From 30362a6ad132cbafde82cc57293e00679d4f86c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Doug Zongker Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 11:32:17 -0700 Subject: verifier: update to support certificates using SHA-256 (cherry picked from commit bac7fba02763ae5e78e8e4ba0bea727330ad953e) Change-Id: I01c38d7fea088622a8b0bbf2c833fa2d969417af --- applypatch/applypatch.c | 2 +- install.cpp | 2 +- testdata/ | Bin 0 -> 5319 bytes testdata/ | Bin 0 -> 5326 bytes testdata/test_f4_sha256.x509.pem | 25 +++++++ testdata/testkey.pk8 | Bin 0 -> 1217 bytes testdata/testkey.x509.pem | 27 +++++++ testdata/testkey_sha256.x509.pem | 27 +++++++ updater/install.c | 2 +- verifier.cpp | 80 ++++++++++++++++----- verifier.h | 9 ++- verifier_test.cpp | 151 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------ | 38 +++++----- 13 files changed, 254 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-) create mode 100644 testdata/ create mode 100644 testdata/ create mode 100644 testdata/test_f4_sha256.x509.pem create mode 100644 testdata/testkey.pk8 create mode 100644 testdata/testkey.x509.pem create mode 100644 testdata/testkey_sha256.x509.pem diff --git a/applypatch/applypatch.c b/applypatch/applypatch.c index 0dcdce0b1..6b8da2a8a 100644 --- a/applypatch/applypatch.c +++ b/applypatch/applypatch.c @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ int LoadFileContents(const char* filename, FileContents* file, } } - SHA(file->data, file->size, file->sha1); + SHA_hash(file->data, file->size, file->sha1); return 0; } diff --git a/install.cpp b/install.cpp index 0f3298f1d..0cb5cc7df 100644 --- a/install.cpp +++ b/install.cpp @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ really_install_package(const char *path, int* wipe_cache) ui->Print("Opening update package...\n"); int numKeys; - RSAPublicKey* loadedKeys = load_keys(PUBLIC_KEYS_FILE, &numKeys); + Certificate* loadedKeys = load_keys(PUBLIC_KEYS_FILE, &numKeys); if (loadedKeys == NULL) { LOGE("Failed to load keys\n"); return INSTALL_CORRUPT; diff --git a/testdata/ b/testdata/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3af408c40 Binary files /dev/null and b/testdata/ differ diff --git a/testdata/ b/testdata/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ed4409b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/testdata/ differ diff --git a/testdata/test_f4_sha256.x509.pem b/testdata/test_f4_sha256.x509.pem new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d5376b45 --- /dev/null +++ b/testdata/test_f4_sha256.x509.pem @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIENjCCAx6gAwIBAgIJAKhkCO1dDYMaMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMG8xCzAJBgNV +BAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRYwFAYDVQQHEw1Nb3VudGFpbiBW +aWV3MQ8wDQYDVQQKEwZHb29nbGUxEDAOBgNVBAsTB0FuZHJvaWQxEDAOBgNVBAMT +B1Rlc3QxMjMwHhcNMTMwNDEwMTcyMzUyWhcNMTMwNTEwMTcyMzUyWjBvMQswCQYD +VQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNTW91bnRhaW4g +VmlldzEPMA0GA1UEChMGR29vZ2xlMRAwDgYDVQQLEwdBbmRyb2lkMRAwDgYDVQQD +EwdUZXN0MTIzMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAu8WwMN9x +4Mz7YgkG2qy9g8/kl5ZoYrUM0ApHhaITAcL7RXLZaNipCf0w/YjYTQgj+75MK30x +TsnPeWNOEwA62gkHrZyyWfxBRO6kBYuIuI4roGDBJOmKQ1OEaDeIRKu7q5V8v3Cs +0wQDAQWTbhpxBZr9UYFgJUg8XWBfPrGJLVwsoiy4xrMhoTlNZKHfwOMMqVtSHkZX +qydYrcIzyjh+TO0e/xSNQ8MMRRbtqWgCHN6Rzhog3IHZu0RaPoukariopjXM/s0V +gTm3rHDHCOpna2pNblyiFlvbkoCs769mtNmx/yrDShO30jg/xaG8RypKDvTChzOT +oWW/XQ5VEXjbHwIDAQABo4HUMIHRMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRlT2dEZJY1tmUM8mZ0xnhS +GdD9TTCBoQYDVR0jBIGZMIGWgBRlT2dEZJY1tmUM8mZ0xnhSGdD9TaFzpHEwbzEL +MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExFjAUBgNVBAcTDU1vdW50 +YWluIFZpZXcxDzANBgNVBAoTBkdvb2dsZTEQMA4GA1UECxMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4G +A1UEAxMHVGVzdDEyM4IJAKhkCO1dDYMaMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcN +AQELBQADggEBAKWWQ9S0V9wWjrMJe8exj1gklwD1Ysi0vi+h2tfixahelrpsNkWi +EFjoUSHEkW9ThLmtui646uAlwSiWtSn1XkGGmIJ3s+gmAFUcMc0CaK0dgoq/M9zn +fQ0Vkzc1tK4MLsf+CbPDywPycb6+T3dBkerbWn9GUpjGl1ANWlciXZZ3657m61sL +HhwUOBxbZZ6sYP4ed2SVCf45GgMyJ0VoUg5yI2JzPAgOkGfeEIPVXE1M94edJY4G +8eHYvXovJZwXvKFI+ZyS0KBPx8cpfw89RB9qmkxqNBIm8qWb3qBiuBEIPj+NF/7w +sC/Fv8NNXkVquy0xa0qdyJBABzWE18zGcXs= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/testdata/testkey.pk8 b/testdata/testkey.pk8 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..586c1bd5c Binary files /dev/null and b/testdata/testkey.pk8 differ diff --git a/testdata/testkey.x509.pem b/testdata/testkey.x509.pem new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e242d83e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testdata/testkey.x509.pem @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIEqDCCA5CgAwIBAgIJAJNurL4H8gHfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMIGUMQswCQYD +VQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNTW91bnRhaW4g +VmlldzEQMA4GA1UEChMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UECxMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UE +AxMHQW5kcm9pZDEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTYW5kcm9pZEBhbmRyb2lkLmNvbTAe +Fw0wODAyMjkwMTMzNDZaFw0zNTA3MTcwMTMzNDZaMIGUMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzET +MBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNTW91bnRhaW4gVmlldzEQMA4G +A1UEChMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UECxMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UEAxMHQW5kcm9p +ZDEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTYW5kcm9pZEBhbmRyb2lkLmNvbTCCASAwDQYJKoZI +hvcNAQEBBQADggENADCCAQgCggEBANaTGQTexgskse3HYuDZ2CU+Ps1s6x3i/waM +qOi8qM1r03hupwqnbOYOuw+ZNVn/2T53qUPn6D1LZLjk/qLT5lbx4meoG7+yMLV4 +wgRDvkxyGLhG9SEVhvA4oU6Jwr44f46+z4/Kw9oe4zDJ6pPQp8PcSvNQIg1QCAcy +4ICXF+5qBTNZ5qaU7Cyz8oSgpGbIepTYOzEJOmc3Li9kEsBubULxWBjf/gOBzAzU +RNps3cO4JFgZSAGzJWQTT7/emMkod0jb9WdqVA2BVMi7yge54kdVMxHEa5r3b97s +zI5p58ii0I54JiCUP5lyfTwE/nKZHZnfm644oLIXf6MdW2r+6R8CAQOjgfwwgfkw +HQYDVR0OBBYEFEhZAFY9JyxGrhGGBaR0GawJyowRMIHJBgNVHSMEgcEwgb6AFEhZ +AFY9JyxGrhGGBaR0GawJyowRoYGapIGXMIGUMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UE +CBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNTW91bnRhaW4gVmlldzEQMA4GA1UEChMH +QW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UECxMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UEAxMHQW5kcm9pZDEiMCAG +CSqGSIb3DQEJARYTYW5kcm9pZEBhbmRyb2lkLmNvbYIJAJNurL4H8gHfMAwGA1Ud +EwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAHqvlozrUMRBBVEY0NqrrwFbinZa +J6cVosK0TyIUFf/azgMJWr+kLfcHCHJsIGnlw27drgQAvilFLAhLwn62oX6snb4Y +LCBOsVMR9FXYJLZW2+TcIkCRLXWG/oiVHQGo/rWuWkJgU134NDEFJCJGjDbiLCpe ++ZTWHdcwauTJ9pUbo8EvHRkU3cYfGmLaLfgn9gP+pWA7LFQNvXwBnDa6sppCccEX +31I828XzgXpJ4O+mDL1/dBd+ek8ZPUP0IgdyZm5MTYPhvVqGCHzzTy3sIeJFymwr +sBbmg2OAUNLEMO6nwmocSdN2ClirfxqCzJOLSDE4QyS9BAH6EhY6UFcOaE0= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/testdata/testkey_sha256.x509.pem b/testdata/testkey_sha256.x509.pem new file mode 100644 index 000000000..002ce8968 --- /dev/null +++ b/testdata/testkey_sha256.x509.pem @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIEqDCCA5CgAwIBAgIJAJNurL4H8gHfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGUMQswCQYD +VQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNTW91bnRhaW4g +VmlldzEQMA4GA1UEChMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UECxMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UE +AxMHQW5kcm9pZDEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTYW5kcm9pZEBhbmRyb2lkLmNvbTAe +Fw0xMzA0MTAxODA1MzZaFw0xMzA1MTAxODA1MzZaMIGUMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzET +MBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNTW91bnRhaW4gVmlldzEQMA4G +A1UEChMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UECxMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UEAxMHQW5kcm9p +ZDEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTYW5kcm9pZEBhbmRyb2lkLmNvbTCCASAwDQYJKoZI +hvcNAQEBBQADggENADCCAQgCggEBANaTGQTexgskse3HYuDZ2CU+Ps1s6x3i/waM +qOi8qM1r03hupwqnbOYOuw+ZNVn/2T53qUPn6D1LZLjk/qLT5lbx4meoG7+yMLV4 +wgRDvkxyGLhG9SEVhvA4oU6Jwr44f46+z4/Kw9oe4zDJ6pPQp8PcSvNQIg1QCAcy +4ICXF+5qBTNZ5qaU7Cyz8oSgpGbIepTYOzEJOmc3Li9kEsBubULxWBjf/gOBzAzU +RNps3cO4JFgZSAGzJWQTT7/emMkod0jb9WdqVA2BVMi7yge54kdVMxHEa5r3b97s +zI5p58ii0I54JiCUP5lyfTwE/nKZHZnfm644oLIXf6MdW2r+6R8CAQOjgfwwgfkw +HQYDVR0OBBYEFEhZAFY9JyxGrhGGBaR0GawJyowRMIHJBgNVHSMEgcEwgb6AFEhZ +AFY9JyxGrhGGBaR0GawJyowRoYGapIGXMIGUMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UE +CBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNTW91bnRhaW4gVmlldzEQMA4GA1UEChMH +QW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UECxMHQW5kcm9pZDEQMA4GA1UEAxMHQW5kcm9pZDEiMCAG +CSqGSIb3DQEJARYTYW5kcm9pZEBhbmRyb2lkLmNvbYIJAJNurL4H8gHfMAwGA1Ud +EwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAKRVj9hOaozH1W8Wb4CNj7sCWixh +UMMZJXkxUtvUVHZGefp6MdtYiD/ZM7YRwZphm9aNhkykbHJdZ3lPzeL2csCa+sDQ +8sIzGu0/aD6p4zgIKQZmz0mZHqPGbHoLWOmA9EexRCFZ7vO/kO56ZbyhfFz2DI3S +Yez65CabErOFhNX6WukSPbV3zfsHRDD5JUStb/ko6t99HXsvIO0Ax9poj60PpCC1 +SiFzHZUY9mOnUfJFs+3NWCwKtP9nho3mZ3pJ1i+SeF6JiqbE3KHl4CDBeVGcu3CK +fiUZ8e8iXVN471Cgc5GD6Ud1pS7ifNZJsKhbETQ63KmvHCLRPi4NmP67uDE= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/updater/install.c b/updater/install.c index 19054236c..1fc4fd394 100644 --- a/updater/install.c +++ b/updater/install.c @@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ Value* Sha1CheckFn(const char* name, State* state, int argc, Expr* argv[]) { return StringValue(strdup("")); } uint8_t digest[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE]; - SHA(args[0]->data, args[0]->size, digest); + SHA_hash(args[0]->data, args[0]->size, digest); FreeValue(args[0]); if (argc == 1) { diff --git a/verifier.cpp b/verifier.cpp index 5f4c981e5..782a83863 100644 --- a/verifier.cpp +++ b/verifier.cpp @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #include "mincrypt/rsa.h" #include "mincrypt/sha.h" +#include "mincrypt/sha256.h" #include #include @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ extern RecoveryUI* ui; // Return VERIFY_SUCCESS, VERIFY_FAILURE (if any error is encountered // or no key matches the signature). -int verify_file(const char* path, const RSAPublicKey *pKeys, unsigned int numKeys) { +int verify_file(const char* path, const Certificate* pKeys, unsigned int numKeys) { ui->SetProgress(0.0); FILE* f = fopen(path, "rb"); @@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ int verify_file(const char* path, const RSAPublicKey *pKeys, unsigned int numKey } if (footer[2] != 0xff || footer[3] != 0xff) { + LOGE("footer is wrong\n"); fclose(f); return VERIFY_FAILURE; } @@ -139,8 +141,19 @@ int verify_file(const char* path, const RSAPublicKey *pKeys, unsigned int numKey #define BUFFER_SIZE 4096 - SHA_CTX ctx; - SHA_init(&ctx); + bool need_sha1 = false; + bool need_sha256 = false; + for (i = 0; i < numKeys; ++i) { + switch (pKeys[i].hash_len) { + case SHA_DIGEST_SIZE: need_sha1 = true; break; + case SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE: need_sha256 = true; break; + } + } + + SHA_CTX sha1_ctx; + SHA256_CTX sha256_ctx; + SHA_init(&sha1_ctx); + SHA256_init(&sha256_ctx); unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE); if (buffer == NULL) { LOGE("failed to alloc memory for sha1 buffer\n"); @@ -159,7 +172,8 @@ int verify_file(const char* path, const RSAPublicKey *pKeys, unsigned int numKey fclose(f); return VERIFY_FAILURE; } - SHA_update(&ctx, buffer, size); + if (need_sha1) SHA_update(&sha1_ctx, buffer, size); + if (need_sha256) SHA256_update(&sha256_ctx, buffer, size); so_far += size; double f = so_far / (double)signed_len; if (f > frac + 0.02 || size == so_far) { @@ -170,12 +184,21 @@ int verify_file(const char* path, const RSAPublicKey *pKeys, unsigned int numKey fclose(f); free(buffer); - const uint8_t* sha1 = SHA_final(&ctx); + const uint8_t* sha1 = SHA_final(&sha1_ctx); + const uint8_t* sha256 = SHA256_final(&sha256_ctx); + for (i = 0; i < numKeys; ++i) { + const uint8_t* hash; + switch (pKeys[i].hash_len) { + case SHA_DIGEST_SIZE: hash = sha1; break; + case SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE: hash = sha256; break; + default: continue; + } + // The 6 bytes is the "(signature_start) $ff $ff (comment_size)" that // the signing tool appends after the signature itself. - if (RSA_verify(pKeys+i, eocd + eocd_size - 6 - RSANUMBYTES, - RSANUMBYTES, sha1)) { + if (RSA_verify(pKeys[i].public_key, eocd + eocd_size - 6 - RSANUMBYTES, + RSANUMBYTES, hash, pKeys[i].hash_len)) { LOGI("whole-file signature verified against key %d\n", i); free(eocd); return VERIFY_SUCCESS; @@ -207,10 +230,19 @@ int verify_file(const char* path, const RSAPublicKey *pKeys, unsigned int numKey // The file may contain multiple keys in this format, separated by // commas. The last key must not be followed by a comma. // +// A Certificate is a pair of an RSAPublicKey and a particular hash +// (we support SHA-1 and SHA-256; we store the hash length to signify +// which is being used). The hash used is implied by the version number. +// +// 1: 2048-bit RSA key with e=3 and SHA-1 hash +// 2: 2048-bit RSA key with e=65537 and SHA-1 hash +// 3: 2048-bit RSA key with e=3 and SHA-256 hash +// 4: 2048-bit RSA key with e=65537 and SHA-256 hash +// // Returns NULL if the file failed to parse, or if it contain zero keys. -RSAPublicKey* +Certificate* load_keys(const char* filename, int* numKeys) { - RSAPublicKey* out = NULL; + Certificate* out = NULL; *numKeys = 0; FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r"); @@ -224,24 +256,38 @@ load_keys(const char* filename, int* numKeys) { bool done = false; while (!done) { ++*numKeys; - out = (RSAPublicKey*)realloc(out, *numKeys * sizeof(RSAPublicKey)); - RSAPublicKey* key = out + (*numKeys - 1); + out = (Certificate*)realloc(out, *numKeys * sizeof(Certificate)); + Certificate* cert = out + (*numKeys - 1); + cert->public_key = (RSAPublicKey*)malloc(sizeof(RSAPublicKey)); char start_char; if (fscanf(f, " %c", &start_char) != 1) goto exit; if (start_char == '{') { // a version 1 key has no version specifier. - key->exponent = 3; + cert->public_key->exponent = 3; + cert->hash_len = SHA_DIGEST_SIZE; } else if (start_char == 'v') { int version; if (fscanf(f, "%d {", &version) != 1) goto exit; - if (version == 2) { - key->exponent = 65537; - } else { - goto exit; + switch (version) { + case 2: + cert->public_key->exponent = 65537; + cert->hash_len = SHA_DIGEST_SIZE; + break; + case 3: + cert->public_key->exponent = 3; + cert->hash_len = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; + break; + case 4: + cert->public_key->exponent = 65537; + cert->hash_len = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; + break; + default: + goto exit; } } + RSAPublicKey* key = cert->public_key; if (fscanf(f, " %i , 0x%x , { %u", &(key->len), &(key->n0inv), &(key->n[0])) != 3) { goto exit; @@ -274,7 +320,7 @@ load_keys(const char* filename, int* numKeys) { goto exit; } - LOGI("read key e=%d\n", key->exponent); + LOGI("read key e=%d hash=%d\n", key->exponent, cert->hash_len); } } diff --git a/verifier.h b/verifier.h index e9ef3b722..6ce1b44d1 100644 --- a/verifier.h +++ b/verifier.h @@ -19,12 +19,17 @@ #include "mincrypt/rsa.h" +typedef struct Certificate { + int hash_len; // SHA_DIGEST_SIZE (SHA-1) or SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE (SHA-256) + RSAPublicKey* public_key; +} Certificate; + /* Look in the file for a signature footer, and verify that it * matches one of the given keys. Return one of the constants below. */ -int verify_file(const char* path, const RSAPublicKey *pKeys, unsigned int numKeys); +int verify_file(const char* path, const Certificate *pKeys, unsigned int numKeys); -RSAPublicKey* load_keys(const char* filename, int* numKeys); +Certificate* load_keys(const char* filename, int* numKeys); #define VERIFY_SUCCESS 0 #define VERIFY_FAILURE 1 diff --git a/verifier_test.cpp b/verifier_test.cpp index 2ef52a0f7..1063cbae5 100644 --- a/verifier_test.cpp +++ b/verifier_test.cpp @@ -21,80 +21,82 @@ #include "common.h" #include "verifier.h" #include "ui.h" +#include "mincrypt/sha.h" +#include "mincrypt/sha256.h" // This is build/target/product/security/testkey.x509.pem after being // dumped out by dumpkey.jar. RSAPublicKey test_key = { 64, 0xc926ad21, - { 1795090719, 2141396315, 950055447, -1713398866, - -26044131, 1920809988, 546586521, -795969498, - 1776797858, -554906482, 1805317999, 1429410244, - 129622599, 1422441418, 1783893377, 1222374759, - -1731647369, 323993566, 28517732, 609753416, - 1826472888, 215237850, -33324596, -245884705, - -1066504894, 774857746, 154822455, -1797768399, - -1536767878, -1275951968, -1500189652, 87251430, - -1760039318, 120774784, 571297800, -599067824, - -1815042109, -483341846, -893134306, -1900097649, - -1027721089, 950095497, 555058928, 414729973, - 1136544882, -1250377212, 465547824, -236820568, - -1563171242, 1689838846, -404210357, 1048029507, - 895090649, 247140249, 178744550, -747082073, - -1129788053, 109881576, -350362881, 1044303212, - -522594267, -1309816990, -557446364, -695002876}, - { -857949815, -510492167, -1494742324, -1208744608, - 251333580, 2131931323, 512774938, 325948880, - -1637480859, 2102694287, -474399070, 792812816, - 1026422502, 2053275343, -1494078096, -1181380486, - 165549746, -21447327, -229719404, 1902789247, - 772932719, -353118870, -642223187, 216871947, - -1130566647, 1942378755, -298201445, 1055777370, - 964047799, 629391717, -2062222979, -384408304, - 191868569, -1536083459, -612150544, -1297252564, - -1592438046, -724266841, -518093464, -370899750, - -739277751, -1536141862, 1323144535, 61311905, - 1997411085, 376844204, 213777604, -217643712, - 9135381, 1625809335, -1490225159, -1342673351, - 1117190829, -57654514, 1825108855, -1281819325, - 1111251351, -1726129724, 1684324211, -1773988491, - 367251975, 810756730, -1941182952, 1175080310 }, + { 0x6afee91fu, 0x7fa31d5bu, 0x38a0b217u, 0x99df9baeu, + 0xfe72991du, 0x727d3c04u, 0x20943f99u, 0xd08e7826u, + 0x69e7c8a2u, 0xdeeccc8eu, 0x6b9af76fu, 0x553311c4u, + 0x07b9e247u, 0x54c8bbcau, 0x6a540d81u, 0x48dbf567u, + 0x98c92877u, 0x134fbfdeu, 0x01b32564u, 0x24581948u, + 0x6cddc3b8u, 0x0cd444dau, 0xfe0381ccu, 0xf15818dfu, + 0xc06e6d42u, 0x2e2f6412u, 0x093a6737u, 0x94d83b31u, + 0xa466c87au, 0xb3f284a0u, 0xa694ec2cu, 0x053359e6u, + 0x9717ee6au, 0x0732e080u, 0x220d5008u, 0xdc4af350u, + 0x93d0a7c3u, 0xe330c9eau, 0xcac3da1eu, 0x8ebecf8fu, + 0xc2be387fu, 0x38a14e89u, 0x211586f0u, 0x18b846f5u, + 0x43be4c72u, 0xb578c204u, 0x1bbfb230u, 0xf1e267a8u, + 0xa2d3e656u, 0x64b8e4feu, 0xe7e83d4bu, 0x3e77a943u, + 0x3559ffd9u, 0x0ebb0f99u, 0x0aa76ce6u, 0xd3786ea7u, + 0xbca8cd6bu, 0x068ca8e8u, 0xeb1de2ffu, 0x3e3ecd6cu, + 0xe0d9d825u, 0xb1edc762u, 0xdec60b24u, 0xd6931904u}, + { 0xccdcb989u, 0xe19281f9u, 0xa6e80accu, 0xb7f40560u, + 0x0efb0bccu, 0x7f12b0bbu, 0x1e90531au, 0x136d95d0u, + 0x9e660665u, 0x7d54918fu, 0xe3b93ea2u, 0x2f415d10u, + 0x3d2df6e6u, 0x7a627ecfu, 0xa6f22d70u, 0xb995907au, + 0x09de16b2u, 0xfeb8bd61u, 0xf24ec294u, 0x716a427fu, + 0x2e12046fu, 0xeaf3d56au, 0xd9b873adu, 0x0ced340bu, + 0xbc9cec09u, 0x73c65903u, 0xee39ce9bu, 0x3eede25au, + 0x397633b7u, 0x2583c165u, 0x8514f97du, 0xe9166510u, + 0x0b6fae99u, 0xa47139fdu, 0xdb8352f0u, 0xb2ad7f2cu, + 0xa11552e2u, 0xd4d490a7u, 0xe11e8568u, 0xe9e484dau, + 0xd3ef8449u, 0xa47055dau, 0x4edd9557u, 0x03a78ba1u, + 