/* * FTP Server for ESP8266/ESP32 * based on FTP Serveur for Arduino Due and Ethernet shield (W5100) or WIZ820io (W5200) * based on Jean-Michel Gallego's work * modified to work with esp8266 SPIFFS by David Paiva david@nailbuster.com * modified to work with esp8266 LitteFS by Daniel Plasa dplasa@gmail.com * Also done some code reworks and all string contants are now in flash memory * by using F(), PSTR() ... on the string literals. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "FTPServer.h" #ifdef ESP8266 #include #elif defined ESP32 #include #endif #include "FTPCommon.h" #include #include WiFiServer controlServer(FTP_CTRL_PORT); WiFiServer dataServer(FTP_DATA_PORT_PASV); // some constants static const char aSpace[] PROGMEM = " "; static const char aSlash[] PROGMEM = "/"; // constructor FTPServer::FTPServer(FS &_FSImplementation) : FTPCommon(_FSImplementation) { aTimeout.resetToNeverExpires(); } void FTPServer::begin(const String &uname, const String &pword) { _FTP_USER = uname; _FTP_PASS = pword; iniVariables(); // Tells the ftp server to begin listening for incoming connections controlServer.begin(); dataServer.begin(); } void FTPServer::stop() { abortTransfer(); disconnectClient(false); controlServer.stop(); dataServer.stop(); FTPCommon::stop(); } void FTPServer::iniVariables() { // Default Data connection is Active dataPassiveConn = true; // Set the root directory cwd = FPSTR(aSlash); // init internal status vars cmdState = cInit; transferState = tIdle; rnFrom.clear(); // reset control connection input buffer, clear previous command cmdLine.clear(); cmdString.clear(); parameters.clear(); command = 0; // free any used fileBuffer freeBuffer(); } void FTPServer::handleFTP() { // // control connection state sequence is // cInit // | // V // cWait // | // V // cCheck -----------+ // | | (no username but password set) // V | // cUserId ----------+---+ // | | | // +<--------------+ | // V | (no password set) // cPassword | // | | // +<------------------+ // V // cLoginOk // | // V // cProcess // // if ((int32_t)(millisDelay - millis()) > 0) // return; if (cmdState == cInit) { if (control.connected()) { abortTransfer(); disconnectClient(false); } iniVariables(); cmdState = cWait; } else if (cmdState == cWait) // FTP control server waiting for connection { if (controlServer.hasClient()) { control = controlServer.available(); // wait 10s for login command aTimeout.reset(10 * 1000); cmdState = cCheck; } } else if (cmdState == cCheck) // FTP control server check/setup control connection { if (control.connected()) // A client connected, say "220 Hello client!" { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("control server got connection from %s:%d", control.remoteIP().toString().c_str(), control.remotePort()); sendMessage_P(220, PSTR("(espFTP " FTP_SERVER_VERSION ")")); if (_FTP_USER.length()) { cmdState = cUserId; } else if (_FTP_PASS.length()) { cmdState = cPassword; } else { cmdState = cLoginOk; } } } else if (cmdState == cLoginOk) // tell client "Login ok!" { sendMessage_P(230, PSTR("Login successful.")); aTimeout.reset(sTimeOutMs); cmdState = cProcess; } // // all other command states need to process commands froms control connection // else if (readChar() > 0) { // enforce USER than PASS commands before anything else except the FEAT command // that should be supported to indicate server features even before login if ((FTP_CMD(FEAT) != command) && (((cmdState == cUserId) && (FTP_CMD(USER) != command)) || ((cmdState == cPassword) && (FTP_CMD(PASS) != command)))) { sendMessage_P(530, PSTR("Please login with USER and PASS.")); FTP_DEBUG_MSG("ignoring before login: command %s [%x], params='%s'", cmdString.c_str(), command, parameters.c_str()); command = 0; return; } // process the command int8_t rc = processCommand(); // returns // -1 : command processing indicates, we have to close control (e.g. QUIT) // 0 : not yet finished, just call processCommend() again // 1 : finished if (rc < 0) { cmdState = cInit; } if (rc > 0) { // clear current command, so readChar() can fetch the next command command = 0; // command was successful, update command state if (cmdState == cUserId) { if (_FTP_PASS.length()) { // wait 10s for PASS command aTimeout.reset(10 * 1000); sendMessage_P(331, PSTR("Please specify the password.")); cmdState = cPassword; } else { cmdState = cLoginOk; } } else if (cmdState == cPassword) { cmdState = cLoginOk; } else { aTimeout.reset(sTimeOutMs); } } } // // general connection handling // (if we have an established control connection) // if (cmdState >= cCheck) { // detect lost/closed by remote connections if (!control.connected() || !control) { cmdState = cInit; FTP_DEBUG_MSG("client lost or disconnected"); } // check for timeout if (aTimeout.expired()) { sendMessage_P(530, PSTR("Timeout.")); cmdState = cInit; } // handle data file transfer if (transferState == tRetrieve) // Retrieve data { if (!doFiletoNetwork()) { closeTransfer(); transferState = tIdle; } } else if (transferState == tStore) // Store data { if (!doNetworkToFile()) { closeTransfer(); transferState = tIdle; } } } } void FTPServer::disconnectClient(bool gracious) { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Disconnecting client"); abortTransfer(); if (gracious) { sendMessage_P(221, PSTR("Goodbye.")); } else { sendMessage_P(231, PSTR("Service terminated.")); } control.stop(); } int8_t FTPServer::processCommand() { // assume successful operation by default int8_t rc = 1; // make the full path of parameters (even if this makes no sense for all commands) String path = getFileName(parameters, true); FTP_DEBUG_MSG("processing: command %s [%x], params='%s' (cwd='%s')", cmdString.c_str(), command, parameters.c_str(), cwd.c_str()); /////////////////////////////////////// // // // ACCESS CONTROL COMMANDS // // // /////////////////////////////////////// // // USER - Provide username // if (FTP_CMD(USER) == command) { if (_FTP_USER.length() && (_FTP_USER != parameters)) { sendMessage_P(430, PSTR("User not found.")); command = 0; rc = 0; } else { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("USER ok"); } } // // PASS - Provide password // else if (FTP_CMD(PASS) == command) { if (_FTP_PASS.length() && (_FTP_PASS != parameters)) { sendMessage_P(430, PSTR("Password invalid.")); command = 0; rc = 0; } else { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("PASS ok"); } } // // QUIT // else if (FTP_CMD(QUIT) == command) { disconnectClient(); rc = -1; } // // NOOP // else if (FTP_CMD(NOOP) == command) { sendMessage_P(200, PSTR("Zzz...")); } // // CDUP - Change to Parent Directory // else if (FTP_CMD(CDUP) == command) { // up one level cwd = getPathName("", false); sendMessage_P(250, PSTR("Directory successfully changed to \"%s\"."), cwd.c_str()); } // // CWD - Change Working Directory // else if (FTP_CMD(CWD) == command) { if (parameters == F(".")) // 'CWD .' is the same as PWD command { command = FTP_CMD(PWD); // make CWD a PWD command ;-) rc = 0; // indicate we need another processCommand() call } else if (parameters == F("..")) // 'CWD ..' is the same as CDUP command { command = FTP_CMD(CDUP); // make CWD a CDUP command ;-) rc = 0; // indicate we need another processCommand() call } else { #if (defined esp8266FTPServer_SPIFFS) // SPIFFS has no directories, it's always ok cwd = path; sendMessage_P(250, PSTR("Directory successfully