path: root/Plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Plugins')
4 files changed, 1022 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Plugins/ChatLog.lua b/Plugins/ChatLog.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f86a7086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugins/ChatLog.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+local ChatLogPlugin = {}
+ChatLogPlugin.__index = ChatLogPlugin
+function ChatLogPlugin:new()
+ local t = {}
+ setmetatable(t, ChatLogPlugin)
+ local w = Lua__cPlugin:new()
+ tolua.setpeer(w, t)
+ w:tolua__set_instance(w)
+ return w
+function ChatLogPlugin:OnDisable()
+ Log( self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() .. " is shutting down..." )
+function ChatLogPlugin:Initialize()
+ self:SetName( "ChatLog" )
+ self:SetVersion( 1 )
+ PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_CHAT )
+ self.Logger = cMCLogger:new_local("ChatLog"..GetTime()..".txt")
+ self.Logger:LogSimple("--- ChatLog started ---", 1);
+ Log( "Initialized " .. self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() )
+ return true
+function ChatLogPlugin:OnChat( Message, Player )
+ Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ -- Lets get loggin'
+ self.Logger:LogSimple(Player:GetName() .. ": " .. Message, 1);
+ return false
+Plugin = ChatLogPlugin:new()
+cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():AddPlugin( Plugin )
diff --git a/Plugins/Core.lua b/Plugins/Core.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e124a9261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugins/Core.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+---- Some settings -----
+SHOW_PLUGIN_NAMES = true -- If true, plugin name will be shown before commands
+ -- This is overwritten in the Initialize() function
+local BannedPlayersIni = {}
+local WhiteListIni = {}
+CorePlugin = {}
+CorePlugin.__index = CorePlugin
+function CorePlugin:new()
+ local t = {}
+ setmetatable(t, CorePlugin)
+ local w = Lua__cPlugin:new()
+ tolua.setpeer(w, t)
+ w:tolua__set_instance(w)
+ return w
+function CorePlugin:OnDisable()
+ LOG( self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() .. " is shutting down..." )
+function CorePlugin:Initialize()
+ self:SetName( "Core" )
+ self:SetVersion( 6 )
+ PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_PLAYER_JOIN )
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_LOGIN )
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_PLACE )
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_KILLED )
+ self:AddCommand("/help", " - [Page] Show this message", "")
+ self:AddCommand("/pluginlist", " - Show list of plugins", "core.pluginlist")
+ self:AddCommand("/tp", " - [Player] - Teleport yourself to a player", "core.teleport")
+ self:AddCommand("/item", " - [ItemID/Name] <Amount> - Spawn an item for yourself", "core.item")
+ self:AddCommand("/list", " - Shows list of connected players", "core.playerlist")
+ self:AddCommand("/motd", " - Show message of the day", "core.motd")
+ self:AddCommand("/reload", " - Reload all plugins", "core.reload")
+ self:AddCommand("/time", " - [Day/Night] - Sets the time of day", "core.time")
+ self:AddCommand("/spawn", " - Return to the spawn", "core.spawn")
+ self:AddCommand("/kick", " - [Player] - Kick a player", "core.kick")
+ self:AddCommand("/ban", " - [Player] - Ban a player", "core.ban")
+ self:AddCommand("/unban", " - [Player] - Unban a player", "core.unban")
+ self:AddCommand("/top", " - Teleport yourself to the top most block", "")
+ self:BindCommand( "/help", "", HandleHelpCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/pluginlist","core.pluginlist", HandlePluginListCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/tp", "core.teleport", HandleTPCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/item", "core.item", HandleItemCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/i", "core.item", HandleItemCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/list", "core.playerlist", HandlePlayerListCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/who", "core.playerlist", HandlePlayerListCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/playerlist","core.playerlist", HandlePlayerListCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/motd", "core.motd", HandleMOTDCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/reload", "core.reload", HandleReloadCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/time", "core.time", HandleTimeCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/spawn", "core.spawn", HandleSpawnCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/home", "core.spawn", HandleSpawnCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/kick", "core.kick", HandleKickCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/ban", "core.ban", HandleBanCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/unban", "core.unban", HandleUnbanCommand )
+ self:BindCommand( "/top", "", HandleTopCommand )
+ local IniFile = cIniFile("settings.ini")
+ if ( IniFile:ReadFile() == true ) then
+ SHOW_PLUGIN_NAMES = IniFile:GetValueB("HelpPlugin", "ShowPluginNames", true )
+ end
+ itemsINI = cIniFile("items.ini")
+ if ( itemsINI:ReadFile() == true ) then
+ LOGINFO("Core: loaded " .. itemsINI:GetNumValues('Items') .. " item names.")
