false); // za shrambo parametrov in sporocil
var $pdf;
var $currentStyle;
var $db_table = '';
public static $ss = null; //SurveyStatistic class
public static $sas = null; // $sas = new SurveyAdminSettings();class
protected $texNewLine = '\\\\ ';
protected $texBigSkip = '\bigskip';
protected $texSmallSkip = '\smallskip';
protected $horizontalLineTex = "\\hline ";
//nastavitve za prikazovanje
protected $seansa = '30';
protected $times = '1 month';
protected $status = 0;
protected $from = '';
protected $to = '';
protected $period = 'day';
protected $user = 'all';
//nastavitve za prikazovanje - konec
protected $interval;
protected $data;
protected $statuses;
protected $sum_data;
protected $texTimeEdits='';
protected $vrsticaTex = array();
protected $seanse = null;
protected $timings = null;
protected $interval_criteria = array();
public static $spremenljivka=null;
public static $sea = null; //SurveyEditsAnalysis class
* @desc konstruktor
function __construct ($anketa = null, $ssData = null)
global $site_path;
global $global_user_id;
global $lang;
// preverimo ali imamo stevilko ankete
if ( is_numeric($anketa) )
$this->anketa['id'] = $anketa;
//$this->anketa['podstran'] = $podstran; //pokomentirano, ker se ne uporablja nikjer in je težava s PHP8
$this->pi['msg'] = "Anketa ni izbrana!";
$this->pi['canCreate'] = false;
return false;
$this->sea=new SurveyEditsAnalysis($this->anketa['id']);
if ($_GET['seansa'] > 0){
//if (isset ($_GET['seansa'])){
$seansa = $_GET['seansa'];
$seansa = '30';
if (isset ($_GET['time'])){
$time = $_GET['time'];
$time = '1 month';
if (isset ($_GET['status'])){
$status = $_GET['status'];
$status = 0;
if (isset ($_GET['from'])){
$from = $_GET['from'];
$from = '';
if (isset ($_GET['to'])){
$to = $_GET['to'];
$to = '';
if (isset ($_GET['user'])){
$user = $_GET['user'];
$user = 'all';
if (isset ($_GET['period'])){
$period = $_GET['period'];
$period = 'day';
$this->seansa = $seansa;
$this->times = $time;
$this->status = $status;
$this->from = $from;
$this->to = $to;
$this->period = $period;
$this->user = $user;
// Legenda statusov
$this->statuses = array(
-1 => $lang['srv_vsi'],
0 => $lang['srv_urejanje'],
1 => $lang['import_data'],
2 => $lang['export_analisys'],
3 => $lang['srv_reporti'],
4 => $lang['srv_podatki'],
5 => $lang['srv_inv_nav_email'],
20 => $lang['srv_hierarchy'], // Splošni podatki o hierarhiji
21 => $lang['srv_hierarchy_structure'], // Grajenje hierarhije
22 => $lang['srv_hierarchy_users'], // Urejanje uporabnikov
// Legenda seans
$this->seanse = array(
5 => $lang['srv_edits_analysis_seansa_5min'],
10 => $lang['srv_edits_analysis_seansa_10min'],
30 => $lang['srv_edits_analysis_seansa_30min'], // Grajenje hierarhije
60 => $lang['srv_edits_analysis_seansa_60min'], // Urejanje uporabnikov
// Legenda casov
$this->timings = array(
'lifetime' => $lang['srv_edits_analysis_period_lifetime'],
'1 hour' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_1 hour'],
'6 hour' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_6 hour'],
'12 hour' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_12 hour'],
'1 day' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_1 day'],
'2 day' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_2 day'],
'5 day' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_5 day'],
'7 day' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_7 day'],
'14 day' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_14 day'],
'1 month' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_1 month'],
'3 month' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_3 month'],
'6 month' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_6 month'],
'99date' => $lang['srv_diagnostics_choose_date'],
// Legenda intervalov
$this->interval_criteria = array(
'hour' => $lang['srv_statistic_period_hour_period'],
'day' => $lang['srv_statistic_period_day_period'],
//create iterval - SQL where statement
$this->interval = $this->sea->createInterval($time, $from, $to);
//get object of all edits data
$this->data = $this->sea->getData($status, $this->interval);
$sum_data = $this->TimeEdits($this->data['timeEdits'], $this->seansa*60, $status);
$this->sum_data = $sum_data;
$this->sas = new SurveyAdminSettings(0,$this->anketa['id']);
//ustvarimo SurveyStatistic objekt in mu napolnimo variable
$this->ss = new SurveyStatistic();
$this->ss->realUsersByStatus_base = $ssData[0];
$this->ss->type = $ssData[1];
$this->ss->period = $ssData[2];
/* intervali se več ne pošiljajo preko get, ker se polovijo iz porfila
if($ssData[1] != 'undefined')
$this->ss->startDate = $ssData[1];
if($ssData[2] != 'undefined')
$this->ss->endDate = $ssData[2];
$this->ss->type = $ssData[3];
$this->ss->period = $ssData[4];
//$this->ss->isDefaultFilters = false;
//if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa['id']) && $this->init())
if ( SurveyInfo::getInstance()->SurveyInit($this->anketa['id']))
$this->anketa['uid'] = $global_user_id;
SurveyUserSetting::getInstance()->Init($this->anketa['id'], $this->anketa['uid']);
return false;
// ce smo prisli do tu je vse ok
$this->pi['canCreate'] = true;
return true;
function checkCreate()
return $this->pi['canCreate'];
function getFile($fileName='')
//Close and output PDF document
$this->pdf->Output($fileName, 'I');
public function displayEditAnalysis() {
global $lang;
$texEditAnalysis = '';
// imamo vnose, prikažemo statistiko
//naslov izvoza
//$texEditAnalysis .= $this->returnBold($lang['srv_edits_analysis']).$this->texNewLine.$this->texNewLine;
$texEditAnalysis .= '\MakeUppercase{\huge \textbf{Status - '.$lang['srv_edits_analysis'].'}}'.$this->texBigSkip.$this->texNewLine;
//$texStatus .= '\begin{tableStatus}'; /*zacetek environmenta z manjsim fontom*/
$texEditAnalysis .= '\begin{tableStatus}'; /*zacetek environmenta z manjsim fontom*/
