path: root/src/Physics
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authorTiger Wang <>2020-09-12 20:57:44 +0200
committerGitHub <>2020-09-12 20:57:44 +0200
commit93adbdce9a769b42baeb70f9ead5c7c6a35834b5 (patch)
treee0116770113a78af0d2d1c4d44a3878f551f0703 /src/Physics
parentfixed missing include for FreeBSD. (#4852) (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Physics/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Physics/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4c9bcc65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Physics/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Explodinator.cpp
+ # Lightning.cpp
+ Explodinator.h
+ # Lightning.h
diff --git a/src/Physics/Explodinator.cpp b/src/Physics/Explodinator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3bfb78611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Physics/Explodinator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#include "Globals.h"
+#include "BlockInfo.h"
+#include "Blocks/BlockHandler.h"
+#include "Blocks/ChunkInterface.h"
+#include "Chunk.h"
+#include "ClientHandle.h"
+#include "Entities/FallingBlock.h"
+#include "LineBlockTracer.h"
+#include "Simulator/SandSimulator.h"
+namespace Explodinator
+ const auto StepUnit = 0.3f;
+ const auto KnockbackFactor = 25U;
+ const auto StepAttenuation = 0.225f;
+ const auto TraceCubeSideLength = 16U;
+ const auto BoundingBoxStepUnit = 0.5f;
+ /** Converts an absolute floating-point Position into a Chunk-relative one. */
+ static Vector3f AbsoluteToRelative(const Vector3f a_Position, const cChunkCoords a_ChunkPosition)
+ {
+ return { a_Position.x - a_ChunkPosition.m_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width, a_Position.y, a_Position.z - a_ChunkPosition.m_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width };
+ }
+ /** Make a From Chunk-relative Position into a To Chunk-relative position. */
+ static Vector3f RebaseRelativePosition(const cChunkCoords a_From, const cChunkCoords a_To, const Vector3f a_Position)
+ {
+ return
+ {
+ a_Position.x + (a_From.m_ChunkX - a_To.m_ChunkX) * cChunkDef::Width,
+ a_Position.y,
+ a_Position.z + (a_From.m_ChunkZ - a_To.m_ChunkZ) * cChunkDef::Width
+ };
+ }
+ /** Calculates the approximate percentage of an Entity's bounding box that is exposed to an explosion centred at Position. */
+ static float CalculateEntityExposure(cChunk & a_Chunk, const cEntity & a_Entity, const Vector3f a_Position, const float a_SquareRadius)
+ {
+ unsigned Unobstructed = 0, Total = 0;
+ const auto Box = a_Entity.GetBoundingBox();
+ for (float X = Box.GetMinX(); X < Box.GetMaxX(); X += BoundingBoxStepUnit)
+ {
+ for (float Y = Box.GetMinY(); Y < Box.GetMaxY(); Y += BoundingBoxStepUnit)
+ {
+ for (float Z = Box.GetMinZ(); Z < Box.GetMaxZ(); Z += BoundingBoxStepUnit)
+ {
+ const auto Destination = Vector3f(X, Y, Z);
+ if ((Destination - a_Position).SqrLength() > a_SquareRadius)
+ {
+ // Don't bother with points outside our designated area-of-effect
+ // This is, surprisingly, a massive amount of work saved (~3m to detonate a sphere of 37k TNT before, ~1m after):
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (cLineBlockTracer::LineOfSightTrace(*a_Chunk.GetWorld(), a_Position, Destination, cLineBlockTracer::eLineOfSight::losAir))
+ {
+ Unobstructed++;
+ }
+ Total++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return static_cast<float>(Unobstructed) / Total;
+ }
+ /** Applies distance-based damage and knockback to all entities within the explosion's effect range. */
+ static void DamageEntities(cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3f a_Position, const unsigned a_Power)
+ {
+ const auto Radius = a_Power * 2.f;
+ const auto SquareRadius = Radius * Radius;
+ a_Chunk.GetWorld()->ForEachEntityInBox({ a_Position, Radius * 2 }, [&a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Power, Radius, SquareRadius](cEntity & Entity)
+ {
+ // Percentage of rays unobstructed.
