path: root/lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/function.lua
diff options
authorworktycho <>2013-12-09 18:51:12 +0100
committerworktycho <>2013-12-09 18:51:12 +0100
commit843605d59ebc128be0a578dc6f45ef8c05da6e79 (patch)
tree3ffebc6ba27baf7a9e1d4bc51501ffeea9b14226 /lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/function.lua
parentmerged makefile changes (diff)
parentFix Undefined behavior at Bindings/LuaWindow line 32 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/function.lua')
1 files changed, 577 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/function.lua b/lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/function.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2358e9ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/function.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+-- tolua: function class
+-- Written by Waldemar Celes
+-- TeCGraf/PUC-Rio
+-- Jul 1998
+-- $Id: $
+-- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
+-- The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and
+-- the author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates,
+-- enhancements, or modifications.
+-- Function class
+-- Represents a function or a class method.
+-- The following fields are stored:
+-- mod = type modifiers
+-- type = type
+-- ptr = "*" or "&", if representing a pointer or a reference
+-- name = name
+-- lname = lua name
+-- args = list of argument declarations
+-- const = if it is a method receiving a const "this".
+classFunction = {
+ mod = '',
+ type = '',
+ ptr = '',
+ name = '',
+ args = {n=0},
+ const = '',
+classFunction.__index = classFunction
+-- declare tags
+function classFunction:decltype ()
+ self.type = typevar(self.type)
+ if strfind(self.mod,'const') then
+ self.type = 'const '..self.type
+ self.mod = gsub(self.mod,'const','')
+ end
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ self.args[i]:decltype()
+ i = i+1
+ end
+-- Write binding function
+-- Outputs C/C++ binding function.
+function classFunction:supcode (local_constructor)
+ local overload = strsub(self.cname,-2,-1) - 1 -- indicate overloaded func
+ local nret = 0 -- number of returned values
+ local class = self:inclass()
+ local _,_,static = strfind(self.mod,'^%s*(static)')
+ if class then
+ if == 'new' and self.parent.flags.pure_virtual then
+ -- no constructor for classes with pure virtual methods
+ return
+ end
+ if local_constructor then
+ output("/* method: new_local of class ",class," */")
+ else
+ output("/* method:",," of class ",class," */")
+ end
+ else
+ output("/* function:",," */")
+ end
+ if local_constructor then
+ output("#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_"..self.cname.."_local")
+ output("\nstatic int",self.cname.."_local","(lua_State* tolua_S)")
+ else
+ output("#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE_"..self.cname)
+ output("\nstatic int",self.cname,"(lua_State* tolua_S)")
+ end
+ output("{")
+ -- check types
+ if overload < 0 then
+ output('#ifndef TOLUA_RELEASE\n')
+ end
+ output(' tolua_Error tolua_err;')
+ output(' if (\n')
+ -- check self
+ local narg
+ if class then narg=2 else narg=1 end
+ if class then
+ local func = get_is_function(self.parent.type)
+ local type = self.parent.type
+ if'new' or static~=nil then
+ func = 'tolua_isusertable'
+ type = self.parent.type
+ end
+ if self.const ~= '' then
+ type = "const "..type
+ end
+ output(' !'..func..'(tolua_S,1,"'..type..'",0,&tolua_err) ||\n')
+ end
+ -- check args
+ if self.args[1].type ~= 'void' then
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ local btype = isbasic(self.args[i].type)
+ if btype ~= 'value' and btype ~= 'state' then
+ output(' '..self.args[i]:outchecktype(narg)..' ||\n')
+ end
+ if btype ~= 'state' then
+ narg = narg+1
+ end
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ end
+ -- check end of list
+ output(' !tolua_isnoobj(tolua_S,'..narg..',&tolua_err)\n )')