0x770e130du, 0x16762facu, 0x0cbdfcc4u, 0xf3070540u, + 0x008b6515u, 0x60e7e1b7u, 0xa72cf7f9u, 0xaff86e39u, + 0x4296faadu, 0xfc90430eu, 0x6cc8f377u, 0xb398fd43u, + 0x423c5997u, 0x991d59c4u, 0x6464bf73u, 0x96431575u, + 0x15e3d207u, 0x30532a7au, 0x8c4be618u, 0x460a4d76u }, 3 }; RSAPublicKey test_f4_key = { 64, 0xc9bd1f21, - { 293133087u, 3210546773u, 865313125u, 250921607u, - 3158780490u, 943703457u, 1242806226u, 2986289859u, - 2942743769u, 2457906415u, 2719374299u, 1783459420u, - 149579627u, 3081531591u, 3440738617u, 2788543742u, - 2758457512u, 1146764939u, 3699497403u, 2446203424u, - 1744968926u, 1159130537u, 2370028300u, 3978231572u, - 3392699980u, 1487782451u, 1180150567u, 2841334302u, - 3753960204u, 961373345u, 3333628321u, 748825784u, - 2978557276u, 1566596926u, 1613056060u, 2600292737u, - 1847226629u, 50398611u, 1890374404u, 2878700735u, - 2286201787u, 1401186359u, 619285059u, 731930817u, - 2340993166u, 1156490245u, 2992241729u, 151498140u, - 318782170u, 3480838990u, 2100383433u, 4223552555u, - 3628927011u, 4247846280u, 1759029513u, 4215632601u, - 2719154626u, 3490334597u, 1751299340u, 3487864726u, - 3668753795u, 4217506054u, 3748782284u, 3150295088u }, - { 1772626313u, 445326068u, 3477676155u, 1758201194u, - 2986784722u, 491035581u, 3922936562u, 702212696u, - 2979856666u, 3324974564u, 2488428922u, 3056318590u, - 1626954946u, 664714029u, 398585816u, 3964097931u, - 3356701905u, 2298377729u, 2040082097u, 3025491477u, - 539143308u, 3348777868u, 2995302452u, 3602465520u, - 212480763u, 2691021393u, 1307177300u, 704008044u, - 2031136606u, 1054106474u, 3838318865u, 2441343869u, - 1477566916u, 700949900u, 2534790355u, 3353533667u, - 336163563u, 4106790558u, 2701448228u, 1571536379u, - 1103842411u, 3623110423u, 1635278839u, 1577828979u, - 910322800u, 715583630u, 138128831u, 1017877531u, - 2289162787u, 447994798u, 1897243165u, 4121561445u, - 4150719842u, 2131821093u, 2262395396u, 3305771534u, - 980753571u, 3256525190u, 3128121808u, 1072869975u, - 3507939515u, 4229109952u, 118381341u, 2209831334u }, + { 0x1178db1fu, 0xbf5d0e55u, 0x3393a165u, 0x0ef4c287u, + 0xbc472a4au, 0x383fc5a1u, 0x4a13b7d2u, 0xb1ff2ac3u, + 0xaf66b4d9u, 0x9280acefu, 0xa2165bdbu, 0x6a4d6e5cu, + 0x08ea676bu, 0xb7ac70c7u, 0xcd158139u, 0xa635ccfeu, + 0xa46ab8a8u, 0x445a3e8bu, 0xdc81d9bbu, 0x91ce1a20u, + 0x68021cdeu, 0x4516eda9u, 0x8d43c30cu, 0xed1eff14u, + 0xca387e4cu, 0x58adc233u, 0x4657ab27u, 0xa95b521eu, + 0xdfc0e30cu, 0x394d64a1u, 0xc6b321a1u, 0x2ca22cb8u, + 0xb1892d5cu, 0x5d605f3eu, 0x6025483cu, 0x9afd5181u, + 0x6e1a7105u, 0x03010593u, 0x70acd304u, 0xab957cbfu, + 0x8844abbbu, 0x53846837u, 0x24e98a43u, 0x2ba060c1u, + 0x8b88b88eu, 0x44eea405u, 0xb259fc41u, 0x0907ad9cu, + 0x13003adau, 0xcf79634eu, 0x7d314ec9u, 0xfbbe4c2bu, + 0xd84d0823u, 0xfd30fd88u, 0x68d8a909u, 0xfb4572d9u, + 0xa21301c2u, 0xd00a4785u, 0x6862b50cu, 0xcfe49796u, + 0xdaacbd83u, 0xfb620906u, 0xdf71e0ccu, 0xbbc5b030u }, + { 0x69a82189u, 0x1a8b22f4u, 0xcf49207bu, 0x68cc056au, + 0xb206b7d2u, 0x1d449bbdu, 0xe9d342f2u, 0x29daea58u, + 0xb19d011au, 0xc62f15e4u, 0x9452697au, 0xb62bb87eu, + 0x60f95cc2u, 0x279ebb2du, 0x17c1efd8u, 0xec47558bu, + 0xc81334d1u, 0x88fe7601u, 0x79992eb1u, 0xb4555615u, + 0x2022ac8cu, 0xc79a4b8cu, 0xb288b034u, 0xd6b942f0u, + 