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41 files changed, 2392 insertions, 406 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7706ecc0a..b0ad11d53 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -12,3 +12,23 @@ cloc.xsl
+# emacs stuff
+# world inside source
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
index b4b2e11a3..2ea51dbf2 100644
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ g_APIDesc =
Constants =
- Color = { Notes = "The first character of the color-code-sequence, §" },
- Delimiter = { Notes = "The first character of the color-code-sequence, §" },
+ Color = { Notes = "The first character of the color-code-sequence, §" },
+ Delimiter = { Notes = "The first character of the color-code-sequence, §" },
Random = { Notes = "Random letters and symbols animate instead of the text" },
Plain = { Notes = "Resets all formatting to normal" },
@@ -2029,14 +2029,14 @@ World:ForEachEntity(
GetTime = {Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the current OS time, as a unix time stamp (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970)"},
IsValidBlock = {Params = "BlockType", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if BlockType is a known block type"},
IsValidItem = {Params = "ItemType", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if ItemType is a known item type"},
- ItemToFullString = {Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of the item, in the format “ItemTypeText:ItemDamage * Count”"},
+ ItemToFullString = {Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of the item, in the format “ItemTypeText:ItemDamage * Count”"},
ItemToString = {Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of the item type"},
ItemTypeToString = {Params = "ItemType", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of ItemType "},
- LOG = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “normal” severity (gray text) "},
- LOGERROR = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “error” severity (black text on red background)"},
- LOGINFO = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “info” severity (yellow text)"},
- LOGWARN = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “warning” severity (red text); OBSOLETE"},
- LOGWARNING = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “warning” severity (red text)"},
+ LOG = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “normal” severity (gray text) "},
+ LOGERROR = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “error” severity (black text on red background)"},
+ LOGINFO = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “info” severity (yellow text)"},
+ LOGWARN = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “warning” severity (red text); OBSOLETE"},
+ LOGWARNING = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “warning” severity (red text)"},
NoCaseCompare = {Params = "string, string", Return = "number", Notes = "Case-insensitive string comparison; returns 0 if the strings are the same"},
ReplaceString = {Params = "full-string, to-be-replaced-string, to-replace-string", Notes = "Replaces *each* occurence of to-be-replaced-string in full-string with to-replace-string"},
StringSplit = {Params = "string, Seperator", Return = "list", Notes = "Seperates string into multiple by splitting every time Seperator is encountered."},
@@ -2864,6 +2864,638 @@ end;
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A right-click packet is received from the client. Plugin may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerRightClick", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when MCServer receives a right-click packet from the {{cClientHandle|client}}. It
+ is called before any processing whatsoever is performed on the packet, meaning that hacked /
+ malicious clients may be trigerring this event very often and with unchecked parameters. Therefore
+ plugin authors are advised to use extreme caution with this callback.</p>
+ <p>
+ Plugins may refuse the default processing for the packet, causing MCServer to behave as if the
+ packet has never arrived. This may, however, create inconsistencies in the client - the client may
+ think that they placed a block, while the server didn't process the placing, etc.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player whose client sent the packet" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of the block upon which the player interacted. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally sends
+ the packet for further processing.</p>
+ <p>
+ If the function returns true, no other plugins are called, processing is halted.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A player has right-clicked an entity. Plugins may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerRightClickingEntity", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when the {{cPlayer|player}} right-clicks an {{cEntity|entity}}. Plugins may
+ override the default behavior or even cancel the default processing.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has right-clicked the entity" },
+ { Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descendant", Notes = "The entity that has been right-clicked" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the functino returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally does
+ the default processing for the right-click. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are
+ called and the default processing is skipped.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "When the player releases the bow, shooting an arrow (other projectiles: unknown)",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerShooting", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when the {{cPlayer|player}} shoots their bow. It is called for the actual
+ release of the {{cArrowEntity|arrow}}. FIXME: It is currently unknown whether other
+ {{cProjectileEntity|projectiles}} (snowballs, eggs) trigger this hook.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the player's position and direction, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEyePosition() and
+ cPlayer:GetLookVector() functions. Note that for shooting a bow, the position for the arrow creation
+ is not at the eye pos, some adjustments are required. FIXME: Export the {{cPlayer}} function for
+ this adjustment.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player shooting" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called, and finally
+ MCServer creates the projectile. If the functino returns true, no other callback is called and no
+ projectile is created.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After a player (re)spawns in the world to which they belong to.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerSpawned", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has spawned in the world. It is called after
+ {{OnLogin|HOOK_LOGIN}} and {{OnPlayerJoined|HOOK_PLAYER_JOINED}}, after the player name has been
+ authenticated, the initial worldtime, inventory and health have been sent to the player and the
+ player spawn packet has been broadcast to all players near enough to the player spawn place. This is
+ a notification-only event, plugins wishing to refuse player's entry should kick the player using the
+ {{cPlayer}}:Kick() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ This hook is also called when the player respawns after death (and a respawn packet is received from
+ the client, meaning the player has already clicked the Respawn button).
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has (re)spawned" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A player is tossing an item. Plugin may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerTossingItem", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has tossed an item (Q keypress). The
+ {{cPickup|pickup}} has not been spawned yet. Plugins may disallow the tossing, but in that case they
+ need to clean up - the player's client already thinks the item has been tossed so the
+ {{cInventory|inventory}} needs to be re-sent to the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the item that is about to be tossed, call the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player tossing an item" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and finally MCServer
+ creates the pickup for the item and tosses it, using {{cPlayer}}:TossItem. If the function returns
+ true, no other callbacks are called for this event and MCServer doesn't toss the item.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A player has just used a block (chest, furnace…). Notification only.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsedBlock", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block that can be used, such as a
+ {{cChestEntity|chest}} or a lever. It is called after MCServer processes the usage (sends the UI
+ handling packets / toggles redstone). Note that for UI-related blocks, the player is most likely
+ still using the UI. This is a notification-only event.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
+ not the air block between it and the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} for a similar hook called before the
+ use, the {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} and {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}}
+ for similar hooks called when a player interacts with any block with a usable item in hand, such as
+ a bucket.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who used the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ { Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A player has used an item in hand (bucket...)",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsedItem", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block with an {{cItem|item}} that
+ can be used (is not placeable, is not food and clicked block is not use-able), such as a bucket or a
+ hoe. It is called after MCServer processes the usage (places fluid / turns dirt to farmland).
+ This is an information-only hook, there is no way to cancel the event anymore.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
+ not the air block between it and the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function. To get
+ the item that the player is using, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} for a similar hook called before the use,
+ the {{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} and {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}}
+ for similar hooks called when a player interacts with a block, such as a chest.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who used the item" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ { Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Just before a player uses a block (chest, furnace...). Plugin may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsingBlock", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block that can be used, such as a
+ {{cChestEntity|chest}} or a lever. It is called before MCServer processes the usage (sends the UI
+ handling packets / toggles redstone). Plugins may refuse the interaction by returning true.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
+ not the air block between it and the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}} for a similar hook called after the use, the
+ {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} and {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}} for
+ similar hooks called when a player interacts with any block with a usable item in hand, such as a
+ bucket.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is using the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ { Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
+ processes the interaction. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this
+ event and the interaction is silently dropped.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Just before a player uses an item in hand (bucket...). Plugin may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsingItem", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block with an {{cItem|item}} that
+ can be used (is not placeable, is not food and clicked block is not use-able), such as a bucket or a
+ hoe. It is called before MCServer processes the usage (places fluid / turns dirt to farmland).
+ Plugins may refuse the interaction by returning true.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
+ not the air block between it and the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function. To get
+ the item that the player is using, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}} for a similar hook called after the use, the
+ {{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} and {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}} for
+ similar hooks called when a player interacts with a block, such as a chest.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is using the item" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ { Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
+ processes the interaction. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this
+ event and the interaction is silently dropped.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After the built-in recipes are checked and a recipe was found.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPostCrafting", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} changes contents of their
+ {{cCraftingGrid|crafting grid}}, after the recipe has been established by MCServer. Plugins may use
+ this to modify the resulting recipe or provide an alternate recipe.</p>
+ <p>
+ If a plugin implements custom recipes, it should do so using the {{OnPreCrafting|HOOK_PRE_CRAFTING}}
+ hook, because that will save the server from going through the built-in recipes. The
+ HOOK_POST_CRAFTING hook is intended as a notification, with a chance to tweak the result.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that this hook is not called if a built-in recipe is not found;
+ {{OnCraftingNoRecipe|HOOK_CRAFTING_NO_RECIPE}} is called instead in such a case.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has changed their crafting grid contents" },
+ { Name = "Grid", Type = "{{cCraftingGrid}}", Notes = "The new crafting grid contents" },
+ { Name = "Recipe", Type = "{{cCraftingRecipe}}", Notes = "The recipe that MCServer has decided to use (can be tweaked by plugins)" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event. In either case, MCServer uses the value
+ of Recipe as the recipe to be presented to the player.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Before the built-in recipes are checked.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPreCrafting", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} changes contents of their
+ {{cCraftingGrid|crafting grid}}, before the built-in recipes are searched for a match by MCServer.
+ Plugins may use this hook to provide a custom recipe.</p>
+ <p>
+ If you intend to tweak built-in recipes, use the {{OnPostCrafting|HOOK_POST_CRAFTING}} hook, because
+ that will be called once the built-in recipe is matched.</p>
+ <p>
+ Also note a third hook, {{OnCraftingNoRecipe|HOOK_CRAFTING_NO_RECIPE}}, that is called when MCServer
+ cannot find any built-in recipe for the given ingredients.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has changed their crafting grid contents" },
+ { Name = "Grid", Type = "{{cCraftingGrid}}", Notes = "The new crafting grid contents" },
+ { Name = "Recipe", Type = "{{cCraftingRecipe}}", Notes = "The recipe that MCServer will use. Modify this object to change the recipe" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
+ searches the built-in recipes. The Recipe output parameter is ignored in this case.</p>
+ <p>
+ If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event and MCServer uses the
+ recipe stored in the Recipe output parameter.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After an entity is spawned in the world.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnSpawnedEntity", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after the server spawns an {{cEntity|entity}}. This is an information-only
+ callback, the entity is already spawned by the time it is called. If the entity spawned is a
+ {{cMonster|monster}}, the {{OnSpawnedMonster|HOOK_SPAWNED_MONSTER}} hook is called before this
+ hook.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnSpawningEntity|HOOK_SPAWNING_ENTITY}} hook for a similar hook called before the
+ entity is spawned.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity has spawned" },
+ { Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descentant", Notes = "The entity that has spawned" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callback is called for this event.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After a monster is spawned in the world",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnSpawnedMonster", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after the server spawns a {{cMonster|monster}}. This is an information-only
+ callback, the monster is already spawned by the time it is called. After this hook is called, the
+ {{OnSpawnedEntity|HOOK_SPAWNED_ENTITY}} is called for the monster entity.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnSpawningMonster|HOOK_SPAWNING_MONSTER}} hook for a similar hook called before the
+ monster is spawned.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the monster has spawned" },
+ { Name = "Monster", Type = "{{cMonster}} descendant", Notes = "The monster that has spawned" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callback is called for this event.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Before an entity is spawned in the world.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnSpawningEntity", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called before the server spawns an {{cEntity|entity}}. The plugin can either modify the
+ entity before it is spawned, or disable the spawning altogether. If the entity spawning is a
+ monster, the {{OnSpawningMonster|HOOK_SPAWNING_MONSTER}} hook is called before this hook.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnSpawnedEntity|HOOK_SPAWNED_ENTITY}} hook for a similar hook called after the
+ entity is spawned.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity will spawn" },
+ { Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descentant", Notes = "The entity that will spawn" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. Finally, the server
+ spawns the entity with whatever parameters have been set on the {{cEntity}} object by the callbacks.
+ If the function returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the entity is not
+ spawned.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Before a monster is spawned in the world.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnSpawningMonster", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called before the server spawns a {{cMonster|monster}}. The plugins may modify the
+ monster's parameters in the {{cMonster}} class, or disallow the spawning altogether. This hook is
+ called before the {{OnSpawningEntity|HOOK_SPAWNING_ENTITY}} is called for the monster entity.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnSpawnedMonster|HOOK_SPAWNED_MONSTER}} hook for a similar hook called after the
+ monster is spawned.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity will spawn" },
+ { Name = "Monster", Type = "{{cMonster}} descentant", Notes = "The monster that will spawn" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. Finally, the server
+ spawns the monster with whatever parameters the plugins set in the cMonster parameter.</p>
+ <p>
+ If the function returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the monster won't
+ spawn.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "An {{cEntity|entity}} is taking any kind of damage",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnTakeDamage", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when any {{cEntity}} descendant, such as a {{cPlayer|player}} or a
+ {{cMonster|mob}}, takes any kind of damage. The plugins may modify the amount of damage or effects
+ with this hook by editting the {{TakeDamageInfo}} object passed.</p>
+ <p>
+ This hook is called after the final damage is calculated, including all the possible weapon
+ {{cEnchantments|enchantments}}, armor protection and potion effects.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Receiver", Type = "{{cEntity}} descendant", Notes = "The entity taking damage" },
+ { Name = "TDI", Type = "{{TakeDamageInfo}}", Notes = "The damage type, cause and effects. Plugins may modify this object to alter the final damage applied." },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then the server
+ applies the final values from the TDI object to Receiver. If the function returns true, no other
+ callbacks are called, and no damage nor effects are applied.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Every server tick (approximately 20 times per second)",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnTick", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called every game tick (50 msec, or 20 times a second). If the server is overloaded,
+ the interval is larger, which is indicated by the TimeDelta parameter.</p>
+ <p>
+ This hook is called in the context of the server-tick thread, that is, the thread that takes care of
+ {{cClientHandle|client connections}} before they're assigned to {{cPlayer|player entities}}, and
+ processing console commands.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "TimeDelta", Type = "number", Notes = "The number of milliseconds elapsed since the last server tick. Will not be less than 50 msec." },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
+ }, -- HOOK_TICK
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After the sign text is updated. Notification only.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnUpdatedSign", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after a sign has had its text updated. The text is already updated at this
+ point.</p>
+ <p>The update may have been caused either by a {{cPlayer|player}} directly updating the sign, or by
+ a plugin changing the sign text using the API.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnUpdatingSign|HOOK_UPDATING_SIGN}} hook for a similar hook called before the update,
+ with a chance to modify the text.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the sign resides" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "Line1", Type = "string", Notes = "1st line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line2", Type = "string", Notes = "2nd line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line3", Type = "string", Notes = "3rd line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line4", Type = "string", Notes = "4th line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is changing the text. May be nil for non-player updates." }
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Before the sign text is updated. Plugin may modify the text / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnUpdatingSign", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a sign text is about to be updated, either as a result of player's
+ manipulation or any other event, such as a plugin setting the sign text. Plugins may modify the text
+ or refuse the update altogether.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnUpdatedSign|HOOK_UPDATED_SIGN}} hook for a similar hook called after the update.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the sign resides" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "Line1", Type = "string", Notes = "1st line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line2", Type = "string", Notes = "2nd line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line3", Type = "string", Notes = "3rd line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line4", Type = "string", Notes = "4th line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is changing the text. May be nil for non-player updates." }
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ The function may return up to five values. If the function returns true as the first value, no other
+ callbacks are called for this event and the sign is not updated. If the function returns no value or
+ false as its first value, other plugins' callbacks are called.</p>
+ <p>
+ The other up to four values returned are used to update the sign text, line by line, respectively.
