/* see copyright notice in squirrel.h */
#ifndef _SQVM_H_
#define _SQVM_H_
#include "sqopcodes.h"
#include "sqobject.h"
#define MAX_NATIVE_CALLS 100
#define SQ_SUSPEND_FLAG -666
#define DONT_FALL_BACK 666
//base lib
void sq_base_register(HSQUIRRELVM v);
struct SQExceptionTrap{
SQExceptionTrap() {}
SQExceptionTrap(SQInteger ss, SQInteger stackbase,SQInstruction *ip, SQInteger ex_target){ _stacksize = ss; _stackbase = stackbase; _ip = ip; _extarget = ex_target;}
SQExceptionTrap(const SQExceptionTrap &et) { (*this) = et; }
SQInteger _stackbase;
SQInteger _stacksize;
SQInstruction *_ip;
SQInteger _extarget;
#define _INLINE
#define STK(a) _stack._vals[_stackbase+(a)]
#define TARGET _stack._vals[_stackbase+arg0]
typedef sqvector<SQExceptionTrap> ExceptionsTraps;
struct SQVM : public CHAINABLE_OBJ
struct CallInfo{
//CallInfo() { _generator = NULL;}
SQInstruction *_ip;
SQObjectPtr *_literals;
SQObjectPtr _closure;
SQGenerator *_generator;
SQInt32 _etraps;
SQInt32 _prevstkbase;
SQInt32 _prevtop;
SQInt32 _target;
SQInt32 _ncalls;
SQBool _root;
typedef sqvector<CallInfo> CallInfoVec;
void DebugHookProxy(SQInteger type, const SQChar * sourcename, SQInteger line, const SQChar * funcname);
static void _DebugHookProxy(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger type, const SQChar * sourcename, SQInteger line, const SQChar * funcname);
SQVM(SQSharedState *ss);
bool Init(SQVM *friendvm, SQInteger stacksize);
bool Execute(SQObjectPtr &func, SQInteger nargs, SQInteger stackbase, SQObjectPtr &outres, SQBool raiseerror, ExecutionType et = ET_CALL);
//starts a native call return when the NATIVE closure returns
bool CallNative(SQNativeClosure *nclosure, SQInteger nargs, SQInteger newbase, SQObjectPtr &retval,bool &suspend);
//starts a SQUIRREL call in the same "Execution loop"
bool StartCall(SQClosure *closure, SQInteger target, SQInteger nargs, SQInteger stackbase, bool tailcall);
bool CreateClassInstance(SQClass *theclass, SQObjectPtr &inst, SQObjectPtr &constructor);
//call a generic closure pure SQUIRREL or NATIVE
bool Call(SQObjectPtr &closure, SQInteger nparams, SQInteger stackbase, SQObjectPtr &outres,SQBool raiseerror);
SQRESULT Suspend();
void CallDebugHook(SQInteger type,SQInteger forcedline=0);
void CallErrorHandler(SQObjectPtr &e);
bool Get(const SQObjectPtr &self, const SQObjectPtr &key, SQObjectPtr &dest, bool raw, SQInteger selfidx);
SQInteger FallBackGet(const SQObjectPtr &self,const SQObjectPtr &key,SQObjectPtr &dest);
bool InvokeDefaultDelegate(const SQObjectPtr &self,const SQObjectPtr &key,SQObjectPtr &dest);
bool Set(const SQObjectPtr &self, const SQObjectPtr &key, const SQObjectPtr &val, SQInteger selfidx);
SQInteger FallBackSet(const SQObjectPtr &self,const SQObjectPtr &key,const SQObjectPtr &val);
bool NewSlot(const SQObjectPtr &self, const SQObjectPtr &key, const SQObjectPtr &val,bool bstatic);
bool DeleteSlot(const SQObjectPtr &self, const SQObjectPtr &key, SQObjectPtr &res);
bool Clone(const SQObjectPtr &self, SQObjectPtr &target);
bool ObjCmp(const SQObjectPtr &o1, const SQObjectPtr &o2,SQInteger &res);
bool StringCat(const SQObjectPtr &str, const SQObjectPtr &obj, SQObjectPtr &dest);
static bool IsEqual(const SQObjectPtr &o1,const SQObjectPtr &o2,bool &res);
bool ToString(const SQObjectPtr &o,SQObjectPtr &res);
SQString *PrintObjVal(const SQObjectPtr &o);
void Raise_Error(const SQChar *s, ...);
void Raise_Error(const SQObjectPtr &desc);
void Raise_IdxError(const SQObjectPtr &o);
void Raise_CompareError(const SQObject &o1, const SQObject &o2);
