path: root/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua')
1 files changed, 640 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
index b4b2e11a3..2ea51dbf2 100644
--- a/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
+++ b/MCServer/Plugins/APIDump/APIDesc.lua
@@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ g_APIDesc =
Constants =
- Color = { Notes = "The first character of the color-code-sequence, §" },
- Delimiter = { Notes = "The first character of the color-code-sequence, §" },
+ Color = { Notes = "The first character of the color-code-sequence, §" },
+ Delimiter = { Notes = "The first character of the color-code-sequence, §" },
Random = { Notes = "Random letters and symbols animate instead of the text" },
Plain = { Notes = "Resets all formatting to normal" },
@@ -2029,14 +2029,14 @@ World:ForEachEntity(
GetTime = {Return = "number", Notes = "Returns the current OS time, as a unix time stamp (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970)"},
IsValidBlock = {Params = "BlockType", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if BlockType is a known block type"},
IsValidItem = {Params = "ItemType", Return = "bool", Notes = "Returns true if ItemType is a known item type"},
- ItemToFullString = {Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of the item, in the format “ItemTypeText:ItemDamage * Count”"},
+ ItemToFullString = {Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of the item, in the format “ItemTypeText:ItemDamage * Count”"},
ItemToString = {Params = "{{cItem|cItem}}", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of the item type"},
ItemTypeToString = {Params = "ItemType", Return = "string", Notes = "Returns the string representation of ItemType "},
- LOG = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “normal” severity (gray text) "},
- LOGERROR = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “error” severity (black text on red background)"},
- LOGINFO = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “info” severity (yellow text)"},
- LOGWARN = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “warning” severity (red text); OBSOLETE"},
- LOGWARNING = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “warning” severity (red text)"},
+ LOG = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “normal” severity (gray text) "},
+ LOGERROR = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “error” severity (black text on red background)"},
+ LOGINFO = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “info” severity (yellow text)"},
+ LOGWARN = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “warning” severity (red text); OBSOLETE"},
+ LOGWARNING = {Params = "string", Notes = "Logs a text into the server console using “warning” severity (red text)"},
NoCaseCompare = {Params = "string, string", Return = "number", Notes = "Case-insensitive string comparison; returns 0 if the strings are the same"},
ReplaceString = {Params = "full-string, to-be-replaced-string, to-replace-string", Notes = "Replaces *each* occurence of to-be-replaced-string in full-string with to-replace-string"},
StringSplit = {Params = "string, Seperator", Return = "list", Notes = "Seperates string into multiple by splitting every time Seperator is encountered."},
@@ -2864,6 +2864,638 @@ end;
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A right-click packet is received from the client. Plugin may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerRightClick", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when MCServer receives a right-click packet from the {{cClientHandle|client}}. It
+ is called before any processing whatsoever is performed on the packet, meaning that hacked /
+ malicious clients may be trigerring this event very often and with unchecked parameters. Therefore
+ plugin authors are advised to use extreme caution with this callback.</p>
+ <p>
+ Plugins may refuse the default processing for the packet, causing MCServer to behave as if the
+ packet has never arrived. This may, however, create inconsistencies in the client - the client may
+ think that they placed a block, while the server didn't process the placing, etc.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player whose client sent the packet" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of the block upon which the player interacted. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally sends
+ the packet for further processing.</p>
+ <p>
+ If the function returns true, no other plugins are called, processing is halted.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A player has right-clicked an entity. Plugins may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerRightClickingEntity", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when the {{cPlayer|player}} right-clicks an {{cEntity|entity}}. Plugins may
+ override the default behavior or even cancel the default processing.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has right-clicked the entity" },
+ { Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descendant", Notes = "The entity that has been right-clicked" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the functino returns false or no value, MCServer calls other plugins' callbacks and finally does
+ the default processing for the right-click. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are
+ called and the default processing is skipped.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "When the player releases the bow, shooting an arrow (other projectiles: unknown)",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerShooting", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when the {{cPlayer|player}} shoots their bow. It is called for the actual
+ release of the {{cArrowEntity|arrow}}. FIXME: It is currently unknown whether other
+ {{cProjectileEntity|projectiles}} (snowballs, eggs) trigger this hook.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the player's position and direction, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEyePosition() and
+ cPlayer:GetLookVector() functions. Note that for shooting a bow, the position for the arrow creation