+ Note that other plugins may again update the texts (if the first value returned is false).
+ ]],
+ CodeExamples =
+ {
+ {
+ Title = "Add player signature",
+ Desc = "The following example appends a player signature to the last line, if the sign is updated by a player:",
+ Code = [[
+function OnUpdatingSign(World, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4, Player)
+ if (Player == nil) then
+ -- Not changed by a player
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- Sign with playername, allow other plugins to interfere:
+ return false, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4 .. Player:GetName();
+ ]],
+ }
+ } ,
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "The weather has changed",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnWeatherChanged", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after the weather has changed in a {{cWorld|world}}. The new weather has already
+ been sent to the clients.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnWeatherChanging|HOOK_WEATHER_CHANGING}} hook for a similar hook called before the
+ change.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World for which the weather has changed" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callback is called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "The weather is about to change",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnWeatherChanging", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when the current weather has expired and a new weather is selected. Plugins may
+ override the new weather setting.</p>
+ <p>
+ The new weather setting is sent to the clients only after this hook has been processed.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnWeatherChanged|HOOK_WEATHER_CHANGED}} hook for a similar hook called after the
+ change.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World for which the weather is changing" },
+ { Name = "Weather", Type = "number", Notes = "The newly selected weather. One of wSunny, wRain, wStorm" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the server calls other plugins' callbacks and finally
+ sets the weather. If the function returns true, the server takes the second returned value (wSunny
+ by default) and sets it as the new weather. No other plugins' callbacks are called in this case.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Every world tick (about 20 times per second), separately for each world",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnWorldTick", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called for each {{cWorld|world}} every tick (50 msec, or 20 times a second). If the
+ world is overloaded, the interval is larger, which is indicated by the TimeDelta parameter.</p>
+ <p>
+ This hook is called in the world's tick thread context and thus has access to all world data
+ guaranteed without blocking.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World that is ticking" },
+ { Name = "TimeDelta", Type = "number", Notes = "The number of milliseconds since the previous game tick. Will not be less than 50 msec" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callback is called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
}, -- Hooks[]
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/WebWorldThreads.html b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/WebWorldThreads.html
index a77209b0b..7cc94e9fa 100644
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/WebWorldThreads.html
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/WebWorldThreads.html
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>MCServer - Webserver vs World threads</title>
-<script src=""></script>
-<script src=""></script>
+ <head>
+ <title>MCServer - Webserver vs World threads</title>
+ <script src=""></script>
+ <script src=""></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Webserver vs World threads</h1>
+ <p>
+ This article will explain the threading issues that arise between the webserver and world threads are of concern to plugin authors.</p>
+ <p>
+ Generally, plugins that provide webadmin pages should be quite careful about their interactions. Most operations on MCServer objects requires synchronization, that MCServer provides automatically and transparently to plugins - when a block is written, the chunkmap is locked, or when an entity is being manipulated, the entity list is locked. Each plugin also has a mutex lock, so that only one thread at a time may be executing plugin code.</p>
+ <p>
+ This locking can be a source of deadlocks for plugins that are not written carefully.</p>
-<h1>Webserver vs World threads</h1>
-This article will explain the threading issues that arise between the webserver and world threads are of concern to plugin authors.</p>
-Generally, plugins that provide webadmin pages should be quite careful about their interactions. Most operations on MCServer objects requires synchronization, that MCServer provides automatically and transparently to plugins - when a block is written, the chunkmap is locked, or when an entity is being manipulated, the entity list is locked. Each plugin also has a mutex lock, so that only one thread at a time may be executing plugin code.</p>
-This locking can be a source of deadlocks for plugins that are not written carefully.</p>
+ <h2>Example scenario</h2>
+ <p>Consider the following example. A plugin provides a webadmin page that allows the admin to kick players off the server. When the admin presses the "Kick" button, the plugin calls cWorld:DoWithPlayer() with a callback to kick the player. Everything seems to be working fine now.</p>
+ <p>
+ A new feature is developed in the plugin, now the plugin adds a new in-game command so that the admins can kick players while they're playing the game. The plugin registers a command callback with cPluginManager.AddCommand(). Now there are problems bound to happen.</p>
+ <p>
+ Suppose that two admins are in, one is using the webadmin and the other is in-game. Both try to kick a player at the same time. The webadmin locks the plugin, so that it can execute the plugin code, but right at this moment the OS switches threads. The world thread locks the world so that it can access the list of in-game commands, receives the in-game command, it tries to lock the plugin. The plugin is already locked, so the world thread is put on hold. After a while, the webadmin thread is woken up again and continues processing. It tries to lock the world so that it can traverse the playerlist, but the lock is already held by the world thread. Now both threads are holding one lock each and trying to grab the other lock, and are therefore deadlocked.</p>
-<h2>Example scenario</h2>
-<p>Consider the following example. A plugin provides a webadmin page that allows the admin to kick players off the server. When the admin presses the "Kick" button, the plugin calls cWorld:DoWithPlayer() with a callback to kick the player. Everything seems to be working fine now.</p>
-A new feature is developed in the plugin, now the plugin adds a new in-game command so that the admins can kick players while they're playing the game. The plugin registers a command callback with cPluginManager.AddCommand(). Now there are problems bound to happen.</p>
-Suppose that two admins are in, one is using the webadmin and the other is in-game. Both try to kick a player at the same time. The webadmin locks the plugin, so that it can execute the plugin code, but right at this moment the OS switches threads. The world thread locks the world so that it can access the list of in-game commands, receives the in-game command, it tries to lock the plugin. The plugin is already locked, so the world thread is put on hold. After a while, the webadmin thread is woken up again and continues processing. It tries to lock the world so that it can traverse the playerlist, but the lock is already held by the world thread. Now both threads are holding one lock each and trying to grab the other lock, and are therefore deadlocked.</p>
+ <h2>How to avoid the deadlock</h2>
+ <p>
+ There are two main ways to avoid such a deadlock. The first approach is using tasks: Everytime you need to execute a task inside a world, instead of executing it, queue it, using <a href="cWorld.html">cWorld</a>:QueueTask(). This handy utility can will call the given function inside the world's TickThread, thus eliminating the deadlock, because now there's only one thread. However, this approach will not let you get data back. You cannot query the player list, or the entities, or anything - because when the task runs, the webadmin page has already been served to the browser.</p>
+ <p>
+ To accommodate this, you'll need to use the second approach - preparing and caching data in the tick thread, possibly using callbacks. This means that the plugin will have global variables that will store the data, and update those variables when the data changes; then the webserver thread will only read those variables, instead of calling the world functions. For example, if a webpage was to display the list of currently connected players, the plugin should maintain a global variable, g_WorldPlayers, which would be a table of worlds, each item being a list of currently connected players. The webadmin handler would read this variable and create the page from it; the plugin would use HOOK_PLAYER_JOINED and HOOK_DISCONNECT to update the variable.</p>
-<h2>How to avoid the deadlock</h2>
-There are two main ways to avoid such a deadlock. The first approach is using tasks: Everytime you need to execute a task inside a world, instead of executing it, queue it, using <a href="cWorld.html">cWorld</a>:QueueTask(). This handy utility can will call the given function inside the world's TickThread, thus eliminating the deadlock, because now there's only one thread. However, this approach will not let you get data back. You cannot query the player list, or the entities, or anything - because when the task runs, the webadmin page has already been served to the browser.</p>
-To accommodate this, you'll need to use the second approach - preparing and caching data in the tick thread, possibly using callbacks. This means that the plugin will have global variables that will store the data, and update those variables when the data changes; then the webserver thread will only read those variables, instead of calling the world functions. For example, if a webpage was to display the list of currently connected players, the plugin should maintain a global variable, g_WorldPlayers, which would be a table of worlds, each item being a list of currently connected players. The webadmin handler would read this variable and create the page from it; the plugin would use HOOK_PLAYER_JOINED and HOOK_DISCONNECT to update the variable.</p>
+ <h2>What to avoid</h2>
+ <p>
+ Now that we know what the danger is and how to avoid it, how do we know if our code is susceptible?</p>
+ <p>
+ The general rule of thumb is to avoid calling any functions that read or write lists of things in the webserver thread. This means most ForEach() and DoWith() functions. Only <a href="cRoot.html">cRoot</a>:ForEachWorld() is safe - because the list of worlds is not expected to change, so it is not guarded by a mutex. Getting and setting world's blocks is, naturally, unsafe, as is calling other plugins, or creating entities.</p>
-<h2>What to avoid</h2>
-Now that we know what the danger is and how to avoid it, how do we know if our code is susceptible?</p>
-The general rule of thumb is to avoid calling any functions that read or write lists of things in the webserver thread. This means most ForEach() and DoWith() functions. Only <a href="cRoot.html">cRoot</a>:ForEachWorld() is safe - because the list of worlds is not expected to change, so it is not guarded by a mutex. Getting and setting world's blocks is, naturally, unsafe, as is calling other plugins, or creating entities.</p>
-The Core has the facility to kick players using the web interface. It used the following code for the kicking (inside the webadmin handler):
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
-local KickPlayerName = Request.Params["players-kick"]
-local FoundPlayerCallback = function(Player)
- if (Player:GetName() == KickPlayerName) then
- Player:GetClientHandle():Kick("You were kicked from the game!")
- end
-cRoot:Get():FindAndDoWithPlayer(KickPlayerName, FoundPlayerCallback)
-The cRoot:FindAndDoWithPlayer() is unsafe and could have caused a deadlock. The new solution is queue a task; but since we don't know in which world the player is, we need to queue the task to all worlds:
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
-cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld( -- For each world...
- function(World)
- World:QueueTask( -- ... queue a task...
- function(a_World)
- a_World:DoWithPlayer(KickPlayerName, -- ... to walk the playerlist...
- function (a_Player)
- a_Player:GetClientHandle():Kick("You were kicked from the game!") -- ... and kick the player
- end
- )
- end
- )
- end
+ <h2>Example</h2>
+ The Core has the facility to kick players using the web interface. It used the following code for the kicking (inside the webadmin handler):
+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+ local KickPlayerName = Request.Params["players-kick"]
+ local FoundPlayerCallback = function(Player)
+ if (Player:GetName() == KickPlayerName) then
+ Player:GetClientHandle():Kick("You were kicked from the game!")
+ end
+ end
+ cRoot:Get():FindAndDoWithPlayer(KickPlayerName, FoundPlayerCallback)
+ </pre>
+ The cRoot:FindAndDoWithPlayer() is unsafe and could have caused a deadlock. The new solution is queue a task; but since we don't know in which world the player is, we need to queue the task to all worlds:
+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-lua">
+ cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld( -- For each world...
+ function(World)
+ World:QueueTask( -- ... queue a task...
+ function(a_World)
+ a_World:DoWithPlayer(KickPlayerName, -- ... to walk the playerlist...
+ function (a_Player)
+ a_Player:GetClientHandle():Kick("You were kicked from the game!") -- ... and kick the player
+ end
+ )
+ end
+ )
+ end
+ )
+ </pre>
+ </body>
</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main.css b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main.css
index 777f6d71a..5cc603a3f 100644
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main.css
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main.css
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+ background-color: #C0C0C0;
background-color: #fff;
@@ -25,4 +30,27 @@ pre
border: 1px solid #ccc;
background-color: #eee;
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ min-width: 800px;
+ width: 95%;
+ margin: 10px auto;
+ background-color: white;
+ border: 4px #FF8C00 solid;
+ border-radius: 20px;
+ font-family: Calibri, Trebuchet MS;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-family: Segoe UI Light, Helvetica;
+ padding: 0px 25px 25px 25px;
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main.lua
index 6ae4a6b0f..22c7ad764 100644
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main.lua
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/main.lua
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
-- Global variables:
g_Plugin = nil;
g_PluginFolder = "";
+g_TrackedPages = {}; -- List of tracked pages, to be checked later whether they exist. Each item is an array of referring pagenames.