//vrstica z nastavitvami #########################
$texEditAnalysis .= $this->returnBold($lang['srv_edits_analysis_seansa']).''.$this->seanse[$this->seansa].' '.$this->returnBold($lang['status']).''.$this->statuses[$this->status].' '.$this->returnBold($lang['in']).':'.$this->timings[$this->times].''.$this->returnBold($lang['srv_diagnostics_orfrom']).' '.$this->from.' '.$this->returnBold($lang['srv_diagnostics_to']).' '.$this->to.'';
$texEditAnalysis .= $this->texBigSkip.$this->texNewLine;
if(is_countable($this->data) && sizeof($this->data) == 0){
$texEditAnalysis .= $lang['srv_edits_analysis_no_data'];
//Akcije urejanja #########################
$texEditAnalysis .= $this->DisplayCounter();
//prostor med tabelama
$texEditAnalysis .= $this->texBigSkip.$this->texBigSkip.$this->texNewLine;
//Neprekinjeno urejanje #########################
$texEditAnalysis .= $this->DisplayContinu();
//prostor med tabelama
//$texEditAnalysis .= $this->texBigSkip.$this->texBigSkip.$this->texNewLine;
$texEditAnalysis .= $this->texBigSkip.$this->texBigSkip;
//Podrobnosti urejanja #########################
$texEditAnalysis .= $this->DisplayTimeEdits();
//$texStatus .= '\end{tableStatus}'; /*zakljucek environmenta z manjsim fontom*/
$texEditAnalysis .= '\end{tableStatus}'; /*zakljucek environmenta z manjsim fontom*/
//echo $texEditAnalysis;
return $texEditAnalysis;
/** Funkcija prikaze Akcije urejanja
function DisplayCounter() {
global $lang;
global $site_url;
$tex = '';
//naslov okvirja
$titleText = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_counter']).$this->texNewLine;
$title = $this->returnBoldAndRed($titleText);
if(is_countable($this->data) && sizeof($this->data) == 0)
$tex .= $lang['srv_edits_analysis_no_data'];
$sum_data = $this->sum_data;
//izpis stevila urejevalcev
$tex .= $lang['srv_edits_analysis_counter_editors'].': '.sizeof($sum_data).$this->texBigSkip.$this->texNewLine;
$sum_akcij = 0;
$sum_time = 0;
$sum_seans = 0;
//Priprava parametrov za tabelo s podatki o anketi
$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = 4;
$steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
$sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
$parameterTabular = '';
$export_format = 'pdf';
for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
//ce je prvi stolpec
if($i == 0){
//$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X|' : 'l|');
$parameterTabular .= 'l|';
}elseif($i == $steviloOstalihStolpcev){
//$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'C' : 'c');
$parameterTabular .='c';
//$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'C|' : 'c|');
$parameterTabular .= 'c|';
//Priprava parametrov za tabelo s podatki o anketi - konec
//zacetek latex tabele z obrobo za prvo tabelo
$pdfTable = 'tabular';
$rtfTable = 'tabular';
$pdfTableWidth = 1;
$rtfTableWidth = 1;
$tex .= $this->StartLatexTable($export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth); /*zacetek tabele*/
//Priprava parametrov za tabelo s podatki o anketi - konec
//Priprava podatkov za izpis vrstic tabele in njihov izpis
$prvaVrstica = array();
$prvaVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_counter_editor']);
$prvaVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_time_time']);
$prvaVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_num_sessions']);
$prvaVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_time_actions']);
$tex .= $this->tableRow($prvaVrstica); //Izpis 1. vrstice tabele
foreach ($sum_data as $key => $value) {
$vrsticaPodatki = array();
$vrsticaPodatki[] = $key;
$vrsticaPodatki[] = $this->sea->calculateTimeFromSeconds($value['time_sum']);
$vrsticaPodatki[] = $value['st_seans_sum'];
$vrsticaPodatki[] = $value['st_akcij_sum'];
$tex .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki); //Izpis vrstic tabele s podatki
$sum_akcij += $value['st_akcij_sum'];
$sum_time += $value['time_sum'];
$sum_seans += $value['st_seans_sum'];
// vsota veljavnih
$vrsticaSum = array();
$vrsticaSum[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_time_total']);
$vrsticaSum[] = $this->sea->calculateTimeFromSeconds($sum_time);
$vrsticaSum[] = $sum_seans;
$vrsticaSum[] = $sum_akcij;
$tex .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaSum); //Izpis vrstice s sumo
//Priprava podatkov za izpis vrstic tabele in njihov izpis - konec
//zaljucek latex tabele s podatki
$tex .= "\\end{".$pdfTable."}";
//zaljucek latex tabele s podatki - konec
//izpis tabele v okvir
//$texText = $this->FrameText($title.$tex);
$texText = ($title.$tex);
//echo $tex;
return $texText;
/** Funkcija prikaze Neprekinjeno urejanje
function DisplayContinu() {
global $lang;
$tex = '';
$sum_data = $this->sum_data;
//naslov okvirja
$titleText = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_countinu']).$this->texNewLine;
$title = $this->returnBoldAndRed($titleText);
//izpis nastavitev
if($this->user == 'all'){
$user = $lang['srv_edits_analysis_counter_all'];
foreach ($sum_data as $email => $row) {
if($row['user_id'] == $this->user){
$user = $email;
$tex .= $lang['srv_edits_analysis_counter_editors'].': '.$user.'; '.$lang['srv_statistic_period'].': '.$this->interval_criteria[$this->period].$this->texBigSkip.$this->texNewLine;
//izpis nastavitev - konec
$interval_criteria = $this->period;
$user_criteria = $this->user;
$continu_data = $this->sea->continuEditsQuery($this->status, $this->interval, $interval_criteria, $user_criteria);
$data = $continu_data;
$maxValue = 0;
$interval_seconds = ($interval_criteria == 'day') ? 86400 : 3600;
$interval_crit = ($interval_criteria == 'day') ? '' : ' H';
if ($data) {
$temp_time = null;
$zapored = 0;
$results = array();
foreach ($data as $row) {
if($temp_time == null){
//$format = 'Y-m-d'.$interval_crit;