+ const auto Exposure = CalculateEntityExposure(a_Chunk, Entity, a_Position, SquareRadius);
+ const auto Direction = Entity.GetPosition() - a_Position;
+ const auto Impact = (1 - (static_cast<float>(Direction.Length()) / Radius)) * Exposure;
+ // Don't apply damage to other TNT entities and falling blocks, they should be invincible:
+ if (!Entity.IsTNT() && !Entity.IsFallingBlock())
+ {
+ const auto Damage = (Impact * Impact + Impact) * 7 * a_Power + 1;
+ Entity.TakeDamage(dtExplosion, nullptr, FloorC(Damage), 0);
+ }
+ // Impact reduced by armour:
+ const auto ReducedImpact = Impact - Impact * Entity.GetEnchantmentBlastKnockbackReduction(); // TODO: call is very expensive, should only apply to Pawns
+ Entity.SetSpeed(Direction.NormalizeCopy() * KnockbackFactor * ReducedImpact);
+ // Continue iteration:
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ /** Sets the block at the given position, updating surroundings. */
+ static void DestroyBlock(cWorld & a_World, cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3i a_AbsolutePosition, const Vector3i a_RelativePosition, const BLOCKTYPE a_DestroyedBlock, const BLOCKTYPE a_NewBlock)
+ {
+ const auto DestroyedMeta = a_Chunk.GetMeta(a_RelativePosition);
+ // SetBlock wakes up all simulators for the area, so that water and lava flows and sand falls into the blasted holes
+ // It also is responsible for calling cBlockHandler::OnNeighborChanged to pop off blocks that fail CanBeAt
+ // An explicit call to cBlockHandler::OnBroken handles the destruction of multiblock structures
+ // References at (FS #391, GH #4418):
+ a_Chunk.SetBlock(a_RelativePosition, a_NewBlock, 0);
+ cChunkInterface Interface(a_World.GetChunkMap());
+ cBlockInfo::GetHandler(a_DestroyedBlock)->OnBroken(Interface, a_World, a_AbsolutePosition, a_DestroyedBlock, DestroyedMeta);
+ }
+ /** Sets the block at the given Position to air, updates surroundings, and spawns pickups, fire, shrapnel according to Minecraft rules.
+ OK, _mostly_ Minecraft rules. */
+ static void DestroyBlock(cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3i a_Position, const unsigned a_Power, const bool a_Fiery)
+ {
+ const auto DestroyedBlock = a_Chunk.GetBlock(a_Position);
+ if (DestroyedBlock == E_BLOCK_AIR)
+ {
+ // There's nothing left for us here, but a barren and empty land
+ // Let's go.
+ return;
+ }
+ auto & World = *a_Chunk.GetWorld();
+ auto & Random = GetRandomProvider();
+ const auto Absolute = cChunkDef::RelativeToAbsolute(a_Position, a_Chunk.GetPos());
+ if (DestroyedBlock == E_BLOCK_TNT)
+ {
+ // Random fuse between 10 to 30 game ticks.
+ const int FuseTime = Random.RandInt(10, 30);
+ // Activate the TNT, with initial velocity and no fuse sound:
+ World.SpawnPrimedTNT(Vector3d(0.5, 0, 0.5) + Absolute, FuseTime, 1, false);
+ }
+ else if (Random.RandBool(1.f / a_Power))
+ {
+ const auto DestroyedMeta = a_Chunk.GetMeta(a_Position);
+ a_Chunk.GetWorld()->SpawnItemPickups(
+ cBlockInfo::GetHandler(DestroyedBlock)->ConvertToPickups(DestroyedMeta, a_Chunk.GetBlockEntityRel(a_Position)),
+ Absolute
+ );
+ }
+ else if (a_Fiery && Random.RandBool(1.f / 3.f)) // 33% chance of starting fires if it can start fires
+ {
+ const auto Below = a_Position.addedY(-1);
+ if ((Below.y >= 0) && cBlockInfo::FullyOccupiesVoxel(a_Chunk.GetBlock(Below)))
+ {
+ // Start a fire:
+ DestroyBlock(World, a_Chunk, Absolute, a_Position, DestroyedBlock, E_BLOCK_FIRE);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const auto Shrapnel = World.GetTNTShrapnelLevel(); (Shrapnel > slNone) && Random.RandBool(0)) // 20% chance of flinging stuff around
+ {
+ // If the block is shrapnel-able, make a falling block entity out of it:
+ if (
+ ((Shrapnel == slAll) && cBlockInfo::FullyOccupiesVoxel(DestroyedBlock)) ||
+ ((Shrapnel == slGravityAffectedOnly) && cSandSimulator::IsAllowedBlock(DestroyedBlock))
+ )
+ {
+ const auto DestroyedMeta = a_Chunk.GetMeta(a_Position);
+ auto FallingBlock = std::make_unique<cFallingBlock>(Vector3d(0.5, 0, 0.5) + Absolute, DestroyedBlock, DestroyedMeta);
+ // TODO: correct velocity FallingBlock->SetSpeedY(40);
+ FallingBlock->Initialize(std::move(FallingBlock), World);
+ }
+ }
+ DestroyBlock(World, a_Chunk, Absolute, a_Position, DestroyedBlock, E_BLOCK_AIR);
+ }
+ /** Traces the path taken by one Explosion Lazor (tm) with given direction and intensity, that will destroy blocks until it is exhausted. */
+ static void DestructionTrace(cChunk * a_Chunk, Vector3f a_Origin, const Vector3f a_Destination, const unsigned a_Power, const bool a_Fiery, float a_Intensity)
+ {
+ // The current position the ray is at.
+ auto Checkpoint = a_Origin;
+ // The total displacement the ray must travel.
+ const auto TraceDisplacement = (a_Destination - a_Origin);
+ // The displacement that they ray in one iteration step should travel.
