path: root/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main_APIDump.lua
diff options
authorTiger Wang <>2013-11-24 15:55:08 +0100
committerTiger Wang <>2013-11-24 15:55:08 +0100
commitf95064a85c83e1a77a5de2f8a09e5907573f8277 (patch)
tree9896aa6cff228acbc0b188b6c37e2032152fe661 /MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main_APIDump.lua
parentFixed some comments and added debug logging (diff)
parentRCONClient: Initial implementation. (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main_APIDump.lua')
1 files changed, 1335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main_APIDump.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main_APIDump.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de4239f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main_APIDump.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1335 @@
+-- main.lua
+-- Implements the plugin entrypoint (in this case the entire plugin)
+-- Global variables:
+g_Plugin = nil;
+g_PluginFolder = "";
+g_TrackedPages = {}; -- List of tracked pages, to be checked later whether they exist. Each item is an array of referring pagenames.
+g_Stats = -- Statistics about the documentation
+ NumTotalClasses = 0,
+ NumUndocumentedClasses = 0,
+ NumTotalFunctions = 0,
+ NumUndocumentedFunctions = 0,
+ NumTotalConstants = 0,
+ NumUndocumentedConstants = 0,
+ NumTotalVariables = 0,
+ NumUndocumentedVariables = 0,
+ NumTotalHooks = 0,
+ NumUndocumentedHooks = 0,
+ NumTrackedLinks = 0,
+ NumInvalidLinks = 0,
+function Initialize(Plugin)
+ g_Plugin = Plugin;
+ Plugin:SetName("APIDump");
+ Plugin:SetVersion(1);
+ LOG("Initialising " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion())
+ g_PluginFolder = Plugin:GetLocalFolder();
+ -- Load the API descriptions from the Classes and Hooks subfolders:
+ if (g_APIDesc.Classes == nil) then
+ g_APIDesc.Classes = {};
+ end
+ if (g_APIDesc.Hooks == nil) then
+ g_APIDesc.Hooks = {};
+ end
+ LoadAPIFiles("/Classes/", g_APIDesc.Classes);
+ LoadAPIFiles("/Hooks/", g_APIDesc.Hooks);
+ -- dump all available API functions and objects:
+ -- DumpAPITxt();
+ -- Dump all available API object in HTML format into a subfolder:
+ DumpAPIHtml();
+ LOG("APIDump finished");
+ return true
+function LoadAPIFiles(a_Folder, a_DstTable)
+ local Folder = g_PluginFolder .. a_Folder;
+ for idx, fnam in ipairs(cFile:GetFolderContents(Folder)) do
+ local FileName = Folder .. fnam;
+ -- We only want .lua files from the folder:
+ if (cFile:IsFile(FileName) and fnam:match(".*%.lua$")) then
+ local TablesFn, Err = loadfile(FileName);
+ if (TablesFn == nil) then
+ LOGWARNING("Cannot load API descriptions from " .. FileName .. ", Lua error '" .. Err .. "'.");
+ else
+ local Tables = TablesFn();
+ for k, cls in pairs(Tables) do
+ a_DstTable[k] = cls;
+ end
+ end -- if (TablesFn)
+ end -- if (is lua file)
+ end -- for fnam - Folder[]
+function DumpAPITxt()
+ LOG("Dumping all available functions to API.txt...");
+ function dump (prefix, a, Output)
+ for i, v in pairs (a) do
+ if (type(v) == "table") then
+ if (GetChar(i, 1) ~= ".") then
+ if (v == _G) then
+ -- LOG(prefix .. i .. " == _G, CYCLE, ignoring");
+ elseif (v == _G.package) then
+ -- LOG(prefix .. i .. " == _G.package, ignoring");
+ else
+ dump(prefix .. i .. ".", v, Output)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif (type(v) == "function") then
+ if (string.sub(i, 1, 2) ~= "__") then
+ table.insert(Output, prefix .. i .. "()");
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local Output = {};
+ dump("", _G, Output);
+ table.sort(Output);
+ local f ="API.txt", "w");
+ for i, n in ipairs(Output) do
+ f:write(n, "\n");
+ end
+ f:close();
+ LOG("API.txt written.");
+function CreateAPITables()
+ --[[
+ We want an API table of the following shape:
+ local API = {
+ {
+ Name = "cCuboid",
+ Functions = {
+ {Name = "Sort"},
+ {Name = "IsInside"}
+ },
+ Constants = {
+ },
+ Variables = {
+ },
+ Descendants = {}, -- Will be filled by ReadDescriptions(), array of class APIs (references to other member in the tree)
+ }},
+ {
+ Name = "cBlockArea",
+ Functions = {
+ {Name = "Clear"},
+ {Name = "CopyFrom"},
+ ...
+ },
+ Constants = {
+ {Name = "baTypes", Value = 0},
+ {Name = "baMetas", Value = 1},
+ ...
+ },
+ Variables = {
+ },
+ ...
+ }}
+ };
+ local Globals = {
+ Functions = {
+ ...
+ },
+ Constants = {
+ ...