+ end
+ -- Load whitelist, and add default values and stuff
+ WhiteListIni = cIniFile("whitelist.ini")
+ if ( WhiteListIni:ReadFile() == true ) then
+ if( WhiteListIni:GetValueB("WhiteListSettings", "WhiteListOn", false) == true ) then
+ if( WhiteListIni:GetNumValues("WhiteList") > 0 ) then
+ LOGINFO("Core: loaded " .. WhiteListIni:GetNumValues('WhiteList') .. " whitelisted players.")
+ else
+ LOGWARN("WARNING: WhiteList is on, but there are no people in the whitelist!")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ WhiteListIni:SetValueB("WhiteListSettings", "WhiteListOn", false )
+ WhiteListIni:SetValue("WhiteList", "", "") -- So it adds an empty header
+ WhiteListIni:DeleteValue("WhiteList", "") -- And remove the value
+ WhiteListIni:KeyComment("WhiteList", "PlayerName=1")
+ if( WhiteListIni:WriteFile() == false ) then
+ LOGWARN("WARNING: Could not write to whitelist.ini")
+ end
+ end
+ -- Load banned players, and add default values and stuff
+ BannedPlayersIni = cIniFile("banned.ini")
+ if ( BannedPlayersIni:ReadFile() == true ) then
+ if( BannedPlayersIni:GetNumValues("Banned") > 0 ) then
+ LOGINFO("Core: loaded " .. BannedPlayersIni:GetNumValues("Banned") .. " banned players.")
+ end
+ else
+ BannedPlayersIni:SetValue("Banned", "", "") -- So it adds an empty header
+ BannedPlayersIni:DeleteValue("Banned", "") -- And remove the value
+ BannedPlayersIni:KeyComment("Banned", "PlayerName=1")
+ if( BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile() == false ) then
+ LOGWARN("WARNING: Could not write to banned.ini")
+ end
+ end
+ LOG( "Initialized " .. self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() )
+ return true
+function HandleTopCommand( Split, Player )
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local PlayerPos = Player:GetPosition()
+ local Height = World:GetHeight( math.floor(PlayerPos.x), math.floor(PlayerPos.z) )
+ Player:TeleportTo( PlayerPos.x, Height+1, PlayerPos.z )
+ Player:SendMessage("Teleported to the top block")
+ return true
+function HandleKickCommand( Split, Player )
+ if( #Split < 2 ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Usage: /kick [Player] <Reason>" )
+ return true
+ end
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local OtherPlayer = World:GetPlayer( Split[2] )
+ if( OtherPlayer == nil ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Could not find player " .. Split[2] )
+ return true
+ end
+ local Reason = "You have been kicked"
+ if( #Split > 2 ) then
+ Reason = table.concat(Split, " ", 3)
+ end
+ local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ LOGINFO( Player:GetName() .. " is kicking " .. OtherPlayer:GetName() .. " ( "..Reason..") " )
+ Server:SendMessage( "Kicking " .. OtherPlayer:GetName() )
+ local ClientHandle = OtherPlayer:GetClientHandle()
+ ClientHandle:Kick( Reason )
+ return true
+function HandleBanCommand( Split, Player )
+ if( #Split < 2 ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Usage: /ban [Player] <Reason>" )
+ return true
+ end
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local OtherPlayer = World:GetPlayer( Split[2] )
+ if( OtherPlayer == nil ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Could not find player " .. Split[2] )
+ return true
+ end
+ local Reason = "You have been banned"
+ if( #Split > 2 ) then
+ Reason = table.concat(Split, " ", 3)
+ end
+ local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ LOGINFO( Player:GetName() .. " is banning " .. OtherPlayer:GetName() .. " ( "..Reason..") " )
+ Server:SendMessage( "Banning " .. OtherPlayer:GetName() )
+ local ClientHandle = OtherPlayer:GetClientHandle()
+ ClientHandle:Kick( Reason )
+ BannedPlayersIni:SetValueB("Banned", OtherPlayer:GetName(), true)
+ BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile()
+ return true
+function HandleUnbanCommand( Split, Player )
+ if( #Split < 2 ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Usage: /unban [Player]" )
+ return true
+ end
+ if( BannedPlayersIni:GetValueB("Banned", Split[2], false) == false ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. Split[2] .. " is not banned!" )
+ return true
+ end
+ BannedPlayersIni:SetValueB("Banned", Split[2], false, false)
+ BannedPlayersIni:WriteFile()
+ local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ LOGINFO( Player:GetName() .. " is unbanning " .. Split[2] )
+ Server:SendMessage( "Unbanning " .. Split[2] )
+ return true
+function HandleMOTDCommand( Split, Player )
+ ShowMOTDTo( Player )
+ return true
+function ShowMOTDTo( Player )
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Gold .. "Welcome to the MCServer test server!" );
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Gold .. "" );
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Gold .. "Type /help for all commands" );
+function HandleSpawnCommand( Split, Player )
+ World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ Player:TeleportTo( World:GetSpawnX(), World:GetSpawnY(), World:GetSpawnZ() )
+ LOGINFO( Player:GetName() .. " returned to spawn." )
+ return true
+function HandleTimeCommand( Split, Player )
+ if( #Split ~= 2 ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Usage: /time [Day/Night]" )
+ return true;
+ end
+ local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ if( string.upper( Split[2] ) == "DAY") then
+ cRoot:Get():GetWorld():SetWorldTime( 0 )
+ Server:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. Player:GetName() .. " set the time to Day.")