changed.")); #else // check if directory exists file = THEFS.open(path, "r"); if (file.isDirectory()) { cwd = path; sendMessage_P(250, PSTR("Directory successfully changed.")); } else { sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("Failed to change directory.")); } file.close(); #endif } } // // PWD - Print Directory // else if (FTP_CMD(PWD) == command) { sendMessage_P(257, PSTR("\"%s\" is the current directory."), cwd.c_str()); } /////////////////////////////////////// // // // TRANSFER PARAMETER COMMANDS // // // /////////////////////////////////////// // // MODE - Transfer Mode // else if (FTP_CMD(MODE) == command) { if (parameters == F("S")) sendMessage_P(504, PSTR("Only S(tream) mode is suported")); else sendMessage_P(200, PSTR("Mode set to S.")); } // // PASV - Passive data connection management // else if (FTP_CMD(PASV) == command) { // stop a possible previous data connection data.stop(); // tell client to open data connection to our ip:dataPort dataPort = FTP_DATA_PORT_PASV; dataPassiveConn = true; String ip = control.localIP().toString(); ip.replace(".", ","); sendMessage_P(227, PSTR("Entering Passive Mode (%s,%d,%d)."), ip.c_str(), dataPort >> 8, dataPort & 255); } // // PORT - Data Port, Active data connection management // else if (FTP_CMD(PORT) == command) { if (data) data.stop(); if (parseDataIpPort(parameters.c_str())) { dataPassiveConn = false; sendMessage_P(200, PSTR("PORT command successful")); FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Data connection management Active, using %s:%u", dataIP.toString().c_str(), dataPort); } else { sendMessage_P(501, PSTR("Cannot interpret parameters.")); } } // // STRU - File Structure // else if (FTP_CMD(STRU) == command) { if (parameters == F("F")) sendMessage_P(504, PSTR("Only F(ile) is suported")); else sendMessage_P(200, PSTR("Structure set to F.")); } // // TYPE - Data Type // else if (FTP_CMD(TYPE) == command) { if (parameters == F("A")) sendMessage_P(200, PSTR("TYPE is now ASII.")); else if (parameters == F("I")) sendMessage_P(200, PSTR("TYPE is now 8-bit Binary.")); else sendMessage_P(504, PSTR("Unrecognised TYPE.")); } /////////////////////////////////////// // // // FTP SERVICE COMMANDS // // // /////////////////////////////////////// // // ABOR - Abort // else if (FTP_CMD(ABOR) == command) { abortTransfer(); sendMessage_P(226, PSTR("Data connection closed")); } // // DELE - Delete a File // else if (FTP_CMD(DELE) == command) { if (parameters.length() == 0) sendMessage_P(501, PSTR("No file name")); else { if (!THEFS.exists(path)) { sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("Delete operation failed, file '%s' not found."), path.c_str()); } else if (THEFS.remove(path)) { sendMessage_P(250, PSTR("Delete operation successful.")); } else { sendMessage_P(450, PSTR("Delete operation failed.")); } } } // // LIST - List directory contents // MLSD - Listing for Machine Processing (see RFC 3659) // NLST - Name List // else if ((FTP_CMD(LIST) == command) || (FTP_CMD(MLSD) == command) || (FTP_CMD(NLST) == command)) { rc = dataConnect(); // returns -1: no data connection, 0: need more time, 1: data ok if (rc < 0) { sendMessage_P(425, PSTR("No data connection")); rc = 1; // mark command as processed } else if (rc > 0) { sendMessage_P(150, PSTR("Accepted data connection")); uint16_t dirCount = 0; // filter out possible command parameters like "-a", given by some clients // like FuseFS int8_t dashPos = path.lastIndexOf(F("-")); if (dashPos > 0) { path.remove(dashPos); } FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Listing content of '%s'", path.c_str()); Dir dir = THEFS.openDir(path); while (dir.next()) { ++dirCount; bool isDir = false; String fn = dir.fileName(); if (cwd == FPSTR(aSlash) && fn[0] == '/') fn.remove(0, 1); isDir = dir.isDirectory(); file = dir.openFile("r"); String fileTime = makeDateTimeStr(file.getLastWrite()); file.close(); if (FTP_CMD(LIST) == command) { // unixperms type userid groupid size time & date name // drwxrwsr-x 2 111 117 4096 Apr 01 12:45 aDirectory // -rw-rw-r-- 1 111 117 875315 Mar 23 17:29 aFile data.printf_P(PSTR("%crw%cr-%cr-%c %c 0 0 %8lu %s %s\r\n"), isDir ? 