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ function Initialize(Plugin)
- LOG("Initialized " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion())
+ LOG("Initialised " .. Plugin:GetName() .. " v." .. Plugin:GetVersion())
g_PluginFolder = Plugin:GetLocalFolder();
@@ -212,48 +213,69 @@ function DumpAPIHtml()
- f:write([[<html><head><title>MCServer API - index</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
- </head><body><h1>MCServer API - index</h1>
- <p>The API reference is divided into the following sections:<ul>
- <li><a href="#classes">Class index</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hooks">Hooks</a></li>
- <li><a href="#extra">Extra pages</a></li>
- </ul></p>
- <a name="classes"><h2>Class index</h2></a>
- <p>The following classes are available in the MCServer Lua scripting language:
- <ul>
- ]]);
+ f:write([[<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>MCServer API - Index</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="content">
+ <header>
+ <h1>MCServer API - Index</h1>
+ <hr />
+ </header>
+ <p>The API reference is divided into the following sections:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#classes">Class index</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#hooks">Hooks</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#extra">Extra pages</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <hr />
+ <a name="classes"><h2>Class index</h2></a>
+ <p>The following classes are available in the MCServer Lua scripting language:</p>
+ <ul>
for i, cls in ipairs(API) do
- f:write("<li><a href=\"" .. cls.Name .. ".html\">" .. cls.Name .. "</a></li>\n");
+ f:write(" <li><a href=\"" .. cls.Name .. ".html\">" .. cls.Name .. "</a></li>\n");
WriteHtmlClass(cls, API);
- f:write([[</ul></p>
- <a name="hooks"><h2>Hooks</h2></a>
- <p>A plugin can register to be called whenever an “interesting event” occurs. It does so by calling
- <a href="cPluginManager.html">cPluginManager</a>'s AddHook() function and implementing a callback
- function to handle the event.</p>
- <p>A plugin can decide whether it will let the event pass through to the rest of the plugins, or hide it
- from them. This is determined by the return value from the hook callback function. If the function returns
- false or no value, the event is propagated further. If the function returns true, the processing is
- stopped, no other plugin receives the notification (and possibly MCServer disables the default behavior
- for the event). See each hook's details to see the exact behavior.</p>
- <table><tr><th>Hook name</th><th>Called when</th></tr>
- ]]);
+ f:write([[ </ul>
+ <hr />
+ <a name="hooks"><h2>Hooks</h2></a>
+ <p>A plugin can register to be called whenever an "interesting event" occurs. It does so by calling <a href="cPluginManager.html">cPluginManager</a>'s AddHook() function and implementing a callback function to handle the event.</p>
+ <p>A plugin can decide whether it will let the event pass through to the rest of the plugins, or hide it from them. This is determined by the return value from the hook callback function. If the function returns false or no value, the event is propagated further. If the function returns true, the processing is stopped, no other plugin receives the notification (and possibly MCServer disables the default behavior for the event). See each hook's details to see the exact behavior.</p>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Hook name</th>
+ <th>Called when</th>
+ </tr>
for i, hook in ipairs(Hooks) do
if (hook.DefaultFnName == nil) then
-- The hook is not documented yet
- f:write("<tr><td>" .. hook.Name .. "</td><td><i>(No documentation yet)</i></td></tr>\n");
+ f:write(" <tr>\n <td>" .. hook.Name .. "</td>\n <td><i>(No documentation yet)</i></td>\n </tr>\n");
table.insert(UndocumentedHooks, hook.Name);
- f:write("<tr><td><a href=\"" .. hook.DefaultFnName .. ".html\">" .. hook.Name .. "</a></td><td>" .. LinkifyString(hook.CalledWhen) .. "</td></tr>\n");
+ f:write(" <tr>\n <td><a href=\"" .. hook.DefaultFnName .. ".html\">" .. hook.Name .. "</a></td>\n <td>" .. LinkifyString(hook.CalledWhen, hook.Name) .. "</td>\n </tr>\n");
- f:write([[</table>
- <a name="extra"><h2>Extra pages</h2></a>
- <p>The following pages provide various extra information</p>
- <ul>]]);
+ f:write([[ </table>
+ <hr />
+ <a name="extra"><h2>Extra pages</h2></a>
+ <p>The following pages provide various extra information</p>
+ <ul>
for i, extra in ipairs(g_APIDesc.ExtraPages) do
local SrcFileName = g_PluginFolder .. "/" .. extra.FileName;
if (cFile:Exists(SrcFileName)) then
@@ -262,14 +284,15 @@ function DumpAPIHtml()
cFile:Copy(SrcFileName, DstFileName);
- f:write("<li><a href=\"" .. extra.FileName .. "\">" .. extra.Title .. "</a></li>\n");
+ f:write(" <li><a href=\"" .. extra.FileName .. "\">" .. extra.Title .. "</a></li>\n");
- f:write("<li>" .. extra.Title .. " <i>(file is missing)</i></li>\n");
+ f:write(" <li>" .. extra.Title .. " <i>(file is missing)</i></li>\n");
- f:write([[</ul>
- </body></html>
- ]]);
+ f:write([[ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </body>
-- Copy the CSS file to the output folder (overwrite any existing):
@@ -285,7 +308,7 @@ function DumpAPIHtml()
-- List the undocumented objects:
- f ="API/undocumented.lua", "w");
+ f ="API/_undocumented.lua", "w");
if (f ~= nil) then
f:write("\n-- This is the list of undocumented API objects, automatically generated by APIDump\n\n");
f:write("g_APIDesc =\n{\n\tClasses =\n\t{\n");
@@ -351,7 +374,7 @@ function DumpAPIHtml()
-- List the unexported documented API objects:
- f ="API/unexported-documented.txt", "w");
+ f ="API/_unexported-documented.txt", "w");
if (f ~= nil) then
for clsname, cls in pairs(g_APIDesc.Classes) do
if not(cls.IsExported) then
@@ -377,6 +400,9 @@ function DumpAPIHtml()
+ -- List the missing pages
+ ListMissingPages();
LOG("API subfolder written");
@@ -616,9 +642,52 @@ end
-- Make a link out of anything with the special linkifying syntax {{link|title}}
-function LinkifyString(a_String)
- local txt = a_String:gsub("{{([^|}]*)|([^}]*)}}", "<a href=\"%1.html\">%2</a>") -- {{link|title}}
- txt = txt:gsub("{{([^|}]*)}}", "<a href=\"%1.html\">%1</a>") -- {{LinkAndTitle}}
+function LinkifyString(a_String, a_Referrer)
+ assert(a_Referrer ~= nil);
+ assert(a_Referrer ~= "");
+ --- Adds a page to the list of tracked pages (to be checked for existence at the end)
+ local function AddTrackedPage(a_PageName)
+ local Pg = (g_TrackedPages[a_PageName] or {});
+ table.insert(Pg, a_Referrer);
+ g_TrackedPages[a_PageName] = Pg;
+ end
+ --- Creates the HTML for the specified link and title
+ local function CreateLink(Link, Title)
+ if (Link:sub(1, 7) == "http://") then
+ -- The link is a full absolute URL, do not modify, do not track:
+ return "<a href=\"" .. Link .. "\">" .. Title .. "</a>";
+ end
+ local idxHash = Link:find("#");
+ if (idxHash ~= nil) then
+ -- The link contains an anchor:
+ if (idxHash == 1) then
+ -- Anchor in the current page, no need to track:
+ return "<a href=\"" .. Link .. "\">" .. Title .. "</a>";
+ end
+ -- Anchor in another page:
+ local PageName = Link:sub(1, idxHash - 1);
+ AddTrackedPage(PageName);
+ return "<a href=\"" .. PageName .. ".html#" .. Link:sub(idxHash + 1) .. "\">" .. Title .. "</a>";
+ end
+ -- Link without anchor:
+ AddTrackedPage(Link);
+ return "<a href=\"" .. Link .. ".html\">" .. Title .. "</a>";
+ end
+ -- Linkify the strings using the CreateLink() function:
+ local txt = a_String:gsub("{{([^|}]*)|([^}]*)}}", CreateLink) -- {{link|title}}
+ txt = txt:gsub("{{([^|}]*)}}", -- {{LinkAndTitle}}
+ function(LinkAndTitle)
+ local idxHash = LinkAndTitle:find("#");
+ if (idxHash ~= nil) then
+ -- The LinkAndTitle contains a hash, remove the hashed part from the title:
+ return CreateLink(LinkAndTitle, LinkAndTitle:sub(1, idxHash - 1));
+ end
+ return CreateLink(LinkAndTitle, LinkAndTitle);
+ end
+ );
return txt;
@@ -639,16 +708,16 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
if (a_InheritedName ~= nil) then
- cf:write("<h2>Functions inherited from " .. a_InheritedName .. "</h2>");
+ cf:write(" <h2>Functions inherited from " .. a_InheritedName .. "</h2>\n");
- cf:write("<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Parameters</th><th>Return value</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
+ cf:write(" <table>\n <tr>\n <th>Name</th>\n <th>Parameters</th>\n <th>Return value</th>\n <th>Notes</th>\n </tr>\n");
for i, func in ipairs(a_Functions) do
- cf:write("<tr><td>" .. func.Name .. "</td>");
- cf:write("<td>" .. LinkifyString(func.Params or "").. "</td>");
- cf:write("<td>" .. LinkifyString(func.Return or "").. "</td>");
- cf:write("<td>" .. LinkifyString(func.Notes or "") .. "</td></tr>\n");
+ cf:write(" <tr>\n <td>" .. func.Name .. "</td>\n");
+ cf:write(" <td>" .. LinkifyString(func.Params or "", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)).. "</td>\n");
+ cf:write(" <td>" .. LinkifyString(func.Return or "", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)).. "</td>\n");
+ cf:write(" <td>" .. LinkifyString(func.Notes or "", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name)) .. "</td>\n </tr>\n");
- cf:write("</table>\n");
+ cf:write(" </table>\n\n");
local function WriteDescendants(a_Descendants)
@@ -663,6 +732,8 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
+ local ClassName = a_ClassAPI.Name;
-- Build an array of inherited classes chain:
local InheritanceChain = {};
@@ -672,67 +743,77 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
CurrInheritance = CurrInheritance.Inherits;
- cf:write([[<html><head><title>MCServer API - ]] .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. [[ class</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
- <script src=""></script>
- <script src=""></script>
- </head><body>
- <h1>Contents</h1>
- <ul>
- ]]);
+ cf:write([[<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>MCServer API - ]] .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. [[ Class</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
+ <script src=""></script>
+ <script src=""></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="content">
+ <header>
+ <h1>]] .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. [[</h1>
+ <hr />
+ </header>
+ <h1>Contents</h1>
+ <ul>
local HasInheritance = ((#a_ClassAPI.Descendants > 0) or (a_ClassAPI.Inherits ~= nil));
-- Write the table of contents:
if (HasInheritance) then
- cf:write("<li><a href=\"#inherits\">Inheritance</a></li>\n");
+ cf:write(" <li><a href=\"#inherits\">Inheritance</a></li>\n");
- cf:write("<li><a href=\"#constants\">Constants</a></li>\n");
- cf:write("<li><a href=\"#functions\">Functions</a></li>\n");
+ cf:write(" <li><a href=\"#constants\">Constants</a></li>\n");
+ cf:write(" <li><a href=\"#functions\">Functions</a></li>\n");
if (a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo ~= nil) then
for i, additional in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo) do
- cf:write("<li><a href=\"#additionalinfo_" .. i .. "\">" .. additional.Header .. "</a></li>\n");
+ cf:write(" <li><a href=\"#additionalinfo_" .. i .. "\">" .. additional.Header .. "</a></li>\n");
- cf:write("</ul>");
+ cf:write(" </ul>\n\n");
-- Write the class description:
- cf:write("<a name=\"desc\"><h1>" .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. " class</h1></a>\n");
+ cf:write(" <a name=\"desc\"><hr /><h1>Class " .. ClassName .. "</h1></a>\n");
if (a_ClassAPI.Desc ~= nil) then
- cf:write("<p>");
- cf:write(LinkifyString(a_ClassAPI.Desc));
- cf:write("</p>\n");
+ cf:write(" <p>");
+ cf:write(LinkifyString(a_ClassAPI.Desc, ClassName));
+ cf:write(" </p>\n\n");
-- Write the inheritance, if available:
if (HasInheritance) then
- cf:write("<a name=\"inherits\"><h1>Inheritance</h1></a>\n");
+ cf:write(" <a name=\"inherits\">\n <hr /><h1>Inheritance</h1></a>\n");
if (#InheritanceChain > 0) then
- cf:write("<p>This class inherits from the following parent classes:<ul>\n");
+ cf:write(" <p>This class inherits from the following parent classes:</p>\n\n <ul>\n");
for i, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
- cf:write("<li><a href=\"" .. cls.Name .. ".html\">" .. cls.Name .. "</a></li>\n");
+ cf:write(" <li><a href=\"" .. cls.Name .. ".html\">" .. cls.Name .. "</a></li>\n");
- cf:write("</ul></p>\n");
+ cf:write(" </ul>\n\n");
if (#a_ClassAPI.Descendants > 0) then
- cf:write("<p>This class has the following descendants:\n");
+ cf:write(" <p>This class has the following descendants:\n");
- cf:write("</p>\n");
+ cf:write(" </p>\n\n");
-- Write the constants:
- cf:write("<a name=\"constants\"><h1>Constants</h1></a>\n");
- cf:write("<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Value</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
+ cf:write(" <a name=\"constants\"><hr /><h1>Constants</h1></a>\n");
+ cf:write(" <table>\n <tr>\n <th>Name</th>\n <th>Value</th>\n <th>Notes</th>\n </tr>\n");
for i, cons in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.Constants) do
- cf:write("<tr><td>" .. cons.Name .. "</td>");
- cf:write("<td>" .. cons.Value .. "</td>");
- cf:write("<td>" .. LinkifyString(cons.Notes or "") .. "</td></tr>\n");
+ cf:write(" <tr>\n <td>" .. cons.Name .. "</td>\n");
+ cf:write(" <td>" .. cons.Value .. "</td>\n");
+ cf:write(" <td>" .. LinkifyString(cons.Notes or "", ClassName) .. "</td>\n </tr>\n");
- cf:write("</table>\n");
+ cf:write(" </table>\n\n");
-- Write the functions, including the inherited ones:
- cf:write("<a name=\"functions\"><h1>Functions</h1></a>\n");
+ cf:write(" <a name=\"functions\"><hr /><h1>Functions</h1></a>\n");
WriteFunctions(a_ClassAPI.Functions, nil);
for i, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do
WriteFunctions(cls.Functions, cls.Name);
@@ -741,12 +822,12 @@ function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_AllAPI)
-- Write the additional infos:
if (a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo ~= nil) then
for i, additional in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo) do
- cf:write("<a name=\"additionalinfo_" .. i .. "\"><h1>" .. additional.Header .. "</h1></a>\n");
- cf:write(LinkifyString(additional.Contents));
+ cf:write(" <a name=\"additionalinfo_" .. i .. "\"><h1>" .. additional.Header .. "</h1></a>\n");
+ cf:write(LinkifyString(additional.Contents, ClassName));
- cf:write("</body></html>");
+ cf:write(" </div>\n </body>\n</html>");
@@ -761,18 +842,28 @@ function WriteHtmlHook(a_Hook)
LOG("Cannot write \"" .. fnam .. "\": \"" .. error .. "\".");
- f:write([[<html><head><title>MCServer API - ]] .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. [[ hook</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
- <script src=""></script>
- <script src=""></script>
- </head><body>
- <h1>]] .. a_Hook.Name .. [[ hook</h1>
- <p>
- ]]);
- f:write(LinkifyString(a_Hook.Desc));
- f:write("</p><h1>Callback function</h1><p>The default name for the callback function is ");
- f:write(a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. ". It has the following signature:");
- f:write("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">function " .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. "(");
+ local HookName = a_Hook.DefaultFnName;
+ f:write([[<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ <title>MCServer API - ]] .. HookName .. [[ Hook</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
+ <script src=""></script>
+ <script src=""></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="content">
+ <header>
+ <h1>]] .. a_Hook.Name .. [[</h1>
+ <hr />
+ </header>
+ <p>
+ f:write(LinkifyString(a_Hook.Desc, HookName));
+ f:write(" </p>\n <hr /><h1>Callback function</h1>\n <p>The default name for the callback function is ");
+ f:write(a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. ". It has the following signature:\n\n");
+ f:write(" <pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">function " .. HookName .. "(");
if (a_Hook.Params == nil) then
a_Hook.Params = {};
@@ -782,22 +873,67 @@ function WriteHtmlHook(a_Hook)
- f:write(")</pre><p>Parameters:\n<table><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Notes</th></tr>\n");
+ f:write(")</pre>\n\n <hr /><h1>Parameters:</h1>\n\n <table>\n <tr>\n <th>Name</th>\n <th>Type</th>\n <th>Notes</th>\n </tr>\n");
for i, param in ipairs(a_Hook.Params) do
- f:write("<tr><td>" .. param.Name .. "</td><td>" .. LinkifyString(param.Type) .. "</td><td>" .. LinkifyString(param.Notes) .. "</td></tr>\n");
- end
- f:write("</table></p>\n<p>" .. (a_Hook.Returns or "") .. "</p>\n");
- f:write([[<h1>Code examples</h1>
- <h2>Registering the callback</h2>
-<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">
-cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.]] .. a_Hook.Name .. ", My" .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. [[);
- ]]);
+ f:write(" <tr>\n <td>" .. param.Name .. "</td>\n <td>" .. LinkifyString(param.Type, HookName) .. "</td>\n <td>" .. LinkifyString(param.Notes, HookName) .. "</td>\n </tr>\n");
+ end
+ f:write(" </table>\n\n <p>" .. (a_Hook.Returns or "") .. "</p>\n\n");
+ f:write([[ <hr /><h1>Code examples</h1>
+ <h2>Registering the callback</h2>
+ f:write(" <pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">\n");
+ f:write([[cPluginManager.AddHook(cPluginManager.]] .. a_Hook.Name .. ", My" .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. [[);]]);
+ f:write("</pre>\n\n");
local Examples = a_Hook.CodeExamples or {};
for i, example in ipairs(Examples) do
- f:write("<h2>" .. example.Title .. "</h2>\n");
- f:write("<p>" .. example.Desc .. "</p>\n");
- f:write("<pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">" .. example.Code .. "</pre>\n");
+ f:write(" <h2>" .. (example.Title or "<i>missing Title</i>") .. "</h2>\n");
+ f:write(" <p>" .. (example.Desc or "<i>missing Desc</i>") .. "</p>\n\n");
+ f:write(" <pre class=\"prettyprint lang-lua\">" .. (example.Code or "<i>missing Code</i>") .. "\n </pre>\n\n");
+ end
+ f:write([[ </div>
+ </body>
+ f:close();
+function ListMissingPages()
+ local MissingPages = {};
+ for PageName, Referrers in pairs(g_TrackedPages) do
+ if not(cFile:Exists("API/" .. PageName .. ".html")) then
+ table.insert(MissingPages, {Name = PageName, Refs = Referrers} );
+ end
+ end;
+ g_TrackedPages = {};
+ if (#MissingPages == 0) then
+ -- No missing pages, congratulations!