+ elseif( string.upper( Split[2] ) == "NIGHT") then
+ cRoot:Get():GetWorld():SetWorldTime( 12000 + 1000 )
+ Server:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. Player:GetName() .. " set the time to Night.")
+ else
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Usage: /time [Day/Night]" )
+ end
+ return true
+function HandleReloadCommand( Split, Player )
+ Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ Server:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Reloading all plugins." )
+ cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():ReloadPlugins()
+ return true
+function HandlePlayerListCommand( Split, Player )
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local PlayerList = World:GetAllPlayers()
+ local Message = cChatColor.Green .. "Connected players: (".. cChatColor.White.. #PlayerList .. cChatColor.Green .. ")"
+ Player:SendMessage( Message )
+ local PlayerTable = {}
+ for i, TempPlayer in ipairs( PlayerList ) do
+ local PlayerName = TempPlayer:GetName()
+ table.insert(PlayerTable, PlayerName )
+ end
+ Player:SendMessage( table.concat(PlayerTable, " ") )
+ return true
+function HandleHelpCommand( Split, Player )
+ local PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
+ local LinesPerPage = 9
+ local CurrentPage = 1
+ local CurrentLine = 0
+ if( #Split == 2 ) then
+ CurrentPage = tonumber(Split[2])
+ end
+ local Pages = {}
+ local PluginList = PluginManager:GetAllPlugins()
+ for i, Plugin in ipairs( PluginList ) do
+ local Commands = Plugin:GetCommands()
+ for i, v in ipairs( Commands ) do
+ if( Player:HasPermission( v.Permission ) ) then
+ local PageNum = math.floor( CurrentLine/LinesPerPage )+1
+ if( Pages[ PageNum ] == nil ) then Pages[ PageNum ] = {} end -- Create page
+ if( Pages[ PageNum ].ShownName ~= Plugin:GetName() and SHOW_PLUGIN_NAMES == true ) then
+ if( CurrentLine == LinesPerPage * PageNum -1 ) then -- Don't add if it's the last line of the page, it looks silly
+ -- Add it to the next page instead
+ CurrentLine = CurrentLine+1
+ PageNum = math.floor( CurrentLine/LinesPerPage )+1
+ if( Pages[ PageNum ] == nil ) then Pages[ PageNum ] = {} end -- Create page
+ table.insert( Pages[ PageNum ], cChatColor.Gold .. Plugin:GetName() )
+ else
+ Pages[ PageNum ].ShownName = Plugin:GetName()
+ table.insert( Pages[ PageNum ], cChatColor.Gold .. Plugin:GetName() )
+ end
+ CurrentLine = CurrentLine+1
+ PageNum = math.floor( CurrentLine/LinesPerPage )+1
+ if( Pages[ PageNum ] == nil ) then Pages[ PageNum ] = {} end -- Create page
+ end
+ local Message = cChatColor.Blue .. v.Command .. v.Description;
+ table.insert( Pages[ PageNum ], Message )
+ CurrentLine = CurrentLine+1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Purple .. "- All commands - " .. cChatColor.Gold .. "[Page " .. (CurrentPage) .."/"..#Pages.."]" )
+ if( Pages[CurrentPage] ~= nil ) then
+ for i, v in ipairs(Pages[CurrentPage]) do
+ Player:SendMessage( v )
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+function HandlePluginListCommand( Split, Player )
+ local PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
+ local PluginList = PluginManager:GetAllPlugins()
+ local PluginTable = {}
+ for i, Plugin in ipairs( PluginList ) do
+ table.insert(PluginTable, Plugin:GetName() )
+ end
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Loaded plugins:" )
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Gold .. table.concat(PluginTable, cChatColor.Gold.." ") )
+ return true
+function HandleItemCommand( Split, Player )
+ if( #Split ~= 2 and #Split ~=3 ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Usage: /item [ItemID/Name] <Amount>" )
+ return true
+ end
+ foundItem = false
+ ItemID = tonumber( Split[2] )
+ if( ItemID == nil or not isValidItem( ItemID ) ) then
+ -- nothing
+ else
+ foundItem = true
+ end
+ if not foundItem then
+ if ( HAVE_ITEM_NAMES == true ) then
+ itemValue = itemsINI:GetValueI('Items', ''..Split[2]..'', 0)
+ if itemValue ~= 0 then
+ ItemID = itemValue
+ if( ItemID == nil or not isValidItem( tonumber(itemValue) ) ) then
+ -- nothing
+ else
+ foundItem = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not foundItem then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Invalid Item ID / Name !" )
