path: root/src/Protocol/ProtocolRecognizer.h
blob: 2d6f576e737bb30655b341381bde00984cd17ba5 (plain) (tree)

















#pragma once

#include "Protocol.h"

// Adjust these if a new protocol is added or an old one is removed:
#define MCS_CLIENT_VERSIONS "1.8.x-1.14.4"
#define MCS_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS "47, 107, 108, 109, 110, 210, 315, 316, 335, 338, 340, 393, 401, 477, 480, 485, 490, 498"

/** Meta-protocol that recognizes multiple protocol versions, creates the specific
protocol version instance and redirects everything to it. */
class cMultiVersionProtocol


	/** Translates protocol version number into protocol version text: 49 -> "1.4.4" */
	static AString GetVersionTextFromInt(cProtocol::Version a_ProtocolVersion);

	/** Returns if we contain a concrete protocol corresponding to the client's protocol version. */
	bool VersionRecognitionSuccessful()
		return m_Protocol != nullptr;

	/** Convenience overload to enable redirecting sends to the underlying implementation. */
	auto & operator->()
		return m_Protocol;

	/** Directs incoming protocol data along the correct pathway, depending on the state of the version recognition process.
	The protocol modifies the provided buffer in-place. */
	void HandleIncomingData(cClientHandle & a_Client, ContiguousByteBuffer & a_Data);

	/** Allows the protocol (if any) to do a final pass on outgiong data, possibly modifying the provided buffer in-place. */
	void HandleOutgoingData(ContiguousByteBuffer & a_Data);

	/** Sends a disconnect to the client as a result of a recognition error.
	This function can be used to disconnect before any protocol has been recognised. */
	void SendDisconnect(cClientHandle & a_Client, const AString & a_Reason);


	/** Handles data reception in a newly-created client handle that doesn't yet have a known protocol.
	a_Data contains a view of data that were just received.
	Tries to recognize a protocol, populate m_Protocol, and transitions to another mode depending on success. */
	void HandleIncomingDataInRecognitionStage(cClientHandle & a_Client, ContiguousByteBuffer & a_Data);

	/** Handles and responds to unsupported clients sending pings. */
	void HandleIncomingDataInOldPingResponseStage(cClientHandle & a_Client, ContiguousByteBufferView a_Data);

	/* Checks if incoming data is an HTTP request and handles it if it is. */
	bool TryHandleHTTPRequest(cClientHandle & a_Client, ContiguousByteBuffer & a_Data);

	/** Tries to recognize a protocol in the lengthed family (1.7+), based on m_Buffer.
	Returns a cProtocol_XXX instance if recognized. */
	std::unique_ptr<cProtocol> TryRecognizeLengthedProtocol(cClientHandle & a_Client);

	/** Sends one packet inside a cByteBuffer.
	This is used only when handling an outdated server ping. */
	static void SendPacket(cClientHandle & a_Client, cByteBuffer & a_OutPacketBuffer);

	/** Returns the protocol-specific packet ID given the protocol-agnostic packet enum. */
	static UInt32 GetPacketID(cProtocol::ePacketType a_PacketType);

	/* Status handler for unrecognised versions. */
	void HandlePacketStatusRequest(cClientHandle & a_Client);

	/* Ping handler for unrecognised versions. */
	void HandlePacketStatusPing(cClientHandle & a_Client);

	/** Buffer for received protocol data. */
	cByteBuffer m_Buffer;

	/** The actual protocol implementation.
	Created when recognition of the client version succeeds with a version we support. */
	std::unique_ptr<cProtocol> m_Protocol;

	/** If we're still waiting for data required for version recognition to arrive. */
	bool m_WaitingForData;
} ;