+ return;
+ end
+ -- Sort the pages by name:
+ table.sort(MissingPages,
+ function (Page1, Page2)
+ return (Page1.Name < Page2.Name);
+ end
+ );
+ -- Output the pages:
+ local f, err ="API/_missingPages.txt", "w");
+ if (f == nil) then
+ LOGWARNING("Cannot open _missingPages.txt for writing: '" .. err .. "'. There are " .. #MissingPages .. " pages missing.");
+ return;
+ end
+ for idx, pg in ipairs(MissingPages) do
+ f:write(pg.Name .. ":\n");
+ -- Sort and output the referrers:
+ table.sort(pg.Refs);
+ f:write("\t" .. table.concat(pg.Refs, "\n\t"));
+ f:write("\n\n");
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/Core b/MCServer/Plugins/Core
-Subproject 839fb9582b74ef55e596b4e71ddb5663e3ed7c7
+Subproject e3a45f34303331be77aceacf2ba53e503ad7284
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas b/MCServer/Plugins/ProtectionAreas
-Subproject bef8ff2a883e98db94f842f9db3d256a039b1fc
+Subproject 3019c7b396221b987cd3f89d422276f764834ff
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/TransAPI b/MCServer/Plugins/TransAPI
-Subproject 678696eeedce502199869577b8e03ff72892646
+Subproject 52e1de4332a026e58fda843aae98c1f51e57199
diff --git a/VC2008/MCServer.vcproj b/VC2008/MCServer.vcproj
index 2e5b71ffe..82227097f 100644
--- a/VC2008/MCServer.vcproj
+++ b/VC2008/MCServer.vcproj
@@ -707,6 +707,46 @@
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobCensus.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobCensus.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobFamilyCollecter.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobFamilyCollecter.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobProximityCounter.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobProximityCounter.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobSpawner.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobSpawner.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobTypesManager.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\source\MobTypesManager.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
@@ -920,6 +960,10 @@
+ RelativePath="..\source\Mobs\Bat.cpp"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
diff --git a/source/BlockID.cpp b/source/BlockID.cpp
index 177652a46..2fe495c6f 100644
--- a/source/BlockID.cpp
+++ b/source/BlockID.cpp
@@ -662,6 +662,7 @@ public:
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_GLASS_PANE] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_ICE] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_IRON_DOOR] = true;
+ g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_LAVA] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_LEAVES] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_LEVER] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_MELON_STEM] = true;
@@ -674,11 +675,14 @@ public:
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_RED_MUSHROOM] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_RED_ROSE] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_SIGN_POST] = true;
+ g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_LAVA] = true;
+ g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_SNOW] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_TALL_GRASS] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_TORCH] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_VINES] = true;
+ g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_WATER] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_WALLSIGN] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR] = true;
g_BlockTransparent[E_BLOCK_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE] = true;
diff --git a/source/Chunk.cpp b/source/Chunk.cpp
index db533f642..21401163b 100644
--- a/source/Chunk.cpp
+++ b/source/Chunk.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "Blocks/BlockHandler.h"
#include "Simulator/FluidSimulator.h"
+#include "MobCensus.h"
+#include "MobSpawner.h"
#include <json/json.h>
@@ -429,6 +432,133 @@ void cChunk::Stay(bool a_Stay)
+void cChunk::CollectMobCensus(cMobCensus& toFill)
+ toFill.CollectSpawnableChunk(*this);
+ std::list<const Vector3d*> playerPositions;
+ cPlayer* currentPlayer;
+ for (cClientHandleList::iterator itr = m_LoadedByClient.begin(), end = m_LoadedByClient.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
+ {
+ currentPlayer = (*itr)->GetPlayer();
+ playerPositions.push_back(&(currentPlayer->GetPosition()));
+ }
+ Vector3d currentPosition;
+ for (cEntityList::iterator itr = m_Entities.begin(); itr != m_Entities.end(); ++itr)
+ {
+ //LOGD("Counting entity #%i (%s)", (*itr)->GetUniqueID(), (*itr)->GetClass());
+ if ((*itr)->IsMob())
+ {
+ cMonster& Monster = (cMonster&)(**itr);
+ currentPosition = Monster.GetPosition();
+ for (std::list<const Vector3d*>::const_iterator itr2 = playerPositions.begin(); itr2 != playerPositions.end(); itr2 ++)
+ {
+ toFill.CollectMob(Monster,*this,(currentPosition-**itr2).SqrLength());
+ }
+ }
+ } // for itr - m_Entitites[]
+void cChunk::getThreeRandomNumber(int& a_X, int& a_Y, int& a_Z,int a_MaxX, int a_MaxY, int a_MaxZ)
+ ASSERT(a_MaxX * a_MaxY * a_MaxZ * 8 < 0x00ffffff);
+ int Random = m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(0x00ffffff);
+ a_X = Random % (a_MaxX * 2);
+ a_Y = (Random / (a_MaxX * 2)) % (a_MaxY * 2);
+ a_Z = ((Random / (a_MaxX * 2)) / (a_MaxY * 2)) % (a_MaxZ * 2);
+ a_X /= 2;
+ a_Y /= 2;
+ a_Z /= 2;
+void cChunk::getRandomBlockCoords(int& a_X, int& a_Y, int& a_Z)
+ // MG TODO : check if this kind of optimization (only one random call) is still needed
+ // MG TODO : if so propagate it
+ getThreeRandomNumber(a_X, a_Y, a_Z, Width, Height-2, Width);
+ a_Y++;
+void cChunk::SpawnMobs(cMobSpawner& a_MobSpawner)
+ int Center_X,Center_Y,Center_Z;
+ getRandomBlockCoords(Center_X,Center_Y,Center_Z);
+ BLOCKTYPE PackCenterBlock = GetBlock(Center_X, Center_Y, Center_Z);
+ if (a_MobSpawner.CheckPackCenter(PackCenterBlock))
+ {
+ a_MobSpawner.NewPack();
+ int NumberOfTries = 0;
+ int NumberOfSuccess = 0;
+ int MaxNbOfSuccess = 4; // this can be changed during the process for Wolves and Ghass
+ while (NumberOfTries < 12 && NumberOfSuccess < MaxNbOfSuccess)
+ {
+ const int HorizontalRange = 20; // MG TODO : relocate
+ const int VerticalRange = 0; // MG TODO : relocate
+ int Try_X, Try_Y, Try_Z;
+ getThreeRandomNumber(Try_X, Try_Y, Try_Z, 2*HorizontalRange+1 , 2*VerticalRange+1 , 2*HorizontalRange+1);
+ Try_X -= HorizontalRange;
+ Try_Y -= VerticalRange;
+ Try_Z -= HorizontalRange;
+ Try_X += Center_X;
+ Try_Y += Center_Y;
+ Try_Z += Center_Z;
+ ASSERT(Try_Y > 0);
+ ASSERT(Try_Y < cChunkDef::Height-1);
+ BLOCKTYPE BlockType;
+ BLOCKTYPE BlockType_below;
+ NIBBLETYPE BlockMeta_below;
+ BLOCKTYPE BlockType_above;
+ NIBBLETYPE BlockMeta_above;
+ if (UnboundedRelGetBlock(Try_X, Try_Y , Try_Z, BlockType, BlockMeta) &&
+ UnboundedRelGetBlock(Try_X, Try_Y-1, Try_Z, BlockType_below, BlockMeta_below)&&
+ UnboundedRelGetBlock(Try_X, Try_Y+1, Try_Z, BlockType_above, BlockMeta_above)
+ )
+ {
+ EMCSBiome Biome = m_ChunkMap->GetBiomeAt (Try_X, Try_Z);
+ // MG TODO :
+ // Moon cycle (for slime)
+ // check player and playerspawn presence < 24 blocks
+ // check mobs presence on the block
+ // MG TODO: fix the "light" thing, I'm pretty sure that UnboundedRelGetBlock s not returning the right thing
+ // MG TODO : check that "Level" really means Y
+ cEntity* newMob = a_MobSpawner.TryToSpawnHere(BlockType, BlockMeta, BlockType_below, BlockMeta_below, BlockType_above, BlockMeta_above, Biome, Try_Y, MaxNbOfSuccess);
+ if (newMob)
+ {
+ int WorldX, WorldY, WorldZ;
+ PositionToWorldPosition(Try_X, Try_Y, Try_Z, WorldX, WorldY, WorldZ);
+ newMob->SetPosition(WorldX, WorldY, WorldZ);
+ LOGD("Spawning %s #%i at %d,%d,%d",newMob->GetClass(),newMob->GetUniqueID(),WorldX, WorldY, WorldZ);
+ NumberOfSuccess++;
+ }
+ }
+ NumberOfTries++;
+ }
+ }
void cChunk::Tick(float a_Dt)
@@ -457,10 +587,14 @@ void cChunk::Tick(float a_Dt)
m_IsDirty = (*itr)->Tick(a_Dt, *this) | m_IsDirty;
- // Tick all entities in this chunk:
+ // Tick all entities in this chunk (except mobs):
for (cEntityList::iterator itr = m_Entities.begin(); itr != m_Entities.end(); ++itr)
- (*itr)->Tick(a_Dt, *this);
+ // Mobs are tickes inside MobTick (as we don't have to tick them if they are far away from players)
+ if (!((*itr)->IsMob()))
+ {
+ (*itr)->Tick(a_Dt, *this);
+ }
} // for itr - m_Entitites[]
// Remove all entities that were scheduled for removal:
diff --git a/source/Chunk.h b/source/Chunk.h
index c979b7928..aca180d16 100644
--- a/source/Chunk.h
+++ b/source/Chunk.h
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ class cPickup;
class cChunkDataSerializer;
class cBlockArea;
class cFluidSimulatorData;
+class cMobCensus;
+class cMobSpawner;
typedef std::list<cClientHandle *> cClientHandleList;
typedef cItemCallback<cEntity> cEntityCallback;
@@ -124,6 +126,12 @@ public:
/// Sets or resets the internal flag that prevents chunk from being unloaded
void Stay(bool a_Stay = true);
+ /// Recence all mobs proximities to players in order to know what to do with them
+ void CollectMobCensus(cMobCensus& toFill);
+ /// Try to Spawn Monsters inside chunk
+ void SpawnMobs(cMobSpawner& a_MobSpawner);
void Tick(float a_Dt);
int GetPosX(void) const { return m_PosX; }
@@ -385,6 +393,10 @@ private:
cSandSimulatorChunkData m_SandSimulatorData;
+ // pick up a random block of this chunk
+ void getRandomBlockCoords(int& a_X, int& a_Y, int& a_Z);
+ void getThreeRandomNumber(int& a_X, int& a_Y, int& a_Z,int a_MaxX, int a_MaxY, int a_MaxZ);
void RemoveBlockEntity(cBlockEntity * a_BlockEntity);
void AddBlockEntity (cBlockEntity * a_BlockEntity);
diff --git a/source/ChunkMap.cpp b/source/ChunkMap.cpp
index 3c098fdfe..c3bd5f33d 100644
--- a/source/ChunkMap.cpp
+++ b/source/ChunkMap.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include "BlockArea.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "Entities/TNTEntity.h"
+#include "MobCensus.h"
+#include "MobSpawner.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <cstdlib> // abs
@@ -2152,6 +2154,32 @@ void cChunkMap::SetNextBlockTick(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ)
+void cChunkMap::CollectMobCensus(cMobCensus& a_ToFill)
+ cCSLock Lock(m_CSLayers);
+ for (cChunkLayerList::iterator itr = m_Layers.begin(); itr != m_Layers.end(); ++itr)
+ {
+ (*itr)->CollectMobCensus(a_ToFill);
+ } // for itr - m_Layers
+void cChunkMap::SpawnMobs(cMobSpawner& a_MobSpawner)
+ cCSLock Lock(m_CSLayers);
+ for (cChunkLayerList::iterator itr = m_Layers.begin(); itr != m_Layers.end(); ++itr)
+ {
+ (*itr)->SpawnMobs(a_MobSpawner);
+ } // for itr - m_Layers
void cChunkMap::Tick(float a_Dt)
@@ -2310,6 +2338,38 @@ cChunk * cChunkMap::cChunkLayer::FindChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ)
+void cChunkMap::cChunkLayer::CollectMobCensus(cMobCensus& a_ToFill)
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(m_Chunks); i++)
+ {
+ // We do count every Mobs in the world. But we are assuming that every chunk not loaded by any client
+ // doesn't affect us. Normally they should not have mobs because every "too far" mobs despawn
+ // If they have (f.i. when player disconnect) we assume we don't have to make them live or despawn
+ if ((m_Chunks[i] != NULL) && m_Chunks[i]->IsValid() && m_Chunks[i]->HasAnyClients())
+ {
+ m_Chunks[i]->CollectMobCensus(a_ToFill);
+ }
+ } // for i - m_Chunks[]
+void cChunkMap::cChunkLayer::SpawnMobs(cMobSpawner& a_MobSpawner)
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(m_Chunks); i++)
+ {
+ // We only spawn close to players
+ if ((m_Chunks[i] != NULL) && m_Chunks[i]->IsValid() && m_Chunks[i]->HasAnyClients())
+ {
+ m_Chunks[i]->SpawnMobs(a_MobSpawner);
+ }
+ } // for i - m_Chunks[]
void cChunkMap::cChunkLayer::Tick(float a_Dt)
diff --git a/source/ChunkMap.h b/source/ChunkMap.h
index fcb164f7b..f68cb6472 100644
--- a/source/ChunkMap.h
+++ b/source/ChunkMap.h
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ class cPawn;
class cPickup;
class cChunkDataSerializer;
class cBlockArea;
+class cMobCensus;
+class cMobSpawner;
typedef std::list<cClientHandle *> cClientHandleList;
typedef cChunk * cChunkPtr;
@@ -263,9 +265,15 @@ public:
/// Grows a cactus present at the block specified by the amount of blocks specified, up to the max height specified in the config
void GrowCactus(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, int a_NumBlocksToGrow);
- /// Sets the blockticking to start at the specified block. Only one blocktick per chunk may be set, second call overwrites the first call
+ /// Sets the blockticking to start at the specified block. Only one blocktick per chunk may be set, second call overwrites the first call
void SetNextBlockTick(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ);
