path: root/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/squirrel/sqfuncstate.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'squirrel_3_0_1_stable/squirrel/sqfuncstate.h')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/squirrel/sqfuncstate.h b/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/squirrel/sqfuncstate.h
index 1da13212a..2ae220087 100644
--- a/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/squirrel/sqfuncstate.h
+++ b/squirrel_3_0_1_stable/squirrel/sqfuncstate.h
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
-/* see copyright notice in squirrel.h */
-#ifndef _SQFUNCSTATE_H_
-#define _SQFUNCSTATE_H_
-#include "squtils.h"
-struct SQFuncState
- SQFuncState(SQSharedState *ss,SQFuncState *parent,CompilerErrorFunc efunc,void *ed);
- ~SQFuncState();
-#ifdef _DEBUG_DUMP
- void Dump(SQFunctionProto *func);
- void Error(const SQChar *err);
- SQFuncState *PushChildState(SQSharedState *ss);
- void PopChildState();
- void AddInstruction(SQOpcode _op,SQInteger arg0=0,SQInteger arg1=0,SQInteger arg2=0,SQInteger arg3=0){SQInstruction i(_op,arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3);AddInstruction(i);}
- void AddInstruction(SQInstruction &i);
- void SetIntructionParams(SQInteger pos,SQInteger arg0,SQInteger arg1,SQInteger arg2=0,SQInteger arg3=0);
- void SetIntructionParam(SQInteger pos,SQInteger arg,SQInteger val);
- SQInstruction &GetInstruction(SQInteger pos){return _instructions[pos];}
- void PopInstructions(SQInteger size){for(SQInteger i=0;i<size;i++)_instructions.pop_back();}
- void SetStackSize(SQInteger n);
- SQInteger CountOuters(SQInteger stacksize);
- void SnoozeOpt(){_optimization=false;}
- void AddDefaultParam(SQInteger trg) { _defaultparams.push_back(trg); }
- SQInteger GetDefaultParamCount() { return _defaultparams.size(); }
- SQInteger GetCurrentPos(){return _instructions.size()-1;}
- SQInteger GetNumericConstant(const SQInteger cons);
- SQInteger GetNumericConstant(const SQFloat cons);
- SQInteger PushLocalVariable(const SQObject &name);
- void AddParameter(const SQObject &name);
- //void AddOuterValue(const SQObject &name);
- SQInteger GetLocalVariable(const SQObject &name);
- void MarkLocalAsOuter(SQInteger pos);
- SQInteger GetOuterVariable(const SQObject &name);
- SQInteger GenerateCode();
- SQInteger GetStackSize();
- SQInteger CalcStackFrameSize();
- void AddLineInfos(SQInteger line,bool lineop,bool force=false);
- SQFunctionProto *BuildProto();
- SQInteger AllocStackPos();
- SQInteger PushTarget(SQInteger n=-1);
- SQInteger PopTarget();
- SQInteger TopTarget();
- SQInteger GetUpTarget(SQInteger n);
- void DiscardTarget();
- bool IsLocal(SQUnsignedInteger stkpos);
- SQObject CreateString(const SQChar *s,SQInteger len = -1);
- SQObject CreateTable();
- bool IsConstant(const SQObject &name,SQObject &e);
- SQInteger _returnexp;
- SQLocalVarInfoVec _vlocals;
- SQIntVec _targetstack;
- SQInteger _stacksize;
- bool _varparams;
- bool _bgenerator;
- SQIntVec _unresolvedbreaks;
- SQIntVec _unresolvedcontinues;
- SQObjectPtrVec _functions;
- SQObjectPtrVec _parameters;
- SQOuterVarVec _outervalues;
- SQInstructionVec _instructions;
- SQLocalVarInfoVec _localvarinfos;
- SQObjectPtr _literals;
- SQObjectPtr _strings;
- SQObjectPtr _name;
- SQObjectPtr _sourcename;
- SQInteger _nliterals;
- SQLineInfoVec _lineinfos;
- SQFuncState *_parent;
- SQIntVec _scope_blocks;
- SQIntVec _breaktargets;
- SQIntVec _continuetargets;
- SQIntVec _defaultparams;
- SQInteger _lastline;
- SQInteger _traps; //contains number of nested exception traps