+ const auto Step = TraceDisplacement.NormalizeCopy() * StepUnit;
+ // Loop until we've reached the prescribed destination:
+ while (TraceDisplacement > (Checkpoint - a_Origin))
+ {
+ auto Position = Checkpoint.Floor();
+ if (!cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(Position.y))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ const auto Neighbour = a_Chunk->GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(Position);
+ if ((Neighbour == nullptr) || !Neighbour->IsValid())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ a_Intensity -= 0.3f * (0.3f + cBlockInfo::GetExplosionAbsorption(Neighbour->GetBlock(Position)));
+ if (a_Intensity <= 0)
+ {
+ // The ray is exhausted:
+ break;
+ }
+ DestroyBlock(*Neighbour, Position, a_Power, a_Fiery);
+ // Adjust coordinates to be relative to the neighbour chunk:
+ Checkpoint = RebaseRelativePosition(a_Chunk->GetPos(), Neighbour->GetPos(), Checkpoint);
+ a_Origin = RebaseRelativePosition(a_Chunk->GetPos(), Neighbour->GetPos(), a_Origin);
+ a_Chunk = Neighbour;
+ // Increment the simulation, weaken the ray:
+ Checkpoint += Step;
+ a_Intensity -= StepAttenuation;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Sends out Explosion Lazors (tm) originating from the given position that destroy blocks. */
+ static void DamageBlocks(cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3f a_Position, const unsigned a_Power, const bool a_Fiery)
+ {
+ const auto Intensity = a_Power * (0.7f + GetRandomProvider().RandReal(0.6f));
+ const auto ExplosionRadius = CeilC((Intensity / StepAttenuation) * StepUnit);
+ // Oh boy... Better hope you have a hot cache, 'cos this little manoeuvre's gonna cost us 1352 raytraces in one tick...
+ const int HalfSide = TraceCubeSideLength / 2;
+ // The following loops implement the tracing algorithm described in
+ // Trace rays from the explosion centre to all points in a square of area TraceCubeSideLength * TraceCubeSideLength
+ // in the YM and YP directions:
+ for (int OffsetX = -HalfSide; OffsetX < HalfSide; OffsetX++)
+ {
+ for (int OffsetZ = -HalfSide; OffsetZ < HalfSide; OffsetZ++)
+ {
+ DestructionTrace(&a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Position + Vector3f(OffsetX, +ExplosionRadius, OffsetZ), a_Power, a_Fiery, Intensity);
+ DestructionTrace(&a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Position + Vector3f(OffsetX, -ExplosionRadius, OffsetZ), a_Power, a_Fiery, Intensity);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Trace rays from the centre to the sides of the explosion cube, being careful to avoid duplicates:
+ Top view:
+ ______
+ . | (dot to make style checker happy)
+ | |
+ | |
+ | ______
+ Side view:
+ + +
+ |====== |
+ | | |
+ |====== |
+ + +
+ */
+ for (int Offset = -HalfSide; Offset < HalfSide - 1; Offset++)
+ {
+ for (int OffsetY = -HalfSide + 1; OffsetY < HalfSide - 1; OffsetY++)
+ {
+ DestructionTrace(&a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Position + Vector3f(ExplosionRadius, OffsetY, Offset + 1), a_Power, a_Fiery, Intensity);
+ DestructionTrace(&a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Position + Vector3f(-ExplosionRadius, OffsetY, Offset), a_Power, a_Fiery, Intensity);
+ DestructionTrace(&a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Position + Vector3f(Offset, OffsetY, ExplosionRadius), a_Power, a_Fiery, Intensity);
+ DestructionTrace(&a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Position + Vector3f(Offset + 1, OffsetY, -ExplosionRadius), a_Power, a_Fiery, Intensity);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Sends an explosion packet to all clients in the given chunk. */
+ static void LagTheClient(cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3f a_Position, const unsigned a_Power)
+ {
+ for (const auto Client : a_Chunk.GetAllClients())
+ {
+ Client->SendExplosion(a_Position, a_Power);
+ }
+ }
+ void Kaboom(cWorld & a_World, const Vector3f a_Position, const unsigned a_Power, const bool a_Fiery)
+ {
+ a_World.DoWithChunkAt(a_Position.Floor(), [a_Position, a_Power, a_Fiery](cChunk & a_Chunk)
+ {
+ LagTheClient(a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Power);
+ DamageEntities(a_Chunk, a_Position, a_Power);
+ DamageBlocks(a_Chunk, AbsoluteToRelative(a_Position, a_Chunk.GetPos()), a_Power, a_Fiery);
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/src/Physics/Explodinator.h b/src/Physics/Explodinator.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daf86456a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Physics/Explodinator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#pragma once
+class cWorld;
+namespace Explodinator
+ /** Creates an explosion of Power, centred at Position, with ability to set fires as provided.
+ For maximum efficiency, Position should be in the centre of the entity or block that exploded.
+ Kaboom indeed, you drunken wretch. */
+ void Kaboom(cWorld & World, Vector3f Position, unsigned Power, bool Fiery);