+ /// Make a Mob census, of all mobs, their family, their chunk and theyr distance to closest player
+ void CollectMobCensus(cMobCensus& a_ToFill);
+ /// Try to Spawn Monsters inside all Chunks
+ void SpawnMobs(cMobSpawner& a_MobSpawner);
void Tick(float a_Dt);
void UnloadUnusedChunks(void);
@@ -309,6 +317,11 @@ private:
void Save(void);
void UnloadUnusedChunks(void);
+ /// Collect a mob census, of all mobs, their megatype, their chunk and their distance o closest player
+ void CollectMobCensus(cMobCensus& a_ToFill);
+ /// Try to Spawn Monsters inside all Chunks
+ void SpawnMobs(cMobSpawner& a_MobSpawner);
void Tick(float a_Dt);
void RemoveClient(cClientHandle * a_Client);
diff --git a/source/MobCensus.cpp b/source/MobCensus.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..612f25916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobCensus.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
+#include "MobCensus.h"
+cMobCensus::tCapMultipliersMap cMobCensus::CapMultiplierInitializerBeforeCx11()
+ std::map<cMonster::eFamily,int> toReturn;
+ toReturn[cMonster::mfHostile] = 79;
+ toReturn[cMonster::mfPassive] = 11;
+ toReturn[cMonster::mfAmbient] = 16;
+ toReturn[cMonster::mfWater] = 5;
+ return toReturn;
+cMobCensus::tMobSpawnRate cMobCensus::MobSpawnRateInitializerBeforeCx11()
+ std::map<cMonster::eFamily,int> toReturn;
+ toReturn[cMonster::mfHostile] = 1;
+ toReturn[cMonster::mfPassive] = 400;
+ toReturn[cMonster::mfAmbient] = 400;
+ toReturn[cMonster::mfWater] = 400;
+ return toReturn;
+cMobCensus::tCapMultipliersMap& cMobCensus::m_CapMultipliers()
+ static tCapMultipliersMap* value = new tCapMultipliersMap(CapMultiplierInitializerBeforeCx11());
+ return *value;
+cMobCensus::tMobSpawnRate& cMobCensus::m_SpawnRate()
+ static tMobSpawnRate* value = new tMobSpawnRate(MobSpawnRateInitializerBeforeCx11());
+ return *value;
+void cMobCensus::CollectMob(cMonster& a_Monster, cChunk& a_Chunk, double a_Distance)
+ m_ProximityCounter.CollectMob(a_Monster,a_Chunk,a_Distance);
+ m_MobFamilyCollecter.CollectMob(a_Monster);
+bool cMobCensus::isCaped(cMonster::eFamily a_MobFamily)
+ bool toReturn = true;
+ const int ratio = 319; // this should be 256 as we are only supposed to take account from chunks that are in 17x17 from a player
+ // but for now, we use all chunks loaded by players. that means 19 x 19 chucks. That's why we use 256 * (19*19) / (17*17) = 319
+ // MG TODO : code the correct count
+ tCapMultipliersMap::const_iterator capMultiplier = m_CapMultipliers().find(a_MobFamily);
+ if (
+ (capMultiplier != m_CapMultipliers().end()) &&
+ (capMultiplier->second * getChunkNb()) / ratio >= m_MobFamilyCollecter.getNumberOfCollectedMobs(a_MobFamily)
+ )
+ {
+ toReturn = false;
+ }
+ return toReturn;
+void cMobCensus::CollectSpawnableChunk(cChunk& a_Chunk)
+ m_EligibleForSpawnChunks.insert(&a_Chunk);
+int cMobCensus::getChunkNb()
+ return m_EligibleForSpawnChunks.size();
+cMobProximityCounter& cMobCensus::getProximityCounter()
+ return m_ProximityCounter;
+void cMobCensus::logd()
+ LOGD((std::string("Hostile mobs : %d") + (isCaped(cMonster::mfHostile)?"(capped)":"")).c_str(),m_MobFamilyCollecter.getNumberOfCollectedMobs(cMonster::mfHostile));
+ LOGD((std::string("Ambiant mobs : %d") + (isCaped(cMonster::mfAmbient)?"(capped)":"")).c_str(),m_MobFamilyCollecter.getNumberOfCollectedMobs(cMonster::mfAmbient));
+ LOGD((std::string("Water mobs : %d") + (isCaped(cMonster::mfWater)? "(capped)":"")).c_str(),m_MobFamilyCollecter.getNumberOfCollectedMobs(cMonster::mfWater));
+ LOGD((std::string("Passive mobs : %d") + (isCaped(cMonster::mfPassive)?"(capped)":"")).c_str(),m_MobFamilyCollecter.getNumberOfCollectedMobs(cMonster::mfPassive));
diff --git a/source/MobCensus.h b/source/MobCensus.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8aa8f3a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobCensus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "MobProximityCounter.h"
+#include "MobFamilyCollecter.h"
+class cChunk;
+class cMonster;
+// This class is used to collect, for each Mob, what is the distance of the closest player
+// it was first being designed in order to make mobs spawn / despawn / act
+// as the behaviour and even life of mobs depends on the distance to closest player
+// as side effect : it also collect the chunks that are elligible for spawning
+// as side effect 2 : it also know the caps for mobs number and can compare census to this numbers
+class cMobCensus
+public :
+ cMobCensus();
+protected :
+ cMobProximityCounter m_ProximityCounter;
+ cMobFamilyCollecter m_MobFamilyCollecter;
+ typedef const std::map<cMonster::eFamily,int> tCapMultipliersMap;
+ static tCapMultipliersMap& m_CapMultipliers();
+ std::set<cChunk*> m_EligibleForSpawnChunks;
+ // count the chunks that are elligible to spawn (for now, the loaded valide not null chunks)
+ int getChunkNb();
+ typedef const std::map<cMonster::eFamily,int> tMobSpawnRate;
+ static tMobSpawnRate& m_SpawnRate();
+ // return the nested proximity counter
+ cMobProximityCounter& getProximityCounter();
+public :
+ // collect an elligible Chunk for Mob Spawning
+ // MG TODO : code the correct rule (not loaded chunk but short distant from players)
+ void CollectSpawnableChunk(cChunk& a_Chunk);
+ // collect a mob - it's distance to player, it's family ...
+ void CollectMob(cMonster& a_Monster, cChunk& a_Chunk, double a_Distance);
+ // return true if the family is caped (i.e. there is more mobs of this family than max)
+ bool isCaped(cMonster::eFamily a_MobFamily);
+ // log the results of census
+ void logd();
+protected :
+ static tCapMultipliersMap CapMultiplierInitializerBeforeCx11();
+ static tCapMultipliersMap MobSpawnRateInitializerBeforeCx11();
diff --git a/source/MobFamilyCollecter.cpp b/source/MobFamilyCollecter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2aa46599a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobFamilyCollecter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
+#include "MobFamilyCollecter.h"
+#include "Mobs/Monster.h"
+cMobFamilyCollecter::tMobFamilyList cMobFamilyCollecter::initMobFamilyBeforeCx11()
+ std::set<cMonster::eFamily> toReturn;
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mfHostile);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mfPassive);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mfAmbient);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mfWater);
+ return toReturn;
+cMobFamilyCollecter::tMobFamilyList& cMobFamilyCollecter::m_AllFamilies()
+ static tMobFamilyList* AllFamilies = new tMobFamilyList(initMobFamilyBeforeCx11());
+ return *AllFamilies;
+void cMobFamilyCollecter::CollectMob(cMonster& a_Monster)
+ cMonster::eFamily MobFamily = a_Monster.GetMobFamily();
+ m_Mobs[MobFamily].insert(&a_Monster);
+int cMobFamilyCollecter::getNumberOfCollectedMobs(cMonster::eFamily a_Family)
+ return m_Mobs[a_Family].size();
diff --git a/source/MobFamilyCollecter.h b/source/MobFamilyCollecter.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..659d2b687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobFamilyCollecter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include "BlockID.h"
+#include "Mobs/Monster.h" //this is a side-effect of keeping Mobfamily inside Monster class. I'd prefer to keep both (Mobfamily and Monster) inside a "Monster" namespace MG TODO : do it
+class cChunk;
+// This class is used to collect, for each Mob, what is it's family. It was first
+// being designed to check the caps of the mobs (no more than ... hostile mob in the world)
+// as side effects : it also know what is the spawnrate of each family : MG TODO relocate
+class cMobFamilyCollecter
+protected :
+ std::map<cMonster::eFamily,std::set<cMonster*> > m_Mobs;
+public :
+ // collect a mob
+ void CollectMob(cMonster& a_Monster);
+ // return the number of mobs for this family
+ int getNumberOfCollectedMobs(cMonster::eFamily a_Family);
+public :
+ typedef const std::set<cMonster::eFamily> tMobFamilyList;
+ static tMobFamilyList& m_AllFamilies();
+public :
+ typedef const std::map<cMonster::eFamily,int> tMobSpawRate;
+ static tMobSpawRate& m_SpawnRate();
+protected :
+ static tMobFamilyList initMobFamilyBeforeCx11();
+ static tMobSpawRate initMobSpawnRateBeforeCx11();
diff --git a/source/MobProximityCounter.cpp b/source/MobProximityCounter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..583a71579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobProximityCounter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
+#include "MobProximityCounter.h"
+#include "Entities/Entity.h"
+#include "Chunk.h"
+void cMobProximityCounter::CollectMob(cEntity& a_Monster, cChunk& a_Chunk, double a_Distance)
+// LOGD("Collecting monster %s, with distance %f",a_Monster->GetClass(),a_Distance);
+ tMonsterToDistance::iterator it = m_MonsterToDistance.find(&a_Monster);
+ if (it == m_MonsterToDistance.end())
+ {
+ sDistanceAndChunk newDistanceAndChunk(a_Distance,a_Chunk);
+ std::pair<tMonsterToDistance::iterator,bool> result = m_MonsterToDistance.insert(tMonsterToDistance::value_type(&a_Monster,newDistanceAndChunk));
+ if (!result.second)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!"A collected Monster was not found inside distance map using find(), but insert() said there already is a key for it");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (a_Distance < it->second.m_Distance)
+ {
+ it->second.m_Distance = a_Distance;
+ it->second.m_Chunk = a_Chunk;
+ }
+ }
+ m_EligibleForSpawnChunks.insert(&a_Chunk);
+void cMobProximityCounter::convertMaps()
+ for(tMonsterToDistance::const_iterator itr = m_MonsterToDistance.begin(); itr != m_MonsterToDistance.end(); itr++)
+ {
+ m_DistanceToMonster.insert(tDistanceToMonster::value_type(itr->second.m_Distance,sMonsterAndChunk(*itr->first,itr->second.m_Chunk)));
+ }
+cMobProximityCounter::sIterablePair cMobProximityCounter::getMobWithinThosesDistances(double a_DistanceMin, double a_DistanceMax)
+ sIterablePair toReturn;
+ toReturn.m_Count = 0;
+ toReturn.m_Begin = m_DistanceToMonster.end();
+ toReturn.m_End = m_DistanceToMonster.end();
+ a_DistanceMin *= a_DistanceMin;// this is because is use square distance
+ a_DistanceMax *= a_DistanceMax;
+ if (m_DistanceToMonster.size() <= 0)
+ {
+ convertMaps();
+ }
+ for(tDistanceToMonster::const_iterator itr = m_DistanceToMonster.begin(); itr != m_DistanceToMonster.end(); itr++)
+ {
+ if (toReturn.m_Begin == m_DistanceToMonster.end())
+ {
+ if (a_DistanceMin == -1 || itr->first > a_DistanceMin)
+ {
+ toReturn.m_Begin = itr; // this is the first one with distance > a_DistanceMin;
+ }
+ }
+ if (toReturn.m_Begin != m_DistanceToMonster.end())
+ {
+ if (a_DistanceMax != -1 && itr->first > a_DistanceMax)
+ {
+ toReturn.m_End = itr; // this is just after the last one with distance < a_DistanceMax
+ // Note : if we are not going through this, it's ok, toReturn.m_End will be end();
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ toReturn.m_Count ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return toReturn;
diff --git a/source/MobProximityCounter.h b/source/MobProximityCounter.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a67139aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobProximityCounter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <set>
+class cChunk;
+class cEntity;
+// This class is used to collect, for each Mob, what is the distance of the closest player
+// it was first being designed in order to make mobs spawn / despawn / act
+// as the behaviour and even life of mobs depends on the distance to closest player
+class cMobProximityCounter
+protected :
+ // structs used for later maps (see m_MonsterToDistance and m_DistanceToMonster)
+ struct sDistanceAndChunk
+ {
+ sDistanceAndChunk(double a_Distance, cChunk& a_Chunk) : m_Distance(a_Distance), m_Chunk(a_Chunk) {}
+ double m_Distance;
+ cChunk& m_Chunk;
+ };
+ struct sMonsterAndChunk
+ {
+ sMonsterAndChunk(cEntity& a_Monster, cChunk& a_Chunk) : m_Monster(a_Monster), m_Chunk(a_Chunk) {}
+ cEntity& m_Monster;
+ cChunk& m_Chunk;
+ };
+public :
+ typedef std::map<cEntity*,sDistanceAndChunk> tMonsterToDistance;
+ typedef std::multimap<double,sMonsterAndChunk> tDistanceToMonster;
+protected :
+ // this map is filled during collection phase, it will be later transformed into DistanceToMonster
+ tMonsterToDistance m_MonsterToDistance;
+ // this map is generated after collection phase, in order to access monster by distance to player
+ tDistanceToMonster m_DistanceToMonster;
+ // this are the collected chunks. Used to determinate the number of elligible chunk for spawning.
+ std::set<cChunk*> m_EligibleForSpawnChunks;
+protected :
+ // transform monsterToDistance map (that was usefull for collecting) into distanceToMonster
+ // that will be usefull for picking up.