- SQInteger _outers;
- bool _optimization;
- SQSharedState *_sharedstate;
- sqvector<SQFuncState*> _childstates;
- SQInteger GetConstant(const SQObject &cons);
- CompilerErrorFunc _errfunc;
- void *_errtarget;
- SQSharedState *_ss;
-#endif //_SQFUNCSTATE_H_
+/* see copyright notice in squirrel.h */
+#ifndef _SQFUNCSTATE_H_
+#define _SQFUNCSTATE_H_
+#include "squtils.h"
+struct SQFuncState
+ SQFuncState(SQSharedState *ss,SQFuncState *parent,CompilerErrorFunc efunc,void *ed);
+ ~SQFuncState();
+#ifdef _DEBUG_DUMP
+ void Dump(SQFunctionProto *func);
+ void Error(const SQChar *err);
+ SQFuncState *PushChildState(SQSharedState *ss);
+ void PopChildState();
+ void AddInstruction(SQOpcode _op,SQInteger arg0=0,SQInteger arg1=0,SQInteger arg2=0,SQInteger arg3=0){SQInstruction i(_op,arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3);AddInstruction(i);}
+ void AddInstruction(SQInstruction &i);
+ void SetIntructionParams(SQInteger pos,SQInteger arg0,SQInteger arg1,SQInteger arg2=0,SQInteger arg3=0);
+ void SetIntructionParam(SQInteger pos,SQInteger arg,SQInteger val);
+ SQInstruction &GetInstruction(SQInteger pos){return _instructions[pos];}
+ void PopInstructions(SQInteger size){for(SQInteger i=0;i<size;i++)_instructions.pop_back();}
+ void SetStackSize(SQInteger n);
+ SQInteger CountOuters(SQInteger stacksize);
+ void SnoozeOpt(){_optimization=false;}
+ void AddDefaultParam(SQInteger trg) { _defaultparams.push_back(trg); }
+ SQInteger GetDefaultParamCount() { return _defaultparams.size(); }
+ SQInteger GetCurrentPos(){return _instructions.size()-1;}
+ SQInteger GetNumericConstant(const SQInteger cons);
+ SQInteger GetNumericConstant(const SQFloat cons);
+ SQInteger PushLocalVariable(const SQObject &name);
+ void AddParameter(const SQObject &name);
+ //void AddOuterValue(const SQObject &name);
+ SQInteger GetLocalVariable(const SQObject &name);
+ void MarkLocalAsOuter(SQInteger pos);
+ SQInteger GetOuterVariable(const SQObject &name);
+ SQInteger GenerateCode();
+ SQInteger GetStackSize();
+ SQInteger CalcStackFrameSize();
+ void AddLineInfos(SQInteger line,bool lineop,bool force=false);
+ SQFunctionProto *BuildProto();
+ SQInteger AllocStackPos();
+ SQInteger PushTarget(SQInteger n=-1);
+ SQInteger PopTarget();
+ SQInteger TopTarget();
+ SQInteger GetUpTarget(SQInteger n);
+ void DiscardTarget();
+ bool IsLocal(SQUnsignedInteger stkpos);
+ SQObject CreateString(const SQChar *s,SQInteger len = -1);
+ SQObject CreateTable();
+ bool IsConstant(const SQObject &name,SQObject &e);
+ SQInteger _returnexp;
+ SQLocalVarInfoVec _vlocals;
+ SQIntVec _targetstack;
+ SQInteger _stacksize;
+ bool _varparams;
+ bool _bgenerator;
+ SQIntVec _unresolvedbreaks;
+ SQIntVec _unresolvedcontinues;
+ SQObjectPtrVec _functions;
+ SQObjectPtrVec _parameters;
+ SQOuterVarVec _outervalues;
+ SQInstructionVec _instructions;
+ SQLocalVarInfoVec _localvarinfos;
+ SQObjectPtr _literals;
+ SQObjectPtr _strings;
+ SQObjectPtr _name;
+ SQObjectPtr _sourcename;
+ SQInteger _nliterals;
+ SQLineInfoVec _lineinfos;
+ SQFuncState *_parent;
+ SQIntVec _scope_blocks;
+ SQIntVec _breaktargets;
+ SQIntVec _continuetargets;
+ SQIntVec _defaultparams;
+ SQInteger _lastline;
+ SQInteger _traps; //contains number of nested exception traps
+ SQInteger _outers;
+ bool _optimization;
+ SQSharedState *_sharedstate;
+ sqvector<SQFuncState*> _childstates;
+ SQInteger GetConstant(const SQObject &cons);
+ CompilerErrorFunc _errfunc;
+ void *_errtarget;
+ SQSharedState *_ss;
+#endif //_SQFUNCSTATE_H_