path: root/src/RankManager.cpp
blob: 954edd099af4a3a9e2f853766c3fa003544f3330 (plain) (tree)


// RankManager.cpp

// Implements the cRankManager class that represents the rank manager responsible for assigning permissions and message visuals to players

#include "Globals.h"
#include "RankManager.h"
#include "Protocol/MojangAPI.h"
#include "inifile/iniFile.h"
#include <iostream>

// This code is for internal testing while developing the cRankManager class
static class cRankMgrTest
	cRankMgrTest(void) :
		// Initialize the cMojangAPI so that it can convert playernames to UUIDs:
		cIniFile Ini;
		// Test the cRankManager class:
	void ReportPlayer(const AString & a_PlayerName)
		// Get the player's UUID and rank:
		AString UUID = m_API.GetUUIDFromPlayerName(a_PlayerName);
		std::cout << "Player " << a_PlayerName << " has UUID '" << UUID <<"'." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "  Rank: '" << m_Mgr.GetPlayerRankName(UUID) << "'." << std::endl;

		// List all the permission groups for the player:
		AStringVector Groups = m_Mgr.GetPlayerPermissionGroups(UUID);
		std::cout << "  Groups(" << Groups.size() << "):" << std::endl;
		for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Groups.begin(), end = Groups.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
			std::cout << "    '" << *itr << "'." << std::endl;
		}  // for itr - Groups[]
		// List all the permissions for the player:
		AStringVector Permissions = m_Mgr.GetPlayerPermissions(UUID);
		std::cout << "  Permissions(" << Permissions.size() << "):" << std::endl;
		for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Permissions.begin(), end = Permissions.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
			std::cout << "    '" << *itr << "'." << std::endl;
		}  // for itr - Groups[]
		std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;
	cRankManager m_Mgr;
	cMojangAPI   m_API;
} g_RankMgrTest;

cRankManager::cRankManager(void) :
	// Create the DB tables, if they don't exist:
	m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Rank (RankID, Name, MsgPrefix, MsgPostfix, MsgNameColorCode)");
	m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PlayerRank (PlayerUUID, PlayerName, RankID)");
	m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PermissionGroup (GroupID, Name)");
	m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS RankPermissionGroups (RankID, GroupID)");
	m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PermissionItem (GroupID, Permission)");
	// TODO: Check if tables empty, add some defaults then

AString cRankManager::GetPlayerRankName(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
	SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Rank.Name FROM Rank LEFT JOIN PlayerRank ON Rank.RankID = PlayerRank.RankID WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?");
	stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
	if (stmt.isDone())
		// No data returned from the DB
		return AString();
	return stmt.getColumn(0).getText();

AStringVector cRankManager::GetPlayerPermissionGroups(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
	// Prepare the DB statement:
	SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
		"SELECT PermissionGroup.Name FROM PermissionGroup "
			"LEFT JOIN RankPermissionGroups "
				"ON PermissionGroup.GroupID = RankPermissionGroups.GroupID "
			"LEFT JOIN PlayerRank "
				"ON PlayerRank.RankID = RankPermissionGroups.RankID "
		"WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?"
	stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
	// Execute and get results:
	AStringVector res;
	while (stmt.executeStep())
	return res;

AStringVector cRankManager::GetPlayerPermissions(const AString & a_PlayerUUID)
	// Prepare the DB statement:
	SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB,
		"SELECT PermissionItem.Permission FROM PermissionItem "
			"LEFT JOIN RankPermissionGroups "
				"ON PermissionItem.GroupID = RankPermissionGroups.GroupID "
			"LEFT JOIN PlayerRank "
				"ON PlayerRank.RankID = RankPermissionGroups.RankID "
		"WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?"
	stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID);
	// Execute and get results:
	AStringVector res;
	while (stmt.executeStep())
	return res;