+ void convertMaps();
+public :
+ // count a mob on a specified chunk with specified distance to an unkown player
+ // if the distance is shortest than the one collected, this become the new closest
+ // distance and the chunk become the "hosting" chunk (that is the one that will perform the action)
+ void CollectMob(cEntity& a_Monster, cChunk& a_Chunk, double a_Distance);
+ // return the mobs that are within the range of distance of the closest player they are
+ // that means that if a mob is 30 m from a player and 150 m from another one. It will be
+ // in the range [0..50] but not in [100..200]
+ struct sIterablePair{
+ tDistanceToMonster::const_iterator m_Begin;
+ tDistanceToMonster::const_iterator m_End;
+ int m_Count;
+ };
+ sIterablePair getMobWithinThosesDistances(double a_DistanceMin, double a_DistanceMax);
diff --git a/source/MobSpawner.cpp b/source/MobSpawner.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bff87533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobSpawner.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
+#include "MobSpawner.h"
+#include "MobTypesManager.h"
+#include "Mobs/Monster.h"
+#include "Mobs/IncludeAllMonsters.h"
+cMobSpawner::tMobTypes& cMobSpawner::m_MobTypes()
+ static tMobTypes* value = new tMobTypes(initMobTypesBeforeCx11());
+ return *value;
+cMobSpawner::tMobTypes cMobSpawner::initMobTypesBeforeCx11()
+ std::set<cMonster::eType> toReturn;
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtCreeper);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtSkeleton);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtSpider);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtGiant);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtZombie);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtSlime);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtGhast);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtZombiePigman);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtEnderman);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtCaveSpider);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtSilverfish);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtBlaze);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtMagmaCube);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtEnderDragon);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtWither);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtBat);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtWitch);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtPig);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtSheep);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtCow);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtChicken);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtSquid);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtWolf);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtMooshroom);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtSnowGolem);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtOcelot);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtIronGolem);
+ toReturn.insert(cMonster::mtVillager);
+ return toReturn;
+cMobSpawner::cMobSpawner(cMonster::eFamily a_MonsterFamily,const std::set<cMonster::eType>& a_AllowedTypes) :
+ m_MonsterFamily(a_MonsterFamily),
+ m_NewPack(true),
+ m_MobType(cMonster::mtInvalidType)
+ for (std::set<cMonster::eType>::const_iterator itr = a_AllowedTypes.begin(); itr != a_AllowedTypes.end(); itr++)
+ {
+ if (cMobTypesManager::getFamilyFromType(*itr) == a_MonsterFamily)
+ {
+ m_AllowedTypes.insert(*itr);
+ }
+ }
+bool cMobSpawner::CheckPackCenter(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType)
+ // Packs of non-water mobs can only be centered on an air block
+ // Packs of water mobs can only be centered on a water block
+ if (m_MonsterFamily == cMonster::mfWater)
+ {
+ return IsBlockWater(a_BlockType);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return a_BlockType == E_BLOCK_AIR;
+ }
+void cMobSpawner::addIfAllowed(cMonster::eType toAdd, std::set<cMonster::eType>& toAddIn)
+ std::set<cMonster::eType>::iterator itr = m_AllowedTypes.find(toAdd);
+ if (itr != m_AllowedTypes.end())
+ {
+ toAddIn.insert(toAdd);
+ }
+cMonster::eType cMobSpawner::ChooseMobType(EMCSBiome a_Biome)
+ std::set<cMonster::eType> allowedMobs;
+ if (a_Biome == biMushroomIsland || a_Biome == biMushroomShore)
+ {
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtMooshroom, allowedMobs);
+ }
+ else if (a_Biome == biNether)
+ {
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtGhast, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtZombiePigman, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtMagmaCube, allowedMobs);
+ }
+ /*else if (a_Biome == biEnder) MG TODO : figure out what are the biomes of the ender
+ {
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtEnderman, allowedMobs);
+ }*/
+ else
+ {
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtBat, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtSpider, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtZombie, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtSkeleton, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtCreeper, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtSquid, allowedMobs);
+ if (a_Biome != biDesert && a_Biome != biBeach && a_Biome != biOcean)
+ {
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtSheep, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtPig, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtCow, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtChicken, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtEnderman, allowedMobs);
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtSlime, allowedMobs); // MG TODO : much more complicated rule
+ if (a_Biome == biForest || a_Biome == biForestHills || a_Biome == biTaiga || a_Biome == biTaigaHills)
+ {
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtWolf, allowedMobs);
+ }
+ else if (a_Biome == biJungle || a_Biome == biJungleHills)
+ {
+ addIfAllowed(cMonster::mtOcelot, allowedMobs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int allowedMobsSize = allowedMobs.size();
+ if (allowedMobsSize > 0)
+ {
+ std::set<cMonster::eType>::iterator itr = allowedMobs.begin();
+ int iRandom = m_Random.NextInt(allowedMobsSize,a_Biome);
+ for(int i = 0; i < iRandom; i++)
+ {
+ itr++;
+ }
+ return *itr;
+ }
+ return cMonster::mtInvalidType;
+bool cMobSpawner::CanSpawnHere(cMonster::eType a_MobType, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType_below, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta_below, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType_above, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta_above, EMCSBiome a_Biome, int a_Level)
+ bool toReturn = false;
+ std::set<cMonster::eType>::iterator itr = m_AllowedTypes.find(a_MobType);
+ if (itr != m_AllowedTypes.end())
+ {
+ // MG TODO : find a nicer paging
+ if (a_MobType == cMonster::mtSquid)
+ {
+ toReturn = (
+ IsBlockLiquid(a_BlockType) &&
+ a_Level >= 45 &&
+ a_Level <= 62
+ );
+ }
+ else if (a_MobType == cMonster::mtBat)
+ {
+ toReturn = a_Level <= 60; // MG TODO : find a real rule
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (
+ a_BlockType == E_BLOCK_AIR &&
+ a_BlockType_above == E_BLOCK_AIR &&
+ ! (g_BlockTransparent[a_BlockType_below])
+ )
+ {
+ if (a_MobType == cMonster::mtChicken || a_MobType == cMonster::mtPig || a_MobType == cMonster::mtCow || a_MobType == cMonster::mtSheep)
+ {
+ toReturn = (
+ a_BlockType_below == E_BLOCK_GRASS /*&& // MG TODO
+ a_LightLevel >= 9 */
+ );
+ }
+ else if (a_MobType == cMonster::mtOcelot)
+ {
+ toReturn = (
+ a_Level >= 62 &&
+ (
+ a_BlockType_below == E_BLOCK_GRASS ||
+ a_BlockType_below == E_BLOCK_LEAVES
+ ) &&
+ m_Random.NextInt(3,a_Biome) != 0
+ );
+ }
+ else if (a_MobType == cMonster::mtCreeper || a_MobType == cMonster::mtSkeleton || a_MobType == cMonster::mtZombie || a_MobType == cMonster::mtSpider || a_MobType == cMonster::mtEnderman || a_MobType == cMonster::mtZombiePigman)
+ {
+ toReturn = true /*a_LightLevel <= 7 MG TODO*/;
+ /*if (a_SunLight) MG TODO
+ {
+ if (m_Random.NextInt(2,a_Biome) != 0)
+ {
+ toReturn = false;
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+ else if (a_MobType == cMonster::mtSlime)
+ {
+ toReturn = a_Level <= 40;
+ // MG TODO : much more complicated rules
+ }
+ else if (a_MobType == cMonster::mtGhast)
+ {
+ toReturn = m_Random.NextInt(20,a_Biome) == 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOGD("MG TODO : check I've got a Rule to write for type %d",a_MobType);
+ toReturn = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return toReturn;
+cMonster* cMobSpawner::TryToSpawnHere(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType_below, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta_below, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType_above, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta_above, EMCSBiome a_Biome, int a_Level, int& a_MaxPackSize)
+ cMonster* toReturn = NULL;
+ if (m_NewPack)
+ {
+ m_MobType = ChooseMobType(a_Biome);
+ if (m_MobType == cMonster::mtInvalidType)
+ {
+ return toReturn;
+ }
+ if (m_MobType == cMonster::mtWolf)
+ {
+ a_MaxPackSize = 8;
+ }
+ else if (m_MobType == cMonster::mtGhast)
+ {
+ a_MaxPackSize = 1;
+ }
+ m_NewPack = false;
+ }
+ if (CanSpawnHere(m_MobType, a_BlockType, a_BlockMeta, a_BlockType_below, a_BlockMeta_below, a_BlockType_above, a_BlockMeta_above, a_Biome, a_Level))
+ {
+ cMonster* newMob = cMobTypesManager::NewMonsterFromType(m_MobType);
+ if (newMob)
+ {
+ m_Spawned.insert(newMob);
+ }
+ toReturn = newMob;
+ }
+ return toReturn;
+void cMobSpawner::NewPack()
+ m_NewPack = true;
+cMobSpawner::tSpawnedContainer& cMobSpawner::getSpawned()
+ return m_Spawned;
+bool cMobSpawner::CanSpawnSomething()
+ return m_AllowedTypes.size() > 0;
diff --git a/source/MobSpawner.h b/source/MobSpawner.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb9e95172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobSpawner.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <set>
+#include "BlockID.h"
+#include "ChunkDef.h"
+#include "FastRandom.h"
+#include "Mobs/Monster.h" //this is a side-effect of keeping Mobfamily inside Monster class. I'd prefer to keep both (Mobfamily and Monster) inside a "Monster" namespace MG TODO : do it
+class cChunk;
+// This class is used to determine wich monster can be spawned on wich place
+// it is essentially static (f.i. Squids spawn in water, Zombie spawn in dark places)
+// but it also has dynamic part depending on the world.ini
+class cMobSpawner
+public :
+ // constructor
+ // a_MobFamily is the Family of mobs that this spawner will spawn
+ // a_AllowedTypes is the set of types allowed for mobs it will spawn. Empty set
+ // would result in no spawn at all
+ // Allowed mobs thah are not of the right Family will not be include (no warning)
+ cMobSpawner(cMonster::eFamily MobFamily, const std::set<cMonster::eType>& a_AllowedTypes);
+ // Check if specified block can be a Pack center for this spawner
+ bool CheckPackCenter(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType);
+ // Try to create a monster here
+ // if this is the first of a Pack : determine the type of monster
+ // BlockType & BlockMeta are use to know what kind of Mob can Spawn here
+ // MaxPackSize is set to the maximal size for a pack this type of mob
+ cMonster* TryToSpawnHere(BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType_below, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta_below, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType_above, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta_above, EMCSBiome a_Biome, int a_Level, int& a_MaxPackSize);
+ // mark the beginning of a new Pack
+ // all mobs of the same Pack are the same type
+ void NewPack();
+ // return true if there is at least one allowed type
+ bool CanSpawnSomething();
+ typedef const std::set<cMonster*> tSpawnedContainer;
+ tSpawnedContainer& getSpawned();
+protected :
+ // return true if specified type of mob can spawn on specified block
+ bool CanSpawnHere(cMonster::eType a_MobType, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType_below, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta_below, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType_above, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta_above, EMCSBiome a_Biome, int a_Level);
+ // return a random type that can spawn on specified biome.
+ // returns E_ENTITY_TYPE_DONOTUSE if none is possible
+ cMonster::eType ChooseMobType(EMCSBiome a_Biome);
+ // add toAdd inside toAddIn, if toAdd is in m_AllowedTypes
+ void addIfAllowed(cMonster::eType toAdd, std::set<cMonster::eType>& toAddIn);
+protected :
+ cMonster::eFamily m_MonsterFamily;
+ std::set<cMonster::eType> m_AllowedTypes;
+ bool m_NewPack;
+ cMonster::eType m_MobType;
+ std::set<cMonster*> m_Spawned;
+ cFastRandom m_Random;
+public :
+ typedef const std::set<cMonster::eType> tMobTypes; // MG TODO : maybe relocate all those statics set/maps in the same place ?
+ static tMobTypes& m_MobTypes();
+protected :
+ static tMobTypes initMobTypesBeforeCx11();
diff --git a/source/MobTypesManager.cpp b/source/MobTypesManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..600d7992d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobTypesManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
+#include "MobTypesManager.h"
+#include "MersenneTwister.h"
+#include "Mobs/Monster.h"
+#include "Mobs/IncludeAllMonsters.h"
+#include "FastRandom.h"
+cMobTypesManager::tMobTypes2Names& cMobTypesManager::m_MobsTypes2Names()
+ static std::map<cMonster::eType,std::string>* value = new std::map<cMonster::eType,std::string>(MobTypes2NamesInitializerBeforeCx11());
+ return *value;
+cMobTypesManager::tMobTypes2Names cMobTypesManager::MobTypes2NamesInitializerBeforeCx11()
+ std::map<cMonster::eType,std::string> toReturn;
+ typedef std::map<cMonster::eType,std::string>::value_type ValueType;
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtMagmaCube,"Magmacube"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSlime,"Slime"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtBat,"Bat"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtBlaze,"Blaze"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtCaveSpider,"Cavespider"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtChicken,"Chicken"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtCow,"Cow"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtCreeper,"Creeper"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtEnderman,"Enderman"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtGhast,"Ghast"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtMooshroom,"Mooshroom"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtOcelot,"Ocelot"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtPig,"Pig"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSheep,"Sheep"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSilverfish,"Silverfish"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSkeleton,"Skeleton"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSpider,"Spider"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSquid,"Squid"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtVillager,"Villager"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtWitch,"Witch"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtWolf,"Wolf"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtZombie,"Zombie"));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtZombiePigman,"Zombiepigman"));
+ return toReturn;
+cMobTypesManager::tMobType2Family& cMobTypesManager::m_MobsType2Family()
+ static std::map<cMonster::eType,cMonster::eFamily>* value = new std::map<cMonster::eType,cMonster::eFamily>(MobType2FamilyInitializerBeforeCx11());
+ return *value;
+cMobTypesManager::tMobType2Family cMobTypesManager::MobType2FamilyInitializerBeforeCx11()
+ std::map<cMonster::eType,cMonster::eFamily> toReturn;
+ typedef std::map<cMonster::eType,cMonster::eFamily>::value_type ValueType;
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtBat,cMonster::mfAmbient));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSquid,cMonster::mfWater));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtCow,cMonster::mfPassive));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtPig,cMonster::mfPassive));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSheep,cMonster::mfPassive));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtChicken,cMonster::mfPassive));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtVillager,cMonster::mfPassive));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtMagmaCube,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSlime,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtBlaze,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtCaveSpider,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtCreeper,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtEnderman,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtGhast,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtMooshroom,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtOcelot,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSilverfish,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSkeleton,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtSpider,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtWitch,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtWolf,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtZombie,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ toReturn.insert(ValueType(cMonster::mtZombiePigman,cMonster::mfHostile));
+ return toReturn;
+cFastRandom& cMobTypesManager::m_Random()
+ static cFastRandom* value = new cFastRandom();
+ return *value;
+cMonster* cMobTypesManager::NewMonsterFromType(cMonster::eType a_MobType, int a_Size)
+ cMonster * toReturn = NULL;
+ // unspecified size get rand[1,3] for Monsters that need size
+ switch (a_MobType)
+ {
+ case cMonster::mtMagmaCube:
+ case cMonster::mtSlime:
+ if (a_Size == -1)
+ {
+ a_Size = m_Random().NextInt(2,a_MobType)+1;
+ }
+ if (a_Size <= 0 || a_Size >= 4)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!"Random for size was supposed to pick in [1..3] and picked outside");
+ a_Size = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ default : break;
+ }
+ // the big switch
+ switch (a_MobType)
+ {
+ case cMonster::mtMagmaCube: toReturn = new cMagmaCube(a_Size); break;
+ case cMonster::mtSlime: toReturn = new cSlime(a_Size); break;
+ case cMonster::mtBat: toReturn = new cBat(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtBlaze: toReturn = new cBlaze(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtCaveSpider: toReturn = new cCavespider(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtChicken: toReturn = new cChicken(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtCow: toReturn = new cCow(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtCreeper: toReturn = new cCreeper(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtEnderman: toReturn = new cEnderman(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtGhast: toReturn = new cGhast(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtMooshroom: toReturn = new cMooshroom(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtOcelot: toReturn = new cOcelot(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtPig: toReturn = new cPig(); break;
+ // TODO: Implement sheep color
+ case cMonster::mtSheep: toReturn = new cSheep(0); break;
+ case cMonster::mtSilverfish: toReturn = new cSilverfish(); break;
+ // TODO: Implement wither geration
+ case cMonster::mtSkeleton: toReturn = new cSkeleton(false); break;
+ case cMonster::mtSpider: toReturn = new cSpider(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtSquid: toReturn = new cSquid(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtVillager: toReturn = new cVillager(cVillager::vtFarmer); break;
+ case cMonster::mtWitch: toReturn = new cWitch(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtWolf: toReturn = new cWolf(); break;
+ case cMonster::mtZombie: toReturn = new cZombie(false); break;
+ case cMonster::mtZombiePigman: toReturn = new cZombiePigman(); break;
+ default:
+ {
+ ASSERT(!"Unhandled Mob type");
+ }
+ }
+ return toReturn;
+const std::string& cMobTypesManager::fromMobTypeToString(cMonster::eType a_MobType)
+ static std::string toReturnDefault = "";
+ std::string& toReturn = toReturnDefault;
+ std::map<cMonster::eType,std::string>::const_iterator itr = m_MobsTypes2Names().find(a_MobType);
+ if (itr != m_MobsTypes2Names().end())
+ {
+ toReturn = itr->second;
+ }
+ return toReturn;
+cMonster::eType cMobTypesManager::fromStringToMobType(const std::string& a_Name)
+ for(std::map<cMonster::eType,std::string>::const_iterator itr = m_MobsTypes2Names().begin(); itr != m_MobsTypes2Names().end(); itr++)
+ {
+ if (itr->second == a_Name)
+ {
+ return itr->first;
+ }
+ }
+ return cMonster::mtInvalidType;
+cMonster::eFamily cMobTypesManager::getFamilyFromType(cMonster::eType a_Type)
+ cMonster::eFamily toReturn = cMonster::mfMaxplusone;
+ std::map<cMonster::eType,cMonster::eFamily>::const_iterator itr = m_MobsType2Family().find(a_Type);
+ if (itr != m_MobsType2Family().end())
+ {
+ toReturn = itr->second;
+ }
+ return toReturn;
diff --git a/source/MobTypesManager.h b/source/MobTypesManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..941dac729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/MobTypesManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include "Mobs/Monster.h" // this is a side effect of declaring cMonster::eType inside cMonster MG TODO : make a namespace
+class cFastRandom;
+// this aggregate static functionnalities about mob types (some could call it helper)
+// functionnalities are (in the first version) :
+// - create a mob from its type (as enum) (in that way it is a compiler-proxy for mobs)
+// - can transform MobTypes from enums to string and reciprocal
+// - return mob family from providen type
+class cMobTypesManager
+ static const std::string& fromMobTypeToString(cMonster::eType a_MobType);
+ static cMonster::eType fromStringToMobType(const std::string& a_MobTypeName);
+ static cMonster::eFamily getFamilyFromType(cMonster::eType a_MobType);
+protected :
+ typedef const std::map<cMonster::eType,std::string> tMobTypes2Names;
+ static tMobTypes2Names& m_MobsTypes2Names();
+ static tMobTypes2Names MobTypes2NamesInitializerBeforeCx11();
+ typedef const std::map<cMonster::eType,cMonster::eFamily> tMobType2Family;
+ static tMobType2Family& m_MobsType2Family();
+ static tMobType2Family MobType2FamilyInitializerBeforeCx11();
+ static cFastRandom& m_Random();
+public :
+ /** create a new object of the specified mob.