+ is not at the eye pos, some adjustments are required. FIXME: Export the {{cPlayer}} function for
+ this adjustment.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player shooting" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called, and finally
+ MCServer creates the projectile. If the functino returns true, no other callback is called and no
+ projectile is created.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After a player (re)spawns in the world to which they belong to.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerSpawned", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has spawned in the world. It is called after
+ {{OnLogin|HOOK_LOGIN}} and {{OnPlayerJoined|HOOK_PLAYER_JOINED}}, after the player name has been
+ authenticated, the initial worldtime, inventory and health have been sent to the player and the
+ player spawn packet has been broadcast to all players near enough to the player spawn place. This is
+ a notification-only event, plugins wishing to refuse player's entry should kick the player using the
+ {{cPlayer}}:Kick() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ This hook is also called when the player respawns after death (and a respawn packet is received from
+ the client, meaning the player has already clicked the Respawn button).
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has (re)spawned" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A player is tossing an item. Plugin may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerTossingItem", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has tossed an item (Q keypress). The
+ {{cPickup|pickup}} has not been spawned yet. Plugins may disallow the tossing, but in that case they
+ need to clean up - the player's client already thinks the item has been tossed so the
+ {{cInventory|inventory}} needs to be re-sent to the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the item that is about to be tossed, call the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player tossing an item" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and finally MCServer
+ creates the pickup for the item and tosses it, using {{cPlayer}}:TossItem. If the function returns
+ true, no other callbacks are called for this event and MCServer doesn't toss the item.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A player has just used a block (chest, furnace…). Notification only.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsedBlock", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block that can be used, such as a
+ {{cChestEntity|chest}} or a lever. It is called after MCServer processes the usage (sends the UI
+ handling packets / toggles redstone). Note that for UI-related blocks, the player is most likely
+ still using the UI. This is a notification-only event.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
+ not the air block between it and the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} for a similar hook called before the
+ use, the {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} and {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}}
+ for similar hooks called when a player interacts with any block with a usable item in hand, such as
+ a bucket.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who used the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ { Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "A player has used an item in hand (bucket...)",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsedItem", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block with an {{cItem|item}} that
+ can be used (is not placeable, is not food and clicked block is not use-able), such as a bucket or a
+ hoe. It is called after MCServer processes the usage (places fluid / turns dirt to farmland).
+ This is an information-only hook, there is no way to cancel the event anymore.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
+ not the air block between it and the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function. To get
+ the item that the player is using, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} for a similar hook called before the use,
+ the {{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} and {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}}
+ for similar hooks called when a player interacts with a block, such as a chest.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who used the item" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ { Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Just before a player uses a block (chest, furnace...). Plugin may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsingBlock", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block that can be used, such as a
+ {{cChestEntity|chest}} or a lever. It is called before MCServer processes the usage (sends the UI
+ handling packets / toggles redstone). Plugins may refuse the interaction by returning true.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
+ not the air block between it and the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}} for a similar hook called after the use, the
+ {{OnPlayerUsingItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_ITEM}} and {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}} for
+ similar hooks called when a player interacts with any block with a usable item in hand, such as a
+ bucket.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is using the block" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ { Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
+ processes the interaction. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this
+ event and the interaction is silently dropped.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Just before a player uses an item in hand (bucket...). Plugin may override / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPlayerUsingItem", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} has right-clicked a block with an {{cItem|item}} that
+ can be used (is not placeable, is not food and clicked block is not use-able), such as a bucket or a
+ hoe. It is called before MCServer processes the usage (places fluid / turns dirt to farmland).