'd' : '-', isDir ? 'x' : '-', isDir ? 'x' : '-', isDir ? 'x' : '-', isDir ? '2' : '1', isDir ? 0 : (uint32_t)dir.fileSize(), fileTime.c_str(), fn.c_str()); //data.printf_P(PSTR("+r,s%lu\r\n,\t%s\r\n"), (uint32_t)dir.fileSize(), fn.c_str()); } else if (FTP_CMD(MLSD) == command) { // "modify=20170122163911;type=dir;UNIX.group=0;UNIX.mode=0775;UNIX.owner=0; dirname" // "modify=20170121000817;size=12;type=file;UNIX.group=0;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.owner=0; filename" data.printf_P(PSTR("modify=%s;UNIX.group=0;UNIX.owner=0;UNIX.mode="), fileTime.c_str()); if (isDir) { data.printf_P(PSTR("0755;type=dir; ")); } else { data.printf_P(PSTR("0644;size=%lu;type=file; "), (uint32_t)dir.fileSize()); } data.printf_P(PSTR("%s\r\n"), fn.c_str()); } else if (FTP_CMD(NLST) == command) { data.println(fn); } } if (FTP_CMD(MLSD) == command) { control.println(F("226-options: -a -l\r\n")); } sendMessage_P(226, PSTR("%d matches total"), dirCount); } #if defined ESP32 File root = THEFS.open(cwd); if (!root) { sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("Can't open directory \"%s\""), cwd.c_str()); // return; } else { // if(!root.isDirectory()){ // FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Not a directory: '%s'", cwd.c_str()); // return; // } File file = root.openNextFile(); while (file) { if (file.isDirectory()) { data.println("+r,s " + String(file.name())); // Serial.print(" DIR : "); // Serial.println(file.name()); // if(levels){ // listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); // } } else { String fn, fs; fn = file.name(); // fn.remove(0, 1); fs = String(file.size()); data.println("+r,s" + fs); data.println(",\t" + fn); nm++; } file = root.openNextFile(); } sendMessage_P(226, PSTR("%d matches total"), nm); } #endif data.stop(); } #if defined ESP32 // // FIXME MLSD ESP32 // else if (!strcmp(command, "MLSD")) { File root = THEFS.open(cwd); // if(!root){ // control.println( "550, "Can't open directory " + cwd ); // // return; // } else { // if(!root.isDirectory()){ // Serial.println("Not a directory"); // return; // } File file = root.openNextFile(); while (file) { // if(file.isDirectory()){ // data.println( "+r,s " + String(file.name())); // // Serial.print(" DIR : "); // // Serial.println(file.name()); // // if(levels){ // // listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); // // } // } else { String fn, fs; fn = file.name(); fn.remove(0, 1); fs = String(file.size()); data.println("Type=file;Size=" + fs + ";" + "modify=20000101160656;" + " " + fn); nm++; // } file = root.openNextFile(); } sendMessage_P(226, PSTR("-options: -a -l")); sendMessage_P(226, PSTR("%d matches total"), nm); // } data.stop(); } // // NLST // else if (!strcmp(command, "NLST")) { File root = THEFS.open(cwd); if (!root) { sendMessage_P(550, "Can't open directory %s\n"), cwd.c_str()); } else { File file = root.openNextFile(); while (file) { data.println(file.name()); nm++; file = root.openNextFile(); } sendMessage_P(226, "%d matches total", nm); } data.stop(); } #endif // // RETR - Retrieve // else if (FTP_CMD(RETR) == command) { if (parameters.length() == 0) { sendMessage_P(501, PSTR("No file name")); } else { // open the