+ Warning, new without delete here;
+ a_MobType is the type of the mob to be created
+ a_Size is the size (for mobs with size)
+ if a_Size is let to -1 for entities that need size, size will be random
+ assert or return null if mob type is not specified
+ assert if size < 1 or > 3 for entities that need size
+ */
+ static cMonster* NewMonsterFromType(cMonster::eType a_MobType, int a_Size=-1);
+}; // tolua_export
diff --git a/source/Mobs/AggressiveMonster.cpp b/source/Mobs/AggressiveMonster.cpp
index 2eae772d7..93dba6d7b 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/AggressiveMonster.cpp
+++ b/source/Mobs/AggressiveMonster.cpp
@@ -95,5 +95,3 @@ void cAggressiveMonster::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
diff --git a/source/Mobs/AggressiveMonster.h b/source/Mobs/AggressiveMonster.h
index 1eff1831e..f22ed5b89 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/AggressiveMonster.h
+++ b/source/Mobs/AggressiveMonster.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ public:
virtual void InStateChasing(float a_Dt) override;
virtual void EventSeePlayer(cEntity *) override;
float m_ChaseTime;
diff --git a/source/Mobs/Bat.cpp b/source/Mobs/Bat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..715f25483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/Mobs/Bat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
+#include "Bat.h"
+#include "../Vector3d.h"
+#include "../Chunk.h"
+cBat::cBat(void) :
+ // TODO: The size is only a guesstimate, measure in vanilla and fix the size values here
+ super("Bat", 65, "mob.bat.hurt", "mob.bat.death", 0.7, 0.7)
diff --git a/source/Mobs/Bat.h b/source/Mobs/Bat.h
index 0b50e06cd..e878d0ee8 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/Bat.h
+++ b/source/Mobs/Bat.h
@@ -13,13 +13,10 @@ class cBat :
typedef cPassiveMonster super;
- cBat(void) :
- super("Bat", 65, "mob.bat.hurt", "mob.bat.death", 0.5, 0.9)
- {
- }
+ cBat(void);
bool IsHanging(void) const {return false; }
} ;
diff --git a/source/Mobs/Cow.cpp b/source/Mobs/Cow.cpp
index 431a6916d..dc59016e7 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/Cow.cpp
+++ b/source/Mobs/Cow.cpp
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Cow.h"
+#include "../Entities/Player.h"
@@ -24,6 +25,10 @@ void cCow::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer)
AddRandomDropItem(a_Drops, 1, 3, IsOnFire() ? E_ITEM_STEAK : E_ITEM_RAW_BEEF);
void cCow::OnRightClicked(cPlayer & a_Player)
if ((a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType == E_ITEM_BUCKET))
@@ -31,9 +36,8 @@ void cCow::OnRightClicked(cPlayer & a_Player)
if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative())
- a_Player.GetInventory().AddItem(E_ITEM_MILK)
+ a_Player.GetInventory().AddItem(E_ITEM_MILK);
diff --git a/source/Mobs/IncludeAllMonsters.h b/source/Mobs/IncludeAllMonsters.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b436a11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/Mobs/IncludeAllMonsters.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "Bat.h"
+#include "Blaze.h"
+#include "Cavespider.h"
+#include "Chicken.h"
+#include "Cow.h"
+#include "Creeper.h"
+#include "Enderman.h"
+#include "EnderDragon.h"
+#include "Ghast.h"
+#include "Giant.h"
+#include "Horse.h"
+#include "IronGolem.h"
+#include "Magmacube.h"
+#include "Mooshroom.h"
+#include "Ocelot.h"
+#include "Pig.h"
+#include "Sheep.h"
+#include "Silverfish.h"
+#include "Skeleton.h"
+#include "Slime.h"
+#include "SnowGolem.h"
+#include "Spider.h"
+#include "Squid.h"
+#include "Villager.h"
+#include "Witch.h"
+#include "Wither.h"
+#include "Wolf.h"
+#include "Zombie.h"
+#include "Zombiepigman.h"
diff --git a/source/Mobs/Monster.cpp b/source/Mobs/Monster.cpp
index 334229a42..51ea644d3 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/Monster.cpp
+++ b/source/Mobs/Monster.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "../Entities/Player.h"
#include "../Defines.h"
#include "../MonsterConfig.h"
+#include "../MobTypesManager.h"
#include "../MersenneTwister.h"
#include "../Vector3f.h"
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
#include "../Tracer.h"
#include "../Chunk.h"
// #include "../../iniFile/iniFile.h"
@@ -510,3 +512,7 @@ void cMonster::HandleDaylightBurning(cChunk & a_Chunk)
+cMonster::eFamily cMonster::GetMobFamily(void) const
+ return cMobTypesManager::getFamilyFromType(GetMobTypeAsEnum());
diff --git a/source/Mobs/Monster.h b/source/Mobs/Monster.h
index d784f2eec..be60d9e00 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/Monster.h
+++ b/source/Mobs/Monster.h
@@ -55,7 +55,17 @@ public:
+ mtInvalidType
+ } ;
+ enum eFamily
+ {
+ mfHostile = 0, // Spider, Zombies ...
+ mfPassive = 1, // Cows, Pigs
+ mfAmbient = 2, // Bats
+ mfWater = 3, // Squid
+ mfMaxplusone, // Nothing. Be sure this is the last and the others are in order
} ;
// tolua_end
@@ -82,7 +92,10 @@ public:
virtual void MoveToPosition(const Vector3f & a_Position);
virtual bool ReachedDestination(void);
- char GetMobType(void) const {return m_MobType; }
+ char GetMobType(void) const {return m_MobType; } // MG TODO : see if we can delete this one.
+ eType GetMobTypeAsEnum(void) const {return (eType)m_MobType; } // MG TODO : see if we should store m_MobType as enum instead of char.
+ eFamily GetMobFamily(void) const;
const char * GetState();
void SetState(const AString & str);
diff --git a/source/Mobs/PassiveMonster.cpp b/source/Mobs/PassiveMonster.cpp
index 7a6140c04..8c69c8059 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/PassiveMonster.cpp
+++ b/source/Mobs/PassiveMonster.cpp
@@ -56,3 +56,4 @@ void cPassiveMonster::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
diff --git a/source/Mobs/PassiveMonster.h b/source/Mobs/PassiveMonster.h
index ae0bea3fb..908bb0ce6 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/PassiveMonster.h
+++ b/source/Mobs/PassiveMonster.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ public:
/// When hit by someone, run away
virtual void DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo & a_TDI) override;
} ;
diff --git a/source/Mobs/Squid.cpp b/source/Mobs/Squid.cpp
index cb796f5ec..e6a44079a 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/Squid.cpp
+++ b/source/Mobs/Squid.cpp
@@ -54,4 +54,3 @@ void cSquid::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
diff --git a/source/Mobs/Squid.h b/source/Mobs/Squid.h
index 35d7295b3..ad299b95c 100644
--- a/source/Mobs/Squid.h
+++ b/source/Mobs/Squid.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ public:
virtual void GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer = NULL) override;
} ;
diff --git a/source/Root.cpp b/source/Root.cpp
index 290a5269a..1f6437784 100644
--- a/source/Root.cpp
+++ b/source/Root.cpp
@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
- LOG("Initialising WebAdmin...");
m_WebAdmin = new cWebAdmin();
@@ -172,7 +171,6 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
LOGD("Finalising startup...");
- LOG("Starting WebAdmin...");
#if !defined(ANDROID_NDK)
@@ -210,7 +208,6 @@ void cRoot::Start(void)
LOGD("Freeing MonsterConfig...");
delete m_MonsterConfig; m_MonsterConfig = NULL;
- LOGD("Stopping WebAdmin...");
delete m_WebAdmin; m_WebAdmin = NULL;
LOGD("Unloading recipes...");
delete m_FurnaceRecipe; m_FurnaceRecipe = NULL;
diff --git a/source/WebAdmin.cpp b/source/WebAdmin.cpp
index 316513f11..393e5ce52 100644
--- a/source/WebAdmin.cpp
+++ b/source/WebAdmin.cpp
@@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ cWebAdmin::cWebAdmin(void) :
+ if (m_IsInitialized)
+ {
+ LOG("Stopping WebAdmin...");
+ }
void cWebAdmin::AddPlugin( cWebPlugin * a_Plugin )
m_Plugins.remove( a_Plugin );
@@ -79,6 +91,8 @@ bool cWebAdmin::Init(void)
return false;
+ LOG("Initialising WebAdmin...");
if (!m_IniFile.GetValueSetB("WebAdmin", "Enabled", true))
// WebAdmin is disabled, bail out faking a success
@@ -108,6 +122,8 @@ bool cWebAdmin::Start(void)
return false;
+ LOG("Starting WebAdmin...");
// Initialize the WebAdmin template script and load the file
if (!m_TemplateScript.LoadFile(FILE_IO_PREFIX "webadmin/template.lua"))
diff --git a/source/WebAdmin.h b/source/WebAdmin.h
index 72c77ddfb..488cec274 100644
--- a/source/WebAdmin.h
+++ b/source/WebAdmin.h
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ public:
+ ~cWebAdmin();
/// Initializes the object. Returns true if successfully initialized and ready to start
bool Init(void);
diff --git a/source/World.cpp b/source/World.cpp
index ef56e7fe9..967cd8f59 100644
--- a/source/World.cpp
+++ b/source/World.cpp
@@ -28,35 +28,10 @@
#include "Simulator/VaporizeFluidSimulator.h"
// Mobs:
-#include "Mobs/Bat.h"
-#include "Mobs/Blaze.h"
-#include "Mobs/Cavespider.h"
-#include "Mobs/Chicken.h"
-#include "Mobs/Cow.h"
-#include "Mobs/Creeper.h"
-#include "Mobs/Enderman.h"
-#include "Mobs/EnderDragon.h"
-#include "Mobs/Ghast.h"
-#include "Mobs/Giant.h"
-#include "Mobs/Horse.h"
-#include "Mobs/IronGolem.h"
-#include "Mobs/Magmacube.h"
-#include "Mobs/Mooshroom.h"
-#include "Mobs/Ocelot.h"
-#include "Mobs/Pig.h"
-#include "Mobs/Sheep.h"
-#include "Mobs/Silverfish.h"
-#include "Mobs/Skeleton.h"
-#include "Mobs/Slime.h"
-#include "Mobs/SnowGolem.h"
-#include "Mobs/Spider.h"
-#include "Mobs/Squid.h"
-#include "Mobs/Villager.h"
-#include "Mobs/Witch.h"
-#include "Mobs/Wither.h"
-#include "Mobs/Wolf.h"
-#include "Mobs/Zombie.h"
-#include "Mobs/Zombiepigman.h"
+#include "Mobs/IncludeAllMonsters.h"
+#include "MobCensus.h"
+#include "MobSpawner.h"
+#include "MobTypesManager.h"
#include "MersenneTwister.h"
#include "Generating/Trees.h"
@@ -252,7 +227,6 @@ cWorld::cWorld(const AString & a_WorldName) :
- m_LastSpawnMonster(0),
m_WeatherInterval(24000), // Guaranteed 1 day of sunshine at server start :)
@@ -515,15 +489,19 @@ void cWorld::Start(void)
m_GameMode = (eGameMode)IniFile.GetValueSetI("GameMode", "GameMode", m_GameMode);
- m_bAnimals = true;
- m_SpawnMonsterRate = 200; // 1 mob each 10 seconds
- cIniFile IniFile2("settings.ini");
- if (IniFile2.ReadFile())
+ m_bAnimals = IniFile.GetValueB("Monsters", "AnimalsOn", true);
+ AString sAllMonsters = IniFile.GetValue("Monsters", "Types");
+ AStringVector SplitList = StringSplit(sAllMonsters, ",");
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SplitList.size(); ++i)
- m_bAnimals = IniFile2.GetValueB("Monsters", "AnimalsOn", true);
- m_SpawnMonsterRate = (Int64)(IniFile2.GetValueF("Monsters", "AnimalSpawnInterval", 10) * 20); // Convert from secs to ticks
- }
+ cMonster::eType ToAdd = cMobTypesManager::fromStringToMobType(SplitList[i]);
+ if (ToAdd != cMonster::mtInvalidType)
+ {
+ m_AllowedMobs.insert(ToAdd);
+ LOGD("Allowed mob: %s",cMobTypesManager::fromMobTypeToString(ToAdd).c_str()); // a bit reverse working, but very few ressources wasted
+ }
+ };
m_ChunkMap = new cChunkMap(this);
@@ -553,6 +531,13 @@ void cWorld::Start(void)
+ // Init of the spawn monster time (as they are supposed to have different spawn rate)
+ m_LastSpawnMonster.insert(std::map<cMonster::eFamily,Int64>::value_type(cMonster::mfHostile,0));
+ m_LastSpawnMonster.insert(std::map<cMonster::eFamily,Int64>::value_type(cMonster::mfPassive,0));
+ m_LastSpawnMonster.insert(std::map<cMonster::eFamily,Int64>::value_type(cMonster::mfAmbient,0));
+ m_LastSpawnMonster.insert(std::map<cMonster::eFamily,Int64>::value_type(cMonster::mfWater,0));
// Save any changes that the defaults may have done to the ini file:
if (!IniFile.WriteFile())
@@ -648,7 +633,7 @@ void cWorld::Tick(float a_Dt)
- TickSpawnMobs(a_Dt);
+ TickMobs(a_Dt);
std::vector<int> m_RSList_copy(m_RSList);
@@ -733,125 +718,57 @@ void cWorld::TickWeather(float a_Dt)
-void cWorld::TickSpawnMobs(float a_Dt)
+void cWorld::TickMobs(float a_Dt)
- if (!m_bAnimals || (m_WorldAge - m_LastSpawnMonster <= m_SpawnMonsterRate))
+ if (!m_bAnimals)
- m_LastSpawnMonster = m_WorldAge;
- Vector3d SpawnPos;
- {
- cCSLock Lock(m_CSPlayers);
- if (m_Players.size() <= 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- int RandomPlayerIdx = m_TickRand.randInt() & m_Players.size();
- cPlayerList::iterator itr = m_Players.begin();
- for (int i = 1; i < RandomPlayerIdx; i++)
- {
- itr++;
- }
- SpawnPos = (*itr)->GetPosition();
- }
- int dayRand = (m_TickRand.randInt() / 7) % 6;
- int nightRand = (m_TickRand.randInt() / 11) % 10;
- SpawnPos += Vector3d((double)(m_TickRand.randInt() % 64) - 32, (double)(m_TickRand.randInt() % 64) - 32, (double)(m_TickRand.randInt() % 64) - 32);
- int Height = GetHeight((int)SpawnPos.x, (int)SpawnPos.z);
- int MobType = -1;
- int Biome = GetBiomeAt((int)SpawnPos.x, (int)SpawnPos.z);
- switch (Biome)
+ // before every Mob action, we have to "counts" them depending on the distance to players, on their megatype ...