+ return true
+ end
+ local Amount = 1
+ if( #Split == 3 ) then
+ Amount = tonumber( Split[3] )
+ if( Amount == nil or Amount < 1 or Amount > 512 ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Invalid Amount !" )
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ local NewItem = cItem( ItemID, Amount )
+ if( Player:GetInventory():AddItem( NewItem ) == true ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "There you go !" )
+ LOG("Gave " .. Player:GetName() .. " " .. Amount .. " times " .. ItemID )
+ else
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Not enough space in inventory !" )
+ end
+ return true
+function HandleTPCommand( Split, Player )
+ if( #Split ~= 2 ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Usage: /tp [PlayerName]" )
+ return true
+ end
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local OtherPlayer = World:GetPlayer( Split[2] )
+ if( OtherPlayer == nil ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Can't find player " .. Split[2] )
+ elseif( OtherPlayer == Player ) then
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "Already there :)" )
+ else
+ Player:TeleportTo( OtherPlayer )
+ Player:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. "You teleported to "..OtherPlayer:GetName().."!" )
+ OtherPlayer:SendMessage( cChatColor.Green .. Player:GetName().." teleported to you!" )
+ end
+ return true
+function CorePlugin:OnPlayerJoin( Player )
+ ShowMOTDTo( Player )
+ return false
+function CorePlugin:OnBlockPlace( Block, Player )
+ -- dont check if the direction is in the air
+ if Block.m_Direction ~= -1 then
+ local X = Block.m_PosX
+ local Y = Block.m_PosY
+ local Z = Block.m_PosZ
+ X, Y, Z = AddDirection( X, Y, Z, Block.m_Direction )
+ if( Y >= 128 or Y < 0 ) then
+ return true
+ end
+ local collision = false
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local PlayerList = World:GetAllPlayers()
+ -- check if a player occupies the placement location
+ for i, Player in ipairs( PlayerList ) do
+ -- drop the decimals, we only care about the full block X,Y,Z
+ local PlayerX = math.floor(Player:GetPosX(), 0)
+ local PlayerY = math.floor(Player:GetPosY(), 0)
+ local PlayerZ = math.floor(Player:GetPosZ(), 0)
+ local BlockX = Block.m_PosX
+ local BlockY = Block.m_PosY
+ local BlockZ = Block.m_PosZ
+ -- player height is 2 blocks, so we check the position and then offset it up one
+ -- so they can't place a block on there face
+ if Block.m_Direction == 0 then if PlayerY == BlockY-2 and PlayerX == BlockX and PlayerZ == BlockZ then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 1 then if PlayerY == BlockY+1 and PlayerX == BlockX and PlayerZ == BlockZ then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 2 then if PlayerY == BlockY and PlayerX == BlockX and PlayerZ == BlockZ-1 then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 2 then if PlayerY+1 == BlockY and PlayerX == BlockX and PlayerZ == BlockZ-1 then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 3 then if PlayerY == BlockY and PlayerX == BlockX and PlayerZ == BlockZ+1 then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 3 then if PlayerY+1 == BlockY and PlayerX == BlockX and PlayerZ == BlockZ+1 then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 4 then if PlayerY == BlockY and PlayerX == BlockX-1 and PlayerZ == BlockZ then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 4 then if PlayerY+1 == BlockY and PlayerX == BlockX-1 and PlayerZ == BlockZ then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 5 then if PlayerY == BlockY and PlayerX == BlockX+1 and PlayerZ == BlockZ then collision = true end end
+ if Block.m_Direction == 5 then if PlayerY+1 == BlockY and PlayerX == BlockX+1 and PlayerZ == BlockZ then collision = true end end
+ end
+ if collision then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function CorePlugin:OnKilled( Killed, Killer )
+ if( Killer == nil ) then
+ local KilledPlayer = tolua.cast( Killed, "cPlayer")
+ if( not KilledPlayer:IsA("cPlayer") or KilledPlayer == nil ) then
+ return false
+ end
+ local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ Server:SendMessage( cChatColor.Red .. KilledPlayer:GetName() .. " died" )
+ else
+ local KilledPlayer = tolua.cast( Killed, "cPlayer")
