šolskem Git repozitoriju na
-\url{} v mapi
-\href{https://git.sijanec/sola-gimb-2/src/branch/master/\predmdn/\predmkaj/\stevilkadn/}{/\predmdn/\predmkaj/\stevilkadn/}. Povezava za ogled zadnje različice tega dokumenta v PDF obliki je \url{\predmdn/\predmkaj/\stevilkadn/dokument.pdf} in/ali \url{\predmdn/\predmkaj/\stevilkadn/dokument.pdf}.
-\section*{Razhroščevalne informacije}
-Te informacije so generirane, ker je omogočeno razhroščevanje. Pred objavo dokumenta izklopite razhroščevanje. To naredite tako, da nastavite ukaz \texttt{razhroscevanje} na 0 v začetku dokumenta.
-Grafi imajo natančnost \functionSamples\space točk na graf.
-Konec generiranja dokumenta: \today\ ob \currenttime\footnote{To ne nakazuje dejanskega časa, ko je bil dokument napisan, temveč čas, ko je bi dokument generiran v PDF/DVI obliko. Isto velja za datum v glavi dokumenta. Če berete direktno iz LaTeX datoteke, bo to vedno današnji datum.}%\input|"date -Ins"
-Dokument se je generiral R0qK1KR2 \SI{}{\second}.
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