file if not opened before (when re-running processCommand() since data connetion needs time) if (!file) file = THEFS.open(path, "r"); if (!file) { sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("File \"%s\" not found."), parameters.c_str()); } else if (!file.isFile()) { sendMessage_P(450, PSTR("Cannot open file \"%s\"."), parameters.c_str()); } else { rc = dataConnect(); // returns -1: no data connection, 0: need more time, 1: data ok if (rc < 0) { sendMessage_P(425, PSTR("No data connection")); rc = 1; // mark command as processed } else if (rc > 0) { transferState = tRetrieve; millisBeginTrans = millis(); bytesTransfered = 0; uint32_t fs = file.size(); if (allocateBuffer(TCP_MSS)) { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Sending file '%s' (%lu bytes)", path.c_str(), fs); sendMessage_P(150, PSTR("%lu bytes to download"), fs); } else { closeTransfer(); sendMessage_P(451, PSTR("Internal error. Not enough memory.")); } } } } } // // STOR - Store // else if (FTP_CMD(STOR) == command) { if (parameters.length() == 0) { sendMessage_P(501, PSTR("No file name.")); } else { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("STOR '%s'", path.c_str()); if (!file) file = THEFS.open(path, "w"); if (!file) { sendMessage_P(451, PSTR("Cannot open/create \"%s\""), path.c_str()); } else { rc = dataConnect(); // returns -1: no data connection, 0: need more time, 1: data ok if (rc < 0) { sendMessage_P(425, PSTR("No data connection")); file.close(); rc = 1; // mark command as processed } else if (rc > 0) { transferState = tStore; millisBeginTrans = millis(); bytesTransfered = 0; if (allocateBuffer(TCP_MSS)) { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Receiving file '%s' => %s", parameters.c_str(), path.c_str()); sendMessage_P(150, PSTR("Connected to port %d"), dataPort); } else { closeTransfer(); sendMessage_P(451, PSTR("Internal error. Not enough memory.")); } } } } } // // MKD - Make Directory // else if (FTP_CMD(MKD) == command) { #if (defined esp8266FTPServer_SPIFFS) sendMessage_P(550, "Create directory operation failed."); //not support on SPIFFS #else FTP_DEBUG_MSG("mkdir(%s)", path.c_str()); if (THEFS.mkdir(path)) { sendMessage_P(257, PSTR("\"%s\" created."), path.c_str()); } else { sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("Create directory operation failed.")); } #endif } // // RMD - Remove a Directory // else if (FTP_CMD(RMD) == command) { #if (defined esp8266FTPServer_SPIFFS) sendMessage_P(550, "Remove directory operation failed."); //not support on SPIFFS #else // check directory for files Dir dir = THEFS.openDir(path); if (dir.next()) { //only delete if dir is empty! sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("Remove directory operation failed, directory is not empty.")); } else { THEFS.rmdir(path); sendMessage_P(250, PSTR("Remove directory operation successful.")); } #endif } // // RNFR - Rename From // else if (FTP_CMD(RNFR) == command) { if (parameters.length() == 0) sendMessage_P(501, PSTR("No file name")); else { if (!THEFS.exists(path)) sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("File \"%s\" not found."), path.c_str()); else { sendMessage_P(350, PSTR("RNFR accepted - file \"%s\" exists, ready for destination"), path.c_str()); rnFrom = path; } } } // // RNTO - Rename To // else if (FTP_CMD(RNTO) == command) { if (rnFrom.length() == 0) sendMessage_P(503, PSTR("Need RNFR before RNTO")); else if (parameters.length() == 0) sendMessage_P(501, PSTR("No file name")); else if (THEFS.exists(path)) sendMessage_P(553, PSTR("\"%s\" already exists."), parameters.c_str()); else { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Renaming '%s' to '%s'", rnFrom.c_str(), path.c_str()); if (THEFS.rename(rnFrom, path)) sendMessage_P(250, PSTR("File successfully renamed or moved")); else sendMessage_P(451, PSTR("Rename/move failure.")); } rnFrom.clear(); } /////////////////////////////////////// // // // EXTENSIONS COMMANDS (RFC 3659) // // // /////////////////////////////////////// // // FEAT - New Features // else if (FTP_CMD(FEAT) == command) { control.print(F("211-Features:\r\n MLSD\r\n MDTM\r\n SITE\r\n SIZE\r\n211 End.