+ if( not KilledPlayer:IsA("cPlayer") or KilledPlayer == nil ) then
+ return false
+ end
+ local KillerPlayer = tolua.cast( Killer, "cPlayer")
+ if( not KillerPlayer:IsA("cPlayer") or KillerPlayer == nil ) then
+ return false
+ end
+ local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ Server:SendMessage( cChatColor.Red .. KilledPlayer:GetName() .. " was killed by " .. KillerPlayer:GetName() .. "!" )
+ end
+ return false
+function CorePlugin:OnLogin( PacketData )
+ if( PacketData.m_Username ~= "" ) then
+ if( BannedPlayersIni:GetValueB("Banned", PacketData.m_Username, false) == true ) then
+ local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ Server:SendMessage( PacketData.m_Username .. " tried to join, but is banned!" )
+ LOGINFO( PacketData.m_Username .. " tried to join, but is banned!")
+ return true -- Player is banned, return true to deny access
+ end
+ if( WhiteListIni:GetValueB("WhiteListSettings", "WhiteListOn", false ) == true ) then
+ if( WhiteListIni:GetValueB("WhiteList", PacketData.m_Username, false ) == false ) then -- not on whitelist
+ local Server = cRoot:Get():GetServer()
+ Server:SendMessage( PacketData.m_Username .. " tried to join, but is not on the whitelist." )
+ LOGINFO( PacketData.m_Username .. " tried to join, but is not on the whitelist." )
+ return true -- Deny access to the server
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+Plugin = CorePlugin:new()
+cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():AddPlugin( Plugin )
+-- Now some webadmin stuffs! --
+local PlayerListWeb = {}
+PlayerListWeb.__index = PlayerListWeb
+function PlayerListWeb:new()
+ local t = {}
+ setmetatable(t, PlayerListWeb)
+ local w = Lua__cWebPlugin:new()
+ tolua.setpeer(w, t)
+ w:tolua__set_instance(w)
+ return w
+function PlayerListWeb:HandleRequest( Request )
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local Content = ""
+ Content = Content .. "<br>Connected Players: <b>" .. World:GetNumPlayers() .. "</b><br>"
+ Content = Content .. "<ul>"
+ local PlayerList = World:GetAllPlayers()
+ for i, Player in ipairs( PlayerList ) do
+ Content = Content .. "<li>" .. Player:GetName()
+ end
+ Content = Content .. "</ul>"
+ return Content
+WebPlugin = PlayerListWeb:new()
+-- Reload web plugin --
+local ReloadWeb = {}
+ReloadWeb.__index = ReloadWeb
+function ReloadWeb:new()
+ local t = {}
+ setmetatable(t, ReloadWeb)
+ local w = Lua__cWebPlugin:new()
+ tolua.setpeer(w, t)
+ w:tolua__set_instance(w)
+ return w
+function ReloadWeb:HandleRequest( Request )
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local Content = ""
+ if( Request.Params:get("reload") ~= "" ) then
+ Content = Content .. "<head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;././\"></head>"
+ Content = Content .. "<br>Reloading plugins...<br>"
+ cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():ReloadPlugins()
+ else
+ Content = Content .. "<br>Click the reload button to reload all plugins!<br>"
+ Content = Content .. "<form method=GET>"
+ Content = Content .. "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"reload\" value=\"Reload!\">"
+ Content = Content .. "</form>"
+ end
+ return Content
+WebPlugin = ReloadWeb:new()
+-- Whitelist web plugin --
+local WhiteListWeb = {}
+WhiteListWeb.__index = WhiteListWeb
+function WhiteListWeb:new()
+ local t = {}
+ setmetatable(t, WhiteListWeb)
+ local w = Lua__cWebPlugin:new()
+ tolua.setpeer(w, t)
+ w:tolua__set_instance(w)
+ return w
+local function HTMLDeleteButton( name )
+ return "<form method=GET><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"whitelist-delete\" value=\"".. name .."\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Remove from whitelist\"></form>"
+function WhiteListWeb:HandleRequest( Request )
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ local UpdateMessage = ""
+ if( Request.Params:get("whitelist-add") ~= "" ) then
+ local PlayerName = Request.Params:get("whitelist-add")
+ if( WhiteListIni:GetValueB("WhiteList", PlayerName, false) == true ) then
+ UpdateMessage = "<b>".. PlayerName.."</b> is already on the whitelist"
+ else
+ WhiteListIni:SetValueB("WhiteList", PlayerName, true )
+ UpdateMessage = "Added <b>" .. PlayerName .. "</b> to whitelist."