+ }
+ };
+ --]]
+ local Globals = {Functions = {}, Constants = {}, Variables = {}, Descendants = {}};
+ local API = {};
+ local function Add(a_APIContainer, a_ObjName, a_ObjValue)
+ if (type(a_ObjValue) == "function") then
+ table.insert(a_APIContainer.Functions, {Name = a_ObjName});
+ elseif (
+ (type(a_ObjValue) == "number") or
+ (type(a_ObjValue) == "string")
+ ) then
+ table.insert(a_APIContainer.Constants, {Name = a_ObjName, Value = a_ObjValue});
+ end
+ end
+ local function ParseClass(a_ClassName, a_ClassObj)
+ local res = {Name = a_ClassName, Functions = {}, Constants = {}, Variables = {}, Descendants = {}};
+ -- Add functions and constants:
+ for i, v in pairs(a_ClassObj) do
+ Add(res, i, v);
+ end
+ -- Member variables:
+ local SetField = a_ClassObj[".set"] or {};
+ if ((a_ClassObj[".get"] ~= nil) and (type(a_ClassObj[".get"]) == "table")) then
+ for k, v in pairs(a_ClassObj[".get"]) do
+ if (SetField[k] == nil) then
+ -- It is a read-only variable, add it as a constant:
+ table.insert(res.Constants, {Name = k, Value = ""});
+ else
+ -- It is a read-write variable, add it as a variable:
+ table.insert(res.Variables, { Name = k });
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return res;
+ end
+ for i, v in pairs(_G) do
+ if (
+ (v ~= _G) and -- don't want the global namespace
+ (v ~= _G.packages) and -- don't want any packages
+ (v ~= _G[".get"]) and
+ (v ~= g_APIDesc)
+ ) then
+ if (type(v) == "table") then
+ table.insert(API, ParseClass(i, v));
+ else
+ Add(Globals, i, v);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return API, Globals;
+function DumpAPIHtml()
+ LOG("Dumping all available functions and constants to API subfolder...");
+ LOG("Creating API tables...");
+ local API, Globals = CreateAPITables();
+ local Hooks = {};
+ local UndocumentedHooks = {};
+ -- Sort the classes by name:
+ LOG("Sorting...");
+ table.sort(API,
+ function (c1, c2)
+ return (string.lower(c1.Name) < string.lower(c2.Name));
+ end
+ );
+ g_Stats.NumTotalClasses = #API;
+ -- Add Globals into the API:
+ Globals.Name = "Globals";
+ table.insert(API, Globals);
+ -- Extract hook constants:
+ for name, obj in pairs(cPluginManager) do
+ if (
+ (type(obj) == "number") and
+ name:match("HOOK_.*") and
+ (name ~= "HOOK_MAX") and
+ (name ~= "HOOK_NUM_HOOKS")
+ ) then
+ table.insert(Hooks, { Name = name });
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(Hooks,
+ function(Hook1, Hook2)
+ return (Hook1.Name < Hook2.Name);
+ end
+ );
+ -- Read in the descriptions:
+ LOG("Reading descriptions...");
+ ReadDescriptions(API);
+ ReadHooks(Hooks);
+ -- Create the output folder
+ if not(cFile:IsFolder("API")) then
+ cFile:CreateFolder("API");
+ end
+ -- Create a "class index" file, write each class as a link to that file,
+ -- then dump class contents into class-specific file
+ LOG("Writing HTML files...");
+ local f ="API/index.html", "w");
+ if (f == nil) then
+ LOGINFO("Cannot output HTML API: " .. err);
+ return;
+ end
+ f:write([[<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <title>MCServer API - Index</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="content">
+ <header>
+ <h1>MCServer API - Index</h1>
+ <hr />
+ </header>
+ <p>The API reference is divided into the following sections:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#classes">Class index</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#hooks">Hooks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#extra">Extra pages</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#docstats">Documentation statistics</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <hr />
+ <a name="classes"><h2>Class index</h2></a>
+ <p>The following classes are available in the MCServer Lua scripting language:
+ <ul>
+ ]]);
+ for i, cls in ipairs(API) do
+ f:write("<li><a href=\"", cls.Name, ".html\">", cls.Name, "</a></li>\n");
+ WriteHtmlClass(cls, API);
+ end
+ f:write([[
+ </ul></p>
+ <hr />
+ <a name="hooks"><h2>Hooks</h2></a>
+ <p>
+ A plugin can register to be called whenever an "interesting event" occurs. It does so by calling
+ <a href="cPluginManager.html">cPluginManager</a>'s AddHook() function and implementing a callback
+ function to handle the event.</p>
+ <p>
+ A plugin can decide whether it will let the event pass through to the rest of the plugins, or hide it
+ from them. This is determined by the return value from the hook callback function. If the function
+ returns false or no value, the event is propagated further. If the function returns true, the processing
+ is stopped, no other plugin receives the notification (and possibly MCServer disables the default
+ behavior for the event). See each hook's details to see the exact behavior.</p>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Hook name</th>
+ <th>Called when</th>
+ </tr>
+ ]]);
+ for i, hook in ipairs(Hooks) do
+ if (hook.DefaultFnName == nil) then
+ -- The hook is not documented yet
+ f:write(" <tr>\n <td>" .. hook.Name .. "</td>\n <td><i>(No documentation yet)</i></td>\n </tr>\n");
+ table.insert(UndocumentedHooks, hook.Name);
+ else
+ f:write(" <tr>\n <td><a href=\"" .. hook.DefaultFnName .. ".html\">" .. hook.Name .. "</a></td>\n <td>" .. LinkifyString(hook.CalledWhen, hook.Name) .. "</td>\n </tr>\n");
+ WriteHtmlHook(hook);
+ end
+ end
+ f:write([[ </table>
+ <hr />
+ <a name="extra"><h2>Extra pages</h2></a>
+ <p>The following pages provide various extra information</p>
+ <ul>
+ for i, extra in ipairs(g_APIDesc.ExtraPages) do
+ local SrcFileName = g_PluginFolder .. "/" .. extra.FileName;
+ if (cFile:Exists(SrcFileName)) then
+ local DstFileName = "API/" .. extra.FileName;
+ if (cFile:Exists(DstFileName)) then
+ cFile:Delete(DstFileName);
+ end
+ cFile:Copy(SrcFileName, DstFileName);
+ f:write(" <li><a href=\"" .. extra.FileName .. "\">" .. extra.Title .. "</a></li>\n");
+ else
+ f:write(" <li>" .. extra.Title .. " <i>(file is missing)</i></li>\n");