\r\n")); command = 0; // clear command code and rc = 0; // return 0 to prevent progression of state machine in case FEAT was a command before login } // // MDTM - File Modification Time (see RFC 3659) // else if (FTP_CMD(MDTM) == command) { file = THEFS.open(path, "r"); if ((!file) || (0 == parameters.length())) { sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("Unable to retrieve time")); } else { sendMessage_P(213, PSTR("%s"), makeDateTimeStr(file.getLastWrite()).c_str()); } file.close(); } // // SIZE - Size of the file // else if (FTP_CMD(SIZE) == command) { file = THEFS.open(path, "r"); if ((!file) || (0 == parameters.length())) { sendMessage_P(450, PSTR("Cannot open file.")); } else { sendMessage_P(213, PSTR("%lu"), (uint32_t)file.size()); } file.close(); } // // SITE - System command // else if (FTP_CMD(SITE) == command) { sendMessage_P(550, PSTR("SITE %s command not implemented."), parameters.c_str()); } // // SYST - System information // else if (FTP_CMD(SYST) == command) { sendMessage_P(215, PSTR("UNIX Type: L8")); } // // Unrecognized commands ... // else { FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Unknown command: %s, params: '%s')", cmdString.c_str(), parameters.c_str()); sendMessage_P(500, PSTR("unknown command \"%s\""), cmdString.c_str()); } return rc; } int8_t FTPServer::dataConnect() { int8_t rc = 1; // assume success if (!dataPassiveConn) { // active mode // open our own data connection return FTPCommon::dataConnect(); } else { // passive mode // wait for data connection from the client if (!data.connected()) { if (dataServer.hasClient()) { data.stop(); data = dataServer.available(); FTP_DEBUG_MSG("Got incoming (passive) data connection from %s:%u", data.remoteIP().toString().c_str(), data.remotePort()); } else { // give me more time waiting for a data connection rc = 0; } } } return rc; } void FTPServer::closeTransfer() { uint32_t deltaT = (int32_t)(millis() - millisBeginTrans); if (deltaT > 0 && bytesTransfered > 0) { sendMessage_P(226, PSTR("File successfully transferred, %lu ms, %f kB/s."), deltaT, float(bytesTransfered) / deltaT); } else sendMessage_P(226, PSTR("File successfully transferred")); FTPCommon::closeTransfer(); } void FTPServer::abortTransfer() { if (transferState > tIdle) { file.close(); data.stop(); sendMessage_P(426, PSTR("Transfer aborted")); } freeBuffer(); transferState = tIdle; } // Read a char from client connected to ftp server // // returns: // -1 if cmdLine too long // 0 cmdLine still incomplete (no \r or \n received yet) // 1 cmdLine processed, command and parameters available int8_t FTPServer::readChar() { // only read/parse, if the previous command has been fully processed! if (command) return 1; while (control.available()) { char c = control.read(); // FTP_DEBUG_MSG("readChar() cmdLine='%s' <= %c", cmdLine.c_str(), c); // substitute '\' with '/' if (c == '\\') c = '/'; // nl detected? then process line if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { cmdLine.trim(); // but only if we got at least chars in the line! if (0 == cmdLine.length()) break; // search for space between command and parameters int pos = cmdLine.indexOf(FPSTR(aSpace)); if (pos > 0) { parameters = cmdLine.substring(pos + 1); parameters.trim(); cmdLine.remove(pos); } else { parameters.remove(0); } cmdString = cmdLine; // convert command to upper case cmdString.toUpperCase(); // convert the (up to 4 command chars to numerical value) command = *(const uint32_t *)cmdString.c_str(); // clear cmdline cmdLine.clear(); // FTP_DEBUG_MSG("readChar() success, cmdString='%s' [%x], params='%s'", cmdString.c_str(), command, parameters.c_str()); return 1; } else { // just add char cmdLine += c; if (cmdLine.length() > FTP_CMD_SIZE) { cmdLine.clear(); sendMessage_P(500, PSTR("Line too long")); } } } return 0; } // Get the complete path from cwd + parameters or complete filename from cwd + parameters // // 3 possible cases: parameters can be absolute path, relative path or only the name // // returns: // path WITHOUT file-/dirname (fullname=false) // full path WITH file-/dirname (fullname=true) String FTPServer::getPathName(const String ¶m, bool fullname) { String tmp; // is param an absoulte path? if (param[0] == '/') { tmp = param; } else { // start with cwd tmp = cwd; // if param != "" then add param if (param.length()) { if (!tmp.endsWith(FPSTR(aSlash))) tmp += '/'; tmp += param; } // => tmp becomes cdw [ + '/' + param ] } // strip filename if (!fullname) { // search rightmost '/' int lastslash = tmp.lastIndexOf(FPSTR(aSlash)); if (lastslash >= 0) { tmp.remove(lastslash); } } // sanetize: // "" -> "/" // "/some/path/" => "/some/path" while (tmp.length() > 1 && tmp.endsWith(FPSTR(aSlash))) tmp.remove(cwd.length() - 1); if (tmp.length() == 0) tmp += '/'; return tmp; } // Get the [complete] file name from cwd + parameters // // 3 possible cases: parameters can be absolute path, relative path or only the filename // // returns: // filename or filename with complete path String FTPServer::getFileName(const String ¶m, bool fullFilePath) { // build the filename with full path String tmp = getPathName(param, true); if (!fullFilePath) { // strip path // search rightmost '/' int lastslash = tmp.lastIndexOf(FPSTR(aSlash)); if (lastslash > 0) { tmp.remove(0, lastslash); } } return tmp; } // Formats YYYYMMDDHHMMSS from a time_t timestamp // // uses the buf of the FTPServer to store the date string // // parameters: // timestamp // // return: // pointer to buf[0] String FTPServer::makeDateTimeStr(time_t ft) { String tmp; struct tm _tm; gmtime_r(&ft, &_tm); if (FTP_CMD(MLSD) == command) { tmp.reserve(17); strftime((char *)tmp.c_str(), 17, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", &_tm); } else if (FTP_CMD(LIST) == command) { // "%h %d %H:%M", e.g. "May 17 12:34" for file dates of the current year // "%h %d %Y" , e.g. "May 17 2019" for file dates of any other years tmp.reserve(18); // just convert both ways, cut out later what's to be shown strftime((char *)tmp.c_str(), 13, "%h %d %Y%H:%M", &_tm); // check for a year != year from now int fileYear = _tm.tm_year; time_t nowTime = time(NULL); gmtime_r(&nowTime, &_tm); // tmp is "May 17 201912:34" if (fileYear != _tm.tm_year) { // cut off time tmp.remove(12); } else { // cut off year tmp.remove(7,5); } } return tmp; } // // send "code formatted string" + CR-LF // void FTPServer::sendMessage_P(int16_t code, PGM_P fmt, ...) { FTP_DEBUG_MSG(">>> %d %S", code, fmt); int size = 0; char *p = NULL; va_list ap; /* Determine required size for a string buffer */ va_start(ap, fmt); size = vsnprintf(p, size, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (size > 0) { p = (char *)malloc(++size); // increase +1 for '\0' if (p) { va_start(ap, fmt); size = vsnprintf(p, size, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (size > 0) { control.printf_P(PSTR("%d %s\r\n"), code, p); } free(p); } } }