0x0caa32fbu, 0xa065ba51u, 0x4de9f154u, 0x29f64f6cu, + 0x7910af5eu, 0x3ed4636au, 0xe4c81911u, 0x9183f37du, + 0x5811e1c4u, 0x29c7a58cu, 0x9715d4d3u, 0xc7e2dce3u, + 0x140972ebu, 0xf4c8a69eu, 0xa104d424u, 0x5dabbdfbu, + 0x41cb4c6bu, 0xd7f44717u, 0x61785ff7u, 0x5e0bc273u, + 0x36426c70u, 0x2aa6f08eu, 0x083badbfu, 0x3cab941bu, + 0x8871da23u, 0x1ab3dbaeu, 0x7115a21du, 0xf5aa0965u, + 0xf766f562u, 0x7f110225u, 0x86d96a04u, 0xc50a120eu, + 0x3a751ca3u, 0xc21aa186u, 0xba7359d0u, 0x3ff2b257u, + 0xd116e8bbu, 0xfc1318c0u, 0x070e5b1du, 0x83b759a6u }, 65537 }; @@ -136,30 +138,37 @@ ui_print(const char* format, ...) { int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2 || argc > 4) { - fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-f4 | -file ] \n", argv[0]); + fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-sha256] [-f4 | -file ] \n", argv[0]); return 2; } - RSAPublicKey* key = &test_key; + Certificate default_cert; + Certificate* cert = &default_cert; + cert->public_key = &test_key; + cert->hash_len = SHA_DIGEST_SIZE; int num_keys = 1; ++argv; + if (strcmp(argv[0], "-sha256") == 0) { + ++argv; + cert->hash_len = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; + } if (strcmp(argv[0], "-f4") == 0) { ++argv; - key = &test_f4_key; + cert->public_key = &test_f4_key; } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-file") == 0) { ++argv; - key = load_keys(argv[0], &num_keys); + cert = load_keys(argv[0], &num_keys); ++argv; } ui = new FakeUI(); - int result = verify_file(*argv, key, num_keys); + int result = verify_file(*argv, cert, num_keys); if (result == VERIFY_SUCCESS) { - printf("SUCCESS\n"); + printf("VERIFIED\n"); return 0; } else if (result == VERIFY_FAILURE) { - printf("FAILURE\n"); + printf("NOT VERIFIED\n"); return 1; } else { printf("bad return value\n"); diff --git a/ b/ index 378b0e5ff..65f77f401 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -64,33 +64,39 @@ $ADB push $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/verifier_test \ expect_succeed() { testname "$1 (should succeed)" $ADB push $DATA_DIR/$1 $WORK_DIR/ - run_command $WORK_DIR/verifier_test $WORK_DIR/ || fail + shift + run_command $WORK_DIR/verifier_test "$@" $WORK_DIR/ || fail } expect_fail() { testname "$1 (should fail)" $ADB push $DATA_DIR/$1 $WORK_DIR/ - run_command $WORK_DIR/verifier_test $WORK_DIR/ && fail -} - -expect_succeed_f4() { - testname "$1 (should succeed)" - $ADB push $DATA_DIR/$1 $WORK_DIR/ - run_command $WORK_DIR/verifier_test -f4 $WORK_DIR/ || fail -} - -expect_fail_f4() { - testname "$1 (should fail)" - $ADB push $DATA_DIR/$1 $WORK_DIR/ - run_command $WORK_DIR/verifier_test -f4 $WORK_DIR/ && fail + shift + run_command $WORK_DIR/verifier_test "$@" $WORK_DIR/ && fail } +# not signed at all expect_fail +# signed in the pre-donut way expect_fail + +# success cases expect_succeed -expect_fail_f4 -expect_succeed_f4 +expect_succeed -f4 +expect_succeed -sha256 +expect_succeed -sha256 -f4 + +# verified against different key +expect_fail -f4 expect_fail + +# verified against right key but wrong hash algorithm +expect_fail -sha256 +expect_fail -sha256 -f4 +expect_fail +expect_fail -f4 + +# various other cases expect_fail expect_fail expect_fail -- cgit v1.2.3