$temp_time = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d'.$interval_crit, $row['formatdate']);
//$temp_time = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $row['formatdate']);
//calculate seconds between actions (rounded on 3600 or 86400)
$interval = $this->sea->calculateTimeBetweenActions($temp_time, DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d'.$interval_crit, $row['formatdate']));
//if interval between actions are 1 unit (1 hour or 1 day), add it to continued editing session
if((float) $interval/$interval_seconds-$zapored < 2){
//set maxValue, needed for width of bars
$maxValue = max($maxValue, $zapored);
//interval is more than 1 unit apart, not in continued editing session
//if there is continued editing session until previous action, store it to array - ignore otherwise
if($zapored > 0){
array_push($results, array('time' => $temp_time, 'zapored' => $zapored));
//restart all
$temp_time = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d'.$interval_crit, $row['formatdate']);
$zapored = 0;
//if there is continued editing session in last actions, store it to array - ignore otherwise
if($zapored > 0){
//$this->ContinuRow($temp_time, $zapored, $maxValue, $value);
array_push($results, array('time' => $temp_time, 'zapored' => $zapored));
$tex .= LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_no_data']).$this->texNewLine;
//Priprava parametrov za tabelo s podatki o anketi
$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = 2;
$steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
$sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
$parameterTabular = '';
$export_format = 'pdf';
//$parameterTabular = '|';
for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
if($i == 0){
$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize=.3\hsize}X' : 'l'); //fiksna sirina prvega stolpca, da sprejme datum in uro
$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X' : 'l');
$pdfTable = 'tabularx';
$rtfTable = 'tabular';
$pdfTableWidth = 1;
$rtfTableWidth = 1;
$tex .= $this->StartLatexTable($export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth);
//Priprava parametrov za tabelo s podatki o anketi - konec
//Priprava podatkov za izpis vrstic tabele in izpis vrstic
//reduce bars a little
$maxValue *= GRAPH_REDUCE;//najvecje stevilo
//draw all data and bars
foreach ($results as $row) {
$text = $this->ContinuRow($row['time'], $row['zapored'], $maxValue, $interval_criteria);
$tex .= $this->displayLineWithGraph($text, ($row['zapored']+1), $maxValue);
//Priprava podatkov za izpis vrstic tabele in izpis vrstic - konec
//zaljucek latex tabele s podatki
$tex .= "\\end{".$pdfTable."}";
//zaljucek latex tabele s podatki - konec
} else{
$tex .= LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_no_data']).$this->texNewLine;
//izpis tabele in besedila v okvir
//$texText = $this->FrameText($title.$tex);
$texText = ($title.$tex);
return $texText;
* Returns time string in exact format
* @param type $temp_time - the last edit
* @param type $zapored - hour of continuoed editing
* @param type $maxValue - max value of bars
* @param type $interval_criteria - criteria for interval - continued 'day' or 'hour'
function ContinuRow($temp_time=null, $zapored=null, $maxValue=null, $interval_criteria=null){
$s_time = '';
$time_last = clone $temp_time;
//edit DateTime get starting of continued editting session by subtracting units
$temp_time->modify('- '.$zapored.' '.$interval_criteria);
//if hour criteria
if($interval_criteria == 'hour'){
//add 1 hour because of from to view
$time_last->modify('+ 1 '.$interval_criteria);
$s_time = $temp_time->format('Y-m-d H:00') .' - '. $time_last->format('H:00');
elseif($interval_criteria == 'day'){
$s_time = $temp_time->format('Y-m-d') .' - '. $time_last->format('Y-m-d');
return $s_time;
/** Funkcija prikaze Podrobnosti urejanja
function DisplayTimeEdits() {
global $lang;
$tex = '';
$sum_data = $this->sum_data;
//naslov okvirja
$titleText = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_editing_details']).$this->texNewLine;
$title = $this->returnBoldAndRed($titleText);
$tex .= $this->texTimeEdits;
//izpis tabele in besedila v okvir
//$texText = $this->FrameText($title.$tex);
$texText = ($title.$tex);
return $texText;
/*Skrajsa tekst in doda '...' na koncu*/
function snippet($text='', $length=64, $tail="..."){
$text = trim($text);
$txtl = strlen($text);
if($txtl > $length)
for($i=1;$text[$length-$i]!=" ";$i++)
if($i == $length)
return substr($text,0,$length) . $tail;
$text = substr($text,0,$length-$i+1) . $tail;
return $text;
function setUserId($usrId=null) {$this->anketa['uid'] = $usrId;}
function getUserId() {return ($this->anketa['uid'])?$this->anketa['uid']:false;}
function formatNumber($value=null, $digit=0, $sufix="")
if ( $value <> 0 && $value != null )
$result = round($value,$digit);
$result = "0";
$result = number_format($result, $digit, ',', '.').$sufix;
return $result;
#moja funkcija encodeText
function encodeText($text=''){
// popravimo sumnike ce je potrebno
//$text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
//$text = str_replace("š","š",$text);
//echo "Encoding ".$text."";
if($text == ''){ //ce ni teksta, vrni se
$textOrig = $text;
$findme = '
$findmeLength = strlen($findme);
$findImg = '' v tekstu
$posImg = strpos($text, $findImg);
$textPrej = '';
$textPotem = '';
for($i=0; $i<$numOfImgs; $i++){
$posImg = strpos($text, $findImg);
$textPrej = substr($text, 0, $posImg); //tekst do img
$textPotem = substr($text, $posImg); //tekst po img, z vkljuceno hmlt kodo z img
$posImgEnd = strpos($textPotem, '/>'); //pozicija, kjer se konca html koda za img
$textPotem = substr($textPotem, $posImgEnd+strlen('/>')); //tekst od konca html kode za img dalje
$text = $textPrej.' '.PIC_SIZE_ANS."{".$this->getImageName($text, 0, '";
