/* main.c (02.09.09) exFAT file system checker. Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Andrew Nayenko This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #define exfat_debug(format, ...) uint64_t files_count, directories_count; static int nodeck(struct exfat* ef, struct exfat_node* node) { const cluster_t cluster_size = CLUSTER_SIZE(*ef->sb); cluster_t clusters = (node->size + cluster_size - 1) / cluster_size; cluster_t c = node->start_cluster; int rc = 0; while (clusters--) { if (CLUSTER_INVALID(c)) { char name[EXFAT_NAME_MAX + 1]; exfat_get_name(node, name, EXFAT_NAME_MAX); exfat_error("file `%s' has invalid cluster 0x%x", name, c); rc = 1; break; } if (BMAP_GET(ef->cmap.chunk, c - EXFAT_FIRST_DATA_CLUSTER) == 0) { char name[EXFAT_NAME_MAX + 1]; exfat_get_name(node, name, EXFAT_NAME_MAX); exfat_error("cluster 0x%x of file `%s' is not allocated", c, name); rc = 1; } c = exfat_next_cluster(ef, node, c); } return rc; } static void dirck(struct exfat* ef, const char* path) { struct exfat_node* parent; struct exfat_node* node; struct exfat_iterator it; int rc; size_t path_length; char* entry_path; if (exfat_lookup(ef, &parent, path) != 0) exfat_bug("directory `%s' is not found", path); if (!(parent->flags & EXFAT_ATTRIB_DIR)) exfat_bug("`%s' is not a directory (0x%x)", path, parent->flags); if (nodeck(ef, parent) != 0) return; path_length = strlen(path); entry_path = malloc(path_length + 1 + EXFAT_NAME_MAX); if (entry_path == NULL) { exfat_error("out of memory"); return; } strcpy(entry_path, path); strcat(entry_path, "/"); rc = exfat_opendir(ef, parent, &it); if (rc != 0) { free(entry_path); exfat_put_node(ef, parent); exfat_error("failed to open directory `%s'", path); return; } while ((node = exfat_readdir(ef, &it))) { exfat_get_name(node, entry_path + path_length + 1, EXFAT_NAME_MAX); exfat_debug("%s: %s, %"PRIu64" bytes, cluster %u", entry_path, IS_CONTIGUOUS(*node) ? "contiguous" : "fragmented", node->size, node->start_cluster); if (node->flags & EXFAT_ATTRIB_DIR) { directories_count++; dirck(ef, entry_path); } else { files_count++; nodeck(ef, node); } exfat_put_node(ef, node); } exfat_closedir(ef, &it); exfat_put_node(ef, parent); free(entry_path); } static void fsck(struct exfat* ef) { exfat_print_info(ef->sb, exfat_count_free_clusters(ef)); dirck(ef, ""); } static void usage(const char* prog) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-v] \n", prog); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char** pp; const char* spec = NULL; struct exfat ef; printf("exfatfsck %u.%u.%u\n", EXFAT_VERSION_MAJOR, EXFAT_VERSION_MINOR, EXFAT_VERSION_PATCH); for (pp = argv + 1; *pp; pp++) { if (strcmp(*pp, "-v") == 0) { puts("Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Andrew Nayenko"); return 0; } else if (spec == NULL) spec = *pp; else usage(argv[0]); } if (spec == NULL) usage(argv[0]); if (exfat_mount(&ef, spec, "ro") != 0) return 1; printf("Checking file system on %s.\n", spec); fsck(&ef); exfat_unmount(&ef); printf("Totally %"PRIu64" directories and %"PRIu64" files.\n", directories_count, files_count); fputs("File system checking finished. ", stdout); if (exfat_errors != 0) { printf("ERRORS FOUND: %d.\n", exfat_errors); return 1; } puts("No errors found."); return 0; }