+ Plugins may refuse the interaction by returning true.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the block coords given in this callback are for the (solid) block that is being clicked,
+ not the air block between it and the player.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get the world at which the right-click occurred, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetWorld() function. To get
+ the item that the player is using, use the {{cPlayer}}:GetEquippedItem() function.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnPlayerUsedItem|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_ITEM}} for a similar hook called after the use, the
+ {{OnPlayerUsingBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USING_BLOCK}} and {{OnPlayerUsedBlock|HOOK_PLAYER_USED_BLOCK}} for
+ similar hooks called when a player interacts with a block, such as a chest.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is using the item" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockFace", Type = "number", Notes = "Face of clicked block which has been clicked. One of the BLOCK_FACE_ constants" },
+ { Name = "CursorX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "CursorZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the cursor crosshair on the block being clicked" },
+ { Name = "BlockType", Type = "number", Notes = "Block type of the clicked block" },
+ { Name = "BlockMeta", Type = "number", Notes = "Block meta of the clicked block" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
+ processes the interaction. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this
+ event and the interaction is silently dropped.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After the built-in recipes are checked and a recipe was found.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPostCrafting", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} changes contents of their
+ {{cCraftingGrid|crafting grid}}, after the recipe has been established by MCServer. Plugins may use
+ this to modify the resulting recipe or provide an alternate recipe.</p>
+ <p>
+ If a plugin implements custom recipes, it should do so using the {{OnPreCrafting|HOOK_PRE_CRAFTING}}
+ hook, because that will save the server from going through the built-in recipes. The
+ HOOK_POST_CRAFTING hook is intended as a notification, with a chance to tweak the result.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that this hook is not called if a built-in recipe is not found;
+ {{OnCraftingNoRecipe|HOOK_CRAFTING_NO_RECIPE}} is called instead in such a case.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has changed their crafting grid contents" },
+ { Name = "Grid", Type = "{{cCraftingGrid}}", Notes = "The new crafting grid contents" },
+ { Name = "Recipe", Type = "{{cCraftingRecipe}}", Notes = "The recipe that MCServer has decided to use (can be tweaked by plugins)" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event. In either case, MCServer uses the value
+ of Recipe as the recipe to be presented to the player.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Before the built-in recipes are checked.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnPreCrafting", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a {{cPlayer|player}} changes contents of their
+ {{cCraftingGrid|crafting grid}}, before the built-in recipes are searched for a match by MCServer.
+ Plugins may use this hook to provide a custom recipe.</p>
+ <p>
+ If you intend to tweak built-in recipes, use the {{OnPostCrafting|HOOK_POST_CRAFTING}} hook, because
+ that will be called once the built-in recipe is matched.</p>
+ <p>
+ Also note a third hook, {{OnCraftingNoRecipe|HOOK_CRAFTING_NO_RECIPE}}, that is called when MCServer
+ cannot find any built-in recipe for the given ingredients.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who has changed their crafting grid contents" },
+ { Name = "Grid", Type = "{{cCraftingGrid}}", Notes = "The new crafting grid contents" },
+ { Name = "Recipe", Type = "{{cCraftingRecipe}}", Notes = "The recipe that MCServer will use. Modify this object to change the recipe" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then MCServer
+ searches the built-in recipes. The Recipe output parameter is ignored in this case.</p>
+ <p>
+ If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called for this event and MCServer uses the
+ recipe stored in the Recipe output parameter.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After an entity is spawned in the world.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnSpawnedEntity", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after the server spawns an {{cEntity|entity}}. This is an information-only
+ callback, the entity is already spawned by the time it is called. If the entity spawned is a
+ {{cMonster|monster}}, the {{OnSpawnedMonster|HOOK_SPAWNED_MONSTER}} hook is called before this
+ hook.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnSpawningEntity|HOOK_SPAWNING_ENTITY}} hook for a similar hook called before the
+ entity is spawned.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity has spawned" },
+ { Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descentant", Notes = "The entity that has spawned" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callback is called for this event.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After a monster is spawned in the world",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnSpawnedMonster", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after the server spawns a {{cMonster|monster}}. This is an information-only
