path: root/Server/Prefabs/SinglePieceStructures/WitchHut.cubeset
blob: 3a0b4061e286873d22b6051c3403040153dd40e5 (plain) (tree)


-- WitchHut.cubeset

-- Defines the prefabs in the group WitchHut

-- NOTE: This file has been generated automatically by GalExport!
-- Any manual changes will be overwritten by the next automatic export!

Cubeset =
	Metadata =
		CubesetFormatVersion = 1,
		ExportDate = "2020-08-27 10:42:17",
		["AllowedBiomes"] = "Swampland, SwamplandM",
		["GridSizeX"] = "750",
		["GridSizeZ"] = "750",
		["IntendedUse"] = "SinglePieceStructures",
		["MaxOffsetX"] = "100",
		["MaxOffsetZ"] = "100",
		["SeedOffset"] = "4136893",

	Pieces =
			OriginData =
				ExportName   = "WitchHut",
				Name         = "WitchHut",
				GalleryName  = "Cube",
				GalleryIndex = "161",
				ID           = "1704",
				CreatorName  = "12xx12",
			Size =
				x = 9,
				y = 5,
				z = 7,
			Hitbox =
				MinX = 0,
				MinY = 0,
				MinZ = 0,
				MaxX = 8,
				MaxY = 4,
				MaxZ = 6,
			StructureBox =
				MinX = 0,
				MinY = 0,
				MinZ = 0,
				MaxX = 8,
				MaxY = 4,
				MaxZ = 6,
			Connectors =
			Metadata =
				["AddWeightIfSame"] = "0",
				["AllowedRotations"] = "7",
				["DefaultWeight"] = "100",
				["DepthWeight"] = "",
				["ExpandFloorStrategy"] = "RepeatBottomTillNonAir",
				["IsStarting"] = "1",
				["MergeStrategy"] = "msSpongePrint",
				["MoveToGround"] = "0",
				["VerticalStrategy"] = "TerrainOrOceanTop",
			BlockDefinitions =
				".:  0: 0",  -- air
				"a: 17: 0",  -- tree
				"b:  5: 1",  -- planks
				"c: 85: 0",  -- fence
				"d:118: 0",  -- cauldronblock
				"e: 58: 0",  -- workbench
				"f:140: 0",  -- flowerpotblock
				"g:134: 2",  -- sprucewoodstairs
				"h:134: 0",  -- sprucewoodstairs
				"i:134: 1",  -- sprucewoodstairs
				"j:134: 3",  -- sprucewoodstairs
				"m: 19: 0",  -- sponge
			BlockData =
				-- Level 0
				".........",  --  0
				".a....a..",  --  1
				".........",  --  2
				".........",  --  3
				".........",  --  4
				".a....a..",  --  5
				".........",  --  6

				-- Level 1
				".........",  --  0
				".abbbbab.",  --  1
				".bbbbbbbb",  --  2
				".bbbbbbbb",  --  3
				".bbbbbbbb",  --  4
				".abbbbab.",  --  5
				".........",  --  6

				-- Level 2
				".........",  --  0
				".abbbbac.",  --  1
				".bd......",  --  2
				".be...b..",  --  3
				".b....b..",  --  4
				".abbbbac.",  --  5
				".........",  --  6

				-- Level 3
				".........",  --  0
				"",  --  1
				".b.......",  --  2
				".c....b..",  --  3
				".b....c..",  --  4
				"",  --  5
				".........",  --  6

				-- Level 4
				"gggggggg.",  --  0
				"hbbbbbbi.",  --  1
				"hbbbbbbi.",  --  2
				"hbbbbbbi.",  --  3
				"hbbbbbbi.",  --  4
				"hbbbbbbi.",  --  5
				"hjjjjjjj.",  --  6

		},  -- WitchHut
	},  -- Pieces