+ WhiteListIni:WriteFile()
+ end
+ elseif( Request.Params:get("whitelist-delete") ~= "" ) then
+ local PlayerName = Request.Params:get("whitelist-delete")
+ WhiteListIni:DeleteValue( "WhiteList", PlayerName )
+ UpdateMessage = "Removed <b>" .. PlayerName .. "</b> from whitelist."
+ WhiteListIni:WriteFile()
+ elseif( Request.Params:get("whitelist-reload") ~= "" ) then
+ WhiteListIni:Erase() -- Empty entire loaded ini first, otherwise weird shit goes down
+ WhiteListIni:ReadFile()
+ UpdateMessage = "Loaded from disk"
+ end
+ local Content = ""
+ Content = Content .. "<h4>Whitelisted players</h4>"
+ Content = Content .. "<table>"
+ local KeyNum = WhiteListIni:FindKey("WhiteList")
+ local NumValues = WhiteListIni:GetNumValues(KeyNum)
+ for Num = 0, NumValues-1 do
+ if( WhiteListIni:GetValue(KeyNum, Num, "0") == "1" ) then
+ local PlayerName = WhiteListIni:GetValueName(KeyNum, Num )
+ Content = Content .. "<tr><td>" .. PlayerName .. "</td><td>" .. HTMLDeleteButton( PlayerName ) .. "</td></tr>"
+ end
+ end
+ Content = Content .. "</table>"
+ Content = Content .. "<br><h4>Add player to whitelist</h4>"
+ Content = Content .. "<form method=\"GET\">"
+ Content = Content .. "<input type=\"text\" name=\"whitelist-add\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add player\">"
+ Content = Content .. "</form>"
+ Content = Content .. "<form method=\"GET\">"
+ Content = Content .. "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"whitelist-reload\" value=\"Reload from disk\">"
+ Content = Content .. "</form>"
+ Content = Content .. "<br>"..UpdateMessage
+ return Content
+WebPlugin = WhiteListWeb:new()
+WebPlugin:SetName("WhiteList") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Plugins/Fire.lua b/Plugins/Fire.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..88bff84da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugins/Fire.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+local FirePlugin = {}
+FirePlugin.__index = FirePlugin
+FireBlocks = {}
+function FirePlugin:new()
+ local t = {}
+ setmetatable(t, FirePlugin)
+ local w = Lua__cPlugin:new()
+ tolua.setpeer(w, t)
+ w:tolua__set_instance(w)
+ return w
+function IsForeverBurnable( BlockID )
+ if( BlockID == E_BLOCK_BLOODSTONE ) then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function IsBurnable( BlockID )
+ if( BlockID == E_BLOCK_LEAVES or BlockID == E_BLOCK_LOG ) then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function FindBurnableAround( X, Y, Z )
+ World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ ListBurnables = {}
+ if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X-1, Y, Z) ) ) then
+ table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X-1, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z } )
+ end
+ if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X+1, Y, Z) ) ) then
+ table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X+1, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z } )
+ end
+ if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X, Y-1, Z) ) ) then
+ table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y-1, ["z"] = Z } )
+ end
+ if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X, Y+1, Z) ) ) then
+ table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y+1, ["z"] = Z } )
+ end
+ if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z-1) ) ) then
+ table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z-1 } )
+ end
+ if( IsBurnable( World:GetBlock(X, Y, Z+1) ) ) then
+ table.insert( ListBurnables, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z+1 } )
+ end
+ return ListBurnables
+function FirePlugin:OnDisable()