+ callback, the monster is already spawned by the time it is called. After this hook is called, the
+ {{OnSpawnedEntity|HOOK_SPAWNED_ENTITY}} is called for the monster entity.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnSpawningMonster|HOOK_SPAWNING_MONSTER}} hook for a similar hook called before the
+ monster is spawned.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the monster has spawned" },
+ { Name = "Monster", Type = "{{cMonster}} descendant", Notes = "The monster that has spawned" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callback is called for this event.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Before an entity is spawned in the world.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnSpawningEntity", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called before the server spawns an {{cEntity|entity}}. The plugin can either modify the
+ entity before it is spawned, or disable the spawning altogether. If the entity spawning is a
+ monster, the {{OnSpawningMonster|HOOK_SPAWNING_MONSTER}} hook is called before this hook.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnSpawnedEntity|HOOK_SPAWNED_ENTITY}} hook for a similar hook called after the
+ entity is spawned.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity will spawn" },
+ { Name = "Entity", Type = "{{cEntity}} descentant", Notes = "The entity that will spawn" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. Finally, the server
+ spawns the entity with whatever parameters have been set on the {{cEntity}} object by the callbacks.
+ If the function returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the entity is not
+ spawned.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Before a monster is spawned in the world.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnSpawningMonster", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called before the server spawns a {{cMonster|monster}}. The plugins may modify the
+ monster's parameters in the {{cMonster}} class, or disallow the spawning altogether. This hook is
+ called before the {{OnSpawningEntity|HOOK_SPAWNING_ENTITY}} is called for the monster entity.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnSpawnedMonster|HOOK_SPAWNED_MONSTER}} hook for a similar hook called after the
+ monster is spawned.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the entity will spawn" },
+ { Name = "Monster", Type = "{{cMonster}} descentant", Notes = "The monster that will spawn" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. Finally, the server
+ spawns the monster with whatever parameters the plugins set in the cMonster parameter.</p>
+ <p>
+ If the function returns true, no other callback is called for this event and the monster won't
+ spawn.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "An {{cEntity|entity}} is taking any kind of damage",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnTakeDamage", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when any {{cEntity}} descendant, such as a {{cPlayer|player}} or a
+ {{cMonster|mob}}, takes any kind of damage. The plugins may modify the amount of damage or effects
+ with this hook by editting the {{TakeDamageInfo}} object passed.</p>
+ <p>
+ This hook is called after the final damage is calculated, including all the possible weapon
+ {{cEnchantments|enchantments}}, armor protection and potion effects.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "Receiver", Type = "{{cEntity}} descendant", Notes = "The entity taking damage" },
+ { Name = "TDI", Type = "{{TakeDamageInfo}}", Notes = "The damage type, cause and effects. Plugins may modify this object to alter the final damage applied." },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called and then the server
+ applies the final values from the TDI object to Receiver. If the function returns true, no other
+ callbacks are called, and no damage nor effects are applied.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Every server tick (approximately 20 times per second)",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnTick", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called every game tick (50 msec, or 20 times a second). If the server is overloaded,
+ the interval is larger, which is indicated by the TimeDelta parameter.</p>
+ <p>
+ This hook is called in the context of the server-tick thread, that is, the thread that takes care of
+ {{cClientHandle|client connections}} before they're assigned to {{cPlayer|player entities}}, and
+ processing console commands.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "TimeDelta", Type = "number", Notes = "The number of milliseconds elapsed since the last server tick. Will not be less than 50 msec." },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
+ }, -- HOOK_TICK
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "After the sign text is updated. Notification only.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnUpdatedSign", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after a sign has had its text updated. The text is already updated at this
+ point.</p>
+ <p>The update may have been caused either by a {{cPlayer|player}} directly updating the sign, or by
+ a plugin changing the sign text using the API.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnUpdatingSign|HOOK_UPDATING_SIGN}} hook for a similar hook called before the update,
