path: root/Core/console.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/Core/console.lua b/Core/console.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b1c454d59..000000000
--- a/Core/console.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
--- Implements things related to console commands
-function InitConsoleCommands()
- local PluginMgr = cPluginManager:Get();
- -- Please keep the list alpha-sorted
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("ban", HandleConsoleBan, "Bans a player by name");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("unban", HandleConsoleUnban, "Unbans a player by name");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("banlist", HandleConsoleBanList, "Lists all players banned by name");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("banlist ips", HandleConsoleBanList, "Lists all players banned by IP");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("help", HandleConsoleHelp, "Lists all commands");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("list", HandleConsoleList, "Lists all players in a machine-readable format");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("listgroups", HandleConsoleListGroups, "Shows a list of all the groups");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("numchunks", HandleConsoleNumChunks, "Shows number of chunks currently loaded");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("players", HandleConsolePlayers, "Lists all connected players");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("primaryserverversion", HandleConsolePrimaryServerVersion, "Gets or sets server version reported to 1.4+ clients");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("rank", HandleConsoleRank, " [Player] [Group] - add a player to a group");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("reload", HandleConsoleReload, "Reloads all plugins");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("save-all", HandleConsoleSaveAll, "Saves all chunks");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("say", HandleConsoleSay, "Sends a chat message to all players");
- PluginMgr:BindConsoleCommand("unload", HandleConsoleUnload, "Unloads all unused chunks");
-function HandleConsoleBan(Split)
- if (#Split < 2) then
- return true, "Usage: ban [Player] <Reason>";
- end
- local Reason = "You have been banned"
- if (#Split > 2) then
- Reason = table.concat(Split, " ", 3);
- end
- if (not(BanPlayer(Split[2], Reason))) then
- return true, "Could not find player " .. Split[2];
- end
- return true, "Player " .. Split[2] .. " has been banned.";
-function HandleConsoleUnban(Split)
- if( #Split < 2 ) then
- return true, "Usage: /unban [Player]"
- end
- if( BannedPlayersIni:GetValueB("Banned", Split[2], false) == false ) then
- return true, Split[2] .. " is not banned!"
- end
- BannedPlayersIni:SetValueB("Banned", Split[2], false, false)
- BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile()
- local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
- return true, "Unbanned " .. Split[2]
-function HandleConsoleBanList(Split)
- if (#Split == 1) then
- return true, BanListByName();
- end
- if (string.lower(Split[2]) == "ips") then
- return true, BanListByIPs();
- end
- return true, "Unknown banlist subcommand";
-function HandleConsoleHelp(Split)
- local Commands = {}; -- {index => {"Command", "HelpString"} }
- local MaxLength = 0;
- local AddToTable = function(Command, HelpString)
- table.insert(Commands, { Command, HelpString });
- local CmdLen = Command:len();
- if (CmdLen > MaxLength) then
- MaxLength = CmdLen;
- end
- end
- cPluginManager:Get():ForEachConsoleCommand(AddToTable);
- -- Sort the table:
- local CompareCommands = function(a, b)
- return a[1] < b[1]; -- compare command strings
- end
- table.sort(Commands, CompareCommands);
- local Out = "";
- for i, Command in ipairs(Commands) do
- Out = Out .. Command[1] .. string.rep(" ", MaxLength - Command[1]:len()); -- Align to a table
- Out = Out .. " - " .. Command[2] .. "\n";
- end
- return true, Out;
-function HandleConsoleList(Split)
- -- Get a list of all players, one playername per line
- local Out = "";
- cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld(
- function (a_World)
- a_World:ForEachPlayer(
- function (a_Player)
- Out = Out .. a_Player:GetName() .. "\n";
- end
- );
- end
- );
- return true, Out;
-function HandleConsoleListGroups(Split)
- -- Read the groups.ini file:
- local GroupsIni = cIniFile("groups.ini");
- if (not(GroupsIni:ReadFile())) then
- return true, "No groups found";
- end
- -- Read the groups:
- Number = GroupsIni:NumKeys();
- Groups = {};
- for i = 0, Number do