+ output(' goto tolua_lerror;')
+ output(' else\n')
+ if overload < 0 then
+ output('#endif\n')
+ end
+ output(' {')
+ -- declare self, if the case
+ local narg
+ if class then narg=2 else narg=1 end
+ if class and'new' and static==nil then
+ output(' ',self.const,self.parent.type,'*','self = ')
+ output('(',self.const,self.parent.type,'*) ')
+ local to_func = get_to_function(self.parent.type)
+ output(to_func,'(tolua_S,1,0);')
+ elseif static then
+ _,_,self.mod = strfind(self.mod,'^%s*static%s%s*(.*)')
+ end
+ -- declare parameters
+ if self.args[1].type ~= 'void' then
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ self.args[i]:declare(narg)
+ if isbasic(self.args[i].type) ~= "state" then
+ narg = narg+1
+ end
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ end
+ -- check self
+ if class and'new' and static==nil then
+ output('#ifndef TOLUA_RELEASE\n')
+ output(' if (!self) tolua_error(tolua_S,"'..output_error_hook("invalid \'self\' in function \'%s\'",'", NULL);');
+ output('#endif\n')
+ end
+ -- get array element values
+ if class then narg=2 else narg=1 end
+ if self.args[1].type ~= 'void' then
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ self.args[i]:getarray(narg)
+ narg = narg+1
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ end
+ pre_call_hook(self)
+ local out = string.find(self.mod, "tolua_outside")
+ -- call function
+ if class and'delete' then
+ output(' Mtolua_delete(self);')
+ elseif class and == 'operator&[]' then
+ if flags['1'] then -- for compatibility with tolua5 ?
+ output(' self->operator[](',self.args[1].name,'-1) = ',self.args[2].name,';')
+ else
+ output(' self->operator[](',self.args[1].name,') = ',self.args[2].name,';')
+ end
+ else
+ output(' {')
+ if self.type ~= '' and self.type ~= 'void' then
+ output(' ',self.mod,self.type,self.ptr,'tolua_ret = ')
+ output('(',self.mod,self.type,self.ptr,') ')
+ else
+ output(' ')
+ end
+ if class and'new' then
+ output('Mtolua_new((',self.type,')(')
+ elseif class and static then
+ if out then
+ output(,'(')
+ else
+ output(class..'::','(')
+ end
+ elseif class then
+ if out then
+ output(,'(')
+ else
+ if self.cast_operator then
+ --output('static_cast<',self.mod,self.type,self.ptr,' >(*self')
+ output('self->operator ',self.mod,self.type,'(')
+ else
+ output('self->','(')
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ output(,'(')
+ end
+ if out and not static then
+ output('self')
+ if self.args[1] and self.args[1].name ~= '' then
+ output(',')
+ end
+ end
+ -- write parameters
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ self.args[i]:passpar()
+ i = i+1
+ if self.args[i] then
+ output(',')
+ end
+ end
+ if class and == 'operator[]' and flags['1'] then
+ output('-1);')
+ else
+ if class and'new' then
+ output('));') -- close Mtolua_new(
+ else
+ output(');')
+ end
+ end
+ -- return values
+ if self.type ~= '' and self.type ~= 'void' then
+ nret = nret + 1
+ local t,ct = isbasic(self.type)
+ if t and ~= "new" then
+ if self.cast_operator and _basic_raw_push[t] then
+ output(' ',_basic_raw_push[t],'(tolua_S,(',ct,')tolua_ret);')
+ else
+ output(' tolua_push'..t..'(tolua_S,(',ct,')tolua_ret);')
+ end
+ else
+ t = self.type
+ new_t = string.gsub(t, "const%s+", "")
+ local owned = false
+ if string.find(self.mod, "tolua_owned") then
+ owned = true
+ end
+ local push_func = get_push_function(t)
+ if self.ptr == '' then
+ output(' {')
+ output('#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
+ output(' void* tolua_obj = Mtolua_new((',new_t,')(tolua_ret));')
+ output(' ',push_func,'(tolua_S,tolua_obj,"',t,'");')
+ output(' tolua_register_gc(tolua_S,lua_gettop(tolua_S));')
+ output('#else\n')
+ output(' void* tolua_obj = tolua_copy(tolua_S,(void*)&tolua_ret,sizeof(',t,'));')
+ output(' ',push_func,'(tolua_S,tolua_obj,"',t,'");')
+ output(' tolua_register_gc(tolua_S,lua_gettop(tolua_S));')
+ output('#endif\n')
+ output(' }')
+ elseif self.ptr == '&' then