+ with a chance to modify the text.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the sign resides" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "Line1", Type = "string", Notes = "1st line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line2", Type = "string", Notes = "2nd line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line3", Type = "string", Notes = "3rd line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line4", Type = "string", Notes = "4th line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is changing the text. May be nil for non-player updates." }
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callbacks are called. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Before the sign text is updated. Plugin may modify the text / refuse.",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnUpdatingSign", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when a sign text is about to be updated, either as a result of player's
+ manipulation or any other event, such as a plugin setting the sign text. Plugins may modify the text
+ or refuse the update altogether.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnUpdatedSign|HOOK_UPDATED_SIGN}} hook for a similar hook called after the update.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "The world in which the sign resides" },
+ { Name = "BlockX", Type = "number", Notes = "X-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "BlockY", Type = "number", Notes = "Y-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "BlockZ", Type = "number", Notes = "Z-coord of the sign" },
+ { Name = "Line1", Type = "string", Notes = "1st line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line2", Type = "string", Notes = "2nd line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line3", Type = "string", Notes = "3rd line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Line4", Type = "string", Notes = "4th line of the new text" },
+ { Name = "Player", Type = "{{cPlayer}}", Notes = "The player who is changing the text. May be nil for non-player updates." }
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ The function may return up to five values. If the function returns true as the first value, no other
+ callbacks are called for this event and the sign is not updated. If the function returns no value or
+ false as its first value, other plugins' callbacks are called.</p>
+ <p>
+ The other up to four values returned are used to update the sign text, line by line, respectively.
+ Note that other plugins may again update the texts (if the first value returned is false).
+ ]],
+ CodeExamples =
+ {
+ {
+ Title = "Add player signature",
+ Desc = "The following example appends a player signature to the last line, if the sign is updated by a player:",
+ Code = [[
+function OnUpdatingSign(World, BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4, Player)
+ if (Player == nil) then
+ -- Not changed by a player
+ return false;
+ end
+ -- Sign with playername, allow other plugins to interfere:
+ return false, Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4 .. Player:GetName();
+ ]],
+ }
+ } ,
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "The weather has changed",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnWeatherChanged", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called after the weather has changed in a {{cWorld|world}}. The new weather has already
+ been sent to the clients.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnWeatherChanging|HOOK_WEATHER_CHANGING}} hook for a similar hook called before the
+ change.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World for which the weather has changed" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callback is called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "The weather is about to change",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnWeatherChanging", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called when the current weather has expired and a new weather is selected. Plugins may
+ override the new weather setting.</p>
+ <p>
+ The new weather setting is sent to the clients only after this hook has been processed.</p>
+ <p>
+ See also the {{OnWeatherChanged|HOOK_WEATHER_CHANGED}} hook for a similar hook called after the
+ change.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World for which the weather is changing" },
+ { Name = "Weather", Type = "number", Notes = "The newly selected weather. One of wSunny, wRain, wStorm" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the server calls other plugins' callbacks and finally
+ sets the weather. If the function returns true, the server takes the second returned value (wSunny
+ by default) and sets it as the new weather. No other plugins' callbacks are called in this case.
+ ]],
+ {
+ CalledWhen = "Every world tick (about 20 times per second), separately for each world",
+ DefaultFnName = "OnWorldTick", -- also used as pagename
+ Desc = [[
+ This hook is called for each {{cWorld|world}} every tick (50 msec, or 20 times a second). If the
+ world is overloaded, the interval is larger, which is indicated by the TimeDelta parameter.</p>
+ <p>
+ This hook is called in the world's tick thread context and thus has access to all world data
+ guaranteed without blocking.
+ ]],
+ Params =
+ {
+ { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World that is ticking" },
+ { Name = "TimeDelta", Type = "number", Notes = "The number of milliseconds since the previous game tick. Will not be less than 50 msec" },
+ },
+ Returns = [[
+ If the function returns false or no value, the next plugin's callback is called. If the function
+ returns true, no other callback is called for this event. There is no overridable behavior.
+ ]],
}, -- Hooks[]