$textToImgCode = substr($text, 0, $posOfImgCode); //tekst do $findImgCode
//echo $textToImgCode."";
$textFromImgCode = substr($text, $posOfImgCode); //tekst po $findImgCode
//echo $textFromImgCode."";
$findImgCodeEnd = '}';
//$posOfImgCodeEnd = strpos($text, $findImgCodeEnd);
$posOfImgCodeEnd = strpos($textFromImgCode, $findImgCodeEnd);
//echo $posOfImgCodeEnd."";
$textAfterImgCode = substr($textFromImgCode, $posOfImgCodeEnd+1); //tekst po $findImgCodeEnd
//echo $textAfterImgCode."";
$textOfImgCode = substr($text, $posOfImgCode, $posOfImgCodeEnd+1);
//echo $textOfImgCode."";
$text = $textToImgCode.$textAfterImgCode;
//pred ureditvijo posebnih karakterjev, odstrani del teksta s kodo za sliko, da se ne pojavijo tezave zaradi imena datoteke od slike - konec
//ureditev izrisa slike - konec
//ureditev posebnih karakterjev za Latex http://www.cespedes.org/blog/85/how-to-escape-latex-special-characters, https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Special_Characters#Other_symbols
$text = str_replace('\\','\textbackslash{} ',$text);
//$text = str_replace('{','\{',$text);
//$text = str_replace('}','\}',$text);
$text = str_replace('$','\$ ',$text);
$text = str_replace('#','\# ',$text);
$text = str_replace('%','\% ',$text);
$text = str_replace('€','\euro',$text);
$text = str_replace('^','\textasciicircum{} ',$text);
//$text = str_replace('_','\_ ',$text);
$text = str_replace('_','\_',$text);
$text = str_replace('~','\textasciitilde{} ',$text);
$text = str_replace('&','\&',$text);
$text = str_replace('&','\&',$text);
//$text = str_replace('<','\textless ',$text);
$text = str_replace('<','\textless',$text);
//$text = str_replace('>','\textgreater ',$text);
$text = str_replace('>','\textgreater',$text);
$text = str_replace(' ',' ',$text);
//ureditev posebnih karakterjev za Latex - konec
//po ureditvi posebnih karakterjev, dodati del teksta s kodo za sliko, ce je slika prisotna
if($posImg !== false){
$text = substr_replace($text, $textOfImgCode, $posOfImgCode, 0);
//po ureditvi posebnih karakterjev, dodati del teksta s kodo za sliko, ce je slika prisotna
if($pos === false && $posImg === false) { //v tekstu ni br in img
//return $text;
/* echo "encode pred strip: ".$text."";
echo "encode po strip: ".strip_tags($text)."";
return strip_tags($text); */
}else { //v tekstu sta prisotna br ali img
$text2Return = ''; //tekst ki bo vrnjen
//ureditev preureditev html kode za novo vrstico v latex, ureditev prenosa v novo vrstico
if($pos !== false){
$pos = strpos($text, $findme);
$numOfBr = substr_count($text, $findme); //stevilo '
' v tekstu
for($i=0; $i<$numOfBr; $i++){
if($i == 0){ //ce je prvi najdeni '
$textPrej = substr($text, 0, $pos);
$textPotem = substr($text, $pos+$findmeLength);
if($i == $numOfBr-1){
$text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break '.$textPotem;
$text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break ';
}else{ //drugace
$pos = strpos($textPotem, $findme);
$textPrej = substr($textPotem, 0, $pos);
$textPotem = substr($textPotem, $pos+$findmeLength);
if($i == $numOfBr-1){
$text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break '.$textPotem;
$text2Return .= $textPrej.' \break ';
$text = $text2Return;
//ureditev preureditev html kode za novo vrstico v latex, ureditev prenosa v novo vrstico - konec
/* echo "encode pred strip: ".$text."";
echo "encode po strip: ".strip_tags($text)."";
return strip_tags($text); //vrni tekst brez html tag-ov */
//preveri, ce je url v besedilu (http:// ... ) in uredi Latex izpis le-tega
$findHttp = 'http://';
$findHttps = 'https://';
$posHttp = strpos($text, $findHttp);
$posHttps = strpos($text, $findHttps);
if($posHttp !== false || $posHttps !== false) { //v imamo URL naslov
$space = ' ';
if($posHttp !== false){
$text = substr_replace($text, $space, ($posHttp+7), 0);
}elseif($posHttps !== false){
$text = substr_replace($text, $space, ($posHttps+8), 0);
//preveri, ce je url v besedilu (http:// ... ) in uredi Latex izpis le-tega - konec
return strip_tags($text); //vrni tekst brez html tag-ov
function returnBold($text=''){
$boldedText = '';
$boldedText .= '\textbf{'.$text.'}';
return $boldedText;
function returnBoldAndRed($text=''){
//$this->naslovnicaUkaz .= ' {\\textcolor{red}{'.$lang['srv_survey_non_active1'].'}} \\\\';
$tex = '';
$tex .= ' {\\textcolor{red}{'.$text.'}} ';
return $tex;
#funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis latex kode za zacetek tabele ##################################################################################
#argumenti 1. export_format, 2. parametri tabele, 3. tip tabele za pdf, 4. tip tabele za rtf, 5. sirina pdf tabele (delez sirine strani), 6. sirina rtf tabele (delez sirine strani)
function StartLatexTable($export_format='', $parameterTabular='', $pdfTable='', $rtfTable='', $pdfTableWidth='', $rtfTableWidth=''){
$tex = '';
//$tex .= '\keepXColumns';
if($export_format == 'pdf'){
$tex .= '\begin{'.$pdfTable.'}';
//$tex .= '{'.$pdfTableWidth.'\textwidth}';
$tex .= '{\hsize}';
$tex .= '{ '.$parameterTabular.' }';
}elseif($export_format == 'rtf'){
$tex .= '\begin{'.$rtfTable.'}';
$tex .= '{'.$pdfTableWidth.'\textwidth}';
$tex .= '{ '.$parameterTabular.' }';
return $tex;
#funkcija, ki skrbi za izpis latex kode za zacetek tabele - konec ##########################################################################
//omogoca izpis okvirja z dolocene sirine in visine s tekstom dolocene sirine
function FrameText($text=''){
$framedText = '';
//$framedText .= '\framebox('.FRAME_WIDTH.','.FRAME_HEIGTH.')[t]{ \parbox[t]{'.FRAME_TEXT_WIDTH.'\textwidth}{'.$this->texSmallSkip.$text.'} }';
$framedText .= '\framebox('.FRAME_WIDTH.','.FRAME_HEIGTH.')[t]{ \parbox[t]{'.FRAME_WIDTH.'pt}{'.$this->texSmallSkip.$text.'} }';
return $framedText;