+ end
+ end
+ f:write("</ul>");
+ -- Copy the static files to the output folder (overwrite any existing):
+ cFile:Copy(g_Plugin:GetLocalFolder() .. "/main.css", "API/main.css");
+ cFile:Copy(g_Plugin:GetLocalFolder() .. "/prettify.js", "API/prettify.js");
+ cFile:Copy(g_Plugin:GetLocalFolder() .. "/prettify.css", "API/prettify.css");
+ cFile:Copy(g_Plugin:GetLocalFolder() .. "/lang-lua.js", "API/lang-lua.js");
+ -- List the documentation problems:
+ LOG("Listing leftovers...");
+ ListUndocumentedObjects(API, UndocumentedHooks);
+ ListUnexportedObjects();
+ ListMissingPages();
+ WriteStats(f);
+ f:write([[ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </body>
+ f:close();
+ LOG("API subfolder written");
+function ReadDescriptions(a_API)
+ -- Returns true if the class of the specified name is to be ignored
+ local function IsClassIgnored(a_ClsName)
+ if (g_APIDesc.IgnoreClasses == nil) then
+ return false;
+ end
+ for i, name in ipairs(g_APIDesc.IgnoreClasses) do
+ if (a_ClsName:match(name)) then
+ return true;
+ end
+ end
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- Returns true if the function is to be ignored
+ local function IsFunctionIgnored(a_ClassName, a_FnName)
+ if (g_APIDesc.IgnoreFunctions == nil) then
+ return false;
+ end
+ if (((g_APIDesc.Classes[a_ClassName] or {}).Functions or {})[a_FnName] ~= nil) then
+ -- The function is documented, don't ignore
+ return false;
+ end
+ local FnName = a_ClassName .. "." .. a_FnName;
+ for i, name in ipairs(g_APIDesc.IgnoreFunctions) do
+ if (FnName:match(name)) then
+ return true;
+ end
+ end
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- Returns true if the constant (specified by its fully qualified name) is to be ignored
+ local function IsConstantIgnored(a_CnName)
+ if (g_APIDesc.IgnoreConstants == nil) then
+ return false;
+ end;
+ for i, name in ipairs(g_APIDesc.IgnoreConstants) do
+ if (a_CnName:match(name)) then
+ return true;
+ end
+ end
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- Returns true if the member variable (specified by its fully qualified name) is to be ignored
+ local function IsVariableIgnored(a_VarName)
+ if (g_APIDesc.IgnoreVariables == nil) then
+ return false;
+ end;
+ for i, name in ipairs(g_APIDesc.IgnoreVariables) do
+ if (a_VarName:match(name)) then
+ return true;
+ end
+ end
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- Remove ignored classes from a_API:
+ local APICopy = {};
+ for i, cls in ipairs(a_API) do
+ if not(IsClassIgnored(cls.Name)) then
+ table.insert(APICopy, cls);
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1, #a_API do
+ a_API[i] = APICopy[i];
+ end;
+ -- Process the documentation for each class:
+ for i, cls in ipairs(a_API) do
+ -- Initialize default values for each class:
+ cls.ConstantGroups = {};
+ cls.NumConstantsInGroups = 0;
+ cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants = 0;
+ -- Rename special functions:
+ for j, fn in ipairs(cls.Functions) do
+ if (fn.Name == ".call") then
+ fn.DocID = "constructor";
+ fn.Name = "() <i>(constructor)</i>";
+ elseif (fn.Name == ".add") then
+ fn.DocID = "operator_plus";
+ fn.Name = "<i>operator +</i>";
+ elseif (fn.Name == ".div") then
+ fn.DocID = "operator_div";
+ fn.Name = "<i>operator /</i>";
+ elseif (fn.Name == ".mul") then
+ fn.DocID = "operator_mul";
+ fn.Name = "<i>operator *</i>";
+ elseif (fn.Name == ".sub") then
+ fn.DocID = "operator_sub";
+ fn.Name = "<i>operator -</i>";
+ elseif (fn.Name == ".eq") then
+ fn.DocID = "operator_eq";
+ fn.Name = "<i>operator ==</i>";
+ end
+ end
+ local APIDesc = g_APIDesc.Classes[cls.Name];
+ if (APIDesc ~= nil) then
+ APIDesc.IsExported = true;
+ cls.Desc = APIDesc.Desc;
+ cls.AdditionalInfo = APIDesc.AdditionalInfo;
+ -- Process inheritance:
+ if (APIDesc.Inherits ~= nil) then
+ for j, icls in ipairs(a_API) do
+ if (icls.Name == APIDesc.Inherits) then
+ table.insert(icls.Descendants, cls);
+ cls.Inherits = icls;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cls.UndocumentedFunctions = {}; -- This will contain names of all the functions that are not documented
+ cls.UndocumentedConstants = {}; -- This will contain names of all the constants that are not documented
+ cls.UndocumentedVariables = {}; -- This will contain names of all the variables that are not documented
+ local DoxyFunctions = {}; -- This will contain all the API functions together with their documentation
+ local function AddFunction(a_Name, a_Params, a_Return, a_Notes)
+ table.insert(DoxyFunctions, {Name = a_Name, Params = a_Params, Return = a_Return, Notes = a_Notes});
+ end
+ if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil) then
+ -- Assign function descriptions:
+ for j, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do
+ local FnName = func.DocID or func.Name;
+ local FnDesc = APIDesc.Functions[FnName];
+ if (FnDesc == nil) then
+ -- No description for this API function
+ AddFunction(func.Name);
+ if not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, FnName)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedFunctions, FnName);
+ end
+ else
+ -- Description is available
+ if (FnDesc[1] == nil) then
+ -- Single function definition
+ AddFunction(func.Name, FnDesc.Params, FnDesc.Return, FnDesc.Notes);
+ else
+ -- Multiple function overloads
+ for k, desc in ipairs(FnDesc) do
+ AddFunction(func.Name, desc.Params, desc.Return, desc.Notes);
+ end -- for k, desc - FnDesc[]
+ end
+ FnDesc.IsExported = true;
+ end
+ end -- for j, func
+ -- Replace functions with their described and overload-expanded versions:
+ cls.Functions = DoxyFunctions;
+ else -- if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil)
+ for j, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do
+ local FnName = func.DocID or func.Name;
+ if not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, FnName)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedFunctions, FnName);