+ cMobCensus MobCensus;
+ m_ChunkMap->CollectMobCensus(MobCensus);
+ for(cMobFamilyCollecter::tMobFamilyList::const_iterator itr = cMobFamilyCollecter::m_AllFamilies().begin(); itr != cMobFamilyCollecter::m_AllFamilies().end(); itr++)
- case biNether:
- {
- // Spawn nether mobs
- switch (nightRand)
- {
- case 0: MobType = cMonster::mtBlaze; break;
- case 1: MobType = cMonster::mtGhast; break;
- case 2: MobType = cMonster::mtGhast; break;
- case 3: MobType = cMonster::mtGhast; break;
- case 4: MobType = cMonster::mtZombiePigman; break;
- case 5: MobType = cMonster::mtZombiePigman; break;
- case 6: MobType = cMonster::mtZombiePigman; break;
- case 7: MobType = cMonster::mtZombiePigman; break;
- case 8: MobType = cMonster::mtZombiePigman; break;
- case 9: MobType = cMonster::mtZombiePigman; break;
- }
- break;
- }
- case biEnd:
- {
- // Spawn only The End mobs
- switch (nightRand)
- {
- case 0: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderDragon; break;
- case 1: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 2: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 3: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 4: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 5: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 6: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 7: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 8: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 9: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- }
- break;
- }
- case biMushroomIsland:
- case biMushroomShore:
- {
- // Mushroom land gets only mooshrooms
- MobType = cMonster::mtMooshroom;
- break;
- }
- default:
+ cMobCensus::tMobSpawnRate::const_iterator spawnrate = cMobCensus::m_SpawnRate().find(*itr);
+ // hostile mobs are spawned more often
+ if (spawnrate != cMobCensus::m_SpawnRate().end() && m_LastSpawnMonster[*itr] < m_WorldAge - spawnrate->second)
- // Overworld biomes depend on whether it's night or day:
- if (m_TimeOfDay >= 12000 + 1000)
- {
- // Night mobs:
- switch (nightRand)
- {
- case 0: MobType = cMonster::mtSpider; break;
- case 1: MobType = cMonster::mtZombie; break;
- case 2: MobType = cMonster::mtEnderman; break;
- case 3: MobType = cMonster::mtCreeper; break;
- case 4: MobType = cMonster::mtCaveSpider; break;
- case 7: MobType = cMonster::mtSlime; break;
- case 8: MobType = cMonster::mtSilverfish; break;
- case 9: MobType = cMonster::mtSkeleton; break;
- }
- } // if (night)
- else
+ m_LastSpawnMonster[*itr] = m_WorldAge;
+ // each megatype of mob has it's own cap
+ if (!(MobCensus.isCaped(*itr)))
- // During the day:
- switch (dayRand)
+ if (m_bAnimals)
- case 0: MobType = cMonster::mtChicken; break;
- case 1: MobType = cMonster::mtCow; break;
- case 2: MobType = cMonster::mtPig; break;
- case 3: MobType = cMonster::mtSheep; break;
- case 4: MobType = cMonster::mtSquid; break;
- case 5: MobType = cMonster::mtWolf; break;
- case 6: MobType = cMonster::mtHorse; break;
+ cMobSpawner Spawner(*itr,m_AllowedMobs);
+ if (Spawner.CanSpawnSomething())
+ {
+ m_ChunkMap->SpawnMobs(Spawner);
+ // do the spawn
+ for(cMobSpawner::tSpawnedContainer::const_iterator itr2 = Spawner.getSpawned().begin(); itr2 != Spawner.getSpawned().end(); itr2++)
+ {
+ SpawnMobFinalize(*itr2);
+ }
+ }
- } // else (night)
- } // case overworld biomes
- } // switch (biome)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // move close mobs
+ cMobProximityCounter::sIterablePair allCloseEnoughToMoveMobs = MobCensus.getProximityCounter().getMobWithinThosesDistances(-1,64*16);// MG TODO : deal with this magic number (the 16 is the size of a block)
+ for(cMobProximityCounter::tDistanceToMonster::const_iterator itr = allCloseEnoughToMoveMobs.m_Begin; itr != allCloseEnoughToMoveMobs.m_End; itr++)
+ {
+ itr->second.m_Monster.Tick(a_Dt,itr->second.m_Chunk);
+ }
- if (MobType >= 0)
+ // remove too far mobs
+ cMobProximityCounter::sIterablePair allTooFarMobs = MobCensus.getProximityCounter().getMobWithinThosesDistances(128*16,-1);// MG TODO : deal with this magic number (the 16 is the size of a block)
+ for(cMobProximityCounter::tDistanceToMonster::const_iterator itr = allTooFarMobs.m_Begin; itr != allTooFarMobs.m_End; itr++)
- // A proper mob type was selected, now spawn the mob:
- SpawnMob(SpawnPos.x, SpawnPos.y, SpawnPos.z, (cMonster::eType)MobType);
+ itr->second.m_Monster.Destroy(true);
@@ -2594,80 +2511,36 @@ int cWorld::SpawnMob(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ, cMonster::eTyp
int SlSize = GetTickRandomNumber(2) + 1; // 1 .. 3 - Slime
int ShColor = GetTickRandomNumber(15); // 0 .. 15 - Sheep
- bool SkType = GetDimension() == biNether; // Skeleton
+ bool SkType = GetDimension() == dimNether ; // Skeleton
- int VilType = GetTickRandomNumber(cVillager::vtMax); // 0 .. 6 - Villager
- if (VilType == 6) { VilType = 0; } // Give farmers a better chance of spawning
+ Monster = cMobTypesManager::NewMonsterFromType(a_MonsterType);
+ if (Monster)
+ Monster->SetPosition(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ);
+ return SpawnMobFinalize(Monster);
- int HseType = GetTickRandomNumber(7); // 0 .. 7 - Horse Type (donkey, zombie, etc.)
- int HseColor = GetTickRandomNumber(6); // 0 .. 6 - Horse
- int HseStyle = GetTickRandomNumber(4); // 0 .. 4 - Horse
- int HseTameTimes = GetTickRandomNumber(6) + 1; // 1 .. 7 - Horse tame amount
- if ((HseType == 5) || (HseType == 6) || (HseType == 7)) { HseType = 0; } // 5,6,7 = 0 because little chance of getting 0 with TickRand
- switch (a_MonsterType)
- {
- case cMonster::mtBat: Monster = new cBat(); break;
- case cMonster::mtBlaze: Monster = new cBlaze(); break;
- case cMonster::mtCaveSpider: Monster = new cCavespider(); break;
- case cMonster::mtChicken: Monster = new cChicken(); break;
- case cMonster::mtCow: Monster = new cCow(); break;
- case cMonster::mtCreeper: Monster = new cCreeper(); break;
- case cMonster::mtEnderman: Monster = new cEnderman(); break;
- case cMonster::mtEnderDragon: Monster = new cEnderDragon(); break;
- case cMonster::mtGhast: Monster = new cGhast(); break;
- case cMonster::mtGiant: Monster = new cGiant(); break;
- case cMonster::mtHorse:
- {
- Monster = new cHorse(HseType, HseColor, HseStyle, HseTameTimes); break;
- }
- case cMonster::mtIronGolem: Monster = new cIronGolem(); break;
- case cMonster::mtMagmaCube: Monster = new cMagmaCube(SlSize); break;
- case cMonster::mtMooshroom: Monster = new cMooshroom(); break;
- case cMonster::mtOcelot: Monster = new cOcelot(); break;
- case cMonster::mtPig: Monster = new cPig(); break;
- case cMonster::mtSheep: Monster = new cSheep(ShColor); break;
- case cMonster::mtSilverfish: Monster = new cSilverfish(); break;
- case cMonster::mtSkeleton: Monster = new cSkeleton(SkType); break;
- case cMonster::mtSlime: Monster = new cSlime(SlSize); break;
- case cMonster::mtSnowGolem: Monster = new cSnowGolem(); break;
- case cMonster::mtSpider: Monster = new cSpider(); break;
- case cMonster::mtSquid: Monster = new cSquid(); break;
- case cMonster::mtVillager:
- {
- Monster = new cVillager((cVillager::eVillagerType)VilType); break;
- }
- case cMonster::mtWitch: Monster = new cWitch(); break;
- case cMonster::mtWither: Monster = new cWither(); break;
- case cMonster::mtWolf: Monster = new cWolf(); break;
- case cMonster::mtZombie: Monster = new cZombie(false); break; // TODO: Villager infection
- case cMonster::mtZombiePigman: Monster = new cZombiePigman(); break;
- default:
- {
- LOGWARNING("%s: Unhandled monster type: %d. Not spawning.", __FUNCTION__, a_MonsterType);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- Monster->SetPosition(a_PosX, a_PosY, a_PosZ);
- Monster->SetHealth(Monster->GetMaxHealth());
- if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookSpawningMonster(*this, *Monster))
+int cWorld::SpawnMobFinalize(cMonster* a_Monster)
+ if (!a_Monster)
+ return -1;
+ a_Monster->SetHealth(a_Monster->GetMaxHealth());
+ if (cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookSpawningMonster(*this, *a_Monster))
- delete Monster;
+ delete a_Monster;
return -1;
- if (!Monster->Initialize(this))
+ if (!a_Monster->Initialize(this))
- delete Monster;
+ delete a_Monster;
return -1;
+ BroadcastSpawnEntity(*a_Monster);
+ cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookSpawnedMonster(*this, *a_Monster);
- BroadcastSpawnEntity(*Monster);
- // Because it's logical that ALL mob spawns need spawn effects, not just spawners
- BroadcastSoundParticleEffect(2004, (int)(floor(a_PosX) * 8), (int)(floor(a_PosY) * 8), (int)(floor(a_PosZ) * 8), 0);
- cPluginManager::Get()->CallHookSpawnedMonster(*this, *Monster);
- return Monster->GetUniqueID();
+ return a_Monster->GetUniqueID();
diff --git a/source/World.h b/source/World.h
index 25bc0b338..a91007b17 100644
--- a/source/World.h
+++ b/source/World.h
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class cChunkGenerator; // The thread responsible for generating chunks
class cChestEntity;
class cDispenserEntity;
class cFurnaceEntity;
+class cMobCensus;
typedef std::list< cPlayer * > cPlayerList;
@@ -580,6 +581,7 @@ public:
/// Spawns a mob of the specified type. Returns the mob's EntityID if recognized and spawned, <0 otherwise
int SpawnMob(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ, cMonster::eType a_MonsterType); // tolua_export
+ int SpawnMobFinalize(cMonster* a_Monster);
/// Creates a projectile of the specified type. Returns the projectile's EntityID if successful, <0 otherwise
int CreateProjectile(double a_PosX, double a_PosY, double a_PosZ, cProjectileEntity::eKind a_Kind, cEntity * a_Creator, const Vector3d * a_Speed = NULL); // tolua_export
@@ -632,7 +634,7 @@ private:
Int64 m_LastTimeUpdate; // The tick in which the last time update has been sent.
Int64 m_LastUnload; // The last WorldAge (in ticks) in which unloading was triggerred
Int64 m_LastSave; // The last WorldAge (in ticks) in which save-all was triggerred
- Int64 m_LastSpawnMonster; // The last WorldAge (in ticks) in which a monster was spawned
+ std::map<cMonster::eFamily,Int64> m_LastSpawnMonster; // The last WorldAge (in ticks) in which a monster was spawned (for each megatype of monster) // MG TODO : find a way to optimize without creating unmaintenability (if mob IDs are becoming unrowed)
eGameMode m_GameMode;
bool m_bEnabledPVP;
@@ -662,7 +664,7 @@ private:
cChunkMap * m_ChunkMap;
bool m_bAnimals;
- Int64 m_SpawnMonsterRate;
+ std::set<cMonster::eType> m_AllowedMobs;
eWeather m_Weather;
int m_WeatherInterval;
@@ -717,8 +719,8 @@ private:
/// Handles the weather in each tick
void TickWeather(float a_Dt);
- /// Handles the mob spawning each tick
- void TickSpawnMobs(float a_Dt);
+ /// Handles the mob spawning/moving/destroying each tick
+ void TickMobs(float a_Dt);
/// Executes all tasks queued onto the tick thread
void TickQueuedTasks(void);