//function tableRow($arrayText, $brezHline=0, $brezNoveVrstice=0, $nadaljevanjeVrstice=0, $steviloPodstolpcev){
function tableRow($arrayText=null, $brezHline=0, $brezNoveVrstice=0, $nadaljevanjeVrstice=0, $color='', $export_format = null, $steviloPodstolpcev = null){
$tableRow = '';
/*$linecount = $this->pdf->getNumLines(LatexDocument::encodeText($arrayText[1]), 90);
$linecount == 1 ? $height = 4.7 : $height = 4.7 + ($linecount-1)*3.3;*/
$height = 1; //$height = $this->getCellHeight(LatexDocument::encodeText($arrayText[1]), 90);
/* if($arrayParams['align2'] != 'C')
$arrayParams['align2'] = 'L'; */
if($export_format == 'pdf'){
$cellBgColor = 'cyan';
$cellBgColor = 'pink';
$cellColoring = ' \cellcolor{'.$cellBgColor.'} ';
$cellColoring = '';
if($color!=''){ //ce je potrebno besedilo dolocene barve
$text = $cellColoring.''.$this->coloredTextLatex($color, $arrayText[$i]);
$text = $arrayText[$i];
$tableRow .= $text;
$tableRow .= ' \multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev[$i].'}{c|}{ '.$text.' }';
}elseif(count($steviloPodstolpcev)){ //ce rabimo multicolumn
$tableRow .= ' & \multicolumn{'.$steviloPodstolpcev[$i].'}{c|}{ '.$text.' }';
$tableRow .= ' & '.$text;
$tableRow .= $this->texNewLine; /*nova vrstica*/
if (!$brezHline) { //dodaj se horizontal line, ce je to potrebno (po navadi vse povsod razen npr. za tabelo s st. odklonom in povprecjem)
if($export_format != 'xls'){
$tableRow .= $this->horizontalLineTex; /*obroba*/
//echo "Vrstica tabele: ".$tableRow."";
return $tableRow;
//funkcija, ki skrbi za izris grafa ustrezne dolzine
function drawGraphLatex($graphLineLength=null, $value=null){
$texGraph = '';
$texGraph .= '\begin{tikzpicture} \fill[crtaGraf] (0,0) -- ('.$graphLineLength.',0) -- ('.$graphLineLength.','.GRAPH_LINE_WIDTH.') -- (0,'.GRAPH_LINE_WIDTH.') -- (0,0); \end{tikzpicture} '.$value;
return $texGraph;
function displayLineWithGraph($text='', $value=null, $maxValue=null){
$texStatusLine = '';
$vrsticaPodatki = array();
$vrsticaPodatki[] = $text;
if($value){ //ce vrednost ni nula
$graphLineLength = (GRAPH_LINE_LENGTH_MAX/$maxValue)*$value;
$vrsticaPodatki[] = $this->drawGraphLatex($graphLineLength, $value);
$vrsticaPodatki[] = 0;
$texStatusLine .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatki,1);
return $texStatusLine;
function TimeEdits($data=null, $seansa=null, $status=null){
global $lang;
$tex = '';
$sum_data = array();
$datetime_last = null;
$datetime_start = null;
$st_akcij = 0;
$st_akcij_sum = 0;
$st_seans_sum = 0;
$time_sum = 0;
$user_temp = null;
$user_id = 0;
$row_id = 0;
$action_type = null;
$action_type_sum = null;
$statuses = null;
if($status == -1){
$statuses = array(
0 => array("name"=>$lang['srv_urejanje'], "sum"=>0),
1 => array("name"=>$lang['import_data'], "sum"=>0),
2 => array("name"=>$lang['export_analisys'], "sum"=>0),
3 => array("name"=>$lang['srv_reporti'], "sum"=>0),
4 => array("name"=>$lang['srv_podatki'], "sum"=>0),
5 => array("name"=>$lang['srv_inv_nav_email'], "sum"=>0),
//20 => array("name"=>$lang['srv_hierarchy'], "sum"=>0),// Splošni podatki o hierarhiji
//21 => array("name"=>$lang['srv_hierarchy_structure'], "sum"=>0),// Grajenje hierarhije
//22 => array("name"=>$lang['srv_hierarchy_users'], "sum"=>0),// Urejanje uporabnikov
$action_type = $statuses;
$action_type_sum = $statuses;
else if($status == 0){
$statuses = array();
$action_type = array();
$action_type_sum = array();
//echo ''.$lang["srv_edits_analysis_editing_details"].'
foreach ($data as $rowGrupa) {
//$post = $this->convertToJSON($rowGrupa['post']);
$akcija = null;
if($status == -1)
$akcija = $rowGrupa['status'];
else if($status == 0){
$get = $this->convertToJSON($rowGrupa['get']);
$akcija = $get['a'];
//zacetek risanja
$user_temp = $rowGrupa['email'];
$user_id = $rowGrupa['id'];
//izpis zacetka tabele za prvega urejevalca (prvi dve vrstici z naslovi)
$tex .= $this->zacetekTabelePodrobnostiLatex($user_temp, $status, $user_id);
//izpis zacetka tabele za prvega urejevalca (prvi dve vrstici z naslovi) - konec
//naslednji editor
else if($user_temp != $rowGrupa['email']){
//Priprava podatkov za izpis vrstic tabele in izpis vrstic /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$time_sum += (float) $this -> TimeEditsRow($datetime_start, $datetime_last, $st_akcij, $action_type, $user_id.'_'.$row_id);
//Izpis posameznih vrstic
foreach($this->vrsticaTex as $vrstica){
$tex .= $vrstica;
//Izpis posameznih vrstic - konec
//izrisi se zadnjo vrstico prejsnjega urejevalca
//izpis vrstice podatkov za Skupaj
$tex .= $this -> echoTimeEditsFootRow($time_sum, $st_akcij_sum, $action_type_sum, $user_id.'_sum');
//izpis vrstice podatkov za Skupaj - konec
//izrisi se zadnjo vrstico prejsnjega urejevalca - konec
//Priprava podatkov za izpis vrstic tabele in izpis vrstic - konec /////////////////////////////////////////////
//zaljucek latex tabele s podatki za prvega urejevalca
$tex .= $this->konecTabelePodrobnostiLatex();
//zaljucek latex tabele s podatki za prvega urejevalca - konec
//prostor po tabeli
$tex .= $this->texBigSkip;
$tex .=$this->texNewLine;
//prostor po tabeli - konec
$action_type_sum = $statuses;
//nova tabela - nov urejevalec
$user_temp = $rowGrupa['email'];
$user_id = $rowGrupa['id'];
$this->vrsticaTex = array(); //resetiranje polja s kodo vrstic ostalih urejevalcev
//izpis zacetka tabele za naslednje urejevalce (prvi dve vrstici z naslovi)
$tex .= $this->zacetekTabelePodrobnostiLatex($user_temp, $status, $user_id);
//izpis zacetka tabele za naslednje urejevalce (prvi dve vrstici z naslovi) - konec
//ponastavi spremenljivke
$datetime_last = null;
$datetime_start = null;
$st_akcij = 0;
$st_akcij_sum = 0;
$st_seans_sum = 0;
$time_sum = 0;
//izpis vrstic
//nov start seanse
$datetime_start = new DateTime($rowGrupa['datetime']);
$action_type = $statuses;