+ end
+ end
+ end -- if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil)
+ if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil) then
+ -- Assign constant descriptions:
+ for j, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do
+ local CnDesc = APIDesc.Constants[cons.Name];
+ if (CnDesc == nil) then
+ -- Not documented
+ if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. cons.Name)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedConstants, cons.Name);
+ end
+ else
+ cons.Notes = CnDesc.Notes;
+ CnDesc.IsExported = true;
+ end
+ end -- for j, cons
+ else -- if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil)
+ for j, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do
+ if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. cons.Name)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedConstants, cons.Name);
+ end
+ end
+ end -- else if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil)
+ -- Assign member variables' descriptions:
+ if (APIDesc.Variables ~= nil) then
+ for j, var in ipairs(cls.Variables) do
+ local VarDesc = APIDesc.Variables[var.Name];
+ if (VarDesc == nil) then
+ -- Not documented
+ if not(IsVariableIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. var.Name)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedVariables, var.Name);
+ end
+ else
+ -- Copy all documentation:
+ for k, v in pairs(VarDesc) do
+ var[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end -- for j, var
+ else -- if (APIDesc.Variables ~= nil)
+ for j, var in ipairs(cls.Variables) do
+ if not(IsVariableIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. var.Name)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedVariables, var.Name);
+ end
+ end
+ end -- else if (APIDesc.Variables ~= nil)
+ if (APIDesc.ConstantGroups ~= nil) then
+ -- Create links between the constants and the groups:
+ local NumInGroups = 0;
+ local NumInDescendantGroups = 0;
+ for j, group in pairs(APIDesc.ConstantGroups) do
+ group.Name = j;
+ group.Constants = {};
+ if (type(group.Include) == "string") then
+ group.Include = { group.Include };
+ end
+ local NumInGroup = 0;
+ for idx, incl in ipairs(group.Include or {}) do
+ for cidx, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do
+ if ((cons.Group == nil) and cons.Name:match(incl)) then
+ cons.Group = group;
+ table.insert(group.Constants, cons);
+ NumInGroup = NumInGroup + 1;
+ end
+ end -- for cidx - cls.Constants[]
+ end -- for idx - group.Include[]
+ NumInGroups = NumInGroups + NumInGroup;
+ if (group.ShowInDescendants) then
+ NumInDescendantGroups = NumInDescendantGroups + NumInGroup;
+ end
+ -- Sort the constants:
+ table.sort(group.Constants,
+ function(c1, c2)
+ return (c1.Name < c2.Name);
+ end
+ );
+ end -- for j - APIDesc.ConstantGroups[]
+ cls.ConstantGroups = APIDesc.ConstantGroups;
+ cls.NumConstantsInGroups = NumInGroups;
+ cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants = NumInDescendantGroups;
+ -- Remove grouped constants from the normal list:
+ local NewConstants = {};
+ for idx, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do
+ if (cons.Group == nil) then
+ table.insert(NewConstants, cons);
+ end
+ end
+ cls.Constants = NewConstants;
+ end -- if (ConstantGroups ~= nil)
+ else -- if (APIDesc ~= nil)
+ -- Class is not documented at all, add all its members to Undocumented lists:
+ cls.UndocumentedFunctions = {};
+ cls.UndocumentedConstants = {};
+ cls.UndocumentedVariables = {};
+ cls.Variables = cls.Variables or {};
+ g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses = g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses + 1;
+ for j, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do
+ local FnName = func.DocID or func.Name;
+ if not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, FnName)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedFunctions, FnName);
+ end
+ end -- for j, func - cls.Functions[]
+ for j, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do
+ if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. cons.Name)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedConstants, cons.Name);
+ end
+ end -- for j, cons - cls.Constants[]
+ for j, var in ipairs(cls.Variables) do
+ if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. var.Name)) then
+ table.insert(cls.UndocumentedVariables, var.Name);
+ end
+ end -- for j, var - cls.Variables[]
+ end -- else if (APIDesc ~= nil)
+ -- Remove ignored functions:
+ local NewFunctions = {};
+ for j, fn in ipairs(cls.Functions) do
+ if (not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, fn.Name))) then
+ table.insert(NewFunctions, fn);
+ end
+ end -- for j, fn
+ cls.Functions = NewFunctions;
+ -- Sort the functions (they may have been renamed):
+ table.sort(cls.Functions,
+ function(f1, f2)
+ if (f1.Name == f2.Name) then
+ -- Same name, either comparing the same function to itself, or two overloads, in which case compare the params
+ if ((f1.Params == nil) or (f2.Params == nil)) then
+ return 0;
+ end
+ return (f1.Params < f2.Params);
+ end
+ return (f1.Name < f2.Name);
+ end
+ );
+ -- Sort the constants:
+ table.sort(cls.Constants,
+ function(c1, c2)
+ return (c1.Name < c2.Name);
+ end
+ );
+ -- Remove ignored functions:
+ local NewVariables = {};
+ for j, var in ipairs(cls.Variables) do
+ if (not(IsVariableIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. var.Name))) then
+ table.insert(NewVariables, var);
+ end
+ end -- for j, var
+ cls.Variables = NewVariables;
+ -- Sort the member variables:
+ table.sort(cls.Variables,
+ function(v1, v2)
+ return (v1.Name < v2.Name);
+ end
+ );
+ end -- for i, cls
+ -- Sort the descendants lists:
+ for i, cls in ipairs(a_API) do
+ table.sort(cls.Descendants,
+ function(c1, c2)
+ return (c1.Name < c2.Name);
+ end
+ );
+ end -- for i, cls
+function ReadHooks(a_Hooks)
+ --[[
+ a_Hooks = {
+ { Name = "HOOK_1"},
+ { Name = "HOOK_2"},
+ ...