+ output(' ',push_func,'(tolua_S,(void*)&tolua_ret,"',t,'");')
+ else
+ output(' ',push_func,'(tolua_S,(void*)tolua_ret,"',t,'");')
+ if owned or local_constructor then
+ output(' tolua_register_gc(tolua_S,lua_gettop(tolua_S));')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ nret = nret + self.args[i]:retvalue()
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ output(' }')
+ -- set array element values
+ if class then narg=2 else narg=1 end
+ if self.args[1].type ~= 'void' then
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ self.args[i]:setarray(narg)
+ narg = narg+1
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ end
+ -- free dynamically allocated array
+ if self.args[1].type ~= 'void' then
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ self.args[i]:freearray()
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ post_call_hook(self)
+ output(' }')
+ output(' return '..nret..';')
+ -- call overloaded function or generate error
+ if overload < 0 then
+ output('#ifndef TOLUA_RELEASE\n')
+ output('tolua_lerror:\n')
+ output(' tolua_error(tolua_S,"'..output_error_hook("#ferror in function \'%s\'.", self.lname)..'",&tolua_err);')
+ output(' return 0;')
+ output('#endif\n')
+ else
+ local _local = ""
+ if local_constructor then
+ _local = "_local"
+ end
+ output('tolua_lerror:\n')
+ output(' return '..strsub(self.cname,1,-3)..format("%02d",overload).._local..'(tolua_S);')
+ end
+ output('}')
+ output('#endif //#ifndef TOLUA_DISABLE\n')
+ output('\n')
+ -- recursive call to write local constructor
+ if class and'new' and not local_constructor then
+ self:supcode(1)
+ end
+-- register function
+function classFunction:register (pre)
+ if not self:check_public_access() then
+ return
+ end
+ if == 'new' and self.parent.flags.pure_virtual then
+ -- no constructor for classes with pure virtual methods
+ return
+ end
+ output(pre..'tolua_function(tolua_S,"'..self.lname..'",'..self.cname..');')
+ if == 'new' then
+ output(pre..'tolua_function(tolua_S,"new_local",'..self.cname..'_local);')
+ output(pre..'tolua_function(tolua_S,".call",'..self.cname..'_local);')
+ --output(' tolua_set_call_event(tolua_S,'..self.cname..'_local, "'..self.parent.type..'");')
+ end
+-- Print method
+function classFunction:print (ident,close)
+ print(ident.."Function{")
+ print(ident.." mod = '"..self.mod.."',")
+ print(ident.." type = '"..self.type.."',")
+ print(ident.." ptr = '"..self.ptr.."',")
+ print(ident.." name = '""',")
+ print(ident.." lname = '"..self.lname.."',")
+ print(ident.." const = '"..self.const.."',")
+ print(ident.." cname = '"..self.cname.."',")
+ print(ident.." lname = '"..self.lname.."',")
+ print(ident.." args = {")
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ self.args[i]:print(ident.." ",",")
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ print(ident.." }")
+ print(ident.."}"..close)
+-- check if it returns an object by value
+function classFunction:requirecollection (t)
+ local r = false
+ if self.type ~= '' and not isbasic(self.type) and self.ptr=='' then
+ local type = gsub(self.type,"%s*const%s+","")
+ t[type] = "tolua_collect_" .. clean_template(type)
+ r = true
+ end
+ local i=1
+ while self.args[i] do
+ r = self.args[i]:requirecollection(t) or r
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ return r
+-- determine lua function name overload
+function classFunction:overload ()
+ return self.parent:overload(self.lname)
+function param_object(par) -- returns true if the parameter has an object as its default value
+ if not string.find(par, '=') then return false end -- it has no default value
+ local _,_,def = string.find(par, "=(.*)$")
+ if string.find(par, "|") then -- a list of flags
+ return true
+ end
+ if string.find(par, "%*") then -- it's a pointer with a default value
+ if string.find(par, '=%s*new') or string.find(par, "%(") then -- it's a pointer with an instance as default parameter.. is that valid?