void Raise_ParamTypeError(SQInteger nparam,SQInteger typemask,SQInteger type);
void FindOuter(SQObjectPtr &target, SQObjectPtr *stackindex);
void RelocateOuters();
void CloseOuters(SQObjectPtr *stackindex);
bool TypeOf(const SQObjectPtr &obj1, SQObjectPtr &dest);
bool CallMetaMethod(SQObjectPtr &closure, SQMetaMethod mm, SQInteger nparams, SQObjectPtr &outres);
bool ArithMetaMethod(SQInteger op, const SQObjectPtr &o1, const SQObjectPtr &o2, SQObjectPtr &dest);
bool Return(SQInteger _arg0, SQInteger _arg1, SQObjectPtr &retval);
//new stuff
_INLINE bool ARITH_OP(SQUnsignedInteger op,SQObjectPtr &trg,const SQObjectPtr &o1,const SQObjectPtr &o2);
_INLINE bool BW_OP(SQUnsignedInteger op,SQObjectPtr &trg,const SQObjectPtr &o1,const SQObjectPtr &o2);
_INLINE bool NEG_OP(SQObjectPtr &trg,const SQObjectPtr &o1);
_INLINE bool CMP_OP(CmpOP op, const SQObjectPtr &o1,const SQObjectPtr &o2,SQObjectPtr &res);
bool CLOSURE_OP(SQObjectPtr &target, SQFunctionProto *func);
bool CLASS_OP(SQObjectPtr &target,SQInteger base,SQInteger attrs);
//return true if the loop is finished
bool FOREACH_OP(SQObjectPtr &o1,SQObjectPtr &o2,SQObjectPtr &o3,SQObjectPtr &o4,SQInteger arg_2,int exitpos,int &jump);
//_INLINE bool LOCAL_INC(SQInteger op,SQObjectPtr &target, SQObjectPtr &a, SQObjectPtr &incr);
_INLINE bool PLOCAL_INC(SQInteger op,SQObjectPtr &target, SQObjectPtr &a, SQObjectPtr &incr);
_INLINE bool DerefInc(SQInteger op,SQObjectPtr &target, SQObjectPtr &self, SQObjectPtr &key, SQObjectPtr &incr, bool postfix,SQInteger arg0);
#ifdef _DEBUG_DUMP
void dumpstack(SQInteger stackbase=-1, bool dumpall = false);
void Mark(SQCollectable **chain);
SQObjectType GetType() {return OT_THREAD;}
void Finalize();
void GrowCallStack() {
SQInteger newsize = _alloccallsstacksize*2;
_callsstack = &_callstackdata[0];
_alloccallsstacksize = newsize;
bool EnterFrame(SQInteger newbase, SQInteger newtop, bool tailcall);
void LeaveFrame();
void Release(){ sq_delete(this,SQVM); }
//stack functions for the api
void Remove(SQInteger n);
static bool IsFalse(SQObjectPtr &o);
void Pop();
void Pop(SQInteger n);
void Push(const SQObjectPtr &o);
void PushNull();
SQObjectPtr &Top();
SQObjectPtr &PopGet();
SQObjectPtr &GetUp(SQInteger n);
SQObjectPtr &GetAt(SQInteger n);
SQObjectPtrVec _stack;
SQInteger _top;
SQInteger _stackbase;
SQOuter *_openouters;
SQObjectPtr _roottable;
SQObjectPtr _lasterror;
SQObjectPtr _errorhandler;
bool _debughook;
SQDEBUGHOOK _debughook_native;
SQObjectPtr _debughook_closure;
SQObjectPtr temp_reg;
CallInfo* _callsstack;
SQInteger _callsstacksize;
SQInteger _alloccallsstacksize;
sqvector<CallInfo> _callstackdata;
ExceptionsTraps _etraps;
CallInfo *ci;
void *_foreignptr;
//VMs sharing the same state
SQSharedState *_sharedstate;
SQInteger _nnativecalls;
SQInteger _nmetamethodscall;
//suspend infos
SQBool _suspended;
SQBool _suspended_root;
SQInteger _suspended_target;
SQInteger _suspended_traps;
struct AutoDec{
AutoDec(SQInteger *n) { _n = n; }
~AutoDec() { (*_n)--; }
SQInteger *_n;
inline SQObjectPtr &stack_get(HSQUIRRELVM v,SQInteger idx){return ((idx>=0)?(v->GetAt(idx+v->_stackbase-1)):(v->GetUp(idx)));}
#define _ss(_vm_) (_vm_)->_sharedstate
#define _opt_ss(_vm_) (_vm_)->_sharedstate
#define _opt_ss(_vm_) NULL
#define PUSH_CALLINFO(v,nci){ \
SQInteger css = v->_callsstacksize; \
if(css == v->_alloccallsstacksize) { \
v->GrowCallStack(); \
} \
v->ci = &v->_callsstack[css]; \
*(v->ci) = nci; \
v->_callsstacksize++; \
#define POP_CALLINFO(v){ \
SQInteger css = --v->_callsstacksize; \
v->ci->_closure.Null(); \
v->ci = css?&v->_callsstack[css-1]:NULL; \
#endif //_SQVM_H_