+ };
+ We want to add hook descriptions to each hook in this array
+ --]]
+ for i, hook in ipairs(a_Hooks) do
+ local HookDesc = g_APIDesc.Hooks[hook.Name];
+ if (HookDesc ~= nil) then
+ for key, val in pairs(HookDesc) do
+ hook[key] = val;
+ end
+ end
+ end -- for i, hook - a_Hooks[]
+ g_Stats.NumTotalHooks = #a_Hooks;
+-- Make a link out of anything with the special linkifying syntax {{link|title}}
+function LinkifyString(a_String, a_Referrer)
+ assert(a_Referrer ~= nil);
+ assert(a_Referrer ~= "");
+ --- Adds a page to the list of tracked pages (to be checked for existence at the end)
+ local function AddTrackedPage(a_PageName)
+ local Pg = (g_TrackedPages[a_PageName] or {});
+ table.insert(Pg, a_Referrer);
+ g_TrackedPages[a_PageName] = Pg;
+ end
+ --- Creates the HTML for the specified link and title
+ local function CreateLink(Link, Title)
+ if (Link:sub(1, 7) == "http://") then
+ -- The link is a full absolute URL, do not modify, do not track:
+ return "<a href=\"" .. Link .. "\">" .. Title .. "</a>";
+ end
+ local idxHash = Link:find("#");
+ if (idxHash ~= nil) then
+ -- The link contains an anchor:
+ if (idxHash == 1) then
+ -- Anchor in the current page, no need to track:
+ return "<a href=\"" .. Link .. "\">" .. Title .. "</a>";
+ end
+ -- Anchor in another page:
+ local PageName = Link:sub(1, idxHash - 1);
+ AddTrackedPage(PageName);
+ return "<a href=\"" .. PageName .. ".html#" .. Link:sub(idxHash + 1) .. "\">" .. Title .. "</a>";
+ end
+ -- Link without anchor:
+ AddTrackedPage(Link);
+ return "<a href=\"" .. Link .. ".html\">" .. Title .. "</a>";
+ end
+ -- Linkify the strings using the CreateLink() function:
+ local txt = a_String:gsub("{{([^|}]*)|([^}]*)}}", CreateLink) -- {{link|title}}
+ txt = txt:gsub("{{([^|}]*)}}", -- {{LinkAndTitle}}
+ function(LinkAndTitle)
+ local idxHash = LinkAndTitle:find("#");
+ if (idxHash ~= nil) then
+ -- The LinkAndTitle contains a hash, remove the hashed part from the title:
+ return CreateLink(LinkAndTitle, LinkAndTitle:sub(1, idxHash - 1));
+ end
+ return CreateLink(LinkAndTitle, LinkAndTitle);
+ end
+ );
+ return txt;
+function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
+ local cf, err ="API/" .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. ".html", "w");
+ if (cf == nil) then
+ return;
+ end
+ -- Writes a table containing all functions in the specified list, with an optional "inherited from" header when a_InheritedName is valid
+ local function WriteFunctions(a_Functions, a_InheritedName)
+ if (#a_Functions == 0) then
+ return;
+ end
+ if (a_InheritedName ~= nil) then
+ cf:write("<h2>Functions inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "</h2>\n");
+ end
+ cf:write("<table>\n<tr><th>Name</th><th>Parameters</th><th>Return value</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
+ for i, func in ipairs(a_Functions) do
+ cf:write("<tr><td>", func.Name, "</td>\n");
+ cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(func.Params or "", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)), "</td>\n");
+ cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(func.Return or "", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)), "</td>\n");
+ cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(func.Notes or "<i>(undocumented)</i>", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)), "</td></tr>\n");
+ end
+ cf:write("</table>\n");
+ end
+ local function WriteConstantTable(a_Constants, a_Source)
+ cf:write("<table>\n<tr><th>Name</th><th>Value</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
+ for i, cons in ipairs(a_Constants) do
+ cf:write("<tr><td>", cons.Name, "</td>\n");
+ cf:write("<td>", cons.Value, "</td>\n");
+ cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(cons.Notes or "", a_Source), "</td></tr>\n");
+ end
+ cf:write("</table>\n\n");
+ end
+ local function WriteConstants(a_Constants, a_ConstantGroups, a_NumConstantGroups, a_InheritedName)
+ if ((#a_Constants == 0) and (a_NumConstantGroups == 0)) then
+ return;
+ end
+ local Source = a_ClassAPI.Name
+ if (a_InheritedName ~= nil) then
+ cf:write("<h2>Constants inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "</h2>\n");
+ Source = a_InheritedName;
+ end
+ if (#a_Constants > 0) then
+ WriteConstantTable(a_Constants, Source);
+ end
+ for k, group in pairs(a_ConstantGroups) do
+ if ((a_InheritedName == nil) or group.ShowInDescendants) then
+ cf:write("<a name='", group.Name, "'><p>");
+ cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextBefore or "", Source));
+ WriteConstantTable(group.Constants, a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name);
+ cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextAfter or "", Source), "</a></p>");
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function WriteVariables(a_Variables, a_InheritedName)
+ if (#a_Variables == 0) then
+ return;
+ end
+ if (a_InheritedName ~= nil) then
+ cf:write("<h2>Member variables inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "</h2>\n");
+ end
+ cf:write("<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
+ for i, var in ipairs(a_Variables) do
+ cf:write("<tr><td>", var.Name, "</td>\n");
+ cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(var.Type or "<i>(undocumented)</i>", a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name), "</td>\n");