+ return true
+ end
+ return false -- default value is 'NULL' or something
+ end
+ if string.find(par, "[%(&]") then
+ return true
+ end -- default value is a constructor call (most likely for a const reference)
+ --if string.find(par, "&") then
+ -- if string.find(def, ":") or string.find(def, "^%s*new%s+") then
+ -- -- it's a reference with default to something like Class::member, or 'new Class'
+ -- return true
+ -- end
+ --end
+ return false -- ?
+function strip_last_arg(all_args, last_arg) -- strips the default value from the last argument
+ local _,_,s_arg = string.find(last_arg, "^([^=]+)")
+ last_arg = string.gsub(last_arg, "([%%%(%)])", "%%%1");
+ all_args = string.gsub(all_args, "%s*,%s*"..last_arg.."%s*%)%s*$", ")")
+ return all_args, s_arg
+-- Internal constructor
+function _Function (t)
+ setmetatable(t,classFunction)
+ if t.const ~= 'const' and t.const ~= '' then
+ error("#invalid 'const' specification")
+ end
+ append(t)
+ if t:inclass() then
+ --print (' is '', is '
+ if string.gsub(, "%b<>", "") == string.gsub(t.parent.original_name or, "%b<>", "") then
+ = 'new'
+ t.lname = 'new'
+ t.parent._new = true
+ t.type =
+ t.ptr = '*'
+ elseif string.gsub(, "%b<>", "") == '~'..string.gsub(t.parent.original_name or, "%b<>", "") then
+ = 'delete'
+ t.lname = 'delete'
+ t.parent._delete = true
+ end
+ end
+ t.cname = t:cfuncname("tolua")..t:overload(t)
+ return t
+-- Constructor
+-- Expects three strings: one representing the function declaration,
+-- another representing the argument list, and the third representing
+-- the "const" or empty string.
+function Function (d,a,c)
+ --local t = split(strsub(a,2,-2),',') -- eliminate braces
+ --local t = split_params(strsub(a,2,-2))
+ if not flags['W'] and string.find(a, "%.%.%.%s*%)") then
+ warning("Functions with variable arguments (`...') are not supported. Ignoring "..d..a..c)
+ return nil
+ end
+ local i=1
+ local l = {n=0}
+ a = string.gsub(a, "%s*([%(%)])%s*", "%1")
+ local t,strip,last = strip_pars(strsub(a,2,-2));
+ if strip then
+ --local ns = string.sub(strsub(a,1,-2), 1, -(string.len(last)+1))
+ local ns = join(t, ",", 1, last-1)
+ ns = "("..string.gsub(ns, "%s*,%s*$", "")..')'
+ --ns = strip_defaults(ns)
+ local f = Function(d, ns, c)
+ for i=1,last do
+ t[i] = string.gsub(t[i], "=.*$", "")
+ end
+ end
+ while t[i] do
+ l.n = l.n+1
+ l[l.n] = Declaration(t[i],'var',true)
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ local f = Declaration(d,'func')
+ f.args = l
+ f.const = c
+ return _Function(f)
+function join(t, sep, first, last)
+ first = first or 1
+ last = last or table.getn(t)
+ local lsep = ""
+ local ret = ""
+ local loop = false
+ for i = first,last do
+ ret = ret..lsep..t[i]
+ lsep = sep
+ loop = true
+ end
+ if not loop then
+ return ""
+ end
+ return ret
+function strip_pars(s)
+ local t = split_c_tokens(s, ',')
+ local strip = false
+ local last
+ for i=t.n,1,-1 do
+ if not strip and param_object(t[i]) then
+ last = i
+ strip = true
+ end
+ --if strip then
+ -- t[i] = string.gsub(t[i], "=.*$", "")
+ --end
+ end
+ return t,strip,last
+function strip_defaults(s)
+ s = string.gsub(s, "^%(", "")
+ s = string.gsub(s, "%)$", "")
+ local t = split_c_tokens(s, ",")
+ local sep, ret = "",""
+ for i=1,t.n do
+ t[i] = string.gsub(t[i], "=.*$", "")
+ ret = ret..sep..t[i]
+ sep = ","
+ end
+ return "("..ret..")"