+ Log( self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() .. " is shutting down..." )
+function FirePlugin:Initialize()
+ self:SetName( "Fire" )
+ self:SetVersion( 1 )
+ PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_TICK )
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_PLACE )
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_BLOCK_DIG )
+ Log( "Initialized " .. self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() )
+ return true
+function FirePlugin:OnBlockPlace( PacketData, Player )
+ if( PacketData.m_ItemType == E_BLOCK_FIRE or PacketData.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FLINT_AND_STEEL ) then
+ if( PacketData.m_Direction > -1 ) then
+ local X = PacketData.m_PosX
+ local Y = PacketData.m_PosY
+ local Z = PacketData.m_PosZ
+ X, Y, Z = AddDirection( X, Y, Z, PacketData.m_Direction )
+ --Since flint and steel doesn't do anything on the server side yet
+ if( PacketData.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FLINT_AND_STEEL ) then
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ World:SetBlock( X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_FIRE, 0 )
+ end
+ if( not IsForeverBurnable( World:GetBlock( X, Y-1, Z ) ) ) then
+ table.insert( FireBlocks, { ["x"] = X, ["y"] = Y, ["z"] = Z } )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false -- dont forbid placing the fire
+-- To put out fires! :D
+function FirePlugin:OnBlockDig( PacketData, Player )
+ if( PacketData.m_Direction < 0 ) then
+ return false
+ end
+ local X = PacketData.m_PosX
+ local Y = PacketData.m_PosY
+ local Z = PacketData.m_PosZ
+ X, Y, Z = AddDirection( X, Y, Z, PacketData.m_Direction )
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ if( World:GetBlock( X, Y, Z ) == E_BLOCK_FIRE ) then
+ World:SetBlock( X, Y, Z, E_BLOCK_AIR, 0 )
+ end
+ return false
+NumTicks = 0
+function FirePlugin:Tick( DeltaTime )
+ if( NumTicks < 10 ) then -- Only spread every 10 ticks, to make sure it doesnt happen too fast
+ NumTicks = NumTicks + 1
+ return
+ end
+ NumTicks = 0
+ World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ NewTable = {}
+ for key,val in pairs(FireBlocks) do
+ X = val["x"]
+ Y = val["y"]
+ Z = val["z"]
+ Burnables = FindBurnableAround(X, Y, Z)
+ if( math.random(10) > 5 ) then
+ table.insert( NewTable, val )
+ elseif( #Burnables > 0 ) then
+ ToBurn = Burnables[ math.random( #Burnables ) ]
+ World:SetBlock( ToBurn["x"], ToBurn["y"], ToBurn["z"], E_BLOCK_FIRE, 0 )
+ table.insert( NewTable, ToBurn )
+ table.insert( NewTable, val )
+ else
+ World:SetBlock( X, Y, Z, 0, 0 )
+ end
+ end
+ FireBlocks = NewTable
+Plugin = FirePlugin:new()
+cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():AddPlugin( Plugin )
diff --git a/Plugins/MagicCarpet.lua b/Plugins/MagicCarpet.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69ccd0d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Plugins/MagicCarpet.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+-- Location object
+cLocation = {}
+function cLocation:new( x, y, z )
+ local object = { x = x, y = y, z = z }
+ setmetatable(object, { __index = cLocation })
+ return object
+-- Offsets
+cFibers = { }
+function cFibers:new()
+ local object = {
+ cLocation:new( 2, -1, 2 ),
+ cLocation:new( 2, -1, 1 ),
+ cLocation:new( 2, -1, 0 ),
+ cLocation:new( 2, -1, -1 ),
+ cLocation:new( 2, -1, -2 ),
+ cLocation:new( 1, -1, 2 ),
+ cLocation:new( 1, -1, 1 ),
+ cLocation:new( 1, -1, 0 ),
+ cLocation:new( 1, -1, -1 ),
+ cLocation:new( 1, -1, -2 ),
+ cLocation:new( 0, -1, 2 ),
+ cLocation:new( 0, -1, 1 ),
+ cLocation:new( 0, -1, 0 ),
+ cLocation:new( 0, -1, -1 ),
+ cLocation:new( 0, -1, -2 ),