+ cf:write("<td>", LinkifyString(var.Notes or "", a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name), "</td>\n </tr>\n");
+ end
+ cf:write("</table>\n\n");
+ end
+ local function WriteDescendants(a_Descendants)
+ if (#a_Descendants == 0) then
+ return;
+ end
+ cf:write("<ul>");
+ for i, desc in ipairs(a_Descendants) do
+ cf:write("<li><a href=\"", desc.Name, ".html\">", desc.Name, "</a>");
+ WriteDescendants(desc.Descendants);
+ cf:write("</li>\n");
+ end
+ cf:write("</ul>\n");
+ end
+ local ClassName = a_ClassAPI.Name;
+ -- Build an array of inherited classes chain:
+ local InheritanceChain = {};
+ local CurrInheritance = a_ClassAPI.Inherits;
+ while (CurrInheritance ~= nil) do
+ table.insert(InheritanceChain, CurrInheritance);
+ CurrInheritance = CurrInheritance.Inherits;
+ end
+ cf:write([[<!DOCTYPE html><html>
+ <head>
+ <title>MCServer API - ]], a_ClassAPI.Name, [[ Class</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="prettify.css" />
+ <script src="prettify.js"></script>
+ <script src="lang-lua.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="content">
+ <header>
+ <h1>]], a_ClassAPI.Name, [[</h1>
+ <hr />
+ </header>
+ <h1>Contents</h1>
+ <p><ul>
+ ]]);
+ local HasInheritance = ((#a_ClassAPI.Descendants > 0) or (a_ClassAPI.Inherits ~= nil));
+ local HasConstants = (#a_ClassAPI.Constants > 0) or (a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups > 0);
+ local HasFunctions = (#a_ClassAPI.Functions > 0);
+ local HasVariables = (#a_ClassAPI.Variables > 0);
+ for idx, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
+ HasConstants = HasConstants or (#cls.Constants > 0) or (cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants > 0);
+ HasFunctions = HasFunctions or (#cls.Functions > 0);
+ HasVariables = HasVariables or (#cls.Variables > 0);
+ end
+ -- Write the table of contents:
+ if (HasInheritance) then
+ cf:write("<li><a href=\"#inherits\">Inheritance</a></li>\n");
+ end
+ if (HasConstants) then
+ cf:write("<li><a href=\"#constants\">Constants</a></li>\n");
+ end
+ if (HasVariables) then
+ cf:write("<li><a href=\"#variables\">Member variables</a></li>\n");
+ end
+ if (HasFunctions) then
+ cf:write("<li><a href=\"#functions\">Functions</a></li>\n");
+ end
+ if (a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo ~= nil) then
+ for i, additional in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo) do
+ cf:write("<li><a href=\"#additionalinfo_", i, "\">", (additional.Header or "<i>(No header)</i>"), "</a></li>\n");
+ end
+ end
+ cf:write("</ul></p>\n");
+ -- Write the class description:
+ cf:write("<hr /><a name=\"desc\"><h1>", ClassName, " class</h1></a>\n");
+ if (a_ClassAPI.Desc ~= nil) then
+ cf:write("<p>");
+ cf:write(LinkifyString(a_ClassAPI.Desc, ClassName));
+ cf:write("</p>\n\n");
+ end;
+ -- Write the inheritance, if available:
+ if (HasInheritance) then
+ cf:write("<hr /><a name=\"inherits\"><h1>Inheritance</h1></a>\n");
+ if (#InheritanceChain > 0) then
+ cf:write("<p>This class inherits from the following parent classes:<ul>\n");
+ for i, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
+ cf:write("<li><a href=\"", cls.Name, ".html\">", cls.Name, "</a></li>\n");
+ end
+ cf:write("</ul></p>\n");
+ end
+ if (#a_ClassAPI.Descendants > 0) then
+ cf:write("<p>This class has the following descendants:\n");
+ WriteDescendants(a_ClassAPI.Descendants);
+ cf:write("</p>\n\n");
+ end
+ end
+ -- Write the constants:
+ if (HasConstants) then
+ cf:write("<a name=\"constants\"><hr /><h1>Constants</h1></a>\n");
+ WriteConstants(a_ClassAPI.Constants, a_ClassAPI.ConstantGroups, a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups, nil);
+ g_Stats.NumTotalConstants = g_Stats.NumTotalConstants + #a_ClassAPI.Constants + (a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups or 0);
+ for i, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
+ WriteConstants(cls.Constants, cls.ConstantGroups, cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants, cls.Name);
+ end;
+ end;
+ -- Write the member variables:
+ if (HasVariables) then
+ cf:write("<a name=\"variables\"><hr /><h1>Member variables</h1></a>\n");
+ WriteVariables(a_ClassAPI.Variables, nil);
+ g_Stats.NumTotalVariables = g_Stats.NumTotalVariables + #a_ClassAPI.Variables;
+ for i, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
+ WriteVariables(cls.Variables, cls.Name);
+ end;
+ end
+ -- Write the functions, including the inherited ones:
+ if (HasFunctions) then
+ cf:write("<a name=\"functions\"><hr /><h1>Functions</h1></a>\n");
+ WriteFunctions(a_ClassAPI.Functions, nil);
+ g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions = g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions + #a_ClassAPI.Functions;
+ for i, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
+ WriteFunctions(cls.Functions, cls.Name);
+ end
+ end
+ -- Write the additional infos:
+ if (a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo ~= nil) then
+ for i, additional in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo) do
+ cf:write("<a name=\"additionalinfo_", i, "\"><h1>", additional.Header, "</h1></a>\n");
+ cf:write(LinkifyString(additional.Contents, ClassName));
+ end
+ end
+ cf:write([[</div><script>prettyPrint();</script></body></html>]]);
+ cf:close();
+function WriteHtmlHook(a_Hook)