//se ni druge akcije
else if(!isset($datetime_last)){
$temp_time = new DateTime($rowGrupa['datetime']);
$interval = $this->sea->calculateTimeBetweenActions($datetime_start, $temp_time);
//ce je akcija od starta v kriteriju seanse, jo dodaj k seansi
if($interval <= $seansa){
$datetime_last = clone $temp_time;
//akcija je izven kriterija seanse, izpisi samo to akcijo
$datetime_last = clone $datetime_start;
$datetime_last->add(new DateInterval('PT5S'));
$time_sum += (float) $this -> TimeEditsRow($datetime_start, $datetime_last, $st_akcij, $action_type, $user_id.'_'.$row_id);
$st_akcij = 1;
$datetime_start = clone $temp_time;
$datetime_last = null;
$action_type = $statuses;
//seasna ze ima vsaj dve akciji
$temp_time = new DateTime($rowGrupa['datetime']);
$interval = $this->sea->calculateTimeBetweenActions($datetime_last, $temp_time);
//ce je akcija od prejsnje v kriteriju seanse, jo dodaj k seansi
if($interval <= $seansa){
$datetime_last = clone $temp_time;
//akcija je izven kriterija seanse, izpisi vse prejsnje akcije
$time_sum += (float) $this -> TimeEditsRow($datetime_start, $datetime_last, $st_akcij, $action_type, $user_id.'_'.$row_id);
$st_akcij = 1;
$datetime_start = clone $temp_time;
$datetime_last = null;
$action_type = $statuses;
if($status == -1){
$action_type[$akcija]['sum'] ++;
$action_type_sum[$akcija]['sum'] ++;
else if($status == 0){
$action_type[$akcija] = isset($action_type[$akcija]) ? $action_type[$akcija]+1 : 1;
$action_type_sum[$akcija] = isset($action_type_sum[$akcija]) ? $action_type_sum[$akcija]+1 : 1;
//izrisi se zadnjo vrstico, ki jo ni foreach ter footer
if($datetime_last == null){
$datetime_last = clone $datetime_start;
$datetime_last->add(new DateInterval('PT5S'));
$time_sum += (float) $this -> TimeEditsRow($datetime_start, $datetime_last, $st_akcij, $action_type, $user_id.'_'.$row_id);
//Izpis posameznih vrstic
foreach($this->vrsticaTex as $vrstica){
$tex .= $vrstica;
//Izpis posameznih vrstic - konec
$tex .= $this -> echoTimeEditsFootRow($time_sum, $st_akcij_sum, $action_type_sum, $user_id.'_sum');
//Priprava podatkov za izpis vrstic tabele in izpis vrstic - konec
//zaljucek latex tabele s podatki
$tex .= $this->konecTabelePodrobnostiLatex();
//zaljucek latex tabele s podatki - konec
$this->texTimeEdits = $tex;
//echo "tex: ".$tex."";
/* echo "time_sum: ".$time_sum."";
echo "st_akcij_sum: ".$st_akcij_sum."";
echo "st_seans_sum: ".$st_seans_sum."";
echo "user_id: ".$user_id."";
echo "action_type_sum: ".$action_type_sum.""; */
//echo '';
return $sum_data;
* Nastavi in izrise vrstico urejanja
* @param type $datetime_start - datetime start of editing
* @param type $datetime_last - datetime end of editing
* @param type $st_akcij - num ob actions during editing
* @param type $action_type - string of type of action
* @param type $row_id - int sequence nuber of row (unique, for this site, no need to be ID)
* @return type int - calculated second of editing session
function TimeEditsRow($datetime_start=null, $datetime_last=null, $st_akcij=null, $action_type = null, $row_id = null){
$seconds = 0;
$tex = '';
//create string of actions type
$action_type_string = ($action_type != null) ? $this -> createActionsTypeString($action_type, $row_id) : null;
$seconds = $this->sea->calculateTimeBetweenActions($datetime_start, $datetime_last);
$this->vrsticaTex[] = $this -> echoTimeEditsRow($datetime_last->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') .' - '. $datetime_start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $this->sea->calculateTimeFromSeconds($seconds), $st_akcij, $action_type_string);
//ce je samo ena akcija
$this->vrsticaTex[] = $this -> echoTimeEditsRow($datetime_start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 0 ,1, $action_type_string);
return $seconds;
* Convert false JSON (with keys without quotes and no stat and end braces)
* from DB to valid JSON
* @param type $toJSON string to convert to JSON (with keys without
* quotes and no stat and end braces)
* @return type valid converted JSON
function convertToJSON($toJSON=''){
$toJSON = preg_replace('/("(.*?)"|(\w+))(\s*:\s*(".*?"|.))/s', '"$2$3"$4', $toJSON);
$toJSON = '{'.$toJSON.'}';
return json_decode($toJSON, true);
* Izrise vrstico urejanja
* @param type $datetime - string from to editing
* @param type $cas_seanse - editing time
* @param type $st_akcij - num of editing actions
* @param type $action_type - string of type of action
function echoTimeEditsRow($datetime=null, $cas_seanse=null, $st_akcij=null, $action_type = null){
$tex = '';
$latexVrstica = array();
//casovni razpon urejanja
$latexVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($datetime);
//cas urejanja
$latexVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($cas_seanse);
//stevilo akcij
$latexVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($st_akcij);
if($action_type != null){
//vrsta akcij
$latexVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($action_type.' ');
$tex .= $this->tableRow($latexVrstica);
//echo $tex;
return $tex;
* Create/convert array of action types to string for table cell
* @param type $action_type - array of action types
* @param type $row_id - int sequence nuber of row (unique user int and row in table)
* @return string - converter array to string to put it in table cell
function createActionsTypeString($action_type=array(), $row_id=null){
$action_type_string = '';
//urejanje - ali drug specificen status
global $lang;
$i = 0;
foreach ($action_type as $key => $at){
/* if($i == 3)
$action_type_string .= ''.$lang['srv_more'].'
if($i < 3)
$action_type_string .= ''.$key.' ('.$at.')'.'
$action_type_string .= ''.$key.' ('.$at.')'.'
$i++; */
$action_type_string .= $key.' ('.$at.')'.'; ';
/* if($i > 3)
$action_type_string .= ''.$lang['srv_less'].'