+ cLocation:new( -1, -1, 2 ),
+ cLocation:new( -1, -1, 1 ),
+ cLocation:new( -1, -1, 0 ),
+ cLocation:new( -1, -1, -1 ),
+ cLocation:new( -1, -1, -2 ),
+ cLocation:new( -2, -1, 2 ),
+ cLocation:new( -2, -1, 1 ),
+ cLocation:new( -2, -1, 0 ),
+ cLocation:new( -2, -1, -1 ),
+ cLocation:new( -2, -1, -2 ),
+ imadeit = false,
+ }
+ setmetatable(object, { __index = cFibers })
+ return object;
+-- Carpet object
+cCarpet = {}
+function cCarpet:new()
+ local object = { Location = cLocation:new(0,0,0),
+ Fibers = cFibers:new(),
+ }
+ setmetatable(object, { __index = cCarpet })
+ return object
+function cCarpet:remove()
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ for i, fib in ipairs( self.Fibers ) do
+ local x = self.Location.x + fib.x
+ local y = self.Location.y + fib.y
+ local z = self.Location.z + fib.z
+ local BlockID = World:GetBlock( x, y, z )
+ if( fib.imadeit == true and BlockID == E_BLOCK_GLASS ) then
+ World:SetBlock( x, y, z, 0, 0 )
+ fib.imadeit = false
+ end
+ end
+function cCarpet:draw()
+ local World = cRoot:Get():GetWorld()
+ for i, fib in ipairs( self.Fibers ) do
+ local x = self.Location.x + fib.x
+ local y = self.Location.y + fib.y
+ local z = self.Location.z + fib.z
+ local BlockID = World:GetBlock( x, y, z )
+ if( BlockID == 0 ) then
+ fib.imadeit = true
+ World:SetBlock( x, y, z, E_BLOCK_GLASS, 0 )
+ else
+ fib.imadeit = false
+ end
+ end
+function cCarpet:moveTo( NewPos )
+ local x = math.floor( NewPos.x )
+ local y = math.floor( NewPos.y )
+ local z = math.floor( NewPos.z )
+ if( self.Location.x ~= x or self.Location.y ~= y or self.Location.z ~= z ) then
+ self:remove()
+ self.Location = cLocation:new( x, y, z )
+ self:draw()
+ end
+MagicCarpetPlugin = {}
+MagicCarpetPlugin.__index = MagicCarpetPlugin
+function MagicCarpetPlugin:new()
+ local t = {}
+ setmetatable(t, MagicCarpetPlugin)
+ local w = Lua__cPlugin:new()
+ tolua.setpeer(w, t)
+ w:tolua__set_instance(w)
+ return w
+function MagicCarpetPlugin:Initialize()
+ self:SetName( "MagicCarpet" )
+ self:SetVersion( 1 )
+ PluginManager = cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager()
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_PLAYER_MOVE)
+ PluginManager:AddHook( self, cPluginManager.E_PLUGIN_DISCONNECT)
+ self:AddCommand("/mc", " - Spawns a magical carpet!", "magiccarpet")
+ self:BindCommand( "/mc", "magiccarpet", HandleCarpetCommand )
+ self.Carpets = {}
+ Log( "Initialized " .. self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() )
+ return true
+function MagicCarpetPlugin:OnDisable()
+ Log( self:GetName() .. " v." .. self:GetVersion() .. " is shutting down..." )
+ for i, Carpet in pairs( self.Carpets ) do
+ Carpet:remove()
+ end
+function HandleCarpetCommand( Split, Player )
+ Carpet = self.Carpets[ Player ]
+ if( Carpet == nil ) then
+ self.Carpets[ Player ] = cCarpet:new()
+ Player:SendMessage("You're on a magic carpet!" )
+ else
+ Carpet:remove()
+ self.Carpets[ Player ] = nil
+ Player:SendMessage("The carpet vanished!" )
+ end
+ return true
+function MagicCarpetPlugin:OnDisconnect( Reason, Player )
+ local Carpet = self.Carpets[ Player ]
+ if( Carpet ~= nil ) then
+ Carpet:remove()
+ end
+ self.Carpets[ Player ] = nil
+function MagicCarpetPlugin:OnPlayerMove( Player )
+ local Carpet = self.Carpets[ Player ]
+ if( Carpet == nil ) then
+ return
+ end
+ if( Player:GetPitch() == 90 ) then
+ Carpet:moveTo( cLocation:new( Player:GetPosX(), Player:GetPosY()-1, Player:GetPosZ() ) )
+ else
+ Carpet:moveTo( cLocation:new( Player:GetPosX(), Player:GetPosY(), Player:GetPosZ() ) )
+ end
+Plugin = MagicCarpetPlugin:new()
+cRoot:Get():GetPluginManager():AddPlugin( Plugin )