+ local fnam = "API/" .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. ".html";
+ local f, error =, "w");
+ if (f == nil) then
+ LOG("Cannot write \"" .. fnam .. "\": \"" .. error .. "\".");
+ return;
+ end
+ local HookName = a_Hook.DefaultFnName;
+ f:write([[<!DOCTYPE html><html>
+ <head>
+ <title>MCServer API - ]], HookName, [[ Hook</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="prettify.css" />
+ <script src="prettify.js"></script>
+ <script src="lang-lua.js"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="content">
+ <header>
+ <h1>]], a_Hook.Name, [[</h1>
+ <hr />
+ </header>
+ <p>
+ ]]);
+ f:write(LinkifyString(a_Hook.Desc, HookName));
+ f:write("</p>\n<hr /><h1>Callback function</h1>\n<p>The default name for the callback function is ");
+ f:write(a_Hook.DefaultFnName, ". It has the following signature:\n");
+ f:write("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">function ", HookName, "(");
+ if (a_Hook.Params == nil) then
+ a_Hook.Params = {};
+ end
+ for i, param in ipairs(a_Hook.Params) do
+ if (i > 1) then
+ f:write(", ");
+ end
+ f:write(param.Name);
+ end
+ f:write(")</pre>\n<hr /><h1>Parameters:</h1>\n<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
+ for i, param in ipairs(a_Hook.Params) do
+ f:write("<tr><td>", param.Name, "</td><td>", LinkifyString(param.Type, HookName), "</td><td>", LinkifyString(param.Notes, HookName), "</td></tr>\n");
+ end
+ f:write("</table>\n<p>" .. (a_Hook.Returns or "") .. "</p>\n\n");
+ f:write([[<hr /><h1>Code examples</h1><h2>Registering the callback</h2>]]);
+ f:write("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">\n");
+ f:write([[cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.]] .. a_Hook.Name .. ", My" .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. [[);]]);
+ f:write("</pre>\n\n");
+ local Examples = a_Hook.CodeExamples or {};
+ for i, example in ipairs(Examples) do
+ f:write("<h2>", (example.Title or "<i>missing Title</i>"), "</h2>\n");
+ f:write("<p>", (example.Desc or "<i>missing Desc</i>"), "</p>\n");
+ f:write("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">", (example.Code or "<i>missing Code</i>"), "\n</pre>\n\n");
+ end
+ f:write([[</div><script>prettyPrint();</script></body></html>]]);
+ f:close();
+--- Writes a list of undocumented objects into a file
+function ListUndocumentedObjects(API, UndocumentedHooks)
+ f ="API/_undocumented.lua", "w");
+ if (f ~= nil) then
+ f:write("\n-- This is the list of undocumented API objects, automatically generated by APIDump\n\n");
+ f:write("g_APIDesc =\n{\n\tClasses =\n\t{\n");
+ for i, cls in ipairs(API) do
+ local HasFunctions = ((cls.UndocumentedFunctions ~= nil) and (#cls.UndocumentedFunctions > 0));
+ local HasConstants = ((cls.UndocumentedConstants ~= nil) and (#cls.UndocumentedConstants > 0));
+ local HasVariables = ((cls.UndocumentedVariables ~= nil) and (#cls.UndocumentedVariables > 0));
+ g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions = g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions + #cls.UndocumentedFunctions;
+ g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants = g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants + #cls.UndocumentedConstants;
+ g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables = g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables + #cls.UndocumentedVariables;
+ if (HasFunctions or HasConstants or HasVariables) then
+ f:write("\t\t" .. cls.Name .. " =\n\t\t{\n");
+ if ((cls.Desc == nil) or (cls.Desc == "")) then
+ f:write("\t\t\tDesc = \"\"\n");
+ end
+ end
+ if (HasFunctions) then
+ f:write("\t\t\tFunctions =\n\t\t\t{\n");
+ table.sort(cls.UndocumentedFunctions);
+ for j, fn in ipairs(cls.UndocumentedFunctions) do
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t" .. fn .. " = { Params = \"\", Return = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ end -- for j, fn - cls.UndocumentedFunctions[]
+ f:write("\t\t\t},\n\n");
+ end
+ if (HasConstants) then
+ f:write("\t\t\tConstants =\n\t\t\t{\n");
+ table.sort(cls.UndocumentedConstants);
+ for j, cn in ipairs(cls.UndocumentedConstants) do
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t" .. cn .. " = { Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ end -- for j, fn - cls.UndocumentedConstants[]
+ f:write("\t\t\t},\n\n");
+ end
+ if (HasVariables) then
+ f:write("\t\t\tVariables =\n\t\t\t{\n");
+ table.sort(cls.UndocumentedVariables);
+ for j, vn in ipairs(cls.UndocumentedVariables) do
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t" .. vn .. " = { Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ end -- for j, fn - cls.UndocumentedVariables[]
+ f:write("\t\t\t},\n\n");
+ end
+ if (HasFunctions or HasConstants or HasVariables) then
+ f:write("\t\t},\n\n");
+ end
+ end -- for i, cls - API[]
+ f:write("\t},\n");
+ if (#UndocumentedHooks > 0) then
+ f:write("\n\tHooks =\n\t{\n");
+ for i, hook in ipairs(UndocumentedHooks) do
+ if (i > 1) then
+ f:write("\n");
+ end
+ f:write("\t\t" .. hook .. " =\n\t\t{\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\tCalledWhen = \"\",\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\tDefaultFnName = \"On\", -- also used as pagename\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\tDesc = [[\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t]],\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\tParams =\n\t\t\t{\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\t},\n");