- table.insert(Groups, GroupsIni:KeyName(i))
- end
- -- Output the groups, concatenated to a string:
- local Out = "Groups:\n"
- Out = Out .. table.concat(Groups, ", ");
- return true, Out;
-function HandleConsoleNumChunks(Split)
- local Output = {};
- local AddNumChunks = function(World)
- Output[World:GetName()] = World:GetNumChunks();
- end;
- cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld(AddNumChunks);
- local Total = 0;
- local Out = "";
- for name, num in pairs(Output) do
- Out = Out .. " " .. name .. ": " .. num .. " chunks\n";
- Total = Total + num;
- end
- Out = Out .. "Total: " .. Total .. " chunks\n";
- return true, Out;
-function HandleConsolePlayers(Split)
- local PlayersInWorlds = {}; -- "WorldName" => [players array]
- local AddToTable = function(Player)
- local WorldName = Player:GetWorld():GetName();
- if (PlayersInWorlds[WorldName] == nil) then
- PlayersInWorlds[WorldName] = {};
- end
- table.insert(PlayersInWorlds[WorldName], Player:GetName() .. " @ " .. Player:GetIP());
- end
- cRoot:Get():ForEachPlayer(AddToTable);
- local Out = "";
- for WorldName, Players in pairs(PlayersInWorlds) do
- Out = Out .. "World " .. WorldName .. ":\n";
- for i, PlayerName in ipairs(Players) do
- Out = Out .. " " .. PlayerName .. "\n";
- end
- end
- return true, Out;
-function HandleConsolePrimaryServerVersion(Split)
- if (#Split == 1) then
- -- Display current version:
- local Version = cRoot:Get():GetPrimaryServerVersion();
- return true, "Primary server version: #" .. Version .. ", " .. cRoot:GetProtocolVersionTextFromInt(Version);
- end
- -- Set new value as the version:
- cRoot:Get():SetPrimaryServerVersion(tonumber(Split[2]));
- local Version = cRoot:Get():GetPrimaryServerVersion();
- return true, "Primary server version is now #" .. Version .. ", " .. cRoot:GetProtocolVersionTextFromInt(Version);
-function HandleConsoleRank(Split)
- if (Split[2] == nil) or (Split[3] == nil) then
- return true, "Usage: /rank [Player] [Group]";
- end
- local Out = "";
- -- Read the groups.ini file:
- local GroupsIni = cIniFile("groups.ini")
- if (not(GroupsIni:ReadFile())) then
- Out = "Could not read groups.ini, creating anew!\n"
- end
- -- Find the group:
- if (GroupsIni:FindKey(Split[3]) == -1) then
- return true, Out .. "Group does not exist";
- end
- -- Read the users.ini file:
- local UsersIni = cIniFile("users.ini");
- if (not(UsersIni:ReadFile())) then
- Out = Out .. "Could not read users.ini, creating anew!\n";
- end
- -- Write the new group value to users.ini:
- UsersIni:DeleteKey(Split[2]);
- UsersIni:GetValueSet(Split[2], "Groups", Split[3]);
- UsersIni:WriteFile();
- -- Reload the player's permissions:
- cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld(
- function (World)
- World:ForEachPlayer(
- function (Player)
- if (Player:GetName() == Split[2]) then
- Player:SendMessage(cChatColor.Green .. "You were moved to group " .. Split[3]);
- Player:LoadPermissionsFromDisk();
- end
- end
- );
- end
- )
- return true, Out .. "Player " .. Split[2] .. " was moved to " .. Split[3];
-function HandleConsoleReload(Split)
- Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer();
- Server:SendMessage(cChatColor.Green .. "Reloading all plugins.");
- cPluginManager:Get():ReloadPlugins();
- return true;
-function HandleConsoleSaveAll(Split)
- cRoot:Get():SaveAllChunks();
- return true;
-function HandleConsoleSay(Split)
- table.remove(Split, 1);
- local Message = "";
- for i, Text in ipairs(Split) do
- Message = Message .. " " .. Text;
- end
- Message = Message:sub(2); -- Cut off the first space
- cRoot:Get():GetServer():BroadcastChat(cChatColor.Purple .. "[SERVER] " .. Message);
- return true;
-function HandleConsoleUnload(Split)
- local UnloadChunks = function(World)
- World:UnloadUnusedChunks();
- end
- local Out = "Num loaded chunks before: " .. cRoot:Get():GetTotalChunkCount() .. "\n";
- cRoot:Get():ForEachWorld(UnloadChunks);
- Out = Out .. "Num loaded chunks after: " .. cRoot:Get():GetTotalChunkCount();
- return true, Out;
--- Helper functions:
---- Returns the list of players banned by name, separated by ", "
-function BanListByName()
- local NumValues = BannedPlayersIni:NumValues("Banned");
- local Banned = {};
- local KeyID = BannedPlayersIni:FindKey("Banned");
- for i = 1, NumValues do
- local PlayerName = BannedPlayersIni:ValueName(KeyID, i - 1);
- if (BannedPlayersIni:GetValueB("Banned", PlayerName)) then
- -- Player listed AND banned
- table.insert(Banned, PlayerName);
- end
- end
- return table.concat(Banned, ", ");
---- Returns the list of players banned by IP, separated by ", "
-function BanListByIPs()
- -- TODO: No IP ban implemented yet
- return "";
-end \ No newline at end of file