'; */
//vsi statusi
foreach ($action_type as $at){
if($at['sum'] > 0){
if($action_type_string != '')
$action_type_string .= ' ';
$action_type_string .= $at['name'].' ('.$at['sum'].')';
return $action_type_string;
* Izrise total/footer vrstico urejanja
* @param type $time - seconds of editing
* @param type $st_akcij - num of editing actions
* @param type $action_type - string of type of actions
* @param type $row_id - int sequence nuber of user (unique, for this site, no need to be ID)
function echoTimeEditsFootRow($time=null, $st_akcij=null, $action_type = null, $row_id = 0){
global $lang;
$tex = '';
$vrsticaPodatkovSkupaj = array();
//casovni razpon urejanja
$vrsticaPodatkovSkupaj[] = $this->returnBold(LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_time_total']));
//cas urejanja
$vrsticaPodatkovSkupaj[] = $this->returnBold($this->sea->calculateTimeFromSeconds($time));
//stevilo akcij
$vrsticaPodatkovSkupaj[] = $this->returnBold($st_akcij);
if($action_type != null){
//vrsta akcij
$vrsticaPodatkovSkupaj[] = $this->returnBold(LatexDocument::encodeText($this->createActionsTypeString($action_type, $row_id)));
$tex .= $this->tableRow($vrsticaPodatkovSkupaj); //Izpis vrstic tabele s podatki o sumi
return $tex;
function zacetekTabelePodrobnostiLatex($user_temp=null, $status=null, $user_id=null){
global $lang;
$tex = '';
//Priprava parametrov za tabelo s podatki o anketi
$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular = 4;
$steviloOstalihStolpcev = $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular - 1; /*stevilo stolpcev brez prvega stolpca, ki ima fiksno sirino*/
$sirinaOstalihStolpcev = 0.9/$steviloOstalihStolpcev;
$parameterTabular = '';
$export_format = 'pdf';
$parameterTabular = '|';
for($i = 0; $i < $steviloStolpcevParameterTabular; $i++){
/* if($i == 0){
$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? '>{\hsize=.3\hsize}X' : 'l'); //fiksna sirina prvega stolpca, da sprejme datum in uro
$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'X' : 'l');
} */
$parameterTabular .= ($export_format == 'pdf' ? 'C|' : 'c|');
$pdfTable = 'tabularx';
$rtfTable = 'tabular';
$pdfTableWidth = 1;
$rtfTableWidth = 1;
$tex .= $this->StartLatexTable($export_format, $parameterTabular, $pdfTable, $rtfTable, $pdfTableWidth, $rtfTableWidth);
//Priprava parametrov za tabelo s podatki o anketi - konec
//Priprava podatkov za izpis vrstic tabele in izpis vrstic
if($export_format != 'xls'){
$tex .= $this->horizontalLineTex;
$prvaVrstica = array();
$prvaVrstica[] = ' \multicolumn{'.$steviloStolpcevParameterTabular.'}{|c|}{ '.$user_temp.' }';
$tex .= $this->tableRow($prvaVrstica);
$drugaVrstica = array();
$drugaVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_time_span']);
$drugaVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_time_time']);
$drugaVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_time_actions']);
if($status < 1){
$drugaVrstica[] = LatexDocument::encodeText($lang['srv_edits_analysis_action_type']);
$drugaVrstica[] = '';
$tex .= $this->tableRow($drugaVrstica);
return $tex;
function konecTabelePodrobnostiLatex(){
$tex = "\\end{tabularx}";
return $tex;
#funkcija, ki skrbi za pridobitev imena slike, ki jo je potrebno izrisati ######################################
function getImageName($text='', $sprId=null, $findme='', $vre_id=0, $img_id=0){
global $site_path, $site_url;
$imageName = '';
self::$spremenljivka = $sprId;
if($text == 'hotspot' && $findme == 'hotspot_image='){
$sqlParametrov = sisplet_query("SELECT params FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE id='".$sprId."'");
$rowParametrov = mysqli_fetch_row($sqlParametrov);
$text = $rowParametrov[0];
$pos = strpos($text, $findme); //najdi pozicijo teksta v $findme
//echo "text za echo: ".$text."";
//if($pos!=''){ //ce je slika v bazi
if($pos!=''||$pos==0){ //ce je slika v bazi
$imageName = substr($text,$pos); //pokazi le del text od besedila $findme dalje (vkljucno z besedilom)
//echo "imageName prej: ".$imageName."";
//$findme = $site_path.'uploadi/editor/';
$findme = $site_url.'uploadi/editor/';
//$findme = 'uploadi/editor/';
//$findme = 'editor/';
//echo "findme: ".$findme."";
$pos = strpos($imageName, $findme); //najdi pozicijo teksta v $findme
//echo "najdi tole: ".$findme."";
//echo "najdi tukaj: ".$imageName."";
//echo "pozicija tega: ".$pos."";
if($pos){ //ce je slika na strezniku
$slikaNaStrezniku = 1;
}else{//ce slike ni na strezniku
$slikaNaStrezniku = 0;
//echo "ali je slika na strežniku: ".$slikaNaStrezniku."";
if($slikaNaStrezniku==1){ //ce je slika na strezniku
$findEditor = 'editor/';
$posEditor = strpos($imageName, $findEditor); //najdi pozicijo teksta v $findEditor
$imageName = substr($imageName,$posEditor+7); //pokazi le del params od besedila 'editor/' dalje, brez besedila 'editor/'
//echo "imagename : ".$imageName."";
$pos = $this->getEndPosition($imageName); //najdi pozicijo konca URL slike
$imageExtension = substr($imageName, $pos-3, 3); //pridobi koncnico slike (za gif je potrebno sliko pretvoriti v png, saj latex ne podpira gif)
$imageName = substr($imageName, 0, $pos); //pokazi le del params od zacetka besedila do '"' oz. konca URL slike
$path = $site_path.'uploadi/editor/'.$imageName;
//$path = $site_url.'uploadi/editor/'.$imageName;
if($imageExtension == 'gif'){ //ce je slika gif, jo je potrebno pretvoriti v png
$this->convertGifToPng($path, $slikaNaStrezniku);
if($imageExtension == 'jpg' || $imageExtension == 'peg'){ //ce je slika jpg ali jpeg, jo je potrebno pretvoriti v png
$this->convertJpgToPng($path, $slikaNaStrezniku, $imageExtension);
}elseif($slikaNaStrezniku==0){ //ce slike ni na strezniku
//echo "vre_id: $vre_id ";