+ f:write("\t\t\tReturns = [[\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t]],\n");
+ f:write("\t\t}, -- " .. hook .. "\n");
+ end
+ f:write("\t},\n");
+ end
+ f:write("}\n\n\n\n");
+ f:close();
+ end
+ g_Stats.NumUndocumentedHooks = #UndocumentedHooks;
+--- Lists the API objects that are documented but not available in the API:
+function ListUnexportedObjects()
+ f ="API/_unexported-documented.txt", "w");
+ if (f ~= nil) then
+ for clsname, cls in pairs(g_APIDesc.Classes) do
+ if not(cls.IsExported) then
+ -- The whole class is not exported
+ f:write("class\t" .. clsname .. "\n");
+ else
+ if (cls.Functions ~= nil) then
+ for fnname, fnapi in pairs(cls.Functions) do
+ if not(fnapi.IsExported) then
+ f:write("func\t" .. clsname .. "." .. fnname .. "\n");
+ end
+ end -- for j, fn - cls.Functions[]
+ end
+ if (cls.Constants ~= nil) then
+ for cnname, cnapi in pairs(cls.Constants) do
+ if not(cnapi.IsExported) then
+ f:write("const\t" .. clsname .. "." .. cnname .. "\n");
+ end
+ end -- for j, fn - cls.Functions[]
+ end
+ end
+ end -- for i, cls - g_APIDesc.Classes[]
+ f:close();
+ end
+function ListMissingPages()
+ local MissingPages = {};
+ local NumLinks = 0;
+ for PageName, Referrers in pairs(g_TrackedPages) do
+ NumLinks = NumLinks + 1;
+ if not(cFile:Exists("API/" .. PageName .. ".html")) then
+ table.insert(MissingPages, {Name = PageName, Refs = Referrers} );
+ end
+ end;
+ g_Stats.NumTrackedLinks = NumLinks;
+ g_TrackedPages = {};
+ if (#MissingPages == 0) then
+ -- No missing pages, congratulations!
+ return;
+ end
+ -- Sort the pages by name:
+ table.sort(MissingPages,
+ function (Page1, Page2)
+ return (Page1.Name < Page2.Name);
+ end
+ );
+ -- Output the pages:
+ local f, err ="API/_missingPages.txt", "w");
+ if (f == nil) then
+ LOGWARNING("Cannot open _missingPages.txt for writing: '" .. err .. "'. There are " .. #MissingPages .. " pages missing.");
+ return;
+ end
+ for idx, pg in ipairs(MissingPages) do
+ f:write(pg.Name .. ":\n");
+ -- Sort and output the referrers:
+ table.sort(pg.Refs);
+ f:write("\t" .. table.concat(pg.Refs, "\n\t"));
+ f:write("\n\n");
+ end
+ f:close();
+ g_Stats.NumInvalidLinks = #MissingPages;
+--- Writes the documentation statistics (in g_Stats) into the given HTML file
+function WriteStats(f)
+ local function ExportMeter(a_Percent)
+ local Color;
+ if (a_Percent > 99) then
+ Color = "green";
+ elseif (a_Percent > 50) then
+ Color = "orange";
+ else
+ Color = "red";
+ end
+ local meter = {
+ "\n",
+ "<div style=\"background-color: black; padding: 1px; width: 100px\">\n",
+ "<div style=\"background-color: ",
+ Color,
+ "; width: ",
+ a_Percent,
+ "%; height: 16px\"></div></div>\n</td><td>",
+ string.format("%.2f", a_Percent),
+ " %",
+ };
+ return table.concat(meter, "");
+ end
+ f:write([[
+ <hr /><a name="docstats"><h2>Documentation statistics</h2></a>
+ <table><tr><th>Object</th><th>Total</th><th>Documented</th><th>Undocumented</th><th colspan="2">Documented %</th></tr>
+ ]]);
+ f:write("<tr><td>Classes</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalClasses);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalClasses - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses);
+ f:write("</td><td>", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalClasses - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses) / g_Stats.NumTotalClasses));
+ f:write("</td></tr>\n");
+ f:write("<tr><td>Functions</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions);
+ f:write("</td><td>", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions) / g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions));
+ f:write("</td></tr>\n");
+ f:write("<tr><td>Member variables</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalVariables);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalVariables - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables);
+ f:write("</td><td>", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalVariables - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables) / g_Stats.NumTotalVariables));
+ f:write("</td></tr>\n");
+ f:write("<tr><td>Constants</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalConstants);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalConstants - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants);
+ f:write("</td><td>", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalConstants - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants) / g_Stats.NumTotalConstants));
+ f:write("</td></tr>\n");
+ f:write("<tr><td>Hooks</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalHooks);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumTotalHooks - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedHooks);
+ f:write("</td><td>", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedHooks);
+ f:write("</td><td>", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalHooks - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedHooks) / g_Stats.NumTotalHooks));
+ f:write("</td></tr>\n");
+ f:write([[
+ </table>
+ <p>There are ]], g_Stats.NumTrackedLinks, " internal links, ", g_Stats.NumInvalidLinks, " of them are invalid.</p>"
+ );