$imageName = $this->getOnlineImageName($imageName, $slikaNaStrezniku, $vre_id, $img_id); //pridobi njen URL
$imageName = substr($imageName, 0, strrpos($imageName, '.'));
//echo "imagename pred return: ".$imageName."";
return $imageName;
#funkcija, ki skrbi za pridobitev imena slike, ki jo je potrebno izrisati - konec ###############################
function getEndPosition($imageName=''){
$findme = '"';
$pos = strpos($imageName, $findme); //najdi pozicijo teksta '"'
return $pos;
function convertGifToPng($path='', $slikaNaStrezniku=null){
//echo "path: ".$path."";
$image = imagecreatefromgif($path); //pripravi sliko iz gif za pretvorbo
$imageName = substr($path, 0, -3); //ime slike brez extension-a
//echo $imageName."";
$imageNamePNG = $imageName.'png'; //ime slike z ustreznim extension
imagepng($image, $imageNamePNG); //pretvori pripravljeno gif sliko v png
if($slikaNaStrezniku==0){ //ce slika je iz URL in ni na strezniku, GIF izbrisi
unlink($imageName.'gif'); //izbrisi gif sliko
function convertJpgToPng($path='', $slikaNaStrezniku=null, $imageExtension=''){
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($path); //pripravi sliko iz jpg za pretvorbo
$imageName = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '.')); //ime slike brez extension-a
//echo $imageName."";
$imageNamePNG = $imageName.'.png'; //ime slike z ustreznim extension
imagepng($image, $imageNamePNG); //pretvori pripravljeno jpg sliko v png
//echo "pretvorba v png: ".$imageNamePNG."";
//echo "xtens: ".$imageExtension."";
//$origExtension = strrchr($path, '.');
//echo "ali je slika na strežniku: ".$slikaNaStrezniku."";
if($slikaNaStrezniku==0){ //ce slika je iz URL in ni na strezniku, izbrisi jo
//echo "tukaj ";
if($imageExtension == 'jpg'){
unlink($imageName.'.'.$imageExtension); //izbrisi sliko
}elseif($imageExtension == 'peg'){
unlink($imageName.'.j'.$imageExtension); //izbrisi sliko
#funkcija, ki skrbi za pridobitev slike, ki se nahaja nekje online in jo je potrebno izrisati, in vrne lokalno ime slike ######################################
function getOnlineImageName($imageName='', $slikaNaStrezniku=null, $vre_id=null, $img_id=0){
global $site_path;
//echo "imageName v getOnlineImageName nekje vmes 1: ".$imageName."";
$row = Cache::srv_spremenljivka(self::$spremenljivka);
//echo "sprem: ".self::$spremenljivka."";
$spremenljivkaParams = new enkaParameters($row['params']);
//echo "params: ".$spremenljivkaParams->get('hotspot_image')."";
$imageNameTmp = $spremenljivkaParams->get('hotspot_image');
//if($imageNameTmp!=''){ //ce je hotspot
if($imageNameTmp!=''&&$vre_id==0){ //ce je hotspot
$imageName = $imageNameTmp;
$findHttp = 'http';
$posHttp = strpos($imageName, $findHttp);
$imageName = substr($imageName,$posHttp); //besedilo do zacetka http
$pos = $this->getEndPosition($imageName); //najdi pozicijo konca URL slike
$imageName = substr($imageName, 0, $pos); //pokazi le del params od zacetka besedila do '"' oz. konca URL slike
//echo "imageName v getOnlineImageName nekje vmes 2: ".$imageName."";
$imageExtension = substr($imageName, $pos-3, 3); //pridobi koncnico slike
//echo "imageExtension: ".$imageExtension."";
//if($imageExtension!='jpg'&&$imageExtension!='png'&&$imageExtension!='gif'&&$imageExtension!='jpeg'){ //ce ni veljavnen extension, spremeni ga v png
if($imageExtension=='jpg'||$imageExtension=='gif'||$imageExtension=='jpeg'){ //ce ni veljavnen extension, spremeni ga v png
//echo "spremeni extension ";
if($vre_id){ //ce se pridobiva imena tmp slik iz vrednosti vprasanja
//$imgFilename = self::$spremenljivka.'_'.$vre_id.'_tmpImage.'.$imageExtension; //tmp ime slike, ki je sestavljeno iz id spremenljivke+tmpImage+extension
$imgFilename = self::$spremenljivka.'_'.$vre_id.'_tmpImage_'.$img_id.'.'.$imageExtension; //tmp ime slike, ki je sestavljeno iz id spremenljivke+tmpImage+extension
//$imgFilename = self::$spremenljivka.'_tmpImage.'.$imageExtension; //tmp ime slike, ki je sestavljeno iz id spremenljivke+tmpImage+extension
$imgFilename = self::$spremenljivka.'_tmpImage_'.$img_id.'.'.$imageExtension; //tmp ime slike, ki je sestavljeno iz id spremenljivke+tmpImage+extension
$pathDir = $site_path.'uploadi/editor/'; //pot za novo mapo, kjer se bodo shranjevale slike za trenutno anketo
$path = $pathDir.$imgFilename; //pot do datoteke z imenom datoteke
# ukaz za pretakanje slike
//za windows sisteme //powershell -command "& { iwr URL -OutFile 'PATH' }"
$command = 'powershell -command "& { iwr \''.$imageName.'\' -OutFile \''.$path.'\' }"';
//$command = 'wget -O \''.$imageName.'\' -O '.$path.' ';
//za linux sisteme //exec('wget URL -P PATH ');
//$command = 'wget \''.$imageName.'\' -P '.$path.' ';
$command = 'wget -O '.$path.' \''.$imageName.'\' ';
//echo "ukaz za pobiranje: $command ";
//echo "command: ".$command."";
exec($command); //pretoci sliko
//$path = $pathDir.$imgFilename; //pot do datoteke z imenom datoteke
/* if($imageExtension == 'gif'){ //ce je slika gif, jo je potrebno pretvoriti v png, saj latex ne podpira gif
$this->convertGifToPng($path, $slikaNaStrezniku);
} */
//echo "imgfilename na koncu: ".$imgFilename."";
if($imageExtension != 'png'){ //ce slika ni png, jo pretvori
if($imageExtension == 'gif'){ //ce je slika gif, jo je potrebno pretvoriti v png, saj latex ne podpira gif
$this->convertGifToPng($path, $slikaNaStrezniku);
$this->convertJpgToPng($path, $slikaNaStrezniku, $imageExtension);
//echo "imgfilename na koncu: ".$imgFilename."";
return $imgFilename;
#funkcija, ki skrbi za pridobitev slike, ki se nahaja nekje online in jo je potrebno izrisati, in vrne lokalno ime slike - konec ###############################
function coloredTextLatex($color='', $text=''){
$coloredText = '';
$coloredText .= '\textcolor{'.$color.'}{'.$text.'}';
return $coloredText;